
2168 lines
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!* $Id$
!* contains: *
!* - constitutive equations *
!* - parameters definition *
MODULE constitutive_nonlocal
!* Include other modules
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
!* Definition of parameters
character (len=*), parameter :: constitutive_nonlocal_label = 'nonlocal'
character(len=22), dimension(10), parameter :: constitutive_nonlocal_listBasicStates = (/'rhoSglEdgePosMobile ', &
'rhoSglEdgeNegMobile ', &
'rhoSglScrewPosMobile ', &
'rhoSglScrewNegMobile ', &
'rhoSglEdgePosImmobile ', &
'rhoSglEdgeNegImmobile ', &
'rhoSglScrewPosImmobile', &
'rhoSglScrewNegImmobile', &
'rhoDipEdge ', &
'rhoDipScrew ' /) ! list of "basic" microstructural state variables that are independent from other state variables
character(len=15), dimension(3), parameter :: constitutive_nonlocal_listDependentStates = (/'rhoForest ', &
'tauThreshold ', &
'Tdislocation_v ' /) ! list of microstructural state variables that depend on other state variables
real(pReal), parameter :: kB = 1.38e-23_pReal ! Physical parameter, Boltzmann constant in J/Kelvin
!* Definition of global variables
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_nonlocal_sizeDotState, & ! number of dotStates
constitutive_nonlocal_sizeState, & ! total number of microstructural state variables
constitutive_nonlocal_sizePostResults ! cumulative size of post results
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target :: constitutive_nonlocal_sizePostResult ! size of each post result output
character(len=64), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target :: constitutive_nonlocal_output ! name of each post result output
character(len=32), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_nonlocal_structureName ! name of the lattice structure
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_nonlocal_structure, & ! number representing the kind of lattice structure
constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip ! total number of active slip systems for each instance
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_nonlocal_Nslip, & ! number of active slip systems for each family and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_slipFamily, & ! lookup table relating active slip system to slip family for each instance
constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice ! lookup table relating active slip system index to lattice slip system index for each instance
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_nonlocal_CoverA, & ! c/a ratio for hex type lattice
constitutive_nonlocal_C11, & ! C11 element in elasticity matrix
constitutive_nonlocal_C12, & ! C12 element in elasticity matrix
constitutive_nonlocal_C13, & ! C13 element in elasticity matrix
constitutive_nonlocal_C33, & ! C33 element in elasticity matrix
constitutive_nonlocal_C44, & ! C44 element in elasticity matrix
constitutive_nonlocal_Gmod, & ! shear modulus
constitutive_nonlocal_nu, & ! poisson's ratio
constitutive_nonlocal_Q0, & ! activation energy for dislocation glide
constitutive_nonlocal_atomicVolume, & ! atomic volume
constitutive_nonlocal_D0, & ! prefactor for self-diffusion coefficient
constitutive_nonlocal_Qsd, & ! activation enthalpy for diffusion
constitutive_nonlocal_relevantRho ! dislocation density considered relevant
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66 ! elasticity matrix in Mandel notation for each instance
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_3333 ! elasticity matrix for each instance
real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglEdgePos0, & ! initial edge_pos dislocation density per slip system for each family and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglEdgeNeg0, & ! initial edge_neg dislocation density per slip system for each family and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglScrewPos0, & ! initial screw_pos dislocation density per slip system for each family and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglScrewNeg0, & ! initial screw_neg dislocation density per slip system for each family and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_rhoDipEdge0, & ! initial edge dipole dislocation density per slip system for each family and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_rhoDipScrew0, & ! initial screw dipole dislocation density per slip system for each family and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_v0PerSlipFamily, & ! dislocation velocity prefactor [m/s] for each family and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_v0PerSlipSystem, & ! dislocation velocity prefactor [m/s] for each slip system and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_lambda0PerSlipFamily, & ! mean free path prefactor for each family and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_lambda0PerSlipSystem, & ! mean free path prefactor for each slip system and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipFamily, & ! absolute length of burgers vector [m] for each family and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem, & ! absolute length of burgers vector [m] for each slip system and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerEdgePerSlipFamily, & ! minimum stable edge dipole height for each family and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerEdgePerSlipSystem, & ! minimum stable edge dipole height for each slip system and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerScrewPerSlipFamily, & ! minimum stable screw dipole height for each family and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerScrewPerSlipSystem, & ! minimum stable screw dipole height for each slip system and instance
constitutive_nonlocal_interactionSlipSlip ! coefficients for slip-slip interaction for each interaction type and instance
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_nonlocal_v ! dislocation velocity
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_nonlocal_forestProjectionEdge, & ! matrix of forest projections of edge dislocations for each instance
constitutive_nonlocal_forestProjectionScrew, & ! matrix of forest projections of screw dislocations for each instance
constitutive_nonlocal_interactionMatrixSlipSlip ! interaction matrix of the different slip systems for each instance
!* - constitutive_init
!* - constitutive_stateInit
!* - constitutive_homogenizedC
!* - constitutive_microstructure
!* - constitutive_LpAndItsTangent
!* - constitutive_dotState
!* - constitutive_dotTemperature
!* - constitutive_postResults
!* Module initialization *
subroutine constitutive_nonlocal_init(file)
use prec, only: pInt, pReal
use math, only: math_Mandel3333to66, &
math_Voigt66to3333, &
use IO, only: IO_lc, &
IO_getTag, &
IO_isBlank, &
IO_stringPos, &
IO_stringValue, &
IO_floatValue, &
IO_intValue, &
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems, &
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains, &
phase_constitution, &
phase_constitutionInstance, &
use lattice, only: lattice_maxNslipFamily, &
lattice_maxNtwinFamily, &
lattice_maxNslip, &
lattice_maxNtwin, &
lattice_maxNinteraction, &
lattice_NslipSystem, &
lattice_NtwinSystem, &
lattice_initializeStructure, &
lattice_Qtwin, &
lattice_sd, &
lattice_sn, &
lattice_st, &
!*** output variables
!*** input variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: file
!*** local variables
integer(pInt), parameter :: maxNchunks = 21
integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*maxNchunks) :: positions
integer(pInt) section, &
maxNinstance, &
maxTotalNslip, &
myStructure, &
f, & ! index of my slip family
i, & ! index of my instance of this constitution
j, &
k, &
l, &
ns, & ! short notation for total number of active slip systems for the current instance
o, & ! index of my output
s, & ! index of my slip system
s1, & ! index of my slip system
