simplify base64 handling

require valid base64 string, which allows to calculate output size
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Martin Diehl 2020-09-08 06:34:21 +02:00
parent 43e9ea352a
commit 049ad4e202
1 changed files with 15 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ pure function base64_to_bytes(base64_str,s,e) result(bytes)
! ToDo: inefficient for s_>>1 or e_<<size(bytes_raw)
call decode_base64(bytes_raw,base64_str)
bytes_raw = decode_base64(base64_str)
bytes = bytes_raw(s_:e_)
end function base64_to_bytes
@ -92,27 +92,23 @@ end function base64_to_bytes
!> @brief convert a Base64 ASCII string into its byte-wise binary representation
!> @details
!> @details see Input string must be properly padded.
pure subroutine decode_base64(bytes,base64_str)
pure function decode_base64(base64_str) result(bytes)
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), intent(out),dimension(:) :: bytes !< byte-wise representation
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str !< Base64 string representation
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str !< Base64 string representation
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(base64_nByte(len_trim(base64_str,pLongInt))) :: bytes
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(0:3) :: charPos
integer(pLongInt) :: c, b, bytesLen,base64Len, p
integer(pLongInt) :: c, b, p
character(len=*), parameter :: encoding='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ&
bytes = 0_C_SIGNED_CHAR
bytesLen = size(bytes,kind=pLongInt)
base64Len = len_trim(base64_str,kind=pLongInt)
c = 1_pLongInt
b = 1_pLongInt
do while(b <= bytesLen+3_pLongInt .and. c <= base64Len+4_pLongInt)
do while(c + 3_pInt <= len_trim(base64_str,kind=pLongInt)) !ToDo: Confusing + 3
do p=0_pLongInt,3_pLongInt
if(c+p<=len(base64_str,kind=pLongInt)) then
charPos(p) = int(merge(index(encoding,base64_str(c+p:c+p))-1, 0, base64_str(c+p:c+p) /= '='),C_SIGNED_CHAR)
@ -121,23 +117,17 @@ pure subroutine decode_base64(bytes,base64_str)
if (b+0<=bytesLen) then
call mvbits(charPos(0),0,6,bytes(b+0),2)
call mvbits(charPos(1),4,2,bytes(b+0),0)
if (b+1<=bytesLen) then
call mvbits(charPos(1),0,4,bytes(b+1),4)
call mvbits(charPos(2),2,4,bytes(b+1),0)
if (b+2<=bytesLen) then
call mvbits(charPos(2),0,2,bytes(b+2),6)
call mvbits(charPos(3),0,6,bytes(b+2),0)
call mvbits(charPos(0),0,6,bytes(b+0),2)
call mvbits(charPos(1),4,2,bytes(b+0),0)
call mvbits(charPos(1),0,4,bytes(b+1),4)
call mvbits(charPos(2),2,4,bytes(b+1),0)
call mvbits(charPos(2),0,2,bytes(b+2),6)
call mvbits(charPos(3),0,6,bytes(b+2),0)
b = b+3_pLongInt
c = c+4_pLongInt
end subroutine decode_base64
end function decode_base64
@ -148,10 +138,6 @@ subroutine selfTest
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(:), allocatable :: bytes
character(len=*), parameter :: zero_to_three = 'AAECAw=='
allocate(bytes(7), source = -1_C_SIGNED_CHAR)
call decode_base64(bytes,zero_to_three)
if(any(bytes /= int([0,1,2,3,0,0,0],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 7) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_decode')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three)
if(any(bytes /= int([0,1,2,3,0,0],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 6) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes')