write XDMF files

the limitation to scalar, 3-vector and 3x3-tensor comes currently from

extension to multiple constituents and unstructured meshes might be
This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2020-05-05 09:57:22 +02:00
parent 03f671d12a
commit 14cdc031e0
1 changed files with 96 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import multiprocessing
import re
import glob
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import xml.dom.minidom
from functools import partial
import h5py
@ -1035,6 +1037,100 @@ class Result:
def write_XMDF(self):
Write XDMF file to directly visualize data in DADF5 file.
This works only for scalar, 3-vector and 3x3-tensor data.
Selection is not taken into account.
if len(self.constituents) != 1 or not self.structured:
raise NotImplementedError
xdmf.attrib={'Version': '3.0',
'xmlns:xi': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude'}
domain=ET.SubElement(xdmf, 'Domain')
collection = ET.SubElement(domain, 'Grid')
collection.attrib={'GridType': 'Collection',
'CollectionType': 'Temporal'}
time = ET.SubElement(collection, 'Time')
time.attrib={'TimeType': 'List'}
time_data = ET.SubElement(time, 'DataItem')
time_data.attrib={'Dimensions': '{}'.format(len(self.times))}
time_data.text = ' '.join(map(str,self.times))
attributes = []
data_items = []
for inc in self.increments:
grid.attrib = {'GridType': 'Uniform',
'Name': inc}
topology=ET.SubElement(grid, 'Topology')
topology.attrib={'TopologyType': '3DCORECTMESH',
'Dimensions': '{} {} {}'.format(*self.grid+1)}
geometry=ET.SubElement(grid, 'Geometry')
origin=ET.SubElement(geometry, 'DataItem')
origin.attrib={'Format': 'XML',
'NumberType': 'Float',
'Dimensions': '3'}
origin.text="{} {} {}".format(*self.origin)
delta=ET.SubElement(geometry, 'DataItem')
delta.attrib={'Format': 'XML',
'NumberType': 'Float',
'Dimensions': '3'}
delta.text="{} {} {}".format(*(self.size/self.grid))
with h5py.File(self.fname,'r') as f:
attributes.append(ET.SubElement(grid, 'Attribute'))
attributes[-1].attrib={'Name': 'u',
'Center': 'Node',
'AttributeType': 'Vector'}
data_items.append(ET.SubElement(attributes[-1], 'DataItem'))
data_items[-1].attrib={'Format': 'HDF',
'Precision': '8',
'Dimensions': '{} {} {} 3'.format(*(self.grid+1))}
for o,p in zip(['constituents','materialpoints'],['con_physics','mat_physics']):
for oo in getattr(self,o):
for pp in getattr(self,p):
g = '/'.join([inc,o[:-1],oo,pp])
for l in f[g]:
name = '/'.join([g,l])
shape = f[name].shape[1:]
dtype = f[name].dtype
prec = f[name].dtype.itemsize
if (shape not in [(1,), (3,), (3,3)]) or dtype != np.float64: continue
attributes.append(ET.SubElement(grid, 'Attribute'))
attributes[-1].attrib={'Name': '{}'.format(name.split('/',2)[2]),
'Center': 'Cell',
'AttributeType': 'Tensor'}
data_items.append(ET.SubElement(attributes[-1], 'DataItem'))
data_items[-1].attrib={'Format': 'HDF',
'NumberType': 'Float',
'Precision': '{}'.format(prec),
'Dimensions': '{} {} {} {}'.format(*self.grid,np.prod(shape))}
with open(os.path.splitext(self.fname)[0]+'.xdmf','w') as f:
def to_vtk(self,labels=[],mode='cell'):
Export to vtk cell/point data.