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Raw Normal View History

2020-07-16 01:28:24 +05:30
import os
import json
import functools
2021-08-28 21:19:44 +05:30
import colorsys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
2020-07-16 00:49:09 +05:30
if os.name == 'posix' and 'DISPLAY' not in os.environ:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from PIL import Image
from . import util
2020-06-28 15:10:19 +05:30
from . import Table
_eps = 216./24389.
_kappa = 24389./27.
_ref_white = np.array([.95047, 1.00000, 1.08883]) # Observer = 2, Illuminant = D65
2020-06-28 13:02:10 +05:30
# ToDo (if needed)
# - support alpha channel (paraview/ASCII/input)
# - support NaN color (paraview)
class Colormap(mpl.colors.ListedColormap):
2020-11-16 21:09:43 +05:30
Enhance matplotlib colormap functionality to be used within DAMASK.
2021-03-17 15:55:21 +05:30
K. Moreland, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Advances in Visual Computing, 2009
2021-03-26 00:03:08 +05:30
2021-03-17 15:55:21 +05:30
P. Eisenlohr et al., International Journal of Plasticity 46:3753, 2013
Matplotlib colormaps overview
2020-11-16 21:09:43 +05:30
def __add__(self,other):
return Colormap(np.vstack((self.colors,other.colors)),
2020-07-02 19:55:04 +05:30
def __iadd__(self,other):
"""Concatenate (in-place)."""
2020-07-02 19:56:04 +05:30
return self.__add__(other)
2020-07-02 19:55:04 +05:30
def __invert__(self):
return self.reversed()
2020-11-15 16:30:26 +05:30
def __repr__(self):
"""Show as matplotlib figure."""
2020-11-16 21:55:13 +05:30
fig = plt.figure(self.name,figsize=(5,.5))
2020-11-15 16:30:26 +05:30
ax1 = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
aspect='auto', cmap=self, interpolation='nearest')
plt.show(block = False)
return 'Colormap: '+self.name
2020-11-15 16:30:26 +05:30
def from_range(low,high,name='DAMASK colormap',N=256,model='rgb'):
Create a perceptually uniform colormap between given (inclusive) bounds.
2020-06-28 13:02:10 +05:30
Colors are internally stored as R(ed) G(green) B(lue) values.
The colormap can be used in matplotlib/seaborn or exported to
file for external use.
low : numpy.ndarray of shape (3)
2020-06-28 13:02:10 +05:30
Color definition for minimum value.
high : numpy.ndarray of shape (3)
2020-06-28 13:02:10 +05:30
Color definition for maximum value.
2020-08-09 00:26:17 +05:30
N : int, optional
2020-06-28 13:02:10 +05:30
The number of color quantization levels. Defaults to 256.
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
name : str, optional
The name of the colormap. Defaults to `DAMASK colormap`.
2020-06-28 13:02:10 +05:30
model : {'rgb', 'hsv', 'hsl', 'xyz', 'lab', 'msh'}
Colormodel used for input color definitions. Defaults to `rgb`.
The available color models are:
- 'rgb': R(ed) G(green) B(lue).
- 'hsv': H(ue) S(aturation) V(alue).
- 'hsl': H(ue) S(aturation) L(uminance).
- 'xyz': CIE Xyz.
- 'lab': CIE Lab.
- 'msh': Msh (for perceptual uniform interpolation).
new : damask.Colormap
Colormap within given bounds.
2021-04-24 21:30:57 +05:30
>>> import damask
>>> damask.Colormap.from_range((0,0,1),(0,0,0),'blue_to_black')
low_high = np.vstack((low,high))
if model.lower() == 'rgb':
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
if np.any(low_high<0) or np.any(low_high>1):
raise ValueError(f'RGB color {low} | {high} are out of range.')
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
low_,high_ = map(Colormap._rgb2msh,low_high)
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
elif model.lower() == 'hsv':
2021-05-07 23:12:23 +05:30
if np.any(low_high<0) or np.any(low_high>[360,1,1]):
raise ValueError(f'HSV color {low} | {high} are out of range.')
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
low_,high_ = map(Colormap._hsv2msh,low_high)
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
elif model.lower() == 'hsl':
2021-05-07 23:12:23 +05:30
if np.any(low_high<0) or np.any(low_high>[360,1,1]):
raise ValueError(f'HSL color {low} | {high} are out of range.')
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
low_,high_ = map(Colormap._hsl2msh,low_high)
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
elif model.lower() == 'xyz':
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
low_,high_ = map(Colormap._xyz2msh,low_high)
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
elif model.lower() == 'lab':
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
if np.any(low_high[:,0]<0):
raise ValueError(f'CIE Lab color {low} | {high} are out of range.')
