2015-05-28 22:32:23 +05:30
!> @author Luv Sharma, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @author Pratheek Shanthraj, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @brief material subroutine incorporating kinematics resulting from opening of slip planes
!> @details to be done
module kinematics_slipplane_opening
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
use prec
use config
use IO
use debug
use math
use lattice
use material
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
implicit none
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: kinematics_slipplane_opening_instance
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
type :: tParameters !< container type for internal constitutive parameters
integer :: &
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
Nslip !< active number of slip systems per family
real(pReal) :: &
sdot0, &
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
slip_direction, &
slip_normal, &
end type tParameters
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
type(tParameters), dimension(:), allocatable :: param !< containers of constitutive parameters (len Ninstance)
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
public :: &
kinematics_slipplane_opening_init, &
2015-05-28 22:32:23 +05:30
!> @brief module initialization
!> @details reads in material parameters, allocates arrays, and does sanity checks
2019-05-17 02:44:47 +05:30
subroutine kinematics_slipplane_opening_init
2015-05-28 22:32:23 +05:30
2020-02-29 02:14:40 +05:30
integer :: Ninstance,p
2015-05-28 22:32:23 +05:30
2020-01-10 05:58:32 +05:30
write(6,'(/,a)') ' <<<+- kinematics_'//KINEMATICS_slipplane_opening_LABEL//' init -+>>>'; flush(6)
2015-05-28 22:32:23 +05:30
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
Ninstance = count(phase_kinematics == KINEMATICS_slipplane_opening_ID)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
if (iand(debug_level(debug_constitutive),debug_levelBasic) /= 0) &
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
write(6,'(a16,1x,i5,/)') '# instances:',Ninstance
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
allocate(kinematics_slipplane_opening_instance(size(config_phase)), source=0)
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
do p = 1, size(config_phase)
2020-02-29 14:06:42 +05:30
kinematics_slipplane_opening_instance(p) = count(phase_kinematics(:,1:p) == kinematics_slipplane_opening_ID)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
if (all(phase_kinematics(:,p) /= KINEMATICS_slipplane_opening_ID)) cycle
associate(prm => param(kinematics_slipplane_opening_instance(p)), &
config => config_phase(p))
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
prm%sdot0 = config%getFloat('anisoductile_sdot0')
prm%n = config%getFloat('anisoductile_ratesensitivity')
prm%Nslip = config%getInts('nslip')
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
prm%slip_direction = lattice_slip_direction (prm%Nslip,config%getString('lattice_structure'),&
prm%slip_normal = lattice_slip_normal (prm%Nslip,config%getString('lattice_structure'),&
prm%slip_transverse = lattice_slip_transverse(prm%Nslip,config%getString('lattice_structure'),&
prm%critLoad = config%getFloats('anisoductile_criticalload',requiredSize=size(prm%Nslip))
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
prm%critLoad = math_expand(prm%critLoad, prm%Nslip)
! if (kinematics_slipplane_opening_sdot_0(instance) <= 0.0_pReal) &
! call IO_error(211,el=instance,ext_msg='sdot_0 ('//KINEMATICS_slipplane_opening_LABEL//')')
! if (any(kinematics_slipplane_opening_critPlasticStrain(:,instance) < 0.0_pReal)) &
! call IO_error(211,el=instance,ext_msg='criticaPlasticStrain ('//KINEMATICS_slipplane_opening_LABEL//')')
! if (kinematics_slipplane_opening_N(instance) <= 0.0_pReal) &
! call IO_error(211,el=instance,ext_msg='rate_sensitivity ('//KINEMATICS_slipplane_opening_LABEL//')')
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
end associate
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
2015-05-28 22:32:23 +05:30
end subroutine kinematics_slipplane_opening_init
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
!> @brief contains the constitutive equation for calculating the velocity gradient
2015-05-28 22:32:23 +05:30
2019-02-13 04:26:04 +05:30
subroutine kinematics_slipplane_opening_LiAndItsTangent(Ld, dLd_dTstar, S, ipc, ip, el)
2019-03-09 17:20:05 +05:30
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
integer, intent(in) :: &
ipc, & !< grain number
ip, & !< integration point number
el !< element number
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3) :: &
Ld !< damage velocity gradient
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: &
dLd_dTstar !< derivative of Ld with respect to Tstar (4th-order tensor)
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: &
projection_d, projection_t, projection_n !< projection modes 3x3 tensor
integer :: &
instance, phase, &
homog, damageOffset, &
i, k, l, m, n
real(pReal) :: &
traction_d, traction_t, traction_n, traction_crit, &
udotd, dudotd_dt, udott, dudott_dt, udotn, dudotn_dt
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
phase = material_phaseAt(ipc,el)
instance = kinematics_slipplane_opening_instance(phase)
homog = material_homogenizationAt(el)
damageOffset = damageMapping(homog)%p(ip,el)
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
associate(prm => param(instance))
Ld = 0.0_pReal
dLd_dTstar = 0.0_pReal
do i = 1, prm%totalNslip
2020-01-10 06:03:03 +05:30
projection_d = math_outer(prm%slip_direction(1:3,i), prm%slip_normal(1:3,i))
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
projection_t = math_outer(prm%slip_transverse(1:3,i),prm%slip_normal(1:3,i))
2020-01-10 06:03:03 +05:30
projection_n = math_outer(prm%slip_normal(1:3,i), prm%slip_normal(1:3,i))
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
traction_d = math_mul33xx33(S,projection_d)
traction_t = math_mul33xx33(S,projection_t)
traction_n = math_mul33xx33(S,projection_n)
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
traction_crit = prm%critLoad(i)* damage(homog)%p(damageOffset) ! degrading critical load carrying capacity by damage
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
2020-01-10 05:58:32 +05:30
udotd = sign(1.0_pReal,traction_d)* prm%sdot0* ( abs(traction_d)/traction_crit &
- abs(traction_d)/prm%critLoad(i))**prm%n
udott = sign(1.0_pReal,traction_t)* prm%sdot0* ( abs(traction_t)/traction_crit &
- abs(traction_t)/prm%critLoad(i))**prm%n
udotn = prm%sdot0* ( max(0.0_pReal,traction_n)/traction_crit &
- max(0.0_pReal,traction_n)/prm%critLoad(i))**prm%n
2020-01-10 06:03:03 +05:30
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
if (dNeq0(traction_d)) then
dudotd_dt = udotd*prm%n/traction_d
dudotd_dt = 0.0_pReal
if (dNeq0(traction_t)) then
dudott_dt = udott*prm%n/traction_t
dudott_dt = 0.0_pReal
if (dNeq0(traction_n)) then
dudotn_dt = udotn*prm%n/traction_n
dudotn_dt = 0.0_pReal
2020-01-10 06:03:03 +05:30
2020-01-10 05:59:35 +05:30
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
2020-01-10 06:03:03 +05:30
dLd_dTstar(k,l,m,n) = dLd_dTstar(k,l,m,n) + dudotd_dt*projection_d(k,l)*projection_d(m,n) &
+ dudott_dt*projection_t(k,l)*projection_t(m,n) &
+ dudotn_dt*projection_n(k,l)*projection_n(m,n)
Ld = Ld + udotd*projection_d &
+ udott*projection_t &
+ udotn*projection_n
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
2020-02-28 14:55:07 +05:30
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
end associate
2019-03-09 17:20:05 +05:30
2015-05-28 22:32:23 +05:30
end subroutine kinematics_slipplane_opening_LiAndItsTangent
end module kinematics_slipplane_opening