diff --git a/processing/post/colormap_io.py b/processing/post/colormap_io.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f0681e3a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/processing/post/colormap_io.py @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python +# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- + +def write_gsmh(RGB_vector,name): + colormap = open(str(name) + '.map',"w") + colormap.write('View.ColorTable = {\n') + for i in range(len(RGB_vector)-1): + colormap.write('{'+str((RGB_vector[0][i])*255.0)+','+str((RGB_vector[0][i])*255.0)+','+str((RGB_vector[0][i])*255.0)+'},\n') + colormap.write('{'+str((RGB_vector[0][-1])*255.0)+','+str((RGB_vector[0][-1])*255.0)+','+str((RGB_vector[0][-1])*255.0)+'}}') + file.close(colormap) + +def write_paraview(RGB_vector,name): + colormap = open(str(name) + '.xml',"w") + colormap.write('\n') + for i in range(len(RGB_vector)): + colormap.write('\n') + colormap.write('') + file.close(colormap) + +def write_paraview2(RGB_vector,name): + colormap = open(str(name) + '.xml',"w") + colormap.write('\n') + for i in range(len(RGB_vector)/3): + colormap.write('\n') + colormap.write('') + file.close(colormap) + +def write_raw(RGB_vector,name): + colormap = open(str(name) + '.colormap',"w") + colormap.write('ColorMap name = ' + str(name)+'\n') + for i in range(len(RGB_vector)): + colormap.write(str(RGB_vector[0][i])+'\t'+str(RGB_vector[1][i])+'\t'+str(RGB_vector[2][i])+'\n') + file.close(colormap) + + def read_raw(filename): + print 'void' diff --git a/processing/post/convert_colormodels.py b/processing/post/convert_colormodels.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f80a07d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/processing/post/convert_colormodels.py @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python +# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- + +import math + +# from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/121574-matrix-vector-multiplication/ +def matmult(m, v): + nrows = len(m) + w = [None] * nrows + for row in range(nrows): + w[row] = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, map(lambda x,y: x*y, m[row], v)) + return w + +# convert H(ue) S(aturation) L(uminance) to R(ot) G(elb) B(lau) +# with S,L,R,G,B running from 0 to 1, H running from 0 to 360 +# from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV +def HSL2RGB(HSL): + RGB = [0.0,0.0,0.0] + H_strich = HSL[0]/60.0 + c = (1.0- abs(2.0 * HSL[2] - 1.0))*HSL[1] + x = c*(1.0- abs(H_strich%2-1.0)) + m = HSL[2] -.5*c + if (0.0 <= H_strich)and(H_strich<1.0): + RGB[0] = c + m + RGB[1] = x + m + RGB[2] = 0.0 + m + elif (1.0 <= H_strich)and(H_strich<2.0): + RGB[0] = x + m + RGB[1] = c + m + RGB[2] = 0.0 + m + elif (2.0 <= H_strich)and(H_strich<3.0): + RGB[0] = 0.0 + m + RGB[1] = c + m + RGB[2] = x + m + elif (3.0 <= H_strich)and(H_strich<4.0): + RGB[0] = 0.0 + m + RGB[1] = x + m + RGB[2] = c + m + elif (4.0 <= H_strich)and(H_strich<5.0): + RGB[0] = x + m + RGB[1] = 0.0 + m + RGB[2] = c + m + elif (5.0 <= H_strich)and(H_strich<=6.0): + RGB[0] = c + m + RGB[1] = 0.0 + m + RGB[2] = x + m + for i in range(3): + RGB[i] = min(RGB[i],1.0) + RGB[i] = max(RGB[i],0.0) + return RGB + +# convert R(ot) G(elb) B(lau) to H(ue) S(aturation) L(uminance) +# with S,L,R,G,B running from 0 to 1, H running from 0 to 360 +# from +def RGB2HSL(RGB): + HSL = [0.0,0.0,0.0] + maxcolor = max(RGB) + mincolor = min(RGB) + HSL[2] = (maxcolor + mincolor)/2.0 + if(mincolor == maxcolor): + HSL[0] = 0.0 + HSL[1] = 0.0 + else: + if (HSL[2]<0.5): + HSL[1] = (maxcolor - mincolor)/(maxcolor + mincolor) + else: + HSL[1] = (maxcolor - mincolor)/(2.0 -maxcolor -mincolor) + if (maxcolor == RGB[0]): + HSL[0] = 0.0 + (RGB[1] - RGB[2])/(maxcolor - mincolor) + elif (maxcolor == RGB[1]): + HSL[0] = 2.0 + (RGB[2] - RGB[0])/(maxcolor - mincolor) + elif (maxcolor == RGB[2]): + HSL[0] = 4.0 + (RGB[0] - RGB[1])/(maxcolor - mincolor) + HSL[0] = HSL[0]*60.0 + if (HSL[0] < 0.0): + HSL[0] = HSL[0] + 360.0 + for i in range(2): + HSL[i+1] = min(HSL[i+1],1.0) + HSL[i+1] = max(HSL[i+1],0.0) + return HSL + +# convert R(ot) G(elb) B(lau) to CIE XYZ +# with all values in the range of 0 to 1 +# from http://www.cs.rit.edu/~ncs/color/t_convert.html +def RGB2XYZ(RGB): + XYZ = [0.0,0.0,0.0] + RGB_lin = [0.0,0.0,0.0] + for i in range(3): + if (RGB[i] > 0.04045): + RGB_lin[i] = ((RGB[i]+0.0555)/1.0555)**2.4 + else: + RGB_lin[i] = RGB[i]/12.92 + convert =[[0.412453,0.357580,0.180423],[0.212671,0.715160,0.072169],[0.019334,0.119193,0.950227]] + XYZ = matmult(convert,RGB_lin) + for i in range(3): + XYZ[i] = min(XYZ[i],1.0) + XYZ[i] = max(XYZ[i],0.0) + return XYZ + +# convert CIE XYZ R(ot) G(elb) B(lau) +# with all values in the range of 0 to 1 +# from http://www.cs.rit.edu/~ncs/color/t_convert.html +def XYZ2RGB(XYZ): + RGB_lin = [0.0,0.0,0.0] + RGB = [0.0,0.0,0.0] + convert =[[3.240479,-1.537150,-0.498535],[-0.969256,1.875992,0.041556],[0.055648,-0.204043,1.057311]] + RGB_lin = matmult(convert,XYZ) + for i in range(3): + if (RGB_lin[i] > 0.0031308): + RGB[i] = ((RGB_lin[i])**(1.0/2.4))*1.0555-0.0555 + else: + RGB[i] = RGB_lin[i]*12.92 + for i in range(3): + RGB[i] = min(RGB[i],1.0) + RGB[i] = max(RGB[i],0.0) + return RGB + +# convert CIE Lab to CIE XYZ +# with XYZ in the range of 0 to 1 +# from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lab_color_space, http://www.cs.rit.edu/~ncs/color/t_convert.html +def CIELab2XYZ(Lab,white): + XYZ = [0.0,0.0,0.0] + temp = [0.0,0.0,0.0] + temp[0] = 1.0/116.0 *(Lab[0] + 16.0) + 1/500.0 * Lab[1] + temp[1] = 1.0/116.0 *(Lab[0] + 16.0) + temp[2] = 1.0/116.0 *(Lab[0] + 16.0) - 1/200.0 * Lab[2] + for i in range(3): + if (temp[i] > 6.0/29.0): + temp[i] = temp[i]**(3.0) + else: + temp[i] =3 * (6.0/29.0)**2 * (temp[i]- 4.0/29.0) + XYZ[i] = white[i] * temp[i] + for i in range(3): + XYZ[i] = min(XYZ[i],1.0) + XYZ[i] = max(XYZ[i],0.0) + return XYZ + +# convert CIE XYZ to CIE Lab +# with XYZ in the range of 0 to 1 +# from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lab_color_space, http://www.cs.rit.edu/~ncs/color/t_convert.html +def XYZ2CIELab(XYZ,white): + temp = [0.0,0.0,0.0] + Lab = [0.0,0.0,0.0] + for i in range(3): + temp[i] = XYZ[i]/white[i] + if (temp[i] > (6.0/29.0)**3.0): + temp[i] = temp[i]**(1.0/3.0) + else: + temp[i] = 1.0/3.0 * (29.0/6.0)**2.0 * temp[i] + 4.0/29.0 + Lab[0] = 116.0 * temp[1] - 16.0 + Lab[1] = 500.0 *(temp[0] - temp[1]) + Lab[2] = 200.0 *(temp[1] - temp[2]) + return Lab + +# convert Cie Lab to msh colorspace +# from http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel/documents/ColorMaps/DivergingColorMapWorkshop.xls +def CIELab2Msh(Lab): + Msh = [0.0,0.0,0.0] + Msh[0] = math.sqrt(Lab[0]**2.0 + Lab[1]**2.0 + Lab[2]**2.0) + if (Msh[0] != 0.0): + Msh[1] = math.acos(Lab[0]/Msh[0]) + if (Lab[1] != 0.0): + Msh[2] = math.atan2(Lab[2],Lab[1]) + return Msh + +# convert msh colorspace to Cie Lab +# from http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel/documents/ColorMaps/DivergingColorMapWorkshop.xls +def Msh2CIELab(Msh): + Lab = [0.0,0.0,0.0] + Lab[0] = Msh[0] * math.cos(Msh[1]) + Lab[1] = Msh[0] * math.sin(Msh[1]) * math.cos(Msh[2]) + Lab[2] = Msh[0] * math.sin(Msh[1]) * math.sin(Msh[2]) + return Lab diff --git a/processing/post/diverging_colormaps.py b/processing/post/diverging_colormaps.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..56ee8653f --- /dev/null +++ b/processing/post/diverging_colormaps.py @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python +# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- + +import math, convert_colormodels +def rad_dif(Msh1,Msh2,white): + HSL1 = convert_colormodels.RGB2HSL(convert_colormodels.XYZ2RGB(convert_colormodels.CIELab2XYZ(convert_colormodels.Msh2CIELab(Msh1),white))) + HSL2 = convert_colormodels.RGB2HSL(convert_colormodels.XYZ2RGB(convert_colormodels.CIELab2XYZ(convert_colormodels.Msh2CIELab(Msh2),white))) + return abs(HSL1[0]*math.pi/180.0-HSL2[0]*math.pi/180.0) + +def adjust_hue(Msh_sat,M_unsat): + if Msh_sat[0] >= M_unsat: + return Msh_sat[2] + else: + hSpin = Msh_sat[1]*math.sqrt((M_unsat)**2.0-(Msh_sat[0])**2)/(Msh_sat[0]*math.sin(Msh_sat[1])) + if Msh_sat[2] > - math.pi/3.0: + return Msh_sat[2] + hSpin + else: + return Msh_sat[2] - hSpin + + +def interpolate_color(RGB1,RGB2,white,interp): + Msh1 = convert_colormodels.CIELab2Msh(convert_colormodels.XYZ2CIELab(convert_colormodels.RGB2XYZ(RGB1),white)) + Msh2 = convert_colormodels.CIELab2Msh(convert_colormodels.XYZ2CIELab(convert_colormodels.RGB2XYZ(RGB2),white)) + Msh_mid = [0.0,0.0,0.0] + if ((Msh1[1] > 0.05 and Msh2[1] > 0.05) and rad_dif(Msh1,Msh2,white) > math.pi/3.0): + Msh_mid[0] = max(Msh1[0],Msh2[0],88.0) + if interp < 0.5: + Msh2[0] = Msh_mid[0] + Msh2[1] = 0.0 + Msh2[2] = 0.0 + interp = 2.0*interp + else: + Msh1[0] = Msh_mid[0] + Msh1[1] = 0.0 + Msh1[2] = 0.0 + interp = 2.0*interp - 1.0 + if (Msh1[1] < 0.05) and (Msh2[1] > 0.05): + Msh1[2] = adjust_hue(Msh2,Msh1[0]) + elif (Msh2[1] < 0.05) and (Msh1[1] > 0.05): + Msh2[2] = adjust_hue(Msh1,Msh2[0]) + for i in range(3): + Msh_mid[i] = (1.0-interp)*Msh1[i] + interp* Msh2[i] + return convert_colormodels.XYZ2RGB(convert_colormodels.CIELab2XYZ(convert_colormodels.Msh2CIELab(Msh_mid),white)) + +test1 = [0.231372549,0.298039216,0.752941176] +test2 = [0.705882353,0.015686275,0.149019608] +#test1 = [0.0,1.0,24.0/255.0] +#test1 = [0.5,0.5,0.5] +#test2 = [0.0,151.0/255.0,21.0/255.0] +x=0.950456 +y=1.0 +z=1.088754 +white = [x, y, z] +test = test1 +iteration = 33 +delta = 1.0/float(iteration-1) +f = -delta +for i in range(iteration): + f = f + delta + test = test + interpolate_color(test1,test2,white,f) +test = test + test2 +for i in range(iteration): + print i + print test[3*i+3]*255.0 + print test[3*i+1+3]*255.0 + print test[3*i+2+3]*255.0, '\n' diff --git a/processing/post/gmsh_colormapConstantHue.py b/processing/post/gmsh_colormapConstantHue.py deleted file mode 100644 index 27760bc05..000000000 --- a/processing/post/gmsh_colormapConstantHue.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python -# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- - -# This script is used to generate colormaps for gmsh (http://geuz.org/gmsh/) -# The script writes 360 files. Each file contains one colormap. -# More information on the used colors space can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV -# written by M. Diehl, m.diehl@mpie.de - -import math - -print '******************************************************************************' -print ' Write colormaps for gmsh' -print '' -print 'Suitable for datasets that have only positive/negative values' -print 'The colors are described using the HSL model.' -print 'Each of the 360 generated colormaps uses one value of (H)ue.' -print 'The colormaps runs at constant H from given (L)ightness and (S)aturation' -print 'to given L and S' -print 'L is distribute linearly, S changes as the square root of a linear list.' -print 'Suitable values: L_start = S_start = 1 , L_end = S_end = 0.' -print '******************************************************************************' -print '' -startL = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (L)ightness: ')) -endL = float(raw_input('Please enter end value for L: ')) -startS = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (S)aturation: ')) -endS = float(raw_input('Please enter end value for S: ')) -steps = int(raw_input('Please enter steps/resolution: ')) -for h in range(0,360): - colormap = open('colormap_' + str(h).zfill(3) + '.map',"w") - colormap.write('View.ColorTable = {\n') - for i in range(0,steps): - h_strich = h/60.0 - if(h_strich>6.0): - h_strich = h_strich-6.0 - c = (1- abs(2*(startL + i*(endL-startL)/steps)-1))*math.sqrt(startS + i*(endS-startS)/steps) - x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1)) - m = (startL + i*(endL-startL)/steps) -.5*c - if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - c = (1- abs(2*(startL)-1))*(startS) - x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1)) - m = (startL) -.5*c - if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+'}};') - elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+'}};') - elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+'}};') - elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+'}};') - elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+'}};') - elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+'}};') - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/processing/post/gmsh_colormapOppositeColors.py b/processing/post/gmsh_colormapOppositeColors.py deleted file mode 100644 index 28d121040..000000000 --- a/processing/post/gmsh_colormapOppositeColors.