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! Material subroutine for MSC.Marc Version 0.1
! written by F. Roters, P. Eisenlohr, L. Hantcherli, W.A. Counts
! MPI fuer Eisenforschung, Duesseldorf
! last modified: 22.03.2007
! Usage:
! - choose material as hypela2
! - set statevariable 2 to number of material
! - set statevariable 2 to number of texture
! - choose output of user variables if desired
! - make sure the file material.mpie exists in the working
! directory
! - use nonsymmetric option for solver (e.g. direct profile
! or multifrontal sparse, the letter seems to be faster!)
! Marc subroutines used:
! - hypela2
! - plotv
! - quit
! Marc common blocks included:
! - concom: lovl, ncycle
! - creeps: timinc
include "prec.f90"
! include "math.f90"
! include "IO.f90"
! include "mesh.f90"
! include "constitutive.f90"
include "CPFEM.f90"
subroutine hypela2(d,g,e,de,s,t,dt,ngens,n,nn,kc,mats,ndi,nshear,&
! This is the Marc material routine
! ************* user subroutine for defining material behavior **************
!CAUTION: Due to calculation of the Deformation gradients, Stretch Tensors and
! Rotation tensors at previous and current states, the analysis can be
! computationally expensive. Please use the user subroutine -> hypela
! if these kinematic quantities are not needed in the constitutive model
! (1) You must include the -> process,1,1,1, card in the parameter section
! of MARC input deck.
! (2) For total Lagrangian formulation use the -> 'large disp' card in the
! parameter section of MARC input deck.
! For updated Lagrangian formulation use the -> 'large disp' and 'update'
! cards in the parameter section of MARC input deck. However for any
! large strain calculation (whether elasticity or inelasticity) must entail
! the use of 'finite' parameter card also.
! (3) For Plasticity, the 2nd or 3rd cards in 'geometry' option in the model
! definition sections must be flagged for correct behavior in incompressible
! deformation.
! (4) The kinematic quantities are calculated for the following continuum
! elements (both lower and higher order) :
! plane stress, plane strain, generalized plane strain, axisymmetric,
! axisymmetric with twist and brick elements.
! d stress strain law to be formed
! g change in stress due to temperature effects
! e total strain
! de increment of strain
! s stress - should be updated by user
! t state variables (comes in at t=n, must be updated
! to have state variables at t=n+1)
! dt increment of state variables
! ngens size of stress - strain law
! n element number
! nn integration point number
! kc layer number
! mats material identification number
! ndi number of direct components
! nshear number of shear components
! disp incremental displacements
! dispt displacements at t=n (at assembly, lovl=4) and
! displacements at t=n+1 (at stress recovery, lovl=6)
! coord coordinates
! ncrd number of coordinates
! ndeg number of degrees of freedom
! itel dimension of F and R, either 2 or 3
! nnode number of nodes per element
! jtype element type
! lclass element class
! ifr set to 1 if R has been calculated
! ifu set to 1 if strech has been calculated
! at t=n :
! ffn deformation gradient
! frotn rotation tensor
! strechn square of principal stretch ratios, lambda(i)
! eigvn(i,j) i principal direction components for j eigenvalues
! at t=n+1 :
! ffn1 deformation gradient
! frotn1 rotation tensor
! strechn1 square of principal stretch ratios, lambda(i)
! eigvn1(i,j) i principal direction components for j eigenvalues
! The following operation obtains U (stretch tensor) at t=n+1 :
! call scla(un1,0.d0,itel,itel,1)
! do 3 k=1,3
! do 2 i=1,3
! do 1 j=1,3
! un1(i,j)=un1(i,j)+dsqrt(strechn1(k))*eigvn1(i,k)*eigvn1(j,k)
!1 continue
!2 continue
!3 continue
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use CPFEM, only : CPFEM_stress_all, CPFEM_jaco_old
implicit real(pReal) (a-h,o-z)
! Marc common blocks are in fixed format so they have to be pasted in here beware of changes in newer Marc versions
! these are from 2005r3
! concom is needed for inc (# increment), lovl
! include 'concom'
common/concom/ &
iacous, iasmbl, iautth, ibear, icompl, iconj, icreep, ideva(50), idyn, idynt,&
ielas, ielcma, ielect, iform, ifour, iharm, ihcps, iheat, iheatt, ihresp,&
ijoule, ilem, ilnmom, iloren, inc, incext, incsub, ipass, iplres, ipois,&
ipoist, irpflo, ismall, ismalt, isoil, ispect, ispnow, istore, iswep, ithcrp,&
itherm, iupblg, iupdat, jacflg, jel, jparks, largst, lfond, loadup, loaduq,&