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
low_,high_ = map(Colormap._lab2msh,low_high)
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
elif model.lower() == 'msh':
2020-06-30 10:46:49 +05:30
low_,high_ = low_high[0],low_high[1]
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
raise ValueError(f'Invalid color model: {model}.')
2020-06-30 10:46:49 +05:30
msh = map(functools.partial(Colormap._interpolate_msh,low=low_,high=high_),np.linspace(0,1,N))
rgb = np.array(list(map(Colormap._msh2rgb,msh)))
return Colormap(rgb,name=name)
def from_predefined(name,N=256):
2020-06-28 13:02:10 +05:30
Select from a set of predefined colormaps.
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
Predefined colormaps include native matplotlib colormaps
and common DAMASK colormaps.
name : str
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
The name of the colormap.
N : int, optional
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
The number of color quantization levels. Defaults to 256.
This parameter is not used for matplotlib colormaps
that are of type `ListedColormap`.
new : damask.Colormap
Predefined colormap.
2021-04-24 21:30:57 +05:30
>>> import damask
>>> damask.Colormap.from_predefined('strain')
# matplotlib presets
colormap = cm.__dict__[name]
return Colormap(np.array(list(map(colormap,np.linspace(0,1,N)))
if isinstance(colormap,mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap) else
2020-11-16 21:09:43 +05:30
except KeyError:
# DAMASK presets
definition = Colormap._predefined_DAMASK[name]
return Colormap.from_range(definition['low'],definition['high'],name,N)
def shade(self,field,bounds=None,gap=None):
Generate PIL image of 2D field using colormap.
field : numpy.array of shape (:,:)
Data to be shaded.
bounds : iterable of len (2), optional
Colormap value range (low,high).
gap : field.dtype, optional
Transparent value. NaN will always be rendered transparent.
RGBA image of shaded data.
N = len(self.colors)
mask = np.logical_not(np.isnan(field) if gap is None else \
np.logical_or (np.isnan(field), field == gap)) # mask NaN (and gap if present)
lo,hi = (field[mask].min(),field[mask].max()) if bounds is None else \
delta,avg = hi-lo,0.5*(hi+lo)
if delta * 1e8 <= avg: # delta is similar to numerical noise
hi,lo = hi+0.5*avg,lo-0.5*avg # extend range to have actual data centered within
return Image.fromarray(
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
def reversed(self,name=None):
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
name : str, optional
The name for the reversed colormap.
A name of None will be replaced by the name of the parent colormap + "_r".
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
The reversed colormap.
2021-04-24 21:30:57 +05:30
>>> import damask
>>> damask.Colormap.from_predefined('stress').reversed()
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
rev = super(Colormap,self).reversed(name)
return Colormap(np.array(rev.colors),rev.name[:-4] if rev.name.endswith('_r_r') else rev.name)
2020-06-27 23:13:35 +05:30
2021-02-10 23:05:13 +05:30
def _get_file_handle(self,fname,extension):
2020-06-28 13:02:10 +05:30
2021-02-10 23:05:13 +05:30
Provide file handle.
2020-06-28 13:02:10 +05:30
2021-02-10 23:05:13 +05:30
fname : file, str, pathlib.Path, or None
Filename or filehandle, will be name of the colormap+extension if None.
extension: str
Extension of the filename.
f : file object
File handle with write access.
2020-06-28 13:02:10 +05:30
if fname is None:
2021-02-10 23:05:13 +05:30
fhandle = open(self.name.replace(' ','_')+'.'+extension,'w',newline='\n')
fhandle = open(fname,'w',newline='\n')
except TypeError:
fhandle = fname
2021-02-10 23:05:13 +05:30
return fhandle
def save_paraview(self,fname=None):
Save as JSON file for use in Paraview.
fname : file, str, or pathlib.Path, optional
Filename to store results. If not given, the filename will
consist of the name of the colormap and extension '.json'.
colors = []
for i,c in enumerate(np.round(self.colors,6).tolist()):
out = [{
2021-02-10 23:05:13 +05:30
def save_ASCII(self,fname=None):
2020-12-04 02:28:24 +05:30
Save as ASCII file.
2021-02-10 23:05:13 +05:30
fname : file, str, or pathlib.Path, optional
Filename to store results. If not given, the filename will
consist of the name of the colormap and extension '.txt'.
labels = {'RGBA':4} if self.colors.shape[1] == 4 else {'RGB': 3}
t = Table(self.colors,labels,f'Creator: {util.execution_stamp("Colormap")}')
2021-02-10 23:05:13 +05:30
def save_GOM(self,fname=None):
2020-12-04 02:28:24 +05:30
Save as ASCII file for use in GOM Aramis.
