1. Replace curve_fit(see minpack.py) with curve_fit_bound(see damask/util.py), now the boundary constraint can be applied.

2. Transfer the output information into dictionary 'fittingCriteria', compact subroutine 'fit'.
This commit is contained in:
Haiming Zhang 2015-02-06 14:01:04 +00:00
parent ce09e992cc
commit 0350b1829c
1 changed files with 66 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.linalg import svd
from optparse import OptionParser
import damask
from damask.util import curve_fit_bound
scriptID = string.replace('$Id$','\n','\\n')
scriptName = scriptID.split()[1][:-3]
@ -208,27 +209,48 @@ def Barlat1994(sigmas, sigma0, a):
fittingCriteria = {
'Tresca' :{'fit' :np.ones(1,'d'),'err':np.inf,
'name' :'Tresca',
'paras':'Initial yield stress:'},
'vonMises' :{'fit' :np.ones(1,'d'),'err':np.inf,
'name' :'Huber-Mises-Hencky(von Mises)',
'paras':'Initial yield stress:'},
'Hosford' :{'fit' :np.ones(2,'d'),'err':np.inf,
'name' :'Gerenal Hosford',
'paras':'Initial yield stress:'},
'Hill1948' :{'fit' :np.ones(6,'d'),'err':np.inf,
'name' :'Hill1948',
'paras':'Normalized [F, G, H, L, M, N]'},
'Drucker' :{'fit' :np.ones(2,'d'),'err':np.inf,
'name' :'Drucker',
'paras':'Initial yield stress, C_D:'},
'Barlat1991iso' :{'fit' :np.ones(1,'d'),'err':np.inf,
'name' :'Barlat1991iso',
'paras':'Initial yield stress, m:'},
'Barlat1991aniso':{'fit' :np.ones(7,'d'),'err':np.inf,
'name' :'Barlat1991aniso',
'paras':'Initial yield stress, m, a, b, c, f, g, h:'},
'Tresca' :{'num' : 1,'err':np.inf,
'name' : 'Tresca',
'paras': 'Initial yield stress:',
'text' : '\nCoefficient of Tresca criterion:\nsigma0: ',
'error': 'The standard deviation error is: '
'vonMises' :{'num' : 1,'err':np.inf,
'name' : 'Huber-Mises-Hencky(von Mises)',
'paras': 'Initial yield stress:',
'text' : '\nCoefficient of Huber-Mises-Hencky criterion:\nsigma0: ',
'error': 'The standard deviation error is: '
'Hosford' :{'num' : 2,'err':np.inf,
'name' : 'Gerenal Hosford',
'paras': 'Initial yield stress:',
'text' : '\nCoefficient of Hosford criterion:\nsigma0, a: ',
'error': 'The standard deviation errors are: '
'Hill1948' :{'num' : 6,'err':np.inf,
'name' : 'Hill1948',
'paras': 'Normalized [F, G, H, L, M, N]',
'text' : '\nCoefficient of Hill1948 criterion:\n[F, G, H, L, M, N]:',
'error': 'The standard deviation errors are: '
'Drucker' :{'num' : 2,'err':np.inf,
'name' : 'Drucker',
'paras': 'Initial yield stress, C_D:',
'text' : '\nCoefficient of Drucker criterion:\nsigma0, C_D: ',
'error': 'The standard deviation errors are: '
'Barlat1991iso' :{'num' : 2,'err':np.inf,
'name' : 'Barlat1991iso',
'paras': 'Initial yield stress, m:',
'text' : '\nCoefficient of isotropic Barlat 1991 criterion:\nsigma0, m:\n',
'error': 'The standard deviation errors are: '
'Barlat1991aniso':{'num' : 7,'err':np.inf,
'name' : 'Barlat1991aniso',
'paras': 'Initial yield stress, m, a, b, c, f, g, h:',
'text' : '\nCoefficient of anisotropic Barlat 1991 criterion:\nsigma0, \m, a, b, c, f, g, h:\n',
'error': 'The standard deviation errors are: '
'worst' :{'err':np.inf},
'best' :{'err':np.inf}
@ -290,48 +312,31 @@ class Criterion(object):
