"quack-like-a-duck" check for object properties.

sum equiv Quats don't need inverse option anymore.
fixed (severe) bug in IPFcolor determination.
This commit is contained in:
Philip Eisenlohr 2013-12-09 15:49:57 +00:00
parent c1b5b802ec
commit 24a4ca8ca8
1 changed files with 19 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class Quaternion:
(self.w, self.x, self.y, self.z)
def __mul__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Quaternion):
try: # quaternion
Ax = self.x
Ay = self.y
Az = self.z
@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ class Quaternion:
Q.z = + Ax * By - Ay * Bx + Az * Bw + Aw * Bz
Q.w = - Ax * Bx - Ay * By - Az * Bz + Aw * Bw
return Q
elif isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray) and other.shape == (3,): # active rotation of vector (i.e. within fixed coordinate system)
except: pass
try: # vector (perform active rotation, i.e. q*v*q.conjugated)
w = self.w
x = self.x
y = self.y
@ -82,18 +83,19 @@ class Quaternion:
2 * x * z * Vx + 2 * y * z * Vy + \
z * z * Vz - 2 * w * y * Vx - y * y * Vz + \
2 * w * x * Vy - x * x * Vz + w * w * Vz ])
elif isinstance(other, (int,float,long)):
except: pass
try: # scalar
Q = self.copy()
Q.w *= other
Q.x *= other
Q.y *= other
Q.z *= other
return Q
return self.copy()
def __imul__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Quaternion):
try: # Quaternion
Ax = self.x
Ay = self.y
Az = self.z
@ -106,6 +108,7 @@ class Quaternion:
self.y = -Ax * Bz + Ay * Bw + Az * Bx + Aw * By
self.z = Ax * By - Ay * Bx + Az * Bw + Aw * Bz
self.w = -Ax * Bx - Ay * By - Az * Bz + Aw * Bw
except: pass
return self
def __div__(self, other):
@ -334,9 +337,9 @@ class Quaternion:
def fromAngleAxis(cls, angle, axis):
if not isinstance(axis, numpy.ndarray): axis = numpy.array(axis)
axis /= numpy.linal.norm(axis)
s = math.sin(angle / 2)
w = math.cos(angle / 2)
axis /= numpy.linalg.norm(axis)
s = math.sin(angle / 2.0)
w = math.cos(angle / 2.0)
x = axis[0] * s
y = axis[1] * s
z = axis[2] * s
@ -484,7 +487,7 @@ class Symmetry:
def __cmp__(self,other):
return cmp(Symmetry.lattices.index(self.lattice),Symmetry.lattices.index(other.lattice))
def equivalentQuaternions(self,quaternion,inverse = False):
def equivalentQuaternions(self,quaternion):
List of symmetrically equivalent quaternions based on own symmetry.
@ -553,10 +556,7 @@ class Symmetry:
[ 1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 ],
if inverse:
return [Quaternion(q)*quaternion for q in symQuats]
return [quaternion*Quaternion(q) for q in symQuats]
return [quaternion*Quaternion(q) for q in symQuats]
def inFZ(self,R):
@ -654,11 +654,11 @@ class Symmetry:
theComponents = numpy.dot(basis,numpy.array([vector[0],vector[1],abs(vector[2])]))
inSST = numpy.all(theComponents >= 0.0) and numpy.all(theComponents <= 1.0)
inSST = numpy.all(theComponents >= 0.0)
if color: # have to return color array
if inSST:
rgb = numpy.power(theComponents,0.3333333) # smoothen color ramps
rgb = numpy.power(theComponents/numpy.linalg.norm(theComponents),0.3333333) # smoothen color ramps
rgb = numpy.minimum(numpy.ones(3,'d'),rgb) # limit to maximum intensity
rgb /= max(rgb) # normalize to (HS)V = 1
@ -772,8 +772,8 @@ class Orientation:
color = numpy.zeros(3,'d')
for i,q in enumerate(self.symmetry.equivalentQuaternions(self.quaternion,inverse=True)):
pole = q*axis # align crystal direction to axis
for i,q in enumerate(self.symmetry.equivalentQuaternions(self.quaternion)):
pole = q.conjugated()*axis # align crystal direction to axis
inSST,color = self.symmetry.inSST(pole,color=True)
if inSST: break