2021-02-10 23:05:13 +05:30
fname : file, str, or pathlib.Path, optional
Filename to store results. If not given, the filename will
consist of the name of the colormap and extension '.legend'.
2020-06-28 00:56:25 +05:30
# ToDo: test in GOM
GOM_str = '1 1 {name} 9 {name} '.format(name=self.name.replace(" ","_")) \
2020-06-28 00:56:25 +05:30
+ '0 1 0 3 0 0 -1 9 \\ 0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 255 ' \
+ f'30 NO_UNIT 1 1 64 64 64 255 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 {len(self.colors)}' \
+ ' '.join([f' 0 {c[0]} {c[1]} {c[2]} 255 1' for c in reversed((self.colors*255).astype(int))]) \
2020-06-28 00:56:25 +05:30
+ '\n'
2021-02-10 23:05:13 +05:30
2020-06-28 00:56:25 +05:30
def save_gmsh(self,fname=None):
2020-12-04 02:28:24 +05:30
Save as ASCII file for use in gmsh.
2021-02-10 23:05:13 +05:30
fname : file, str, or pathlib.Path, optional
Filename to store results. If not given, the filename will
consist of the name of the colormap and extension '.msh'.
2020-06-28 00:56:25 +05:30
# ToDo: test in gmsh
gmsh_str = 'View.ColorTable = {\n' \
+'\n'.join([f'{c[0]},{c[1]},{c[2]},' for c in self.colors[:,:3]*255]) \
2020-06-28 00:56:25 +05:30
2021-02-10 23:05:13 +05:30
2020-06-28 00:06:18 +05:30
2020-06-28 13:02:10 +05:30
def _interpolate_msh(frac,low,high):
Interpolate in Msh color space.
This interpolation gives a perceptually uniform colormap.
2020-06-28 13:02:10 +05:30
def rad_diff(a,b):
return abs(a[2]-b[2])
def adjust_hue(msh_sat, msh_unsat):
"""If saturation of one of the two colors is much less than the other, hue of the less."""
if msh_sat[0] >= msh_unsat[0]:
return msh_sat[2]
hSpin = msh_sat[1]/np.sin(msh_sat[1])*np.sqrt(msh_unsat[0]**2.0-msh_sat[0]**2)/msh_sat[0]
if msh_sat[2] < - np.pi/3.0: hSpin *= -1.0
return msh_sat[2] + hSpin
lo = np.array(low)
hi = np.array(high)
if (lo[1] > 0.05 and hi[1] > 0.05 and rad_diff(lo,hi) > np.pi/3.0):
M_mid = max(lo[0],hi[0],88.0)
if frac < 0.5:
hi = np.array([M_mid,0.0,0.0])
frac *= 2.0
lo = np.array([M_mid,0.0,0.0])
frac = 2.0*frac - 1.0
if lo[1] < 0.05 and hi[1] > 0.05:
lo[2] = adjust_hue(hi,lo)
elif lo[1] > 0.05 and hi[1] < 0.05:
hi[2] = adjust_hue(lo,hi)
return (1.0 - frac) * lo + frac * hi
_predefined_mpl= {'Perceptually Uniform Sequential': [
'viridis', 'plasma', 'inferno', 'magma', 'cividis'],
'Sequential': [
'Greys', 'Purples', 'Blues', 'Greens', 'Oranges', 'Reds',
'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd', 'OrRd', 'PuRd', 'RdPu', 'BuPu',
'GnBu', 'PuBu', 'YlGnBu', 'PuBuGn', 'BuGn', 'YlGn'],
'Sequential (2)': [
'binary', 'gist_yarg', 'gist_gray', 'gray', 'bone', 'pink',
'spring', 'summer', 'autumn', 'winter', 'cool', 'Wistia',
'hot', 'afmhot', 'gist_heat', 'copper'],
'Diverging': [
'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'BrBG', 'PuOr', 'RdGy', 'RdBu',
'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn', 'Spectral', 'coolwarm', 'bwr', 'seismic'],
'Cyclic': ['twilight', 'twilight_shifted', 'hsv'],
'Qualitative': [
'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Paired', 'Accent',
'Dark2', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3',
'tab10', 'tab20', 'tab20b', 'tab20c'],
'Miscellaneous': [
'flag', 'prism', 'ocean', 'gist_earth', 'terrain', 'gist_stern',
'gnuplot', 'gnuplot2', 'CMRmap', 'cubehelix', 'brg',
'gist_rainbow', 'rainbow', 'jet', 'nipy_spectral', 'gist_ncar']}
2020-06-27 23:47:48 +05:30
_predefined_DAMASK = {'orientation': {'low': [0.933334,0.878432,0.878431],
'high': [0.250980,0.007843,0.000000]},
'strain': {'low': [0.941177,0.941177,0.870588],
'high': [0.266667,0.266667,0.000000]},
'stress': {'low': [0.878432,0.874511,0.949019],
'high': [0.000002,0.000000,0.286275]}}
predefined = dict(**{'DAMASK':list(_predefined_DAMASK)},**_predefined_mpl)
def _hsv2rgb(hsv):
2021-08-28 21:19:44 +05:30
"""H(ue) S(aturation) V(alue) to R(red) G(reen) B(lue)."""