s2, & ! index of my slip system
it, & ! index of my interaction type
output, &
character(len=64) tag
character(len=1024) line
write(6,'(a20,a20,a12)') '<<<+- constitutive_',constitutive_nonlocal_label,' init -+>>>'
write(6,*) '$Id$'
maxNinstance = count(phase_constitution == constitutive_nonlocal_label)
if (maxNinstance == 0) return ! we don't have to do anything if there's no instance for this constitutive law
!*** space allocation for global variables
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_sizePostResult(maxval(phase_Noutput), maxNinstance))
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_output(maxval(phase_Noutput), maxNinstance))
constitutive_nonlocal_sizeDotState = 0_pInt
constitutive_nonlocal_sizeState = 0_pInt
constitutive_nonlocal_sizePostResults = 0_pInt
constitutive_nonlocal_sizePostResult = 0_pInt
constitutive_nonlocal_output = ''
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_Nslip(lattice_maxNslipFamily, maxNinstance))
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_slipFamily(lattice_maxNslip, maxNinstance))
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(lattice_maxNslip, maxNinstance))
constitutive_nonlocal_structureName = ''
constitutive_nonlocal_structure = 0_pInt
constitutive_nonlocal_Nslip = 0_pInt
constitutive_nonlocal_slipFamily = 0_pInt
constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice = 0_pInt
constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip = 0_pInt
constitutive_nonlocal_CoverA = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_C11 = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_C12 = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_C13 = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_C33 = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_C44 = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_Gmod = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_Q0 = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_atomicVolume = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_D0 = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_Qsd = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_relevantRho = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_nu = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66 = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_3333 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglEdgePos0(lattice_maxNslipFamily, maxNinstance))
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglEdgeNeg0(lattice_maxNslipFamily, maxNinstance))
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglScrewPos0(lattice_maxNslipFamily, maxNinstance))
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglScrewNeg0(lattice_maxNslipFamily, maxNinstance))
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_rhoDipEdge0(lattice_maxNslipFamily, maxNinstance))
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_rhoDipScrew0(lattice_maxNslipFamily, maxNinstance))
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_v0PerSlipFamily(lattice_maxNslipFamily, maxNinstance))
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipFamily(lattice_maxNslipFamily, maxNinstance))
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_Lambda0PerSlipFamily(lattice_maxNslipFamily, maxNinstance))
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_interactionSlipSlip(lattice_maxNinteraction, maxNinstance))
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerEdgePerSlipFamily(lattice_maxNslipFamily, maxNinstance))
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerScrewPerSlipFamily(lattice_maxNslipFamily, maxNinstance))
constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglEdgePos0 = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglEdgeNeg0 = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglScrewPos0 = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglScrewNeg0 = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_rhoDipEdge0 = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_rhoDipScrew0 = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_v0PerSlipFamily = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipFamily = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_lambda0PerSlipFamily = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_interactionSlipSlip = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerEdgePerSlipFamily = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerScrewPerSlipFamily = 0.0_pReal
!*** readout data from material.config file
line = ''
section = 0
do while (IO_lc(IO_getTag(line,'<','>')) /= 'phase') ! wind forward to <phase>
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
do ! read thru sections of phase part
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit ! stop at next part
if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') then ! next section
section = section + 1
output = 0 ! reset output counter
if (section > 0 .and. phase_constitution(section) == constitutive_nonlocal_label) then ! one of my sections
i = phase_constitutionInstance(section) ! which instance of my constitution is present phase
positions = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunks)
tag = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,1)) ! extract key
select case(tag)
case ('(output)')
output = output + 1
constitutive_nonlocal_output(output,i) = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,2))
case ('lattice_structure')
constitutive_nonlocal_structureName(i) = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,2))
case ('covera_ratio')
constitutive_nonlocal_CoverA(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c11')
constitutive_nonlocal_C11(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c12')
constitutive_nonlocal_C12(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c13')
constitutive_nonlocal_C13(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c33')
constitutive_nonlocal_C33(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c44')
constitutive_nonlocal_C44(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('nslip')
forall (f = 1:lattice_maxNslipFamily) constitutive_nonlocal_Nslip(f,i) = IO_intValue(line,positions,1+f)
case ('rhosgledgepos0')
forall (f = 1:lattice_maxNslipFamily) constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglEdgePos0(f,i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,1+f)
case ('rhosgledgeneg0')
forall (f = 1:lattice_maxNslipFamily) constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglEdgeNeg0(f,i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,1+f)
case ('rhosglscrewpos0')
forall (f = 1:lattice_maxNslipFamily) constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglScrewPos0(f,i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,1+f)
case ('rhosglscrewneg0')
forall (f = 1:lattice_maxNslipFamily) constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglScrewNeg0(f,i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,1+f)
case ('rhodipedge0')
forall (f = 1:lattice_maxNslipFamily) constitutive_nonlocal_rhoDipEdge0(f,i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,1+f)
case ('rhodipscrew0')
forall (f = 1:lattice_maxNslipFamily) constitutive_nonlocal_rhoDipScrew0(f,i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,1+f)
case ('v0')
forall (f = 1:lattice_maxNslipFamily) constitutive_nonlocal_v0PerSlipFamily(f,i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,1+f)
case ('lambda0')
forall (f = 1:lattice_maxNslipFamily) constitutive_nonlocal_lambda0PerSlipFamily(f,i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,1+f)
case ('burgers')
forall (f = 1:lattice_maxNslipFamily) constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipFamily(f,i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,1+f)
forall (f = 1:lattice_maxNslipFamily) &
constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerEdgePerSlipFamily(f,i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,1+f)