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python -# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- - -# This script is used to generate colormaps for gmsh (http://geuz.org/gmsh/) -# The script writes 360 files. Each file contains one colormap. -# More information on the used colors space can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV -# written by M. Diehl, m.diehl@mpie.de - -import math - -print '******************************************************************************' -print ' Write colormaps for gmsh' -print '' -print 'Suitable for datasets running from negative to positive values.' -print 'The colors are described using the HSL model.' -print 'Each of the 360 generated colormaps uses two values of (H)ue.' -print 'The colormaps runs at constant H from given (L)ightness and (S)aturation' -print 'to given L_min and S_min and goes to H+180° (with given L and S)' -print 'Suitable values: L = L_min =.5, S = 1, and S_min=0,' -print '******************************************************************************' -print '' -startL = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (L)ightness: ')) -endL = float(raw_input('Please enter minimum value for L: ')) -startS = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (S)aturation: ')) -endS = float(raw_input('Please enter minimum value for S: ')) -steps = int(raw_input('Please enter steps/resolution: ')) -steps = steps/2 -for h in range(0,360): - colormap = open('colormap_' + str(h).zfill(3) + '.map',"w") - colormap.write('View.ColorTable = {\n') - i=0 - h_strich = h/60.0 - if(h_strich>6.0): - h_strich = h_strich-6.0 - for j in range(0,steps+1): - # let L run linearly from 0 to 1, let S be the square root of a linear list from 0 to 1 - c = (1- abs(2*(startL - j*(startL-endL)/steps)-1))*(startS - j*(startS-endS)/steps) - x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1)) - m = (startL - j*(startL-endL)/steps) -.5*c - if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - i = i+1 - h_strich = (h+180.0)/60.0 - if(h_strich>6.0): - h_strich = h_strich-6.0 - for j in range(1,steps): - c = (1- abs(2*(endL+j*(startL-endL)/steps)-1))*(endS+j*(startS-endS)/steps) - x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1)) - m = (endL+j*(startL-endL)/steps) -.5*c - if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+'},\n') - i=i+1 - c = (1- abs(2*(startL)-1))*(startS) - x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1)) - m = (startL) -.5*c - if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+'}};') - elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+'}};') - elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+'}};') - elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+'}};') - elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((x+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((c+m)*255.0)+'}};') - elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0): - colormap.write('{'+str((c+m)*255.0)+','+str((0.0+m)*255.0)+','+str((x+m)*255.0)+'}};') \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/processing/post/paraview_colormapConstantHue.py b/processing/post/paraview_colormapConstantHue.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0488075b2..000000000 --- a/processing/post/paraview_colormapConstantHue.