WIP: Calculation of elasticity matrices for twin and trans
This commit is contained in:
@ -2085,6 +2085,10 @@ pure function lattice_qDisorientation(Q1, Q2, struct)
end function lattice_qDisorientation
!> @brief Provides characteristtic shear for twinning
function lattice_characteristicShear_Twin(Ntwin,structure,CoverA) result(characteristicShear)
use IO, only: &
@ -2107,10 +2111,13 @@ function lattice_characteristicShear_Twin(Ntwin,structure,CoverA) result(charact
ig = sum(LATTICE_HEX_NTWINSYSTEM(1:mf-1))+ms
select case(structure)
ig = sum(LATTICE_FCC_NTWINSYSTEM(1:mf-1))+ms
characteristicShear(ir) = LATTICE_FCC_SHEARTWIN(ig)
ig = sum(LATTICE_BCC_NTWINSYSTEM(1:mf-1))+ms
characteristicShear(ir) = LATTICE_BCC_SHEARTWIN(ig)
ig = sum(LATTICE_HEX_NTWINSYSTEM(1:mf-1))+ms
select case(LATTICE_HEX_SHEARTWIN(ig)) ! from Christian & Mahajan 1995 p.29
case (1_pInt) ! <-10.1>{10.2}
characteristicShear(ir) = (3.0_pReal-cOverA*cOverA)/sqrt(3.0_pReal)/CoverA
@ -2130,8 +2137,9 @@ function lattice_characteristicShear_Twin(Ntwin,structure,CoverA) result(charact
end function lattice_characteristicShear_Twin
!> @brief Calculates rotated elasticity matrices for twinning
function lattice_C66_twin(Ntwin,C66,structure,CoverA)
use IO, only: &
@ -2172,109 +2180,126 @@ function lattice_C66_twin(Ntwin,C66,structure,CoverA)
end function
function lattice_C66_trans(Ntrans,C66_parent,structure_parent,cOverA_parent, &
!> @brief Calculates rotated elasticity matrices for transformation
function lattice_C66_trans(Ntrans,C_parent66,structure_parent, &
use prec, only: &
use IO, only: &
use math, only: &
MATH_I3, &
math_axisAngleToR, &
math_Mandel3333to66, &
math_Mandel66to3333, &
math_rotate_forward3333, &
math_mul33x33, &
math_tensorproduct33, &
implicit none
integer(pInt), dimension(:), intent(in) :: Ntrans !< number of active twin systems per family
character(len=*), intent(in) :: &
structure_target, & !< lattice structure
structure_parent !< lattice structure
real(pReal), dimension(6,6), intent(in) :: C66_target, C66_parent
real(pReal), intent(in) :: cOverA_parent, cOverA_target
real(pReal), dimension(6,6,sum(Ntrans)) :: lattice_C66_trans, C_bar66, C_target_unrotated66
real(pReal), dimension(6,6), intent(in) :: C_parent66, C_target66
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: C_bar66, C_target_unrotated66
real(pReal), dimension(6,6,sum(Ntrans)) :: lattice_C66_trans
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,sum(Ntrans)) :: coordinateSystem
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: R
real(pReal) :: A, B
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: R,B,U,Q,S,ss,sd,st
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: x,y,z
real(pReal) :: a_bcc, a_fcc, CoverA_trans
