This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2019-11-24 13:42:19 +01:00
parent 4e47437f36
commit 127a29ab1a
1 changed files with 11 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ module plastic_nonlocal
rho_dip_edg_ID, &
rho_dip_scr_ID, &
rho_forest_ID, &
shearrate_ID, &
resolvedstress_back_ID, &
resistance_ID, &
rho_dot_sgl_ID, &
@ -498,8 +497,6 @@ subroutine plastic_nonlocal_init
outputID = merge(rho_dip_scr_ID,undefined_ID,prm%totalNslip>0)
case ('rho_forest')
outputID = merge(rho_forest_ID,undefined_ID,prm%totalNslip>0)
case ('shearrate')
outputID = merge(shearrate_ID,undefined_ID,prm%totalNslip>0)
case ('resolvedstress_back')
outputID = merge(resolvedstress_back_ID,undefined_ID,prm%totalNslip>0)
case ('resistance')
@ -1515,7 +1512,10 @@ subroutine plastic_nonlocal_dotState(Mp, Fe, Fp, Temperature, &
ph = material_phaseAt(1,el)
instance = phase_plasticityInstance(ph)
associate(prm => param(instance),dst => microstructure(instance),dot => dotState(instance),stt => state(instance))
associate(prm => param(instance), &
dst => microstructure(instance), &
dot => dotState(instance), &
stt => state(instance))
ns = totalNslip(instance)
tau = 0.0_pReal
@ -1665,11 +1665,11 @@ subroutine plastic_nonlocal_dotState(Mp, Fe, Fp, Temperature, &
enteringFlux: if (considerEnteringFlux) then
forall (s = 1:ns, t = 1:4)
neighbor_v(s,t) = plasticState(np)%state(iV (s,t,neighbor_instance),no)
neighbor_rhoSgl(s,t) = max(plasticState(np)%state(iRhoU(s,t,neighbor_instance),no), &
forall (s = 1:ns, t = 1:4)
neighbor_v(s,t) = plasticState(np)%state(iV (s,t,neighbor_instance),no)
neighbor_rhoSgl(s,t) = max(plasticState(np)%state(iRhoU(s,t,neighbor_instance),no), &
where (neighbor_rhoSgl * IPvolume(neighbor_ip,neighbor_el) ** 0.667_pReal < prm%significantN &
.or. neighbor_rhoSgl < prm%significantRho) &
@ -1860,12 +1860,7 @@ subroutine plastic_nonlocal_dotState(Mp, Fe, Fp, Temperature, &
plasticState(p)%dotState = IEEE_value(1.0_pReal,IEEE_quiet_NaN)
forall (s = 1:ns, t = 1:4)
plasticState(p)%dotState(iRhoU(s,t,instance),o) = rhoDot(s,t)
plasticState(p)%dotState(iRhoB(s,t,instance),o) = rhoDot(s,t+4)
forall (s = 1:ns, c = 1:2) &
plasticState(p)%dotState(iRhoD(s,c,instance),o) = rhoDot(s,c+8)
dot%rho(:,o) = pack(rhoDot,.true.)
forall (s = 1:ns) &
dot%accumulatedshear(s,o) = sum(gdot(s,1:4))
@ -2045,7 +2040,6 @@ function plastic_nonlocal_postResults(ph,instance,of) result(postResults)
rhoSgl, &
rhoDotSgl !< evolution rate of single dislocation densities (positive/negative screw and edge without dipoles)
real(pReal), dimension(param(instance)%totalNslip,4) :: &
gdot, & !< shear rates
v !< velocities
real(pReal), dimension(param(instance)%totalNslip,2) :: &
rhoDotDip !< evolution rate of dipole dislocation densities (screw and edge dipoles)
@ -2059,22 +2053,13 @@ associate(prm => param(instance),dst => microstructure(instance),stt=>state(inst
forall (s = 1:ns, t = 1:4)
rhoSgl(s,t+4) = plasticState(ph)%State(iRhoB(s,t,instance),of)
v(s,t) = plasticState(ph)%State(iV(s,t,instance),of)
v(s,t) = plasticState(ph)%State(iV(s,t,instance),of)
rhoDotSgl(s,t+4) = plasticState(ph)%dotState(iRhoB(s,t,instance),of)
forall (s = 1:ns, c = 1:2)
rhoDotDip(s,c) = plasticState(ph)%dotState(iRhoD(s,c,instance),of)
!* Calculate shear rate
forall (t = 1:4) &
gdot(1:ns,t) = rhoSgl(1:ns,t) * prm%burgers(1:ns) * v(1:ns,t)
!* calculate limits for stable dipole height
outputsLoop: do o = 1,size(param(instance)%outputID)
select case(param(instance)%outputID(o))
@ -2122,10 +2107,6 @@ outputsLoop: do o = 1,size(param(instance)%outputID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = stt%rho_forest(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
case (shearrate_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(gdot,2)
cs = cs + ns
case (resolvedstress_back_ID)
postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = dst%tau_back(:,of)
cs = cs + ns
@ -2233,7 +2214,7 @@ function getRho(instance,of,ip,el)
getRho = reshape(state(instance)%rho(:,of),[prm%totalNslip,10])
! ensure mobile densities (not for imm, they have a sign)
! ensure positive densities (not for imm, they have a sign)
getRho(:,mob) = max(getRho(:,mob),0.0_pReal)
getRho(:,dip) = max(getRho(:,dip),0.0_pReal)