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python -# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- - -# This script is used to generate colormaps for paraview (www.paraview.org) -# The script writes 360 files. Each file contains one colormap. -# More information on the used colors space can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV -# written by M. Diehl, m.diehl@mpie.de - -import math - -print '******************************************************************************' -print ' Write colormaps for paraview' -print '' -print 'Suitable for datasets that have only positive/negative values' -print 'The colors are described using the HSL model.' -print 'Each of the 360 generated colormaps uses one value of (H)ue.' -print 'The colormaps runs at constant H from given (L)ightness and (S)aturation' -print 'to given L and S' -print 'L is distribute linearly, S changes as the square root of a linear list.' -print 'Suitable values: L_start = S_start = 1 , L_end = S_end = 0.' -print '******************************************************************************' -print '' -startL = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (L)ightness: ')) -endL = float(raw_input('Please enter end value for L: ')) -startS = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (S)aturation: ')) -endS = float(raw_input('Please enter end value for S: ')) -steps = int(raw_input('Please enter steps/resolution: ')) -for h in range(0,360): - colormap = open('colormap_' + str(h) + '.xml',"w") - colormap.write('\n') - for i in range(0,steps+1): - h_strich = h/60.0 - if(h_strich>6.0): - h_strich = h_strich-6.0 - c = (1- abs(2*(startL + i*(endL-startL)/steps)-1))*math.sqrt(startS + i*(endS-startS)/steps) - x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1)) - m = (startL + i*(endL-startL)/steps) -.5*c - if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0): - colormap.write('\n') - elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0): - colormap.write('\n') - elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0): - colormap.write('\n') - elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0): - colormap.write('\n') - elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0): - colormap.write('\n') - elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0): - colormap.write('\n') - colormap.write('') \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/processing/post/paraview_colormapOppositeColors.py b/processing/post/paraview_colormapOppositeColors.py deleted file mode 100644 index 5a6aab3d3..000000000 --- a/processing/post/paraview_colormapOppositeColors.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python -# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- - -# This script is used to generate colormaps for paraview (www.paraview.org) -# The script writes 360 files. Each file contains one colormap. -# More information on the used colors space can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV -# written by M. Diehl, m.diehl@mpie.de - -import math - -print '******************************************************************************' -print ' Write colormaps for paraview' -print '' -print 'Suitable for datasets running from negative to positive values.' -print 'The colors are described using the HSL model.' -print 'Each of the 360 generated colormaps uses two values of (H)ue.' -print 'The colormaps runs at constant H from given (L)ightness and (S)aturation' -print 'to given L_min and S_min and goes to H+180° (with given L and S)' -print 'Suitable values: L = L_min =.5, S = 1, and S_min=0,' -print '******************************************************************************' -print '' -startL = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (L)ightness: ')) -endL = float(raw_input('Please enter minimum value for L: ')) -startS = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (S)aturation: ')) -endS = float(raw_input('Please enter minimum value for S: ')) -steps = int(raw_input('Please enter steps/resolution: ')) -steps = steps/2 -for h in range(0,360): - colormap = open('colormap_' + str(h).zfill(3) + '.xml',"w") - colormap.write('\n') - i=0 - h_strich = h/60.0 - if(h_strich>6.0): - h_strich = h_strich-6.0 - for j in range(0,steps+1): - # let L run linearly from 0 to 1, let S be the square root of a linear list from 0 to 1 - c = (1- abs(2*(startL - j*(startL-endL)/steps)-1))*(startS - j*(startS-endS)/steps) - x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1)) - m = (startL - j*(startL-endL)/steps) -.5*c - if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0): - colormap.write('\n') - elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0): - colormap.write('\n') - elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0): - colormap.write('\n') - elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0): - colormap.write('\n') - elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0): - colormap.write('\n') - elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0): - colormap.write('\n') - i = i+1 - h_strich = (h+180.0)/60.0 - if(h_strich>6.0): - h_strich = h_strich-6.0 - for j in range(1,steps+1): - c = (1- abs(2*(endL+j*(startL-endL)/steps)-1))*(endS+j*(startS-endS)/steps) - x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1)) - m = (endL+j*(startL-endL)/steps) -.5*c - if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0): - colormap.write('\n') - elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0): - colormap.write('\n') - elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0): - colormap.write('\n') - elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0): - colormap.write('\n') - elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0): - colormap.write('\n') - elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0): - colormap.write('\n') - i=i+1 - colormap.write('') \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/processing/post/postprocessingMath.f90 b/processing/post/postprocessingMath.f90 index 27eded895..ad8ca27e7 100644 --- a/processing/post/postprocessingMath.f90 +++ b/processing/post/postprocessingMath.f90 @@ -869,6 +869,66 @@ subroutine calculate_mises(res_x,res_y,res_z,tensor,vm) enddo; enddo; enddo end subroutine calculate_mises +!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +subroutine curl_fft(res_x,res_y,res_z,vec_tens,geomdim,field,divergence_field) +!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +! calculates divergence field using integration in Fourier space +!use vec_tens to decide if tensor (3) or vector (1) + + implicit none + integer res_x, res_y, res_z, vec_tens + real*8 geomdim(3) + real*8 field(res_x,res_y,res_z,vec_tens,3) + real*8 curl_fft(res_x,res_y,res_z,vec_tens,3) + complex*8 field_fft(res_x/2_pInt+1,res_y,res_z,vec_tens,3) + real*8 xi(res_x,res_y,res_z,3) + complex*16 img + integer i, j, k + real*8, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 + integer*8 :: plan_fft(2) + + img = cmplx(0.0,1.0) + + call dfftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(plan_fft(1),3,(/res_x,res_y,res_z/),vec_tens*3,& + curl_fft,(/res_x,res_y,res_z/),1,res_x*res_y*res_z,& + field_fft,(/res_x/2+1,res_y,res_z/),1,(res_x/2+1)*res_y*res_z,32) ! 32 =FFTW_PATIENT + + call dfftw_plan_many_dft_c2r(plan_fft(2),3,(/res_x,res_y,res_z/),vec_tens*3,& + field_fft,(/res_x/2+1,res_y,res_z/),1,(res_x/2+1)*res_y*res_z,& + curl_fft,(/res_x,res_y,res_z/),1,res_x*res_y*res_z,32) ! 32 = FFTW_PATIENT + +! field_copy is destroyed during plan creation + curl_fft = field + + call dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan_fft(1), field_copy, field_fft) + + xi = 0.0 + + do k = 0, res_z-1 + do j = 0, res_y-1 + do i = 0, res_x/2 + xi(i+1,j+1,k+1,:) = (/real(i),real(j),real(k)/)/geomdim + if(k==res_z/2) xi(i+1,j+1,k+1,3)= 0.0 ! set highest frequencies to zero + if(j==res_y/2) xi(i+1,j+1,k+1,2)= 0.0 + if(i==res_x/2) xi(i+1,j+1,k+1,1)= 0.0 + enddo; enddo; enddo + + + do k = 1, res_z + do j = 1, res_y + do i = 1, res_x/2+1 + divergence_field_fft(i,j,k,1) = sum(field_fft(i,j,k,1,:)*xi(i,j,k,:)) + if(vec_tens == 3) then + divergence_field_fft(i,j,k,2) = sum(field_fft(i,j,k,2,:)*xi(i,j,k,:)) + divergence_field_fft(i,j,k,3) = sum(field_fft(i,j,k,3,:)*xi(i,j,k,:)) + endif + enddo; enddo; enddo + divergence_field_fft = divergence_field_fft*img*2.0*pi + + call dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_fft(2), divergence_field_fft, divergence_field) + +end subroutine curl_fft + !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ subroutine divergence_fft(res_x,res_y,res_z,vec_tens,geomdim,field,divergence_field) !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++