forall (f = 1:lattice_maxNslipFamily) &
constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerScrewPerSlipFamily(f,i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,1+f)
constitutive_nonlocal_Q0(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
constitutive_nonlocal_atomicVolume(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
constitutive_nonlocal_D0(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
constitutive_nonlocal_Qsd(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
constitutive_nonlocal_relevantRho(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('interaction_slipslip')
forall (it = 1:lattice_maxNinteraction) constitutive_nonlocal_interactionSlipSlip(it,i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,1+it)
end select
100 do i = 1,maxNinstance
constitutive_nonlocal_structure(i) = &
lattice_initializeStructure(constitutive_nonlocal_structureName(i), constitutive_nonlocal_CoverA(i)) ! our lattice structure is defined in the material.config file by the structureName (and the c/a ratio)
myStructure = constitutive_nonlocal_structure(i)
!*** sanity checks
if (myStructure < 1 .or. myStructure > 3) call IO_error(205)
if (sum(constitutive_nonlocal_Nslip(:,i)) <= 0_pInt) call IO_error(225)
do o = 1,maxval(phase_Noutput)
if(len(constitutive_nonlocal_output(o,i)) > 64) call IO_error(666)
do f = 1,lattice_maxNslipFamily
if (constitutive_nonlocal_Nslip(f,i) > 0_pInt) then
if (constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglEdgePos0(f,i) < 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(220)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglEdgeNeg0(f,i) < 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(220)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglScrewPos0(f,i) < 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(220)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglScrewNeg0(f,i) < 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(220)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_rhoDipEdge0(f,i) < 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(220)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_rhoDipScrew0(f,i) < 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(220)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipFamily(f,i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(221)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_v0PerSlipFamily(f,i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(226)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_lambda0PerSlipFamily(f,i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(227)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerEdgePerSlipFamily(f,i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(228)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerScrewPerSlipFamily(f,i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(228)
if (any(constitutive_nonlocal_interactionSlipSlip(1:maxval(lattice_interactionSlipSlip(:,:,myStructure)),i) < 0.0_pReal)) &
call IO_error(229)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_Q0(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(-1)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_atomicVolume(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(230)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_D0(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(231)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_Qsd(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(232)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_relevantRho(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(233)
!*** determine total number of active slip systems
constitutive_nonlocal_Nslip(:,i) = min( lattice_NslipSystem(:, myStructure), constitutive_nonlocal_Nslip(:,i) ) ! we can't use more slip systems per family than specified in lattice
constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(i) = sum(constitutive_nonlocal_Nslip(:,i))
!*** allocation of variables whose size depends on the total number of active slip systems
maxTotalNslip = maxval(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip)
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(maxTotalNslip, maxNinstance))
constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_v0PerSlipSystem(maxTotalNslip, maxNinstance))
constitutive_nonlocal_v0PerSlipSystem = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_lambda0PerSlipSystem(maxTotalNslip, maxNinstance))
constitutive_nonlocal_lambda0PerSlipSystem = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerEdgePerSlipSystem(maxTotalNslip, maxNinstance))
constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerEdgePerSlipSystem = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerScrewPerSlipSystem(maxTotalNslip, maxNinstance))
constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerScrewPerSlipSystem = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_forestProjectionEdge(maxTotalNslip, maxTotalNslip, maxNinstance))
constitutive_nonlocal_forestProjectionEdge = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_forestProjectionScrew(maxTotalNslip, maxTotalNslip, maxNinstance))
constitutive_nonlocal_forestProjectionScrew = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_interactionMatrixSlipSlip(maxTotalNslip, maxTotalNslip, maxNinstance))
constitutive_nonlocal_interactionMatrixSlipSlip = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_v(maxTotalNslip, 4, homogenization_maxNgrains, mesh_maxNips, mesh_NcpElems))
constitutive_nonlocal_v = 0.0_pReal
do i = 1,maxNinstance
myStructure = constitutive_nonlocal_structure(i) ! lattice structure of this instance
!*** Inverse lookup of my slip system family and the slip system in lattice
l = 0_pInt
do f = 1,lattice_maxNslipFamily
do s = 1,constitutive_nonlocal_Nslip(f,i)
l = l + 1
constitutive_nonlocal_slipFamily(l,i) = f
constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(l,i) = sum(lattice_NslipSystem(1:f-1, myStructure)) + s
enddo; enddo
!*** determine size of state array
ns = constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(i)
constitutive_nonlocal_sizeState(i) = size(constitutive_nonlocal_listBasicStates) * ns &
+ ( size(constitutive_nonlocal_listDependentStates) - 1_pInt ) * ns + 6_pInt
constitutive_nonlocal_sizeDotState(i) = size(constitutive_nonlocal_listBasicStates) * ns
!*** determine size of postResults array
do o = 1,maxval(phase_Noutput)
select case(constitutive_nonlocal_output(o,i))
case( 'rho', &
'delta', &
'rho_edge', &
'rho_screw', &
'rho_sgl', &
'delta_sgl', &
'rho_sgl_edge', &
'rho_sgl_edge_pos', &
'rho_sgl_edge_neg', &
'rho_sgl_screw', &
'rho_sgl_screw_pos', &
'rho_sgl_screw_neg', &
'rho_sgl_mobile', &
'rho_sgl_edge_mobile', &
'rho_sgl_edge_pos_mobile', &
'rho_sgl_edge_neg_mobile', &
'rho_sgl_screw_mobile', &
'rho_sgl_screw_pos_mobile', &
'rho_sgl_screw_neg_mobile', &
'rho_sgl_immobile', &
'rho_sgl_edge_immobile', &
'rho_sgl_edge_pos_immobile', &
'rho_sgl_edge_neg_immobile', &
'rho_sgl_screw_immobile', &
'rho_sgl_screw_pos_immobile', &
'rho_sgl_screw_neg_immobile', &
'rho_dip', &
'delta_dip', &
'rho_dip_edge', &
'rho_dip_screw', &
'excess_rho', &
'excess_rho_edge', &
'excess_rho_screw', &
'rho_forest', &
'shearrate', &
'resolvedstress', &
'resolvedstress_internal', &
'resolvedstress_external', &
'resistance', &
'rho_dot', &
'rho_dot_sgl', &
'rho_dot_dip', &
'rho_dot_gen', &
'rho_dot_gen_edge', &
'rho_dot_gen_screw', &
'rho_dot_sgl2dip', &
'rho_dot_dip2sgl', &
'rho_dot_ann_ath', &
'rho_dot_ann_the', &
2010-02-23 22:53:07 +05:30
'dislocationvelocity', &
'fluxdensity_edge_pos_x', &
'fluxdensity_edge_pos_y', &
'fluxdensity_edge_pos_z', &
'fluxdensity_edge_neg_x', &
'fluxdensity_edge_neg_y', &
'fluxdensity_edge_neg_z', &
'fluxdensity_screw_pos_x', &
'fluxdensity_screw_pos_y', &
'fluxdensity_screw_pos_z', &
