was not used
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ module plastic_nonlocal
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
plastic_nonlocal_sizeDotState, & !< number of dotStates = number of basic state variables
plastic_nonlocal_sizeDotState, & !< number of dotStates = number of basic state variables
plastic_nonlocal_sizeDependentState, & !< number of dependent state variables
plastic_nonlocal_sizeDependentState, & !< number of dependent state variables
plastic_nonlocal_sizeState, & !< total number of state variables
plastic_nonlocal_sizeState !< total number of state variables
plastic_nonlocal_sizePostResults !< cumulative size of post results
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target, public :: &
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target, public :: &
plastic_nonlocal_sizePostResult !< size of each post result output
plastic_nonlocal_sizePostResult !< size of each post result output
@ -204,8 +204,7 @@ module plastic_nonlocal
private :: &
private :: &
plastic_nonlocal_kinetics, &
@ -298,7 +297,6 @@ integer(pInt) :: phase, &
allocate(plastic_nonlocal_sizeDotState(maxNinstances), source=0_pInt)
allocate(plastic_nonlocal_sizeDotState(maxNinstances), source=0_pInt)
allocate(plastic_nonlocal_sizeDependentState(maxNinstances), source=0_pInt)
allocate(plastic_nonlocal_sizeDependentState(maxNinstances), source=0_pInt)
allocate(plastic_nonlocal_sizeState(maxNinstances), source=0_pInt)
allocate(plastic_nonlocal_sizeState(maxNinstances), source=0_pInt)
allocate(plastic_nonlocal_sizePostResults(maxNinstances), source=0_pInt)
allocate(plastic_nonlocal_sizePostResult(maxval(phase_Noutput), maxNinstances), source=0_pInt)
allocate(plastic_nonlocal_sizePostResult(maxval(phase_Noutput), maxNinstances), source=0_pInt)
allocate(plastic_nonlocal_Noutput(maxNinstances), source=0_pInt)
allocate(plastic_nonlocal_Noutput(maxNinstances), source=0_pInt)
allocate(plastic_nonlocal_output(maxval(phase_Noutput), maxNinstances))
allocate(plastic_nonlocal_output(maxval(phase_Noutput), maxNinstances))
@ -924,12 +922,11 @@ allocate(nonSchmidProjection(3,3,4,maxTotalNslip,maxNinstances),
if (mySize > 0_pInt) then ! any meaningful output found
if (mySize > 0_pInt) then ! any meaningful output found
plastic_nonlocal_sizePostResult(o,instance) = mySize
plastic_nonlocal_sizePostResult(o,instance) = mySize
plastic_nonlocal_sizePostResults(instance) = plastic_nonlocal_sizePostResults(instance) + mySize
enddo outputsLoop
enddo outputsLoop
plasticState(phase)%sizePostResults = plastic_nonlocal_sizePostResults(instance)
plasticState(phase)%sizePostResults = sum(plastic_nonlocal_sizePostResult(:,instance))
plasticState(phase)%nonlocal = .true.
plasticState(phase)%nonlocal = .true.
