transpose not needed twice

"static" part of the interaction matrix is symmetric for one slip family
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Martin Diehl 2020-03-16 16:46:16 +01:00
parent ad014d40be
commit 0ff54d1c43
1 changed files with 3 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ submodule(constitutive) plastic_nonlocal
logical :: &
shortRangeStressCorrection, & !< flag indicating the use of the short range stress correction by a excess density gradient term
end type tParameters
type :: tNonlocalMicrostructure
@ -694,16 +693,16 @@ module subroutine plastic_nonlocal_dependentState(F, Fp, ip, el)
! (see Kubin,Devincre,Hoc; 2008; Modeling dislocation storage rates and mean free paths in face-centered cubic crystals)
if (any(lattice_structure(material_phaseAt(1,el)) == [LATTICE_bcc_ID,LATTICE_fcc_ID])) then
myInteractionMatrix = prm%interactionSlipSlip &
* transpose(spread(( 1.0_pReal - prm%linetensionEffect &
* spread(( 1.0_pReal - prm%linetensionEffect &
+ prm%linetensionEffect &
* log(0.35_pReal * prm%burgers * sqrt(max(stt%rho_forest(:,of),prm%significantRho))) &
/ log(0.35_pReal * prm%burgers * 1e6_pReal))** 2.0_pReal,2,ns))
/ log(0.35_pReal * prm%burgers * 1e6_pReal))** 2.0_pReal,2,ns)
myInteractionMatrix = prm%interactionSlipSlip
dst%tau_pass(:,of) = prm%mu * prm%burgers &
* sqrt(matmul(transpose(myInteractionMatrix),sum(abs(rho),2))) ! ToDo: MD the transpose seems wrong here (cf other laws)
* sqrt(matmul(myInteractionMatrix,sum(abs(rho),2)))
!*** calculate the dislocation stress of the neighboring excess dislocation densities
!*** zero for material points of local plasticity