'fluxdensity_screw_neg_x', &
'fluxdensity_screw_neg_y', &
'fluxdensity_screw_neg_z', &
'd_upper_edge', &
'd_upper_screw', &
'd_upper_dot_edge', &
'd_upper_dot_screw' )
mySize = constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(i)
case default
mySize = 0_pInt
end select
if (mySize > 0_pInt) then ! any meaningful output found
constitutive_nonlocal_sizePostResult(o,i) = mySize
constitutive_nonlocal_sizePostResults(i) = constitutive_nonlocal_sizePostResults(i) + mySize
!*** elasticity matrix and shear modulus according to material.config
select case (myStructure)
case(1:2) ! cubic(s)
forall(j=1:3) constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(k,j,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_C12(i)
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(k,k,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_C11(i)
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(k+3,k+3,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_C44(i)
end forall
case(3:) ! all hex
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(1,1,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_C11(i)
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(2,2,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_C11(i)
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(3,3,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_C33(i)
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(1,2,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_C12(i)
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(2,1,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_C12(i)
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(1,3,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_C13(i)
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(3,1,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_C13(i)
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(2,3,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_C13(i)
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(3,2,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_C13(i)
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(4,4,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_C44(i)
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(5,5,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_C44(i)
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(6,6,i) = 0.5_pReal*(constitutive_nonlocal_C11(i)- constitutive_nonlocal_C12(i))
end select
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(:,:,i) = math_Mandel3333to66(math_Voigt66to3333(constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(:,:,i)))
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_3333(:,:,:,:,i) = math_Voigt66to3333(constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(:,:,i))
constitutive_nonlocal_Gmod(i) = constitutive_nonlocal_C44(i)
constitutive_nonlocal_nu(i) = 0.5_pReal * constitutive_nonlocal_C12(i) &
/ (constitutive_nonlocal_C12(i) + constitutive_nonlocal_C44(i))
do s1 = 1,ns
f = constitutive_nonlocal_slipFamily(s1,i)
!*** burgers vector, dislocation velocity prefactor, mean free path prefactor and minimum dipole distance for each slip system
constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(s1,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipFamily(f,i)
constitutive_nonlocal_v0PerSlipSystem(s1,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_v0PerSlipFamily(f,i)
constitutive_nonlocal_lambda0PerSlipSystem(s1,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_lambda0PerSlipFamily(f,i)
constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerEdgePerSlipSystem(s1,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerEdgePerSlipFamily(f,i)
constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerScrewPerSlipSystem(s1,i) = constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerScrewPerSlipFamily(f,i)
do s2 = 1,ns
!*** calculation of forest projections for edge and screw dislocations. s2 acts as forest to s1
constitutive_nonlocal_forestProjectionEdge(s1, s2, i) &
= abs(math_mul3x3(lattice_sn(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s1,i), myStructure), &
lattice_st(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s2,i), myStructure))) ! forest projection of edge dislocations is the projection of (t = b x n) onto the slip normal of the respective slip plane
constitutive_nonlocal_forestProjectionScrew(s1, s2, i) &
= abs(math_mul3x3(lattice_sn(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s1,i), myStructure), &
lattice_sd(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s2,i), myStructure))) ! forest projection of screw dislocations is the projection of b onto the slip normal of the respective splip plane
!*** calculation of interaction matrices
constitutive_nonlocal_interactionMatrixSlipSlip(s1, s2, i) &
= constitutive_nonlocal_interactionSlipSlip( lattice_interactionSlipSlip(constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s1,i), &
constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s2,i), &
myStructure), &
i )
enddo; enddo
!* initial microstructural state (just the "basic" states) *
pure function constitutive_nonlocal_stateInit(myInstance)
use prec, only: pReal, &
use lattice, only: lattice_maxNslipFamily
implicit none
!*** input variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myInstance ! number specifying the current instance of the constitution
!*** output variables
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_sizeState(myInstance)) :: &
!*** local variables
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(myInstance)) :: &
rhoSglEdgePos, & ! positive edge dislocation density
rhoSglEdgeNeg, & ! negative edge dislocation density
rhoSglScrewPos, & ! positive screw dislocation density
rhoSglScrewNeg, & ! negative screw dislocation density
rhoSglEdgePosUsed, & ! used positive edge dislocation density
rhoSglEdgeNegUsed, & ! used negative edge dislocation density
rhoSglScrewPosUsed, & ! used positive screw dislocation density
rhoSglScrewNegUsed, & ! used negative screw dislocation density
rhoDipEdge, & ! edge dipole dislocation density
rhoDipScrew, & ! screw dipole dislocation density
rhoForest, & ! forest dislocation density
tauSlipThreshold ! threshold shear stress for slip
integer(pInt) ns, & ! short notation for total number of active slip systems
f, & ! index of lattice family
from, &
upto, &
s ! index of slip system
constitutive_nonlocal_stateInit = 0.0_pReal
ns = constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(myInstance)
!*** set the basic state variables
do f = 1,lattice_maxNslipFamily
from = 1+sum(constitutive_nonlocal_Nslip(1:f-1,myInstance))
upto = sum(constitutive_nonlocal_Nslip(1:f,myInstance))
rhoSglEdgePos(from:upto) = constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglEdgePos0(f, myInstance)
rhoSglEdgeNeg(from:upto) = constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglEdgeNeg0(f, myInstance)
rhoSglScrewPos(from:upto) = constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglScrewPos0(f, myInstance)
rhoSglScrewNeg(from:upto) = constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglScrewNeg0(f, myInstance)
rhoSglEdgePosUsed(from:upto) = 0.0_pReal
rhoSglEdgeNegUsed(from:upto) = 0.0_pReal
rhoSglScrewPosUsed(from:upto) = 0.0_pReal
rhoSglScrewNegUsed(from:upto) = 0.0_pReal
rhoDipEdge(from:upto) = constitutive_nonlocal_rhoDipEdge0(f, myInstance)
rhoDipScrew(from:upto) = constitutive_nonlocal_rhoDipScrew0(f, myInstance)
!*** put everything together and in right order
constitutive_nonlocal_stateInit( 1: ns) = rhoSglEdgePos
constitutive_nonlocal_stateInit( ns+1: 2*ns) = rhoSglEdgeNeg
constitutive_nonlocal_stateInit( 2*ns+1: 3*ns) = rhoSglScrewPos
constitutive_nonlocal_stateInit( 3*ns+1: 4*ns) = rhoSglScrewNeg
constitutive_nonlocal_stateInit( 4*ns+1: 5*ns) = rhoSglEdgePosUsed
constitutive_nonlocal_stateInit( 5*ns+1: 6*ns) = rhoSglEdgeNegUsed