call material_allocatePlasticState(phase,NofMyPhase,sizeState,sizeDotState,sizeDeltaState, &
call material_allocatePlasticState(phase,NofMyPhase,sizeState,sizeDotState,sizeDeltaState, &
@ -2785,353 +2782,6 @@ compatibility(1:2,1:ns,1:ns,1:Nneighbors,i,e) = my_compatibility
end subroutine plastic_nonlocal_updateCompatibility
end subroutine plastic_nonlocal_updateCompatibility
!* calculates quantities characterizing the microstructure *
function plastic_nonlocal_dislocationstress(Fe, ip, el)
use prec, only: &
use math, only: math_mul33x33, &
math_mul33x3, &
math_inv33, &
math_transpose33, &
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems, &
mesh_maxNips, &
mesh_element, &
mesh_node0, &
mesh_cellCenterCoordinates, &
mesh_ipVolume, &
mesh_periodicSurface, &
FE_Nips, &
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains, &
material_phase, &
plasticState, &
phaseAt, phasememberAt,&
phase_localPlasticity, &
use lattice, only: lattice_mu, &
implicit none
!*** input variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ip, & !< current integration point
el !< current element
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems), intent(in) :: &
Fe !< elastic deformation gradient
!*** output variables
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: plastic_nonlocal_dislocationstress
!*** local variables
integer(pInt) neighbor_el, & !< element number of neighbor material point
neighbor_ip, & !< integration point of neighbor material point
instance, & !< my instance of this plasticity
neighbor_instance, & !< instance of this plasticity of neighbor material point
ph, &
neighbor_phase, &
ns, & !< total number of active slip systems at my material point
neighbor_ns, & !< total number of active slip systems at neighbor material point
c, & !< index of dilsocation character (edge, screw)
s, & !< slip system index
o,& !< offset shortcut
no,& !< neighbour offset shortcut
p,& !< phase shortcut
np,& !< neighbour phase shortcut
t, & !< index of dilsocation type (e+, e-, s+, s-, used e+, used e-, used s+, used s-)
dir, &
deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ, &
side, &
integer(pInt), dimension(2,3) :: periodicImages
real(pReal) x, y, z, & !< coordinates of connection vector in neighbor lattice frame
xsquare, ysquare, zsquare, & !< squares of respective coordinates
distance, & !< length of connection vector
segmentLength, & !< segment length of dislocations
lambda, &
R, Rsquare, Rcube, &
denominator, &
flipSign, &
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: connection, & !< connection vector between me and my neighbor in the deformed configuration
connection_neighborLattice, & !< connection vector between me and my neighbor in the lattice configuration of my neighbor
connection_neighborSlip, & !< connection vector between me and my neighbor in the slip system frame of my neighbor
maxCoord, minCoord, &
meshSize, &
coords, & !< x,y,z coordinates of cell center of ip volume
neighbor_coords !< x,y,z coordinates of cell center of neighbor ip volume
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: sigma, & !< dislocation stress for one slip system in neighbor material point's slip system frame
Tdislo_neighborLattice, & !< dislocation stress as 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress at neighbor material point
invFe, & !< inverse of my elastic deformation gradient
neighbor_invFe, &