lodcor, lovl, lsub, magnet, ncycle, newtnt, newton, noshr, linear, ivscpl,&
icrpim, iradrt, ipshft, itshr, iangin, iupmdr, iconjf, jincfl, jpermg, jhour,&
isolvr, jritz, jtable, jshell, jdoubl, jform, jcentr, imini, kautth, iautof,&
ibukty, iassum, icnstd, icnstt, kmakmas, imethvp,iradrte,iradrtp, iupdate,iupdatp,&
ncycnt, marmen ,idynme, ihavca, ispf, kmini, imixed, largtt, kdoela, iautofg,&
ipshftp,idntrc, ipore, jtablm, jtablc, isnecma,itrnspo,imsdif, jtrnspo,mcnear,&
imech, imecht, ielcmat, ielectt,magnett, imsdift,noplas, jtabls, jactch, jtablth,&
kgmsto ,jpzo, ifricsh, iremkin,iremfor, ishearp,jspf, machining, jlshell,icompsol,&
iupblgfo,jcondir,nstcrp, nactive,ipassref, nstspnt,ibeart,icheckmpc, noline, icuring,&
ishrink,ioffsflg,isetoff, iharmt, inc_incdat, iautspc,ibrake
! creeps is needed for timinc (time increment)
! include 'creeps'
common/creeps/ &
real(pReal) mpie_timefactor, mpie_stress(ngens)
real(pReal) mpie_jacobi(ngens,ngens)
dimension e(*),de(*),t(*),dt(*),g(*),d(ngens,ngens),s(ngens),n(2),coord(ncrd,*),disp(ndeg,*),dispt(ndeg,*),ffn(itel,*),&
! call general material routine only in increment 0 and for lovl==6 (stress recovery)
! subroutine cpfem_general(mpie_s, mpie_d, mpie_ndi,
! 1 mpie_ffn, mpie_ffn1, mpie_cn, mpie_tinc,
! 2 mpie_timefactor, mpie_numel, mpie_nip, mpie_en,
! 3 mpie_in, mpie_mn, mpie_dimension, state_var)
! This routine calculates the material behaviour
! mpie_ffn deformation gradient for t=t0
! mpie_ffn1 deformation gradient for t=t1
! mpie_ndi dimension
! mpie_cn number of cycle
! mpie_tinc time increment
! mpie_en element number
! mpie_in intergration point number
! mpie_dimension dimension of stress/strain vector
! CPFEM_ffn_all(:,:, n(1), nn)=ffn
! CPFEM_ffn1_all(:,:, n(1), nn)=ffn1
2007-03-22 18:47:07 +05:30
if ((lovl==6).or.(inc==0)) then
2007-03-22 18:47:07 +05:30
call cpfem_general(ffn, ffn1, ndi, inc, subinc, ncycle, timinc, cp_en, nn)
! return stress and jacobi
2007-03-22 18:47:07 +05:30
s=CPFEM_stress_all(1:ngens, nn, cp_en)
d=CPFEM_jaco_old(1:ngens,1:ngens, nn, cp_en)
! FE_en = mesh_element(1,cp_en)
subroutine plotv(v,s,sp,etot,eplas,ecreep,t,m,nn,layer,ndi, nshear,jpltcd)
! This routine sets user defined output variables for Marc
! select a variable contour plotting (user subroutine).
! v variable
! s (idss) stress array
! sp stresses in preferred direction
! etot total strain (generalized)
! eplas total plastic strain
! ecreep total creep strain
! t current temperature
! m element number
! nn integration point number
! layer layer number
! ndi (3) number of direct stress components
! nshear (3) number of shear stress components
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
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use CPFEM, only: CPFEM_results, CPFEM_Nresults
implicit none
real(pReal) s(*),etot(*),eplas(*),ecreep(*),sp(*)
real(pReal) v, t(*)
integer(pInt) m, nn, layer, ndi, nshear, jpltcd
! assign result variable
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v=CPFEM_result(mod(jpltcd, CPFEM_Nresults),&
nn, mesh_mapFEtoCPelement(m))
2007-03-22 18:47:07 +05:30
subroutine utimestep(timestep,timestepold,icall,time,timeloadcase)
! This routine modifies the addaptive time step of Marc
2007-03-22 18:47:07 +05:30
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use CPFEM, only : CPFEM_timefactor_max
implicit none
real(pReal) timestep, timestepold, time,timeloadcase
integer(pInt) icall
! user subroutine for modifying the time step in auto step
! timestep : the current time step as suggested by marc
! to be modified in this routine
! timestepold : the current time step before it was modified by marc
! icall : =1 for setting the initial time step
! =2 if this routine is called during an increment
! =3 if this routine is called at the beginning
! of the increment
! time : time at the start of the current increment
! timeloadcase: time period of the current load case
! it is in general not recommended to increase the time step
! during the increment.
! this routine is called right after the time step has (possibly)
! been updated by marc.
! user coding
! reduce timestep during increment in case mpie_timefactor is too large
if(icall==2_pInt) then
if(mpie_timefactor_max>1.25_pReal) then
end if
! modify timestep at beginning of new increment
else if(icall==3_pInt) then
if(mpie_timefactor_max<=0.8_pReal) then
else if (mpie_timefactor_max<=1.0_pReal) then
else if (mpie_timefactor_max<=1.25_pReal) then
end if
end if