constitutive_nonlocal_stateInit( 6*ns+1: 7*ns) = rhoSglScrewPosUsed
constitutive_nonlocal_stateInit( 7*ns+1: 8*ns) = rhoSglScrewNegUsed
constitutive_nonlocal_stateInit( 8*ns+1: 9*ns) = rhoDipEdge
constitutive_nonlocal_stateInit( 9*ns+1:10*ns) = rhoDipScrew
!* relevant microstructural state *
pure function constitutive_nonlocal_relevantState(myInstance)
use prec, only: pReal, &
implicit none
!*** input variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myInstance ! number specifying the current instance of the constitution
!*** output variables
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_sizeState(myInstance)) :: &
constitutive_nonlocal_relevantState ! relevant state values for the current instance of this constitution
!*** local variables
constitutive_nonlocal_relevantState = constitutive_nonlocal_relevantRho(myInstance)
!* calculates homogenized elacticity matrix *
pure function constitutive_nonlocal_homogenizedC(state,g,ip,el)
use prec, only: pReal, &
pInt, &
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems, &
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains, &
material_phase, &
implicit none
!*** input variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: g, & ! current grain ID
ip, & ! current integration point
el ! current element
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems), intent(in) :: state ! microstructural state
!*** output variables
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: constitutive_nonlocal_homogenizedC ! homogenized elasticity matrix
!*** local variables
integer(pInt) myInstance ! current instance of this constitution
myInstance = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))
constitutive_nonlocal_homogenizedC = constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66(:,:,myInstance)
!* calculates quantities characterizing the microstructure *
subroutine constitutive_nonlocal_microstructure(state, Temperature, Tstar_v, Fe, Fp, g, ip, el)
use prec, only: pReal, &
pInt, &
use math, only: math_Plain3333to99, &
math_Mandel33to6, &
math_Mandel6to33, &
math_mul33x33, &
math_mul3x3, &
math_mul33x3, &
math_inv3x3, &
math_det3x3, &
use debug, only: debugger, &
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems, &
mesh_maxNips, &
mesh_element, &
FE_NipNeighbors, &
mesh_ipNeighborhood, &
mesh_ipVolume, &
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains, &
material_phase, &
use lattice, only: lattice_Sslip, &
lattice_Sslip_v, &
lattice_maxNslipFamily, &
lattice_NslipSystem, &
lattice_maxNslip, &
lattice_sd, &
lattice_sn, &
implicit none
!*** input variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: g, & ! current grain ID
ip, & ! current integration point
el ! current element
real(pReal), intent(in) :: Temperature ! temperature
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems), intent(in) :: &
Fe, & ! elastic deformation gradient
Fp ! plastic deformation gradient
real(pReal), dimension(6), intent(in) :: &
Tstar_v ! 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress in Mandel notation
!*** input/output variables
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems), intent(inout) :: &
state ! microstructural state
!*** output variables
!*** local variables
integer(pInt) myInstance, & ! current instance of this constitution
myStructure, & ! current lattice structure
ns, & ! short notation for the total number of active slip systems
neighboring_el, & ! element number of my neighbor
neighboring_ip, & ! integration point of my neighbor
c, & ! index of dilsocation character (edge, screw)
n, & ! index of my current neighbor
s, & ! index of my current slip system
t, & ! index of dilsocation type (e+, e-, s+, s-, used e+, used e-, used s+, used s-)
sLattice ! index of my current slip system according to lattice order
real(pReal) gb, & ! short notation for G*b/2/pi
x, & ! coordinate in direction of lvec
y, & ! coordinate in direction of bvec
z, & ! coordinate in direction of nvec
detFe, & ! determinant of elastic deformation gradient
neighboring_detFe ! determinant of my neighboring elastic deformation gradient
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: connectingVector ! vector connecting the centers of gravity of me and my neigbor
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tdislocation_v ! dislocation stress (resulting from the neighboring excess dislocation densities) as 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress in Mandel notation
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: lattice2slip, & ! orthogonal transformation matrix from lattice coordinate system to slip coordinate system with e1=bxn, e2=b, e3=n
neighboringSlip2myLattice, &! mapping from my neighbors slip coordinate system to my lattice coordinate system
sigma, & ! Tdislocation resulting from the excess dislocation density of a single slip system and a single neighbor calculated in the coordinate system of the slip system
F, & ! total deformation gradient
neighboring_F, & ! total deformation gradient of my neighbor
Favg, & ! average total deformation gradient of me and my neighbor
invFe, & ! inverse of elastic deformation gradient
neighboring_invFe ! inverse of my neighboring elastic deformation gradient
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))),8) :: &
rhoSgl, & ! single dislocation density (edge+, edge-, screw+, screw-, used edge+, used edge-, used screw+, used screw-)
neighboring_rhoSgl ! single dislocation density of my neighbor (edge+, edge-, screw+, screw-, used edge+, used edge-, used screw+, used screw-)
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))),2) :: &
rhoDip ! dipole dislocation density (edge, screw)
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el)))) :: &
rhoForest, & ! forest dislocation density
tauThreshold, & ! threshold shear stress
tau, & ! resolved shear stress
neighboring_rhoEdgeExcess, &! edge excess dislocation density of my neighbor
neighboring_rhoScrewExcess,&! screw excess dislocation density of my neighbor
neighboring_Nedge, & ! total number of edge excess dislocations in my neighbor
neighboring_Nscrew ! total number of screw excess dislocations in my neighbor
myInstance = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))
myStructure = constitutive_nonlocal_structure(myInstance)
ns = constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(myInstance)
!*** get basic states
forall (t = 1:8) rhoSgl(:,t) = state(g,ip,el)%p((t-1)*ns+1:t*ns)
forall (c = 1:2) rhoDip(:,c) = state(g,ip,el)%p((c+7)*ns+1:(c+8)*ns)
!*** calculate dependent states
!*** calculate the forest dislocation density
forall (s = 1:ns) &
rhoForest(s) = dot_product( ( sum(abs(rhoSgl(:,(/1,2,5,6/))),2) + rhoDip(:,1) ), &
constitutive_nonlocal_forestProjectionEdge(s, 1:ns, myInstance) ) &
+ dot_product( ( sum(abs(rhoSgl(:,(/3,4,7,8/))),2) + rhoDip(:,2) ), &
constitutive_nonlocal_forestProjectionScrew(s, 1:ns, myInstance) ) ! calculation of forest dislocation density as projection of screw and edge dislocations
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
! if (debugger) write(6,'(a30,3(i3,x),/,12(e10.3,x),/)') 'forest dislocation density at ',g,ip,el, rhoForest
!*** calculate the threshold shear stress for dislocation slip
forall (s = 1:ns) &
tauThreshold(s) = constitutive_nonlocal_Gmod(myInstance) &
* constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(s, myInstance) &
* sqrt( dot_product( ( sum(abs(rhoSgl),2) + sum(abs(rhoDip),2) ), &
constitutive_nonlocal_interactionMatrixSlipSlip(s, 1:ns, myInstance) ) )
! if (debugger) write(6,'(a26,3(i3,x),/,12(f10.5,x),/)') 'tauSlipThreshold / MPa at ',g,ip,el, tauSlipThreshold/1e6
!*** calculate the dislocation stress of the neighboring excess dislocation densities
Tdislocation_v = 0.0_pReal
F = math_mul33x33(Fe(:,:,g,ip,el), Fp(:,:,g,ip,el))
detFe = math_det3x3(Fe)
invFe = math_inv3x3(Fe)
! loop through my neighbors (if existent!)