neighborLattice2myLattice !< mapping from neighbor MPs lattice configuration to my lattice configuration
real(pReal), dimension(2,2,maxval(totalNslip)) :: &
neighbor_rhoExcess !< excess density at neighbor material point (edge/screw,mobile/dead,slipsystem)
real(pReal), dimension(2,maxval(totalNslip)) :: &
real(pReal), dimension(totalNslip(phase_plasticityInstance(material_phase(1_pInt,ip,el))),8) :: &
rhoSgl ! single dislocation density (edge+, edge-, screw+, screw-, used edge+, used edge-, used screw+, used screw-)
ph = material_phase(1_pInt,ip,el)
instance = phase_plasticityInstance(ph)
ns = totalNslip(instance)
p = phaseAt(1,ip,el)
o = phasememberAt(1,ip,el)
!*** get basic states
forall (s = 1_pInt:ns, t = 1_pInt:4_pInt)
rhoSgl(s,t) = max(plasticState(p)%state(iRhoU(s,t,instance),o), 0.0_pReal) ! ensure positive single mobile densities
rhoSgl(s,t+4_pInt) = plasticState(p)%state(iRhoB(s,t,instance),o)
!*** calculate the dislocation stress of the neighboring excess dislocation densities
!*** zero for material points of local plasticity
plastic_nonlocal_dislocationstress = 0.0_pReal
if (.not. phase_localPlasticity(ph)) then
invFe = math_inv33(Fe(1:3,1:3,1_pInt,ip,el))
!* in case of periodic surfaces we have to find out how many periodic images in each direction we need
do dir = 1_pInt,3_pInt
maxCoord(dir) = maxval(mesh_node0(dir,:))
minCoord(dir) = minval(mesh_node0(dir,:))
meshSize = maxCoord - minCoord
coords = mesh_cellCenterCoordinates(ip,el)
periodicImages = 0_pInt
do dir = 1_pInt,3_pInt
if (mesh_periodicSurface(dir)) then
periodicImages(1,dir) = floor((coords(dir) - cutoffRadius(instance) - minCoord(dir)) / meshSize(dir), pInt)
periodicImages(2,dir) = ceiling((coords(dir) + cutoffRadius(instance) - maxCoord(dir)) / meshSize(dir), pInt)
!* loop through all material points (also through their periodic images if present),
!* but only consider nonlocal neighbors within a certain cutoff radius R
do neighbor_el = 1_pInt,mesh_NcpElems
ipLoop: do neighbor_ip = 1_pInt,FE_Nips(FE_geomtype(mesh_element(2,neighbor_el)))
neighbor_phase = material_phase(1_pInt,neighbor_ip,neighbor_el)
np = phaseAt(1,neighbor_ip,neighbor_el)
no = phasememberAt(1,neighbor_ip,neighbor_el)
if (phase_localPlasticity(neighbor_phase)) cycle
neighbor_instance = phase_plasticityInstance(neighbor_phase)
neighbor_ns = totalNslip(neighbor_instance)
neighbor_invFe = math_inv33(Fe(1:3,1:3,1,neighbor_ip,neighbor_el))
neighbor_ipVolumeSideLength = mesh_ipVolume(neighbor_ip,neighbor_el) ** (1.0_pReal/3.0_pReal) ! reference volume used here
forall (s = 1_pInt:neighbor_ns, c = 1_pInt:2_pInt)
neighbor_rhoExcess(c,1,s) = plasticState(np)%state(iRhoU(s,2*c-1,neighbor_instance),no) & ! positive mobiles
- plasticState(np)%state(iRhoU(s,2*c,neighbor_instance),no) ! negative mobiles
neighbor_rhoExcess(c,2,s) = abs(plasticState(np)%state(iRhoB(s,2*c-1,neighbor_instance),no)) & ! positive deads
- abs(plasticState(np)%state(iRhoB(s,2*c,neighbor_instance),no)) ! negative deads
Tdislo_neighborLattice = 0.0_pReal
do deltaX = periodicImages(1,1),periodicImages(2,1)
do deltaY = periodicImages(1,2),periodicImages(2,2)
do deltaZ = periodicImages(1,3),periodicImages(2,3)
!* regular case
if (neighbor_el /= el .or. neighbor_ip /= ip &
.or. deltaX /= 0_pInt .or. deltaY /= 0_pInt .or. deltaZ /= 0_pInt) then
neighbor_coords = mesh_cellCenterCoordinates(neighbor_ip,neighbor_el) &
