---had some problems with svn, hope everything is ok now---

added new tools to generate colormaps for paraview and gmsh, written in python
removed old fortran colormap generator.

removed test.py (not longer needed) and the python module reconstruct.pyd (not running under linux)
This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2011-01-05 14:53:31 +00:00
parent 3b0eeb9956
commit 20c00288b8
8 changed files with 389 additions and 202 deletions

View File

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
program colormap
implicit none
real startH, endH, startS, endS, startL, endL, h_strich,x,c,m
integer steps,i,j
character(len=100) name
print*, '******************************************************************************'
print*, ' write colormap for gmsh'
print*, '******************************************************************************'
print*, ''
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter startvalue for L: '
read(*, *), startL
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter endvalue for L: '
read(*, *), endL
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter startvalue for S: '
read(*, *), startS
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter endvalue for S: '
read(*, *), endS
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter steps: '
read(*, *), steps
do j=0,360
write(name, *) j
startH = real(j)
endH =real(j)
open(20, file = ('colormap_')//trim(name)//('.map'))
write(20,*),'View.ColorTable = {'
if(endH<startH) endH=endH+startH
do i=0, steps-1
H_strich = (startH + real(i)*(endH-startH)/real(steps))/60
if(h_strich>6.0) h_strich = h_strich-6.0
c = (1- abs(2*(startL + real(i)*(endL-startL)/real(steps))-1))*sqrt(startS + real(i)*(endS-startS)/real(steps))
x = c*(1- abs(mod(h_strich, real(2))-1))
m = (startL + real(i)*(endL-startL)/real(steps)) -.5*c
if ((0.0 <= h_strich).and.(h_strich<1.0)) then
else if ((1.0 <= h_strich).and.(h_strich<2.0)) then
else if ((2.0 <= h_strich).and.(h_strich<3.0)) then
else if ((3.0 <= h_strich).and.(h_strich<4.0)) then
else if ((4.0 <= h_strich).and.(h_strich<5.0)) then
else if ((5.0 <= h_strich).and.(h_strich<=6.0)) then
H_strich = (startH + real(i)*(endH-startH)/real(steps))/60
if(h_strich>6.0) h_strich = h_strich-6.0
c = (1- abs(2*(startL + real(i)*(endL-startL)/real(steps))-1))*(startS + real(i)*(endS-startS)/real(steps))
x = c*(1- abs(mod(h_strich, real(2))-1))
m = (startL + real(i)*(endL-startL)/real(steps)) -.5*c
if ((0.0 <= h_strich).and.(h_strich<1.0)) then
else if ((1.0 <= h_strich).and.(h_strich<2.0)) then
else if ((2.0 <= h_strich).and.(h_strich<3.0)) then
else if ((3.0 <= h_strich).and.(h_strich<4.0)) then
else if ((4.0 <= h_strich).and.(h_strich<5.0)) then
else if ((5.0 <= h_strich).and.(h_strich<=6.0)) then
end program

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# This script is used to generate colormaps for gmsh (http://geuz.org/gmsh/)
# The script writes 360 files. Each file contains one colormap.
# More information on the used colors space can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV
# written by M. Diehl, m.diehl@mpie.de
import math
print '******************************************************************************'
print ' Write colormaps for gmsh'
print ''
print 'Suitable for datasets that have only positive/negative values'
print 'The colors are described using the HSL model.'
print 'Each of the 360 generated colormaps uses one value of (H)ue.'
print 'The colormaps runs at constant H from given (L)ightness and (S)aturation'
print 'to given L and S'
print 'L is distribute linearly, S changes as the square root of a linear list.'
print 'Suitable values: L_start = S_start = 1 , L_end = S_end = 0.'
