write XDMF files

the limitation to scalar, 3-vector and 3x3-tensor comes currently from

extension to multiple constituents and unstructured meshes might be
This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2020-05-05 09:57:22 +02:00
parent 03f671d12a
commit 14cdc031e0
1 changed files with 96 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import multiprocessing
import re import re
import glob import glob
import os import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import xml.dom.minidom
from functools import partial from functools import partial
import h5py import h5py
@ -1035,6 +1037,100 @@ class Result:
pool.join() pool.join()
def write_XMDF(self):
Write XDMF file to directly visualize data in DADF5 file.
This works only for scalar, 3-vector and 3x3-tensor data.
Selection is not taken into account.
if len(self.constituents) != 1 or not self.structured:
raise NotImplementedError
xdmf.attrib={'Version': '3.0',
'xmlns:xi': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude'}
domain=ET.SubElement(xdmf, 'Domain')
collection = ET.SubElement(domain, 'Grid')
collection.attrib={'GridType': 'Collection',
'CollectionType': 'Temporal'}
time = ET.SubElement(collection, 'Time')
time.attrib={'TimeType': 'List'}
time_data = ET.SubElement(time, 'DataItem')
time_data.attrib={'Dimensions': '{}'.format(len(self.times))}
time_data.text = ' '.join(map(str,self.times))
attributes = []
data_items = []
for inc in self.increments:
grid.attrib = {'GridType': 'Uniform',
'Name': inc}
topology=ET.SubElement(grid, 'Topology')
topology.attrib={'TopologyType': '3DCORECTMESH',
'Dimensions': '{} {} {}'.format(*self.grid+1)}
geometry=ET.SubElement(grid, 'Geometry')
origin=ET.SubElement(geometry, 'DataItem')
origin.attrib={'Format': 'XML',
'NumberType': 'Float',
'Dimensions': '3'}
origin.text="{} {} {}".format(*self.origin)
delta=ET.SubElement(geometry, 'DataItem')
delta.attrib={'Format': 'XML',
'NumberType': 'Float',
'Dimensions': '3'}
delta.text="{} {} {}".format(*(self.size/self.grid))
with h5py.File(self.fname,'r') as f:
attributes.append(ET.SubElement(grid, 'Attribute'))
attributes[-1].attrib={'Name': 'u',
'Center': 'Node',
'AttributeType': 'Vector'}
data_items.append(ET.SubElement(attributes[-1], 'DataItem'))
data_items[-1].attrib={'Format': 'HDF',
'Precision': '8',
'Dimensions': '{} {} {} 3'.format(*(self.grid+1))}
for o,p in zip(['constituents','materialpoints'],['con_physics','mat_physics']):
for oo in getattr(self,o):
for pp in getattr(self,p):
g = '/'.join([inc,o[:-1],oo,pp])
for l in f[g]:
name = '/'.join([g,l])
shape = f[name].shape[1:]
dtype = f[name].dtype
prec = f[name].dtype.itemsize
if (shape not in [(1,), (3,), (3,3)]) or dtype != np.float64: continue
attributes.append(ET.SubElement(grid, 'Attribute'))
attributes[-1].attrib={'Name': '{}'.format(name.split('/',2)[2]),
'Center': 'Cell',
'AttributeType': 'Tensor'}
data_items.append(ET.SubElement(attributes[-1], 'DataItem'))
data_items[-1].attrib={'Format': 'HDF',
'NumberType': 'Float',
'Precision': '{}'.format(prec),
'Dimensions': '{} {} {} {}'.format(*self.grid,np.prod(shape))}
with open(os.path.splitext(self.fname)[0]+'.xdmf','w') as f:
def to_vtk(self,labels=[],mode='cell'): def to_vtk(self,labels=[],mode='cell'):
""" """
Export to vtk cell/point data. Export to vtk cell/point data.