do n = 1,FE_NipNeighbors(mesh_element(2,el))
neighboring_el = mesh_ipNeighborhood(1,n,ip,el)
neighboring_ip = mesh_ipNeighborhood(2,n,ip,el)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
if ( neighboring_el == 0 .or. neighboring_ip == 0 ) cycle
neighboring_F = math_mul33x33(Fe(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el), Fp(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el))
Favg = 0.5_pReal * (F + neighboring_F)
neighboring_detFe = math_det3x3(Fe(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el))
neighboring_invFe = math_inv3x3(Fe(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el))
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
connectingVector = math_mul33x3(neighboring_invFe, math_mul33x3(Favg, &
(mesh_ipCenterOfGravity(:,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el) - mesh_ipCenterOfGravity(:,ip,el)) ) ) ! calculate connection vector between me and my neighbor in its lattice configuration
forall (t = 1:8) neighboring_rhoSgl(:,t) = state(1, neighboring_ip, neighboring_el)%p((t-1)*ns+1:t*ns)
neighboring_rhoEdgeExcess = sum(abs(neighboring_rhoSgl(:,(/1,5/))),2) - sum(abs(neighboring_rhoSgl(:,(/2,6/))),2)
neighboring_rhoScrewExcess = sum(abs(neighboring_rhoSgl(:,(/3,7/))),2) - sum(abs(neighboring_rhoSgl(:,(/4,8/))),2)
neighboring_Nedge = neighboring_rhoEdgeExcess * mesh_ipVolume(neighboring_ip, neighboring_el) ** (2.0_pReal/3.0_pReal)
neighboring_Nscrew = neighboring_rhoScrewExcess * mesh_ipVolume(neighboring_ip, neighboring_el) ** (2.0_pReal/3.0_pReal)
do s = 1,ns
lattice2slip = reshape( (/lattice_st(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance), myStructure), &
lattice_sd(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance), myStructure), &
lattice_sn(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance), myStructure)/), (/3,3/) )
x = math_mul3x3(lattice2slip(1,:), -connectingVector) ! coordinate transformation of connecting vector from the lattice coordinate system to the slip coordinate system
y = math_mul3x3(lattice2slip(2,:), -connectingVector)
z = math_mul3x3(lattice2slip(3,:), -connectingVector)
gb = constitutive_nonlocal_Gmod(myInstance) * constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(s,myInstance) / (2.0_pReal*pi)
sigma(2,2) = - gb * neighboring_Nedge(s) / (1.0_pReal-constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance)) &
* z * (3.0_pReal*y**2.0_pReal + z**2.0_pReal) / (y**2.0_pReal + z**2.0_pReal)**2.0_pReal
sigma(3,3) = gb * neighboring_Nedge(s) / (1.0_pReal-constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance)) &
* z * (y**2.0_pReal - z**2.0_pReal) / (y**2.0_pReal + z**2.0_pReal)**2.0_pReal
sigma(1,1) = constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance) * (sigma(2,2) + sigma(3,3))
sigma(1,2) = - gb * neighboring_Nscrew(s) * z / (x**2.0_pReal + z**2.0_pReal)
sigma(2,3) = gb * ( neighboring_Nedge(s) / (1.0_pReal-constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance)) &
* y * (y**2.0_pReal - z**2.0_pReal) / (y**2.0_pReal + z**2.0_pReal)**2.0_pReal &
+ neighboring_Nscrew(s) * x / (x**2.0_pReal + z**2.0_pReal) )
sigma(2,1) = sigma(1,2)
sigma(3,2) = sigma(2,3)
sigma(1,3) = 0.0_pReal
sigma(3,1) = 0.0_pReal
neighboringSlip2myLattice = math_mul33x33(invFe,math_mul33x33(Fe(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el),transpose(lattice2slip))) ! coordinate transformation from the slip coordinate system to the lattice coordinate system
Tdislocation_v = Tdislocation_v + math_Mandel33to6( detFe / neighboring_detFe &
* math_mul33x33(neighboringSlip2myLattice, math_mul33x33(sigma, transpose(neighboringSlip2myLattice))) )
!*** set dependent states
state(g,ip,el)%p(10*ns+1:11*ns) = rhoForest
state(g,ip,el)%p(11*ns+1:12*ns) = tauThreshold
state(g,ip,el)%p(12*ns+1:12*ns+6) = Tdislocation_v
!*** calculate the dislocation velocity
call constitutive_nonlocal_kinetics(Tstar_v, Temperature, state, g, ip, el)
!* calculates kinetics *
subroutine constitutive_nonlocal_kinetics(Tstar_v, Temperature, state, g, ip, el)
use prec, only: pReal, &
pInt, &
use math, only: math_mul6x6, &
use debug, only: debugger, &
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems, &
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains, &
material_phase, &
use lattice, only: lattice_Sslip, &
implicit none
!*** input variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: g, & ! current grain number
ip, & ! current integration point
el ! current element number
real(pReal), intent(in) :: Temperature ! temperature
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems), intent(in) :: &
state ! microstructural state
real(pReal), dimension(6), intent(in) :: Tstar_v ! 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress in Mandel notation
!*** output variables
!*** local variables
integer(pInt) myInstance, & ! current instance of this constitution
myStructure, & ! current lattice structure
ns, & ! short notation for the total number of active slip systems
t, & ! dislocation type
s ! index of my current slip system
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tdislocation_v ! dislocation stress (resulting from the neighboring excess dislocation densities) as 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el)))) :: &
tauThreshold, & ! threshold shear stress
tau ! resolved shear stress
myInstance = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))
myStructure = constitutive_nonlocal_structure(myInstance)
ns = constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(myInstance)
tauThreshold = state(g,ip,el)%p(11*ns+1:12*ns)
Tdislocation_v = state(g,ip,el)%p(12*ns+1:12*ns+6)
tau = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,:,g,ip,el) = 0.0_pReal
do s = 1,ns
if ((tauThreshold(s) > 0.0_pReal) .and. (Temperature > 0.0_pReal)) then
tau(s) = math_mul6x6( Tstar_v + Tdislocation_v, &
lattice_Sslip_v(:,constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance),myStructure) )
constitutive_nonlocal_v(s,:,g,ip,el) = constitutive_nonlocal_v0PerSlipSystem(s,myInstance) &
* exp( - constitutive_nonlocal_Q0(myInstance) / ( kB * Temperature) * (1.0_pReal - (abs(tau(s))/tauThreshold(s)) ) ) &
* sign(1.0_pReal,tau(s))
if (selectiveDebugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,*) '::: kinetics',g,ip,el
write(6,'(a,/,3(3(f12.3,x)/))') 'Tdislocation / MPa', math_Mandel6to33(Tdislocation_v/1e6)
write(6,'(a,/,3(3(f12.3,x)/))') 'Tstar / MPa', math_Mandel6to33(Tstar_v/1e6)
write(6,'(a,/,12(f12.5,x),/)') 'tau / MPa', tau/1e6_pReal
write(6,'(a,/,12(f12.5,x),/)') 'tauThreshold / MPa', tauThreshold/1e6_pReal
write(6,'(a,/,4(12(f12.5,x),/))') 'v', constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,:,g,ip,el)
!$OMPEND CRITICAL (write2out)
!* calculates plastic velocity gradient and its tangent *
subroutine constitutive_nonlocal_LpAndItsTangent(Lp, dLp_dTstar99, Tstar_v, Temperature, state, g, ip, el)
use prec, only: pReal, &
pInt, &
use math, only: math_Plain3333to99, &
math_mul6x6, &
