potentially less error prone (and easier to read)
This commit is contained in:
@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ subroutine lattice_init
lattice_nu(ph) = lattice_equivalent_nu(lattice_C66(1:6,1:6,ph),'voigt')
lattice_mu(ph) = lattice_equivalent_mu(lattice_C66(1:6,1:6,ph),'voigt')
lattice_C66(1:6,1:6,ph) = math_sym3333to66(math_Voigt66to3333(lattice_C66(1:6,1:6,ph))) ! Literature data is in Voigt notation
lattice_C66(1:6,1:6,ph) = math_sym3333to66(math_Voigt66to3333(lattice_C66(1:6,1:6,ph))) ! Literature data is in Voigt notation
do i = 1, 6
if (abs(lattice_C66(i,i,ph))<tol_math_check) &
call IO_error(135,el=i,ip=ph,ext_msg='matrix diagonal "el"ement of phase "ip"')
@ -1708,29 +1708,29 @@ function applyLatticeSymmetryC66(C66,structure) result(C66_sym)
real(pReal), dimension(6,6), intent(in) :: C66
character(len=*), intent(in) :: structure
integer :: j,k
integer :: i,j
C66_sym = 0.0_pReal
select case(structure)
case ('cF','cI')
do k=1,3
do j=1,3
C66_sym(k,j) = C66(1,2)
C66_sym(k,k) = C66(1,1)
C66_sym(k+3,k+3) = C66(4,4) ! isotropic C_44 = .5*(C_11-C_12)
C66_sym(1,1) = C66(1,1)
C66_sym(2,2) = C66(1,1)
C66_sym(3,3) = C66(1,1)
C66_sym(1,2) = C66(1,2)
C66_sym(1,3) = C66(1,2)
C66_sym(2,3) = C66(1,2)
C66_sym(4,4) = C66(4,4) ! isotropic C_44 = (C_11-C_12)/2
C66_sym(5,5) = C66(4,4)
C66_sym(6,6) = C66(4,4)
case ('hP')
C66_sym(1,1) = C66(1,1)
C66_sym(2,2) = C66(1,1)
C66_sym(3,3) = C66(3,3)
C66_sym(1,2) = C66(1,2)
C66_sym(2,1) = C66(1,2)
C66_sym(1,3) = C66(1,3)
C66_sym(3,1) = C66(1,3)
C66_sym(2,3) = C66(1,3)
C66_sym(3,2) = C66(1,3)
C66_sym(4,4) = C66(4,4)
C66_sym(5,5) = C66(4,4)
C66_sym(6,6) = 0.5_pReal*(C66(1,1)-C66(1,2))
@ -1739,11 +1739,8 @@ function applyLatticeSymmetryC66(C66,structure) result(C66_sym)
C66_sym(2,2) = C66(1,1)
C66_sym(3,3) = C66(3,3)
C66_sym(1,2) = C66(1,2)
C66_sym(2,1) = C66(1,2)
C66_sym(1,3) = C66(1,3)
C66_sym(3,1) = C66(1,3)
C66_sym(2,3) = C66(1,3)
C66_sym(3,2) = C66(1,3)
C66_sym(4,4) = C66(4,4)
C66_sym(5,5) = C66(4,4)
C66_sym(6,6) = C66(6,6)
@ -1751,6 +1748,12 @@ function applyLatticeSymmetryC66(C66,structure) result(C66_sym)
call IO_error(137,ext_msg='applyLatticeSymmetryC66: '//trim(structure))
end select
do i = 1, 6
do j = i+1, 6
C66_sym(j,i) = C66_sym(i,j)
end function applyLatticeSymmetryC66
@ -2246,8 +2249,8 @@ subroutine selfTest
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: C
real(pReal), dimension(2) :: r
real(pReal) :: lambda
real(pReal) :: lambda
integer :: i
call random_number(r)
@ -2255,6 +2258,18 @@ subroutine selfTest
CoSy = buildCoordinateSystem([1],[1],system,'cF',0.0_pReal)
if(any(dNeq(CoSy(1:3,1:3,1),math_I3))) error stop 'buildCoordinateSystem'
do i = 1, 10
call random_number(C)
if (any(dNeq(applyLatticeSymmetryC66(C,'cI'),transpose(applyLatticeSymmetryC66(C,'cF'))))) &
error stop 'applyLatticeSymmetryC66/cI-cF'
if (any(dNeq(applyLatticeSymmetryC66(C,'cF'),transpose(applyLatticeSymmetryC66(C,'cI'))))) &
error stop 'applyLatticeSymmetryC66/cF-cI'
if (any(dNeq(applyLatticeSymmetryC66(C,'hP'),transpose(applyLatticeSymmetryC66(C,'hP'))))) &
error stop 'applyLatticeSymmetryC66/hP'
if (any(dNeq(applyLatticeSymmetryC66(C,'tI'),transpose(applyLatticeSymmetryC66(C,'tI'))))) &
error stop 'applyLatticeSymmetryC66/tI'
call random_number(C)
C(1,1) = C(1,1) + C(1,2) + 0.1_pReal
C(4,4) = 0.5_pReal * (C(1,1) - C(1,2))
Reference in New Issue