print '******************************************************************************'
print ''
startL = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (L)ightness: '))
endL = float(raw_input('Please enter end value for L: '))
startS = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (S)aturation: '))
endS = float(raw_input('Please enter end value for S: '))
steps = int(raw_input('Please enter steps/resolution: '))
for h in range(0,360):
colormap = open('colormap_' + str(h).zfill(3) + '.map',"w")
colormap.write('View.ColorTable = {\n')
for i in range(0,steps):
h_strich = h/60.0
h_strich = h_strich-6.0
c = (1- abs(2*(startL + i*(endL-startL)/steps)-1))*math.sqrt(startS + i*(endS-startS)/steps)
x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1))
m = (startL + i*(endL-startL)/steps) -.5*c
if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0):
elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0):
elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0):
elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0):
elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0):
elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0):
c = (1- abs(2*(startL)-1))*(startS)
x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1))
m = (startL) -.5*c
if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0):
elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0):
elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0):
elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0):
elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0):
elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# This script is used to generate colormaps for gmsh (http://geuz.org/gmsh/)
# The script writes 360 files. Each file contains one colormap.
# More information on the used colors space can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV
# written by M. Diehl, m.diehl@mpie.de
import math
print '******************************************************************************'
print ' Write colormaps for gmsh'
print ''
print 'Suitable for datasets running from negative to positive values.'
print 'The colors are described using the HSL model.'
print 'Each of the 360 generated colormaps uses two values of (H)ue.'
print 'The colormaps runs at constant H from given (L)ightness and (S)aturation'
print 'to given L_min and S_min and goes to H+180° (with given L and S)'
print 'Suitable values: L = L_min =.5, S = 1, and S_min=0,'
print '******************************************************************************'
print ''
startL = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (L)ightness: '))
endL = float(raw_input('Please enter minimum value for L: '))
startS = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (S)aturation: '))
endS = float(raw_input('Please enter minimum value for S: '))
steps = int(raw_input('Please enter steps/resolution: '))
steps = steps/2
for h in range(0,360):
colormap = open('colormap_' + str(h).zfill(3) + '.map',"w")
colormap.write('View.ColorTable = {\n')
h_strich = h/60.0
h_strich = h_strich-6.0
for j in range(0,steps+1):
# let L run linearly from 0 to 1, let S be the square root of a linear list from 0 to 1
c = (1- abs(2*(startL - j*(startL-endL)/steps)-1))*(startS - j*(startS-endS)/steps)
x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1))
m = (startL - j*(startL-endL)/steps) -.5*c
if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0):
elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0):
elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0):
elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0):
elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0):
elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0):
i = i+1
h_strich = (h+180.0)/60.0
h_strich = h_strich-6.0
for j in range(1,steps):
c = (1- abs(2*(endL+j*(startL-endL)/steps)-1))*(endS+j*(startS-endS)/steps)
x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1))
m = (endL+j*(startL-endL)/steps) -.5*c
if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0):
elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0):
elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0):
elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0):
elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0):
elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0):
c = (1- abs(2*(startL)-1))*(startS)
x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1))
m = (startL) -.5*c
if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0):
elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0):
elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0):
elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0):
elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0):
elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# This script is used to generate colormaps for paraview (www.paraview.org)
# The script writes 360 files. Each file contains one colormap.
# More information on the used colors space can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV
# written by M. Diehl, m.diehl@mpie.de
import math
print '******************************************************************************'
print ' Write colormaps for paraview'
print ''
print 'Suitable for datasets that have only positive/negative values'
print 'The colors are described using the HSL model.'
print 'Each of the 360 generated colormaps uses one value of (H)ue.'
print 'The colormaps runs at constant H from given (L)ightness and (S)aturation'
print 'to given L and S'
print 'L is distribute linearly, S changes as the square root of a linear list.'
print 'Suitable values: L_start = S_start = 1 , L_end = S_end = 0.'
print '******************************************************************************'
print ''
startL = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (L)ightness: '))
endL = float(raw_input('Please enter end value for L: '))
startS = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (S)aturation: '))
endS = float(raw_input('Please enter end value for S: '))
steps = int(raw_input('Please enter steps/resolution: '))
for h in range(0,360):
colormap = open('colormap_' + str(h) + '.xml',"w")
colormap.write('<ColorMap name = "' + str(h) + '" space = "RGB">\n')
for i in range(0,steps+1):
h_strich = h/60.0
h_strich = h_strich-6.0
c = (1- abs(2*(startL + i*(endL-startL)/steps)-1))*math.sqrt(startS + i*(endS-startS)/steps)
x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1))
m = (startL + i*(endL-startL)/steps) -.5*c
if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(c+m)+'" g="'+str(x+m)+'" b="'+str(0.0+m)+'"/>\n')
elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(x+m)+'" g="'+str(c+m)+'" b="'+str(0.0+m)+'"/>\n')
elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(0.0+m)+'" g="'+str(c+m)+'" b="'+str(x+m)+'"/>\n')
elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(0.0+m)+'" g="'+str(x+m)+'" b="'+str(c+m)+'"/>\n')
elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(x+m)+'" g="'+str(0.0+m)+'" b="'+str(c+m)+'"/>\n')
elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(c+m)+'" g="'+str(0.0+m)+'" b="'+str(x+m)+'"/>\n')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# This script is used to generate colormaps for paraview (www.paraview.org)
# The script writes 360 files. Each file contains one colormap.
# More information on the used colors space can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV
# written by M. Diehl, m.diehl@mpie.de
import math
print '******************************************************************************'
print ' Write colormaps for paraview'
print ''
print 'Suitable for datasets running from negative to positive values.'
print 'The colors are described using the HSL model.'
print 'Each of the 360 generated colormaps uses two values of (H)ue.'
print 'The colormaps runs at constant H from given (L)ightness and (S)aturation'
print 'to given L_min and S_min and goes to H+180° (with given L and S)'
print 'Suitable values: L = L_min =.5, S = 1, and S_min=0,'
print '******************************************************************************'
print ''
startL = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (L)ightness: '))
endL = float(raw_input('Please enter minimum value for L: '))
startS = float(raw_input('Please enter start value for (S)aturation: '))
endS = float(raw_input('Please enter minimum value for S: '))
steps = int(raw_input('Please enter steps/resolution: '))
steps = steps/2
for h in range(0,360):
colormap = open('colormap_' + str(h).zfill(3) + '.xml',"w")
colormap.write('<ColorMap name = "Complementary Color ' + str(h).zfill(3) + '" space = "RGB">\n')
h_strich = h/60.0
h_strich = h_strich-6.0
for j in range(0,steps+1):
# let L run linearly from 0 to 1, let S be the square root of a linear list from 0 to 1
c = (1- abs(2*(startL - j*(startL-endL)/steps)-1))*(startS - j*(startS-endS)/steps)
x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1))
m = (startL - j*(startL-endL)/steps) -.5*c
if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(c+m)+'" g="'+str(x+m)+'" b="'+str(0.0+m)+'"/>\n')
elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(x+m)+'" g="'+str(c+m)+'" b="'+str(0.0+m)+'"/>\n')
elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(0.0+m)+'" g="'+str(c+m)+'" b="'+str(x+m)+'"/>\n')
elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(0.0+m)+'" g="'+str(x+m)+'" b="'+str(c+m)+'"/>\n')
elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(x+m)+'" g="'+str(0.0+m)+'" b="'+str(c+m)+'"/>\n')
elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(c+m)+'" g="'+str(0.0+m)+'" b="'+str(x+m)+'"/>\n')
i = i+1
h_strich = (h+180.0)/60.0
h_strich = h_strich-6.0
for j in range(1,steps+1):
c = (1- abs(2*(endL+j*(startL-endL)/steps)-1))*(endS+j*(startS-endS)/steps)
x = c*(1- abs(h_strich%2-1))
m = (endL+j*(startL-endL)/steps) -.5*c
if (0.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<1.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(c+m)+'" g="'+str(x+m)+'" b="'+str(0.0+m)+'"/>\n')
elif (1.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<2.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(x+m)+'" g="'+str(c+m)+'" b="'+str(0.0+m)+'"/>\n')
elif (2.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<3.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(0.0+m)+'" g="'+str(c+m)+'" b="'+str(x+m)+'"/>\n')
elif (3.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<4.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(0.0+m)+'" g="'+str(x+m)+'" b="'+str(c+m)+'"/>\n')
elif (4.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<5.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(x+m)+'" g="'+str(0.0+m)+'" b="'+str(c+m)+'"/>\n')
elif (5.0 <= h_strich)and(h_strich<=6.0):
colormap.write('<Point x="'+str(i)+'" o="1" r="'+str(c+m)+'" g="'+str(0.0+m)+'" b="'+str(x+m)+'"/>\n')

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,112 +1,114 @@
import array #!/usr/bin/python
import struct # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
#import numpy import array
print('post processing for mpie_spectral') import struct
#import numpy
filename ='results.out' print('post processing for mpie_spectral')
results = open(filename, 'rb')
print('filename:', filename) filename ='results.out'
position=0 results = open(filename, 'rb')
print('filename:', filename)
