correct reporting

This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2021-01-27 10:44:03 +01:00
parent 52d7d37401
commit 0d3b9b9f2a
28 changed files with 35 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ module subroutine damage_init()
integer :: ho
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization_damage init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:damage init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:damage:isodamage init -+>>>'
configHomogenizations => config_material%get('homogenization')

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@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module subroutine mech_init(num_homog)
class(tNode), pointer :: &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization_mech init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:mechanics init -+>>>'
allocate(homogenization_dPdF(3,3,3,3,discretization_nIPs*discretization_Nelems), source=0.0_pReal)
homogenization_F0 = spread(math_I3,3,discretization_nIPs*discretization_Nelems) ! initialize to identity

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@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ module subroutine mech_RGC_init(num_homogMech)
homog, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization_mech_rgc init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:mechanics:RGC init -+>>>'
Ninstances = count(homogenization_type == HOMOGENIZATION_RGC_ID)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ module subroutine mech_isostrain_init
homog, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization_mech_isostrain init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:mechanics:isostrain init -+>>>'
Ninstances = count(homogenization_type == HOMOGENIZATION_ISOSTRAIN_ID)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module subroutine mech_none_init
h, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization_mech_none init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:mechanics:none init -+>>>'
Ninstances = count(homogenization_type == HOMOGENIZATION_NONE_ID)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)

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@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ module subroutine thermal_init()
integer :: ho
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization_thermal init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:thermal init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:thermal:isotemperature init -+>>>'
configHomogenizations => config_material%get('homogenization')

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@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ subroutine constitutive_init
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- constitutive init -+>>>'; flush(IO_STDOUT)
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase init -+>>>'; flush(IO_STDOUT)
debug_constitutive => config_debug%get('constitutive', defaultVal=emptyList)
debugConstitutive%basic = debug_constitutive%contains('basic')

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@ -157,6 +157,9 @@ module subroutine damage_init
phase, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:damage init -+>>>'
phases => config_material%get('phase')

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ module function anisobrittle_init(source_length) result(mySources)
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: N_cl
character(len=pStringLen) :: extmsg = ''
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- source_damage_anisoBrittle init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:damage:anisobrittle init -+>>>'
mySources = source_active('damage_anisoBrittle',source_length)
Ninstances = count(mySources)

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module function anisoductile_init(source_length) result(mySources)
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: N_sl
character(len=pStringLen) :: extmsg = ''
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- source_damage_anisoDuctile init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:damage:anisoductile init -+>>>'
mySources = source_active('damage_anisoDuctile',source_length)
Ninstances = count(mySources)

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module function isobrittle_init(source_length) result(mySources)
integer :: Ninstances,sourceOffset,Nconstituents,p
character(len=pStringLen) :: extmsg = ''
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- source_damage_isoBrittle init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:damage:isobrittle init -+>>>'
mySources = source_active('damage_isoBrittle',source_length)
Ninstances = count(mySources)

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module function isoductile_init(source_length) result(mySources)
integer :: Ninstances,sourceOffset,Nconstituents,p
character(len=pStringLen) :: extmsg = ''
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- source_damage_isoDuctile init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:damage:isoductile init -+>>>'
mySources = source_active('damage_isoDuctile',source_length)
Ninstances = count(mySources)

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@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ module subroutine mech_init(phases)
elastic, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- constitutive_mech init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics init -+>>>'
! initialize elasticity (hooke) !ToDO: Maybe move to elastic submodule along with function homogenizedC?

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@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ module subroutine eigendeformation_init(phases)
phase, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase_mechanics_eigendeformation init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:eigendeformation init -+>>>'
! initialize kinematic mechanisms

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module function kinematics_cleavage_opening_init(kinematics_length) result(myKin
kinematics, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- kinematics_cleavage_opening init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:eigendeformation:cleavageopening init -+>>>'
myKinematics = kinematics_active('cleavage_opening',kinematics_length)
Ninstances = count(myKinematics)

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ module function kinematics_slipplane_opening_init(kinematics_length) result(myKi
kinematics, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- kinematics_slipplane init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:eigendeformation:slipplaneopening init -+>>>'
myKinematics = kinematics_active('slipplane_opening',kinematics_length)
Ninstances = count(myKinematics)

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module function kinematics_thermal_expansion_init(kinematics_length) result(myKi
kinematics, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- kinematics_thermal_expansion init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:eigendeformation:thermalexpansion init -+>>>'
myKinematics = kinematics_active('thermal_expansion',kinematics_length)
Ninstances = count(myKinematics)

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@ -225,6 +225,9 @@ contains
module subroutine plastic_init
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic init -+>>>'
where(plastic_none_init()) phase_plasticity = PLASTICITY_NONE_ID
where(plastic_isotropic_init()) phase_plasticity = PLASTICITY_ISOTROPIC_ID
where(plastic_phenopowerlaw_init()) phase_plasticity = PLASTICITY_PHENOPOWERLAW_ID

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@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ module function plastic_dislotungsten_init() result(myPlasticity)
mech, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- plastic_dislotungsten init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic:dislotungsten init -+>>>'
myPlasticity = plastic_active('dislotungsten')
Ninstances = count(myPlasticity)

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@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ module function plastic_dislotwin_init() result(myPlasticity)
mech, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- plastic_dislotwin init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic:dislotwin init -+>>>'
myPlasticity = plastic_active('dislotwin')
Ninstances = count(myPlasticity)

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@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ module function plastic_isotropic_init() result(myPlasticity)
mech, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- plastic_isotropic init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic:isotropic init -+>>>'
myPlasticity = plastic_active('isotropic')
Ninstances = count(myPlasticity)

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@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ module function plastic_kinehardening_init() result(myPlasticity)
mech, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- plastic_kinehardening init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic:kinehardening init -+>>>'
myPlasticity = plastic_active('kinehardening')
Ninstances = count(myPlasticity)

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module function plastic_none_init() result(myPlasticity)
mech, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- plastic_none init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic:none init -+>>>'
phases => config_material%get('phase')
allocate(myPlasticity(phases%length), source = .false.)

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@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ module function plastic_nonlocal_init() result(myPlasticity)
mech, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- plastic_nonlocal init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic:nonlocal init -+>>>'
myPlasticity = plastic_active('nonlocal')
Ninstances = count(myPlasticity)

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@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ module function plastic_phenopowerlaw_init() result(myPlasticity)
mech, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- plastic_phenopowerlaw init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic:phenopowerlaw init -+>>>'
myPlasticity = plastic_active('phenopowerlaw')
Ninstances = count(myPlasticity)

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@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ module subroutine thermal_init(phases)
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- constitutive_thermal init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:thermal init -+>>>'

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module function dissipation_init(source_length) result(mySources)
integer :: Ninstances,so,Nconstituents,ph
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- thermal_dissipation init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:thermal:dissipation init -+>>>'
mySources = thermal_active('dissipation',source_length)

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@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module function externalheat_init(source_length) result(mySources)
integer :: Ninstances,so,Nconstituents,ph
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- thermal_externalheat init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:thermal:externalheat init -+>>>'
mySources = thermal_active('externalheat',source_length)