use debug, only: debugger, &
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems, &
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains, &
material_phase, &
use lattice, only: lattice_Sslip, &
implicit none
!*** input variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: g, & ! current grain number
ip, & ! current integration point
el ! current element number
real(pReal), intent(in) :: Temperature ! temperature
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems), intent(in) :: &
state ! microstructural state
real(pReal), dimension(6), intent(in) :: Tstar_v ! 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress in Mandel notation
!*** output variables
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(out) :: Lp ! plastic velocity gradient
real(pReal), dimension(9,9), intent(out) :: dLp_dTstar99 ! derivative of Lp with respect to Tstar (9x9 matrix)
!*** local variables
integer(pInt) myInstance, & ! current instance of this constitution
myStructure, & ! current lattice structure
ns, & ! short notation for the total number of active slip systems
i, &
j, &
k, &
l, &
t, & ! dislocation type
s, & ! index of my current slip system
sLattice ! index of my current slip system according to lattice order
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: dLp_dTstar3333 ! derivative of Lp with respect to Tstar (3x3x3x3 matrix)
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))),8) :: &
rhoSgl ! single dislocation densities (including used)
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))),4) :: &
gdot ! shear rate per dislocation type
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el)))) :: &
tauThreshold, & ! threshold shear stress
gdotTotal, & ! shear rate
dgdotTotal_dtau ! derivative of the shear rate with respect to the shear stress
!*** initialize local variables
gdot = 0.0_pReal
Lp = 0.0_pReal
dLp_dTstar3333 = 0.0_pReal
myInstance = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))
myStructure = constitutive_nonlocal_structure(myInstance)
ns = constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(myInstance)
!*** shortcut to state variables
forall (t = 1:8) &
rhoSgl(:,t) = state(g,ip,el)%p((t-1)*ns+1:t*ns)
forall (s = 1:ns, t = 5:8, rhoSgl(s,t) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(s,t-4,g,ip,el) < 0.0_pReal) & ! contribution of used rho for changing sign of v
rhoSgl(s,t-4) = rhoSgl(s,t-4) + abs(rhoSgl(s,t))
tauThreshold = state(g,ip,el)%p(11*ns+1:12*ns)
call constitutive_nonlocal_kinetics(Tstar_v, Temperature, state, g, ip, el) ! update dislocation velocity
!*** Calculation of gdot and its tangent
forall (t = 1:4 ) &
gdot(:,t) = rhoSgl(:,t) * constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,t,g,ip,el)
gdotTotal = sum(gdot,2)
dgdotTotal_dtau = abs(gdotTotal) * constitutive_nonlocal_Q0(myInstance) / ( kB * Temperature * tauThreshold )
!*** Calculation of Lp and its tangent
do s = 1,ns
sLattice = constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance)
Lp = Lp + gdotTotal(s) * lattice_Sslip(:,:,sLattice,myStructure)
forall (i=1:3,j=1:3,k=1:3,l=1:3) &
dLp_dTstar3333(i,j,k,l) = dLp_dTstar3333(i,j,k,l) + dgdotTotal_dtau(s) * lattice_Sslip(i,j, sLattice,myStructure) &
* lattice_Sslip(k,l, sLattice,myStructure)
dLp_dTstar99 = math_Plain3333to99(dLp_dTstar3333)
if (selectiveDebugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,*) '::: LpandItsTangent',g,ip,el
! write(6,'(a,/,12(f12.5,x),/)') 'v', constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,t,g,ip,el)
write(6,'(a,/,12(f12.5,x),/)') 'gdot /1e-3',gdot*1e3_pReal
write(6,'(a,/,12(f12.5,x),/)') 'gdot total /1e-3',gdotTotal*1e3_pReal
write(6,'(a,/,3(3(f12.7,x)/))') 'Lp',Lp
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
! call flush(6)
!$OMPEND CRITICAL (write2out)
!* rate of change of microstructure *
subroutine constitutive_nonlocal_dotState(dotState, Tstar_v, previousTstar_v, Fe, Fp, Temperature, misorientation, dt_previous, &
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
state, previousState, timestep, g,ip,el)
use prec, only: pReal, &
pInt, &
use debug, only: debugger, &
use math, only: math_norm3, &
math_mul6x6, &
math_mul3x3, &
math_mul33x3, &
math_mul33x33, &
math_inv3x3, &
math_det3x3, &
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
math_Mandel6to33, &
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems, &
mesh_maxNips, &
mesh_maxNipNeighbors, &
mesh_element, &
FE_NipNeighbors, &
mesh_ipNeighborhood, &
mesh_ipVolume, &
mesh_ipArea, &
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains, &
material_phase, &
use lattice, only: lattice_Sslip, &
lattice_Sslip_v, &
lattice_sd, &
lattice_sn, &
lattice_st, &
lattice_maxNslipFamily, &
implicit none
!*** input variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: g, & ! current grain number
ip, & ! current integration point
el ! current element number
real(pReal), intent(in) :: Temperature, & ! temperature
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
timestep, & ! substepped crystallite time increment
dt_previous ! time increment between previous and current state
real(pReal), dimension(6), intent(in) :: Tstar_v, & ! current 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress in Mandel notation
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
previousTstar_v ! previous 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress in Mandel notation
real(pReal), dimension(4,mesh_maxNipNeighbors), intent(in) :: &
misorientation ! crystal misorientation between me and my neighbor (axis, angle pair)
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems), intent(in) :: &
Fe, & ! elastic deformation gradient
Fp ! plastic deformation gradient
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems), intent(in) :: &
state, & ! current microstructural state
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
previousState ! previous microstructural state
!*** input/output variables
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems), intent(inout) :: &
dotState ! evolution of state variables / microstructure
!*** output variables
!*** local variables
integer(pInt) myInstance, & ! current instance of this constitution
myStructure, & ! current lattice structure
ns, & ! short notation for the total number of active slip systems
neighboring_el, & ! element number of my neighbor
neighboring_ip, & ! integration point of my neighbor
c, & ! character of dislocation
n, & ! index of my current neighbor
t, & ! type of dislocation
s, & ! index of my current slip system
sLattice ! index of my current slip system according to lattice order
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))),8) :: &
rhoSgl, & ! current single dislocation densities (positive/negative screw and edge without dipoles)
previousRhoSgl, & ! previous single dislocation densities (positive/negative screw and edge without dipoles)
totalRhoDotSgl, & ! total rate of change of single dislocation densities