#this funtion finds a string value in the given file for a given keyword position=0
def searchNameForKeyword(searchstring, file, maxpos):
results.seek(0,0) #this funtion finds a string value in the given file for a given keyword
begin = file.read(2048).find(searchstring) + len(searchstring) # function will return -1 if string isnt found def searchNameForKeyword(searchstring, file, maxpos):
file.seek(begin -len(searchstring) -4) #position of header results.seek(0,0)
header = file.read(4) #store header begin = file.read(2048).find(searchstring) + len(searchstring) # function will return -1 if string isnt found
file.seek(begin,0) file.seek(begin -len(searchstring) -4) #position of header
length = file.read(2048).find(header) header = file.read(4) #store header
file.seek(begin,0) file.seek(begin,0)
name = file.read(length) length = file.read(2048).find(header)
return name, max(maxpos,results.tell()) file.seek(begin,0)
name = file.read(length)
#this funtion finds an integer value in the given file for a given keyword return name, max(maxpos,results.tell())
def searchValueForKeyword(searchstring, file, maxpos):
results.seek(0,0) #this funtion finds an integer value in the given file for a given keyword
begin = file.read(2048).find(searchstring) + len(searchstring) # function will return -1 if string isnt found def searchValueForKeyword(searchstring, file, maxpos):
file.seek(begin,0) results.seek(0,0)
value = array.array('i',[0]) begin = file.read(2048).find(searchstring) + len(searchstring) # function will return -1 if string isnt found
value = struct.unpack('i',results.read(4))[0] file.seek(begin,0)
return value, max(maxpos,results.tell()) value = array.array('i',[0])
value = struct.unpack('i',results.read(4))[0]
#finds the value for the three integers followed the given keyword return value, max(maxpos,results.tell())
def searchArrayForKeyword(searchstring, file, maxpos):
values = array.array('i',[0,0,0]) #finds the value for the three integers followed the given keyword
results.seek(0,0) def searchArrayForKeyword(searchstring, file, maxpos):
begin = results.read(2048).find(searchstring) + len(searchstring) #end position of string "resolution" values = array.array('i',[0,0,0])
pos = results.read(60).find(b'a') results.seek(0,0)
results.seek(begin+pos+2,0) #why two, not 1?? begin = results.read(2048).find(searchstring) + len(searchstring) #end position of string "resolution"
values[0]=struct.unpack('i',results.read(4))[0] pos = results.read(60).find(b'a')
maxpos=max(maxpos,results.tell()) results.seek(begin+pos+2,0) #why two, not 1??
results.seek(begin,0) values[0]=struct.unpack('i',results.read(4))[0]
pos = results.read(60).find(b'b') maxpos=max(maxpos,results.tell())
results.seek(begin+pos+1,0) results.seek(begin,0)
values[1]=struct.unpack('i',results.read(4))[0] pos = results.read(60).find(b'b')
maxpos=max(maxpos,results.tell()) results.seek(begin+pos+1,0)
results.seek(begin,0) values[1]=struct.unpack('i',results.read(4))[0]
pos = results.read(60).find(b'c') maxpos=max(maxpos,results.tell())
results.seek(begin+pos+1,0) results.seek(begin,0)
values[2]=struct.unpack('i',results.read(4))[0] pos = results.read(60).find(b'c')
maxpos=max(maxpos,results.tell()) results.seek(begin+pos+1,0)
return values, maxpos values[2]=struct.unpack('i',results.read(4))[0]
#finds the value for the three doubles followed the given keyword return values, maxpos
def searchFarrayForKeyword(searchstring, file, maxpos):
values = array.array('d',[0,0,0]) #finds the value for the three doubles followed the given keyword
results.seek(0,0) def searchFarrayForKeyword(searchstring, file, maxpos):
begin = results.read(2048).find(searchstring) + len(searchstring) #end position of string "resolution" values = array.array('d',[0,0,0])
pos = results.read(60).find(b'x') results.seek(0,0)
results.seek(begin+pos+2,0) #why two, not 1?? begin = results.read(2048).find(searchstring) + len(searchstring) #end position of string "resolution"
values[0]=struct.unpack('d',results.read(8))[0] pos = results.read(60).find(b'x')
maxpos=max(maxpos,results.tell()) results.seek(begin+pos+2,0) #why two, not 1??