+ [real(deltaX,pReal), real(deltaY,pReal), real(deltaZ,pReal)] * meshSize
connection = neighbor_coords - coords
distance = sqrt(sum(connection * connection))
if (distance > cutoffRadius(instance)) cycle
!* the segment length is the minimum of the third root of the control volume and the ip distance
!* this ensures, that the central MP never sits on a neighbor dislocation segment
connection_neighborLattice = math_mul33x3(neighbor_invFe, connection)
segmentLength = min(neighbor_ipVolumeSideLength, distance)
!* loop through all slip systems of the neighbor material point
!* and add up the stress contributions from egde and screw excess on these slip systems (if significant)
do s = 1_pInt,neighbor_ns
if (all(abs(neighbor_rhoExcess(:,:,s)) < significantRho(instance))) cycle ! not significant
!* map the connection vector from the lattice into the slip system frame
connection_neighborSlip = math_mul33x3(lattice2slip(1:3,1:3,s,neighbor_instance), &
!* edge contribution to stress
sigma = 0.0_pReal
x = connection_neighborSlip(1)
y = connection_neighborSlip(2)
z = connection_neighborSlip(3)
xsquare = x * x
ysquare = y * y
zsquare = z * z
do j = 1_pInt,2_pInt
if (abs(neighbor_rhoExcess(1,j,s)) < significantRho(instance)) then
elseif (j > 1_pInt) then
x = connection_neighborSlip(1) &
+ sign(0.5_pReal * segmentLength, &
plasticState(np)%state(iRhoB(s,1,neighbor_instance),no) &
- plasticState(np)%state(iRhoB(s,2,neighbor_instance),no))
xsquare = x * x
flipSign = sign(1.0_pReal, -y)
do side = 1_pInt,-1_pInt,-2_pInt
lambda = real(side,pReal) * 0.5_pReal * segmentLength - y
R = sqrt(xsquare + zsquare + lambda * lambda)
Rsquare = R * R
Rcube = Rsquare * R
denominator = R * (R + flipSign * lambda)
if (dEq0(denominator)) exit ipLoop
sigma(1,1) = sigma(1,1) - real(side,pReal) &
* flipSign * z / denominator &
* (1.0_pReal + xsquare / Rsquare + xsquare / denominator) &
* neighbor_rhoExcess(1,j,s)
sigma(2,2) = sigma(2,2) - real(side,pReal) &
* (flipSign * 2.0_pReal * lattice_nu(ph) * z / denominator + z * lambda / Rcube) &
* neighbor_rhoExcess(1,j,s)
sigma(3,3) = sigma(3,3) + real(side,pReal) &
* flipSign * z / denominator &
* (1.0_pReal - zsquare / Rsquare - zsquare / denominator) &
* neighbor_rhoExcess(1,j,s)
sigma(1,2) = sigma(1,2) + real(side,pReal) &
* x * z / Rcube * neighbor_rhoExcess(1,j,s)
sigma(1,3) = sigma(1,3) + real(side,pReal) &
* flipSign * x / denominator &
* (1.0_pReal - zsquare / Rsquare - zsquare / denominator) &
* neighbor_rhoExcess(1,j,s)
sigma(2,3) = sigma(2,3) - real(side,pReal) &
* (lattice_nu(ph) / R - zsquare / Rcube) * neighbor_rhoExcess(1,j,s)
!* screw contribution to stress
x = connection_neighborSlip(1) ! have to restore this value, because position might have been adapted for edge deads before
do j = 1_pInt,2_pInt
if (abs(neighbor_rhoExcess(2,j,s)) < significantRho(instance)) then
elseif (j > 1_pInt) then
y = connection_neighborSlip(2) &
+ sign(0.5_pReal * segmentLength, &
plasticState(np)%state(iRhoB(s,3,neighbor_instance),no) &
- plasticState(np)%state(iRhoB(s,4,neighbor_instance),no))
ysquare = y * y
flipSign = sign(1.0_pReal, x)
do side = 1_pInt,-1_pInt,-2_pInt
lambda = x + real(side,pReal) * 0.5_pReal * segmentLength
R = sqrt(ysquare + zsquare + lambda * lambda)
Rsquare = R * R
Rcube = Rsquare * R
denominator = R * (R + flipSign * lambda)
if (dEq0(denominator)) exit ipLoop
sigma(1,2) = sigma(1,2) - real(side,pReal) * flipSign * z &
