
265 lines
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use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
! ---------------------------
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
! _Nelems : total number of elements in mesh
! _NcpElems : total number of elements in mesh
! _Nnodes : total number of nodes in mesh
! _maxNnodes : max number of nodes in any element
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
! _maxNips : max number of IPs in any element
! _maxNsharedElems : max number of elements sharing a node
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
! _element : FEid, type, material, texture, node indices
! _node : x,y,z coordinates (initially!)
! _sharedElem : entryCount and list of elements containing node
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
! _mapFEtoCPelement : [sorted FEid, corresponding CPid]
! MISSING: these definitions should actually reside in the
! FE-solver specific part (different for MARC/ABAQUS)..!
! Hence, I suggest to prefix with "FE_"
! _mapElementtype : map MARC/ABAQUS elemtype to 1-maxN
! _Nnodes : # nodes in a specific type of element
! _Nips : # IPs in a specific type of element
! _NipNeighbors : # IP neighbors in a specific type of element
! _ipNeighbor : +x,-x,+y,-y,+z,-z list of intra-element IPs and
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
! (negative) neighbor faces per own IP in a specific type of element
! _NfaceNodes : # nodes per face in a specific type of element
! _nodeOnFace : list of node indices on each face of a specific type of element
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
! _ipAtNode : map node index to IP index in a specific type of element
! _nodeAtIP : map IP index to node index in a specific type of element
! _ipNeighborhood : 6 or less neighboring IPs as [element_num, IP_index]
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
! order is +x,-x,+y,-y,+z,-z but meaning strongly depends on Elemtype
! ---------------------------
integer(pInt) mesh_Nelems,mesh_NcpElems,mesh_Nnodes,mesh_maxNnodes,mesh_maxNips,mesh_maxNsharedElems
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mesh_mapFEtoCPelement
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mesh_element, mesh_sharedElem
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: mesh_ipNeighborhood
real(pReal), allocatable :: mesh_node (:,:)
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
integer(pInt), parameter :: FE_Nelemtypes = 1
integer(pInt), parameter :: FE_maxNnodes = 8
integer(pInt), parameter :: FE_maxNips = 8
integer(pInt), parameter :: FE_maxNneighbors = 6
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
integer(pInt), parameter :: FE_maxNfaceNodes = 4
integer(pInt), parameter :: FE_maxNfaces = 6
integer(pInt), dimension(200) :: FE_mapElemtype
integer(pInt), dimension(FE_Nelemtypes), parameter :: FE_Nnodes = &
integer(pInt), dimension(FE_Nelemtypes), parameter :: FE_Nips = &
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension(FE_Nelemtypes), parameter :: FE_NipNeighbors = &
(/ 6 /)
integer(pInt), dimension(FE_maxNfaces,FE_Nelemtypes), parameter :: FE_NfaceNodes = &
4,4,4,4,4,4 & ! element 7
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension(FE_maxNips,FE_Nelemtypes), parameter :: FE_nodeAtIP = &
1,2,4,3,5,6,8,7 & ! element 7
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension(FE_maxNnodes,FE_Nelemtypes), parameter :: FE_ipAtNode = &
1,2,4,3,5,6,8,7 & ! element 7
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension(FE_maxNfaceNodes,FE_maxNfaces,FE_Nelemtypes), parameter :: FE_nodeOnFace = &
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
1,2,3,4 , & ! element 7
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
2,1,5,6 , &
3,2,6,7 , &
3,4,8,7 , &
4,1,5,8 , &
8,7,6,5 &
integer(pInt), dimension(FE_maxNneighbors,FE_maxNips,FE_Nelemtypes), parameter :: FE_ipNeighbor = &
2,-5, 3,-2, 5,-1 , & ! element 7
-3, 1, 4,-2, 6,-1 , &
4,-5,-4, 1, 7,-1 , &
-3, 3,-4, 2, 8,-1 , &
6,-5, 7,-2,-6, 1 , &
-3, 5, 8,-2,-6, 2 , &
8,-5,-4, 5,-6, 3 , &
-3, 7,-4, 6,-6, 4 &
2007-03-22 20:18:58 +05:30
! ---------------------------
! subroutine mesh_init()
! function mesh_FEtoCPelement(FEid)
! function mesh_build_ipNeighorhood()
! subroutine mesh_parse_inputFile()
! ---------------------------
! find face-matching element of same type
FUNCTION mesh_faceMatch(face,elem)
use prec, only: pInt
implicit none
integer(pInt) face,elem
integer(pInt) mesh_faceMatch
integer(pInt), dimension(FE_NfaceNodes(face,mesh_element(2,elem))) :: nodeMapFE
integer(pInt) minN,NsharedElems,lonelyNode,faceNode,i,j,t
mesh_faceMatch = 0_pInt ! intialize to "no match found"
t = mesh_element(2,elem) ! figure elemType
do faceNode=1,FE_NfaceNodes(face,t) ! loop over nodes on face
nodeMapFE(faceNode) = mesh_element(4+FE_nodeOnFace(faceNode,face,t),elem) ! FE id of face node
NsharedElems = mesh_sharedElem(1,nodeMapFE(faceNode)) ! figure # shared elements for this node
if (NsharedElems < minN) then
minN = NsharedElems ! remember min # shared elems
lonelyNode = faceNode ! remember most lonely node
end do
candidate: do i=1,minN ! iterate over lonelyNode's shared elements
mesh_faceMatch = mesh_sharedElem(1+i,nodeMapFE(lonelyNode)) ! present candidate elem
if (mesh_faceMatch == elem) then ! my own element ?