results.seek(begin,0) values[0]=struct.unpack('d',results.read(8))[0]
pos = results.read(60).find(b'y') maxpos=max(maxpos,results.tell())
results.seek(begin+pos+1,0) results.seek(begin,0)
values[1]=struct.unpack('d',results.read(8))[0] pos = results.read(60).find(b'y')
maxpos=max(maxpos,results.tell()) results.seek(begin+pos+1,0)
results.seek(begin,0) values[1]=struct.unpack('d',results.read(8))[0]
pos = results.read(60).find(b'z') maxpos=max(maxpos,results.tell())
results.seek(begin+pos+1,0) results.seek(begin,0)
values[2]=struct.unpack('d',results.read(8))[0] pos = results.read(60).find(b'z')
maxpos=max(maxpos,results.tell()) results.seek(begin+pos+1,0)
return values, maxpos values[2]=struct.unpack('d',results.read(8))[0]
loadcase, position = searchNameForKeyword(b'Loadcase ', results, position) return values, maxpos
workingdir, position = searchNameForKeyword(b'Workingdir ', results, position)
jobname, position = searchNameForKeyword(b'JobName ', results, position) loadcase, position = searchNameForKeyword(b'Loadcase ', results, position)
totalincs, position = searchValueForKeyword(b'totalincs ', results, position) workingdir, position = searchNameForKeyword(b'Workingdir ', results, position)
materialpoint_sizeResults, position = searchValueForKeyword(b'materialpoint_sizeResults ', results, position) jobname, position = searchNameForKeyword(b'JobName ', results, position)
resolution, position = searchArrayForKeyword(b'resolution ', results, position) totalincs, position = searchValueForKeyword(b'totalincs ', results, position)
geomdimension, position = searchFarrayForKeyword(b'geomdimension ', results, position) materialpoint_sizeResults, position = searchValueForKeyword(b'materialpoint_sizeResults ', results, position)
position=position+4 +13*8 resolution, position = searchArrayForKeyword(b'resolution ', results, position)
results.seek(position,0) geomdimension, position = searchFarrayForKeyword(b'geomdimension ', results, position)
tnsr = array.array('d',[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) position=position+4 +13*8
tnsr[0]=struct.unpack('d',results.read(8))[0] results.seek(position,0)
tnsr[1]=struct.unpack('d',results.read(8))[0] tnsr = array.array('d',[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])
tnsr[2]=struct.unpack('d',results.read(8))[0] tnsr[0]=struct.unpack('d',results.read(8))[0]
tnsr[3]=struct.unpack('d',results.read(8))[0] tnsr[1]=struct.unpack('d',results.read(8))[0]
tnsr[4]=struct.unpack('d',results.read(8))[0] tnsr[2]=struct.unpack('d',results.read(8))[0]
print(tnsr) tnsr[3]=struct.unpack('d',results.read(8))[0]
# ended reading of header. now starting to read information concerning output
#filename = jobname[0:len(jobname)-5]+b'.outputCrystallite'
#outputCrystallite = open(filename, 'r') # ended reading of header. now starting to read information concerning output
#filename = jobname[0:len(jobname)-5]+b'.outputCrystallite'
def InCharCount(location, character): #outputCrystallite = open(filename, 'r')
subj = file(location, "r")
body = subj.read() def InCharCount(location, character):
subj.close() subj = file(location, "r")
return body.count(character) body = subj.read()
return body.count(character)
def InCharCount(location, character):
subj = file(location, "r")
def InCharCount(location, character):
nbr_of_char = 0 subj = file(location, "r")
for line in subj:
nbr_of_char = nbr_of_char + line.count(character) nbr_of_char = 0
for line in subj:
return nbr_of_char nbr_of_char = nbr_of_char + line.count(character)
return nbr_of_char

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
import numpy
import reconstruct
# dummy values for resolution and geomdimension (formerly called meshdimension)
for i in range (0, resolution[0]):
for j in range (0, resolution[1]):
for k in range (0, resolution[2]):
print defgrad
current_configuration=reconstruct.simple(defgrad,resolution[0],resolution[1],resolution[2],geomdimension) # don't know how to pass arrays for the resolution
print current_configuration