integer(pInt) :: i
! if (trim(structure_parent) == 'fcc' .and. trim(structure_target) == 'hex') then
! C_bar66(1,1) = (C66_parent(1,1) + C66_parent(1,2) + 2.0_pReal*C66_parent(4,4))/2.0_pReal
! C_bar66(1,2) = (C66_parent(1,1) + 5.0_pReal*C66_parent(1,2) - 2.0_pReal*C66_parent(4,4))/6.0_pReal
! C_bar66(3,3) = (C66_parent(1,1) + 2.0_pReal*C66_parent(1,2) + 4.0_pReal*C66_parent(4,4))/3.0_pReal
! C_bar66(1,3) = (C66_parent(1,1) + 2.0_pReal*C66_parent(1,2) - 2.0_pReal*C66_parent(4,4))/3.0_pReal
! C_bar66(4,4) = (C66_parent(1,1) - C66_parent(1,2) + C66_parent(4,4))/3.0_pReal
! C_bar66(1,4) = (C66_parent(1,1) - C66_parent(1,2) - 2.0_pReal*C66_parent(4,4)) /(3.0_pReal*sqrt(2.0_pReal))
! A = C_bar(1,4)**2.0_pReal/C_bar66(4,4)
! B = C_bar(1,4)**2.0_pReal/(0.5_pReal*(C_bar66(1,1) - C_bar66(1,2)))
! C_target_unrotated66(1,1) = C_bar66(1,1) - A
! C_target_unrotated66(1,2) = C_bar66(1,2) + A
! C_target_unrotated66(1,3) = C_bar66(1,3)
! C_target_unrotated66(3,3) = C_bar66(3,3)
! C_target_unrotated66(4,4) = C_bar66(4,4) - B
! C_target_unrotated66 = lattice_symmetrizeC66(LATTICE_HEX_ID,C_target_unrotated)
! elseif (trim(structure_parent) == 'fcc' .and. trim(structure_target) == 'bcc') then
! C_target_unrotated66 = C_parent66
! endif
! do i = 1_pInt, 6_pInt
! if (abs(C_target_unrotated66(i,i))<tol_math_check) &
! call IO_error(135_pInt,el=i,ext_msg='matrix diagonal "el"ement in transformation')
! enddo
! do i = 1, sum(Ntwin)
if (trim(structure_parent) /= 'hex') write(6,*) "Mist"
! elasticity matrix of the target phase in cube orientation
if (trim(structure_target) == 'hex') then
C_bar66(1,1) = (C_parent66(1,1) + C_parent66(1,2) + 2.0_pReal*C_parent66(4,4))/2.0_pReal
C_bar66(1,2) = (C_parent66(1,1) + 5.0_pReal*C_parent66(1,2) - 2.0_pReal*C_parent66(4,4))/6.0_pReal
C_bar66(3,3) = (C_parent66(1,1) + 2.0_pReal*C_parent66(1,2) + 4.0_pReal*C_parent66(4,4))/3.0_pReal
C_bar66(1,3) = (C_parent66(1,1) + 2.0_pReal*C_parent66(1,2) - 2.0_pReal*C_parent66(4,4))/3.0_pReal
C_bar66(4,4) = (C_parent66(1,1) - C_parent66(1,2) + C_parent66(4,4))/3.0_pReal
C_bar66(1,4) = (C_parent66(1,1) - C_parent66(1,2) - 2.0_pReal*C_parent66(4,4)) /(3.0_pReal*sqrt(2.0_pReal))
C_target_unrotated66 = 0.0_pReal
C_target_unrotated66(1,1) = C_bar66(1,1) - C_bar66(1,4)**2.0_pReal/C_bar66(4,4)
C_target_unrotated66(1,2) = C_bar66(1,2) + C_bar66(1,4)**2.0_pReal/C_bar66(4,4)
C_target_unrotated66(1,3) = C_bar66(1,3)
C_target_unrotated66(3,3) = C_bar66(3,3)
C_target_unrotated66(4,4) = C_bar66(4,4) - C_bar66(1,4)**2.0_pReal/(0.5_pReal*(C_bar66(1,1) - C_bar66(1,2)))
C_target_unrotated66 = lattice_symmetrizeC66(LATTICE_HEX_ID,C_target_unrotated66)
elseif (trim(structure_target) == 'bcc') then
C_target_unrotated66 = C_parent66
write(6,*) "Mist"