mesh_faceMatch = 0_pInt ! disregard
cycle candidate
do faceNode=1,FE_NfaceNodes(face,t) ! check remaining face nodes to match
if (faceNode == lonelyNode) cycle ! disregard lonely node (matches anyway)
NsharedElems = mesh_sharedElem(1,nodeMapFE(faceNode)) ! how many shared elems for checked node?
do j=1,NsharedElems ! iterate over other node's elements
if (all(mesh_sharedElem(2:1+NsharedElems,nodeMapFE(faceNode)) /= mesh_faceMatch)) then ! no ref to candidate elem?
mesh_faceMatch = 0_pInt ! set to "no match" (so far)
cycle candidate ! next candidate elem
end do
end do
end do candidate
! build up of IP neighborhood
SUBROUTINE mesh_build_ipNeighborhood()
use prec, only: pInt
implicit none
integer(pInt) e,t,i,j,k,n
integer(pInt) neighbor,neighboringElem,neighboringIP,matchingElem,faceNode,linkingNode
do e = 1,mesh_NcpElems ! loop over cpElems
t = mesh_element(2,e) ! get elemType
do i = 1,FE_Nips(t) ! loop over IPs of elem
do n = 1,FE_NipNeighbors(t) ! loop over neighbors of IP
neighbor = FE_ipNeighbor(n,i,t)
if (neighbor > 0) then ! intra-element IP
neighboringElem = e
neighboringIP = neighbor
else ! neighboring element's IP
neighboringElem = 0_pInt
neighboringIP = 0_pInt
matchingElem = mesh_faceMatch(-neighbor,e)
if (matchingElem > 0) then
matchFace: do j = 1,FE_NfaceNodes(-neighbor,t) ! count over nodes on matching face
faceNode = FE_nodeOnFace(j,-neighbor,t) ! get face node id
if (i == FE_ipAtNode(faceNode,t)) then ! ip linked to face node is me?
linkingNode = mesh_element(4+faceNode,e) ! FE id of this facial node
do k = 1,FE_Nnodes(t) ! loop over nodes in matching element
if (linkingNode == mesh_element(4+k,matchingElem)) then
neighboringElem = matchingElem
neighboringIP = FE_ipAtNode(j,t)
exit matchFace
end do
end do matchFace
mesh_ipNeighborhood(1,n,i,e) = neighboringElem
mesh_ipNeighborhood(2,n,i,e) = neighboringIP
end do
end do
end do
! FE to CP id mapping by binary search thru lookup array
FUNCTION mesh_FEtoCPelement(FEid)
use prec, only: pInt
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: FEid
integer(pInt) mesh_FEtoCPelement, lower,upper,center
mesh_FEtoCPelement = 0_pInt
lower = 1_pInt
upper = size(mesh_mapFEtoCPelement,2)
if (mesh_mapFEtoCPelement(1,lower) == FEid) then
mesh_FEtoCPelement = mesh_mapFEtoCPelement(2,lower)
elseif (mesh_mapFEtoCPelement(1,upper) == FEid) then
mesh_FEtoCPelement = mesh_mapFEtoCPelement(2,upper)
do while (upper-lower > 0)
center = (lower+upper)/2
if (mesh_mapFEtoCPelement(1,center) < FEid) then
lower = center
elseif (mesh_mapFEtoCPelement(1,center) > FEid) then
upper = center
mesh_FEtoCPelement = mesh_mapFEtoCPelement(2,center)
end if
end do
! initialization
SUBROUTINE mesh_init ()
mesh_Nelems = 0_pInt
mesh_NcpElems = 0_pInt
mesh_Nnodes = 0_pInt
mesh_maxNips = 0_pInt
mesh_maxNnodes = 0_pInt
mesh_maxNsharedElems = 0_pInt
call mesh_parse_inputFile ()
! parsing of input file
SUBROUTINE mesh_parse_inputFile()