return np.array(colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0]/360.,hsv[1],hsv[2]))
def _rgb2hsv(rgb):
2021-08-28 21:19:44 +05:30
"""R(ed) G(reen) B(lue) to H(ue) S(aturation) V(alue)."""
h,s,v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])
return np.array([h*360,s,v])
def _hsl2rgb(hsl):
2021-08-28 21:19:44 +05:30
"""H(ue) S(aturation) L(uminance) to R(red) G(reen) B(lue)."""
return np.array(colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hsl[0]/360.,hsl[2],hsl[1]))
def _rgb2hsl(rgb):
2021-08-28 21:19:44 +05:30
"""R(ed) G(reen) B(lue) to H(ue) S(aturation) L(uminance)."""
h,l,s = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])
return np.array([h*360,s,l])
def _xyz2rgb(xyz):
CIE Xyz to R(ed) G(reen) B(lue).
2021-03-20 19:04:14 +05:30
rgb_lin = np.dot(np.array([
[ 3.240969942,-1.537383178,-0.498610760],
[-0.969243636, 1.875967502, 0.041555057],
[ 0.055630080,-0.203976959, 1.056971514]
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
rgb = np.where(rgb_lin>0.0031308,rgb_lin**(1.0/2.4)*1.0555-0.0555,rgb_lin*12.92)
return np.clip(rgb,0.,1.)
def _rgb2xyz(rgb):
R(ed) G(reen) B(lue) to CIE Xyz.
2021-03-20 19:04:14 +05:30
rgb_lin = np.where(rgb>0.04045,((rgb+0.0555)/1.0555)**2.4,rgb/12.92)
return np.dot(np.array([
def _lab2xyz(lab,ref_white=None):
CIE Lab to CIE Xyz.
f_x = (lab[0]+16.)/116. + lab[1]/500.
f_z = (lab[0]+16.)/116. - lab[2]/200.
return np.array([
f_x**3. if f_x**3. > _eps else (116.*f_x-16.)/_kappa,
((lab[0]+16.)/116.)**3 if lab[0]>_kappa*_eps else lab[0]/_kappa,
f_z**3. if f_z**3. > _eps else (116.*f_z-16.)/_kappa
])*(ref_white if ref_white is not None else _ref_white)
def _xyz2lab(xyz,ref_white=None):
CIE Xyz to CIE Lab.
ref_white = ref_white if ref_white is not None else _ref_white
f = np.where(xyz/ref_white > _eps,(xyz/ref_white)**(1./3.),(_kappa*xyz/ref_white+16.)/116.)
return np.array([
116.0 * f[1] - 16.0,
500.0 * (f[0] - f[1]),
200.0 * (f[1] - f[2])
def _lab2msh(lab):
CIE Lab to Msh.
M = np.linalg.norm(lab)
return np.array([
np.arccos(lab[0]/M) if M>1e-8 else 0.,
np.arctan2(lab[2],lab[1]) if M>1e-8 else 0.,
def _msh2lab(msh):
Msh to CIE Lab.
return np.array([
msh[0] * np.cos(msh[1]),
msh[0] * np.sin(msh[1]) * np.cos(msh[2]),
msh[0] * np.sin(msh[1]) * np.sin(msh[2])
def _lab2rgb(lab):
return Colormap._xyz2rgb(Colormap._lab2xyz(lab))
def _rgb2lab(rgb):
return Colormap._xyz2lab(Colormap._rgb2xyz(rgb))
def _msh2rgb(msh):
return Colormap._lab2rgb(Colormap._msh2lab(msh))
def _rgb2msh(rgb):
return Colormap._lab2msh(Colormap._rgb2lab(rgb))
def _hsv2msh(hsv):
return Colormap._rgb2msh(Colormap._hsv2rgb(hsv))
def _hsl2msh(hsl):
return Colormap._rgb2msh(Colormap._hsl2rgb(hsl))
def _xyz2msh(xyz):
return Colormap._lab2msh(Colormap._xyz2lab(xyz))