do i = 1_pInt, 6_pInt
if (abs(C_target_unrotated66(i,i))<tol_math_check) &
call IO_error(135_pInt,el=i,ext_msg='matrix diagonal "el"ement in transformation')
if (trim(structure_parent) == 'fcc' .and. trim(structure_target) == 'hex') then
do i = 1_pInt,sum(Ntrans)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEED TO BE FIXED
R = math_axisAngleToR(lattice_fccTobcc_systemTrans(1:3,i), & ! Pitsch rotation
B = math_axisAngleToR(lattice_fccTobcc_bainRot(1:3,i), & ! Rotation of fcc to Bain coordinate system
x = real(LATTICE_fccTobcc_bainVariant(1:3,i),pReal)
y = real(LATTICE_fccTobcc_bainVariant(4:6,i),pReal)
z = real(LATTICE_fccTobcc_bainVariant(7:9,i),pReal)
BainDeformation: if ((a_fcc > 0.0_pReal) .and. (a_bcc > 0.0_pReal)) then
U = (a_bcc/a_fcc)*math_tensorproduct33(x,x) + &
(a_bcc/a_fcc)*math_tensorproduct33(y,y) * sqrt(2.0_pReal) + &
(a_bcc/a_fcc)*math_tensorproduct33(z,z) * sqrt(2.0_pReal)
else BainDeformation
U = 0.0_pReal
endif BainDeformation
Q = math_mul33x33(R,B)
S = math_mul33x33(R,U) - MATH_I3
elseif (trim(structure_target) == 'bcc') then
ss = MATH_I3
ss(1,3) = sqrt(0.125_pReal)
sd = MATH_I3
if (CoverA_trans > 1.0_pReal .and. CoverA_trans < 2.0_pReal) then
sd(3,3) = CoverA_trans/sqrt(8.0_pReal/3.0_pReal)
st = math_mul33x33(sd,ss)
do i = 1_pInt,sum(Ntrans)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEED TO BE FIXED
R(1:3,1) = lattice_fccTohex_systemTrans(1:3,i)/norm2(lattice_fccTohex_systemTrans(1:3,i))
R(1:3,3) = lattice_fccTohex_systemTrans(4:6,i)/norm2(lattice_fccTohex_systemTrans(4:6,i))
R(1:3,2) = -math_crossproduct(R(1:3,1),R(1:3,3))
Q = R
S = math_mul33x33(R, math_mul33x33(st, transpose(R))) - MATH_I3
! trs(i) = lattice_fccTohex_shearTrans(i)
write(6,*) "Mist"
do i = 1, sum(Ntrans)
! R = math_axisAngleToR(coordinateSystem(1:3,2,i), 180.0_pReal * INRAD) ! ToDo: Why always 180 deg?
! lattice_C66_trans(1:6,1:6,i) = math_Mandel3333to66(math_rotate_forward3333(math_Mandel66to3333(C66),R))
! enddo
! ! Phase transformation
! select case(trans_lattice_structure(myPhase))
! case (LATTICE_bcc_ID) ! fcc to bcc transformation
! do i = 1_pInt,myNtrans
! Rtr(1:3,1:3,i) = math_axisAngleToR(lattice_fccTobcc_systemTrans(1:3,i), & ! Pitsch rotation
! lattice_fccTobcc_systemTrans(4,i)*INRAD)
! Btr(1:3,1:3,i) = math_axisAngleToR(lattice_fccTobcc_bainRot(1:3,i), & ! Rotation of fcc to Bain coordinate system
! lattice_fccTobcc_bainRot(4,i)*INRAD)
! xtr(1:3,i) = real(LATTICE_fccTobcc_bainVariant(1:3,i),pReal)
! ytr(1:3,i) = real(LATTICE_fccTobcc_bainVariant(4:6,i),pReal)
! ztr(1:3,i) = real(LATTICE_fccTobcc_bainVariant(7:9,i),pReal)
! Utr(1:3,1:3,i) = 0.0_pReal ! Bain deformation
! if ((a_fcc > 0.0_pReal) .and. (a_bcc > 0.0_pReal)) then
! Utr(1:3,1:3,i) = (a_bcc/a_fcc)*math_tensorproduct33(xtr(1:3,i), xtr(1:3,i)) + &
