adjusted tests

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Sharan Roongta 2023-06-12 14:14:20 +02:00
parent d00bf2d3d5
commit 1d8939efad
2 changed files with 1 additions and 28 deletions

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Subproject commit 926aef7724e6688e277ec8acb277d7b87278610e
Subproject commit 69a9625ec7534b302706387941a98738041e4c77

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@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ module DAMASK_interface
public :: &
DAMASK_interface_init, &
! getMaterialFileName, &
@ -94,32 +93,6 @@ function getSolverJobName()
end function getSolverJobName
!> @brief material configuration file name
!function getMaterialFileName()
! character(len=:), allocatable :: getMaterialFileName
! character(len=pSTRLEN) :: line
! integer :: myStat,fileUnit,s,e
! open(newunit=fileUnit, file=getSolverJobName()//INPUTFILEEXTENSION, &
! status='old', position='rewind', action='read',iostat=myStat)
! do
! read (fileUnit,'(A)',END=100) line
! if (index(trim(line),'materialConfig') == 1) then
! read (fileUnit,'(A)',END=100) line ! next line
! s = verify(line, ' ') ! start of first chunk
! s = s + verify(line(s+1:),' ') ! start of second chunk
! e = s + scan (line(s+1:),' ') ! end of second chunk
! getMaterialFileName = line(s:e)
! end if
! end do
!100 close(fileUnit)
!end function getMaterialFileName
!> @brief determines whether a symmetric solver is used