not used/needed anymore
This commit is contained in:
@ -215,7 +215,6 @@ module plastic_nonlocal
plastic_nonlocal_dotState, &
plastic_nonlocal_deltaState, &
plastic_nonlocal_updateCompatibility, &
plastic_nonlocal_postResults, &
private :: &
@ -1956,142 +1955,6 @@ subroutine plastic_nonlocal_updateCompatibility(orientation,i,e)
end subroutine plastic_nonlocal_updateCompatibility
!> @brief return array of constitutive results
function plastic_nonlocal_postResults(ph,instance,of) result(postResults)
integer, intent(in) :: &
ph, &
instance, &
real(pReal), dimension(sum(plastic_nonlocal_sizePostResult(:,instance))) :: &
integer :: &
ns, & !< short notation for the total number of active slip systems
c, & !< character of dislocation
cs, & !< constitutive result index
o, & !< index of current output
t, & !< type of dislocation
s !< index of my current slip system
real(pReal), dimension(param(instance)%totalNslip,8) :: &
rhoSgl, &
rhoDotSgl !< evolution rate of single dislocation densities (positive/negative screw and edge without dipoles)
real(pReal), dimension(param(instance)%totalNslip,2) :: &
rhoDotDip !< evolution rate of dipole dislocation densities (screw and edge dipoles)
ns = param(instance)%totalNslip
cs = 0
associate(prm => param(instance),dst => microstructure(instance),stt=>state(instance),dot => dotState(instance))
forall (s = 1:ns, t = 1:4)
rhoSgl(s,t+4) = plasticState(ph)%State(iRhoB(s,t,instance),of)
rhoDotSgl(s,t+4) = plasticState(ph)%dotState(iRhoB(s,t,instance),of)
forall (s = 1:ns, c = 1:2)
rhoDotDip(s,c) = plasticState(ph)%dotState(iRhoD(s,c,instance),of)
outputsLoop: do o = 1,size(param(instance)%outputID)
select case(param(instance)%outputID(o))
case (rho_sgl_mob_edg_pos_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%rho_sgl_mob_edg_pos(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (rho_sgl_imm_edg_pos_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%rho_sgl_imm_edg_pos(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (rho_sgl_mob_edg_neg_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%rho_sgl_mob_edg_neg(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (rho_sgl_imm_edg_neg_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%rho_sgl_imm_edg_neg(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (rho_dip_edg_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%rho_dip_edg(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (rho_sgl_mob_scr_pos_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%rho_sgl_mob_scr_pos(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (rho_sgl_imm_scr_pos_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%rho_sgl_imm_scr_pos(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (rho_sgl_mob_scr_neg_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%rho_sgl_mob_scr_neg(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (rho_sgl_imm_scr_neg_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%rho_sgl_imm_scr_neg(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (rho_dip_scr_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%rho_dip_scr(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (rho_forest_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%rho_forest(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (resolvedstress_back_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = dst%tau_back(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (tau_pass_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = dst%tau_pass(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (rho_dot_sgl_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(rhoDotSgl(1:ns,1:4),2) &
+ sum(rhoDotSgl(1:ns,5:8)*sign(1.0_pReal,rhoSgl(1:ns,5:8)),2)
cs = cs + ns
case (rho_dot_sgl_mobile_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(rhoDotSgl(1:ns,1:4),2)
cs = cs + ns
case (rho_dot_dip_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(rhoDotDip,2)
cs = cs + ns
case (v_edg_pos_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%v_edg_pos(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (v_edg_neg_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%v_edg_neg(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (v_scr_pos_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%v_scr_pos(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (v_scr_neg_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%v_scr_neg(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%gamma(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
end select
enddo outputsLoop
end associate
end function plastic_nonlocal_postResults
!> @brief returns copy of current dislocation densities from state
!> @details raw values is rectified
Reference in New Issue