! sqrt(2.0_pReal)*(a_bcc/a_fcc)*math_tensorproduct33(ytr(1:3,i), ytr(1:3,i)) + &
! sqrt(2.0_pReal)*(a_bcc/a_fcc)*math_tensorproduct33(ztr(1:3,i), ztr(1:3,i))
! endif
! Qtr(1:3,1:3,i) = math_mul33x33(Rtr(1:3,1:3,i), Btr(1:3,1:3,i))
! Str(1:3,1:3,i) = math_mul33x33(Rtr(1:3,1:3,i), Utr(1:3,1:3,i)) - MATH_I3
! enddo
! case (LATTICE_hex_ID)
! sstr(1:3,1:3) = MATH_I3
! sstr(1,3) = sqrt(2.0_pReal)/4.0_pReal
! sdtr(1:3,1:3) = MATH_I3
! if (CoverA_trans > 1.0_pReal .and. CoverA_trans < 2.0_pReal) then
! sdtr(3,3) = CoverA_trans/sqrt(8.0_pReal/3.0_pReal)
! endif
! sttr = math_mul33x33(sdtr, sstr)
! do i = 1_pInt,myNtrans
! xtr(1:3,i) = lattice_fccTohex_systemTrans(1:3,i)/norm2(lattice_fccTohex_systemTrans(1:3,i))
! ztr(1:3,i) = lattice_fccTohex_systemTrans(4:6,i)/norm2(lattice_fccTohex_systemTrans(4:6,i))
! ytr(1:3,i) = -math_crossproduct(xtr(1:3,i), ztr(1:3,i))
! Rtr(1:3,1,i) = xtr(1:3,i)
! Rtr(1:3,2,i) = ytr(1:3,i)
! Rtr(1:3,3,i) = ztr(1:3,i)
! Qtr(1:3,1:3,i) = Rtr(1:3,1:3,i)
! Str(1:3,1:3,i) = math_mul33x33(Rtr(1:3,1:3,i), math_mul33x33(sttr, math_transpose33(Rtr(1:3,1:3,i))))
! Str(1:3,1:3,i) = Str(1:3,1:3,i) - MATH_I3
! trs(i) = lattice_fccTohex_shearTrans(i)
! enddo
! case default
! Qtr = 0.0_pReal
! Str = 0.0_pReal
! end select
end function
! ! Schmid matrices with non-Schmid contributions according to Koester_etal2012, Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 3894–3901, eq. (17) ("n1" is replaced by either "np" or "nn" according to either positive or negative slip direction)
! ! "np" and "nn" according to Gröger_etal2008, Acta Materialia 56 (2008) 5412–5425, table 1 (corresponds to their "n1" for positive and negative slip direction respectively)
!> @brief Non-schmid tensor
! Schmid matrices with non-Schmid contributions according to Koester_etal2012, Acta Materialia 60 (2012)
! 3894–3901, eq. (17) ("n1" is replaced by either "np" or "nn" according to either positive or negative slip direction)
! "np" and "nn" according to Gröger_etal2008, Acta Materialia 56 (2008) 5412–5425, table 1
! (corresponds to their "n1" for positive and negative slip direction respectively)
function lattice_nonSchmidMatrix(Nslip,nonSchmidCoefficients,sense) result(nonSchmidMatrix)
use math, only: &
@ -2700,8 +2725,8 @@ pure function buildCoordinateSystem(active,system,structure,cOverA)
end select
buildCoordinateSystem(1:3,1,ir) = direction/norm2(direction) ! make unit vector
buildCoordinateSystem(1:3,2,ir) = normal/norm2(normal) ! make unit vector
buildCoordinateSystem(1:3,1,ir) = direction/norm2(direction)
buildCoordinateSystem(1:3,2,ir) = normal/norm2(normal)
buildCoordinateSystem(1:3,3,ir) = math_crossproduct(direction,normal)
enddo mySystems
Reference in New Issue