def fit(self,stress):
global fitResults
if self.name.lower() == 'tresca':
funResidum = Tresca
text = '\nCoefficient of Tresca criterion:\nsigma0: '+formatOutput(1)
error='The standard deviation error is: '+formatOutput(1,'%-14.8f')+'\n'
elif self.name.lower() == 'vonmises':
funResidum = vonMises
text = '\nCoefficient of Huber-Mises-Hencky criterion:\nsigma0: '+formatOutput(1)
error='The standard deviation error is: '+formatOutput(1,'%-14.8f')+'\n'
elif self.name.lower() == 'hosford':
funResidum = Hosford
text = '\nCoefficient of general Hosford criterion:\nsigma0, a: '+formatOutput(2)
error='The standard deviation error is: '+formatOutput(2,'%-14.8f')+'\n'
elif self.name.lower() == 'drucker':
funResidum = Drucker
text = '\nCoefficient of Drucker criterion:\nsigma0, C_D: '+formatOutput(2)
error='The standard deviation errors are: '+formatOutput(2,'%-14.8f')+'\n'
elif self.name.lower() == 'hill1948':
funResidum = Hill1948
text = '\nCoefficient of Hill1948 criterion:\n[F, G, H, L, M, N]:'+' '*16+formatOutput(6)
error='The standard deviation errors are: '+formatOutput(6,'%-14.8f')+'\n'
elif self.name.lower() == 'barlat1991iso':
funResidum = Barlat1991iso
text = '\nCoefficient of isotropic Barlat 1991 criterion:\nsigma0, m:\n'+formatOutput(2)
error='The standard deviation errors are: '+formatOutput(1,'%-14.8f')+'\n'
elif self.name.lower() == 'barlat1991aniso':
funResidum = Barlat1991aniso
text = '\nCoefficient of anisotropic Barlat 1991 criterion:\nsigma0, \m, a, b, c, f, g, h:\n' \
error='The standard deviation errors are: '+formatOutput(7,'%-14.8f')
if fitResults == []:
initialguess = fittingCriteria[funResidum.__name__]['fit']
initialguess = np.array(fitResults[-1])
if self.name.lower() == 'tresca' : funResidum = Tresca
elif self.name.lower() == 'vonmises' : funResidum = vonMises
elif self.name.lower() == 'hosford' : funResidum = Hosford
elif self.name.lower() == 'drucker' : funResidum = Drucker
elif self.name.lower() == 'hill1948' : funResidum = Hill1948
elif self.name.lower() == 'barlat1991iso' : funResidum = Barlat1991iso
elif self.name.lower() == 'barlat1991aniso' : funResidum = Barlat1991aniso
nameCriterion = funResidum.__name__
numParas = fittingCriteria[nameCriterion]['num']
textParas = fittingCriteria[nameCriterion]['text'] + formatOutput(numParas)
textError = fittingCriteria[nameCriterion]['error']+ formatOutput(numParas,'%-14.8f')+'\n'
bounds = [(None,None)]*numParas # Default bounds, no bound
initialguess0 = np.ones(numParas,'d') # Default initial guess, depends on bounds
if fitResults == [] : initialguess = initialguess0
else : initialguess = np.array(fitResults[-1])
weight = get_weight(np.shape(stress)[1])
popt, pcov = \
curve_fit(funResidum, stress, np.zeros(np.shape(stress)[1]),
initialguess, weight)
curve_fit_bound(funResidum, stress, np.zeros(np.shape(stress)[1]),
initialguess, weight, bounds)
perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
print (text%array2tuple(popt))
print (error%array2tuple(perr))
print (textParas%array2tuple(popt))
print (textError%array2tuple(perr))
except Exception as detail:
print detail