* (1.0_pReal - lattice_nu(ph)) / denominator &
* neighbor_rhoExcess(2,j,s)
sigma(1,3) = sigma(1,3) + real(side,pReal) * flipSign * y &
* (1.0_pReal - lattice_nu(ph)) / denominator &
* neighbor_rhoExcess(2,j,s)
if (all(abs(sigma) < 1.0e-10_pReal)) cycle ! SIGMA IS NOT A REAL STRESS, THATS WHY WE NEED A REALLY SMALL VALUE HERE
!* copy symmetric parts
sigma(2,1) = sigma(1,2)
sigma(3,1) = sigma(1,3)
sigma(3,2) = sigma(2,3)
!* scale stresses and map them into the neighbor material point's lattice configuration
sigma = sigma * lattice_mu(neighbor_phase) * burgers(s,neighbor_instance) &
/ (4.0_pReal * pi * (1.0_pReal - lattice_nu(neighbor_phase))) &
* mesh_ipVolume(neighbor_ip,neighbor_el) / segmentLength ! reference volume is used here (according to the segment length calculation)
Tdislo_neighborLattice = Tdislo_neighborLattice &
+ math_mul33x33(math_transpose33(lattice2slip(1:3,1:3,s,neighbor_instance)), &
math_mul33x33(sigma, lattice2slip(1:3,1:3,s,neighbor_instance)))
enddo ! slip system loop
!* special case of central ip volume
!* only consider dead dislocations
!* we assume that they all sit at a distance equal to half the third root of V
!* in direction of the according slip direction
forall (s = 1_pInt:ns, c = 1_pInt:2_pInt) &
rhoExcessDead(c,s) = plasticState(p)%state(iRhoB(s,2*c-1,instance),o) & ! positive deads (here we use symmetry: if this has negative sign it is
!treated as negative density at positive position instead of positive
!density at negative position)
+ plasticState(p)%state(iRhoB(s,2*c,instance),o) ! negative deads (here we use symmetry: if this has negative sign it is
!treated as positive density at positive position instead of negative
!density at negative position)
do s = 1_pInt,ns
if (all(abs(rhoExcessDead(:,s)) < significantRho(instance))) cycle ! not significant
sigma = 0.0_pReal ! all components except for sigma13 are zero
sigma(1,3) = - (rhoExcessDead(1,s) + rhoExcessDead(2,s) * (1.0_pReal - lattice_nu(ph))) &
* neighbor_ipVolumeSideLength * lattice_mu(ph) * burgers(s,instance) &
/ (sqrt(2.0_pReal) * pi * (1.0_pReal - lattice_nu(ph)))
sigma(3,1) = sigma(1,3)
Tdislo_neighborLattice = Tdislo_neighborLattice &
+ math_mul33x33(math_transpose33(lattice2slip(1:3,1:3,s,instance)), &
math_mul33x33(sigma, lattice2slip(1:3,1:3,s,instance)))
enddo ! slip system loop
enddo ! deltaZ loop
enddo ! deltaY loop
enddo ! deltaX loop
!* map the stress from the neighbor MP's lattice configuration into the deformed configuration
!* and back into my lattice configuration
neighborLattice2myLattice = math_mul33x33(invFe, Fe(1:3,1:3,1,neighbor_ip,neighbor_el))
plastic_nonlocal_dislocationstress = plastic_nonlocal_dislocationstress &
+ math_mul33x33(neighborLattice2myLattice, &
math_mul33x33(Tdislo_neighborLattice, &
enddo ipLoop
enddo ! element loop
end function plastic_nonlocal_dislocationstress
!> @brief return array of constitutive results
!> @brief return array of constitutive results
@ -3170,8 +2820,7 @@ function plastic_nonlocal_postResults(Tstar_v,Fe,ip,el)
ip, & !< integration point
ip, & !< integration point
el !< element
el !< element
real(pReal), dimension(plastic_nonlocal_sizePostResults(&
real(pReal), dimension(sum(plastic_nonlocal_sizePostResult(:,phase_plasticityInstance(material_phase(1_pInt,ip,el))))) :: &
phase_plasticityInstance(material_phase(1_pInt,ip,el)))) :: &
integer(pInt) :: &
integer(pInt) :: &
Reference in New Issue