thisRhoDotSgl ! rate of change of single dislocation densities for this mechanism
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))),4) :: &
gdot ! shear rates
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el)))) :: &
rhoForest, & ! forest dislocation density
tauThreshold, & ! threshold shear stress
tau, & ! current resolved shear stress
previousTau, & ! previous resolved shear stress
invLambda, & ! inverse of mean free path for dislocations
vClimb ! climb velocity of edge dipoles
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))),2) :: &
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
rhoDip, & ! current dipole dislocation densities (screw and edge dipoles)
previousRhoDip, & ! previous dipole dislocation densities (screw and edge dipoles)
totalRhoDotDip, & ! total rate of change of dipole dislocation densities
thisRhoDotDip, & ! rate of change of dipole dislocation densities for this mechanism
dLower, & ! minimum stable dipole distance for edges and screws
dUpper, & ! current maximum stable dipole distance for edges and screws
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
previousDUpper, & ! previous maximum stable dipole distance for edges and screws
dUpperDot ! rate of change of the maximum stable dipole distance for edges and screws
real(pReal), dimension(3,constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))),4) :: &
m ! direction of dislocation motion
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: F, & ! total deformation gradient
neighboring_F, & ! total deformation gradient of my neighbor
Favg ! average total deformation gradient of me and my neighbor
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tdislocation_v, & ! current dislocation stress (resulting from the neighboring excess dislocation densities) as 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
previousTdislocation_v ! previous dislocation stress (resulting from the neighboring excess dislocation densities) as 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: surfaceNormal, & ! surface normal in lattice configuration
surfaceNormal_currentconf ! surface normal in current configuration
real(pReal) area, & ! area of the current interface
detFe, & ! determinant of elastic defornmation gradient
transmissivity, & ! transmissivity of interfaces for dislocation flux
rhoAvg, & ! average mobile single dislocation density at interface
vAvg, & ! average dislocation velocity at interface
lineLength, & ! dislocation line length leaving the current interface
D ! self diffusion
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
myInstance = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))
myStructure = constitutive_nonlocal_structure(myInstance)
ns = constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(myInstance)
tau = 0.0_pReal
previousTau = 0.0_pReal
gdot = 0.0_pReal
dLower = 0.0_pReal
dUpper = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
previousDUpper = 0.0_pReal
dUpperDot = 0.0_pReal
totalRhoDotSgl = 0.0_pReal
thisRhoDotSgl = 0.0_pReal
totalRhoDotDip = 0.0_pReal
thisRhoDotDip = 0.0_pReal
!*** shortcut to state variables
forall (t = 1:8) rhoSgl(:,t) = state(g,ip,el)%p((t-1)*ns+1:t*ns)
forall (t = 1:8) previousRhoSgl(:,t) = previousState(g,ip,el)%p((t-1)*ns+1:t*ns)
forall (c = 1:2) rhoDip(:,c) = state(g,ip,el)%p((7+c)*ns+1:(8+c)*ns)
forall (c = 1:2) previousRhoDip(:,c) = previousState(g,ip,el)%p((7+c)*ns+1:(8+c)*ns)
rhoForest = state(g,ip,el)%p(10*ns+1:11*ns)
tauThreshold = state(g,ip,el)%p(11*ns+1:12*ns)
Tdislocation_v = state(g,ip,el)%p(12*ns+1:12*ns+6)
previousTdislocation_v = previousState(g,ip,el)%p(12*ns+1:12*ns+6)
!*** Calculate shear rate
forall (t = 1:4) &
gdot(:,t) = rhoSgl(:,t) * constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,t,g,ip,el)
forall (s = 1:ns, t = 1:4, rhoSgl(s,t+4) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(s,t,g,ip,el) < 0.0_pReal) & ! contribution of used rho for changing sign of v
gdot(s,t) = gdot(s,t) + abs(rhoSgl(s,t+4)) * constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(s,myInstance) &
* constitutive_nonlocal_v(s,t,g,ip,el)
if (selectiveDebugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,*) '::: constitutive_nonlocal_dotState at ',g,ip,el
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
!$OMPEND CRITICAL (write2out)
!*** calculate limits for stable dipole height and its rate of change
do s = 1,ns ! loop over slip systems
sLattice = constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance)
tau(s) = math_mul6x6( Tstar_v + Tdislocation_v, lattice_Sslip_v(:,sLattice,myStructure) )
previousTau(s) = math_mul6x6( previousTstar_v + previousTdislocation_v, lattice_Sslip_v(:,sLattice,myStructure) )
dLower(:,1) = constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerEdgePerSlipSystem(:,myInstance)
dLower(:,2) = constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerScrewPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance)
dUpper(:,2) = min( 1.0_pReal / sqrt( sum(abs(rhoSgl),2)+sum(rhoDip,2) ), &
constitutive_nonlocal_Gmod(myInstance) * constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) &
/ ( 8.0_pReal * pi * abs(tau) ) )
dUpper(:,1) = dUpper(:,2) / ( 1.0_pReal - constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance) )
previousDUpper(:,2) = min( 1.0_pReal / sqrt( sum(abs(previousRhoSgl),2) + sum(previousRhoDip,2) ), &
constitutive_nonlocal_Gmod(myInstance) * constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) &
/ ( 8.0_pReal * pi * abs(previousTau) ) )
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
previousDUpper(:,1) = previousDUpper(:,2) / ( 1.0_pReal - constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance) )
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
if (dt_previous > 0.0_pReal) dUpperDot = (dUpper - previousDUpper) / dt_previous
if (debugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
! write(6,'(a,/,2(12(f12.5,x),/))') 'dUpper / micron', dUpper*1e6_pReal
! write(6,'(a,/,2(12(f12.5,x),/))') 'dUpperDot / micron/s', dUpperDot * 1e6_pReal
!$OMPEND CRITICAL (write2out)
!*** dislocation remobilization (bauschinger effect)
thisRhoDotSgl = 0.0_pReal
if (timestep > 0.0_pReal) then
do t = 1,4
do s = 1,ns
if (rhoSgl(s,t+4) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(s,t,g,ip,el) < 0.0_pReal) then
thisRhoDotSgl(s,t) = abs(rhoSgl(s,t+4)) / timestep
rhoSgl(s,t) = rhoSgl(s,t) + abs(rhoSgl(s,t+4))
thisRhoDotSgl(s,t+4) = - rhoSgl(s,t+4) / timestep
rhoSgl(s,t+4) = 0.0_pReal
totalRhoDotSgl = totalRhoDotSgl + thisRhoDotSgl
if (selectiveDebugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(a,/,8(12(e12.5,x),/))') 'dislocation remobilization', thisRhoDotSgl * timestep
!$OMPEND CRITICAL (write2out)
!*** calculate dislocation multiplication
thisRhoDotSgl(:,1:2) = spread(0.5_pReal * sum(abs(gdot(:,3:4)),2) * sqrt(rhoForest) &
/ constitutive_nonlocal_lambda0PerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) &
/ constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance), 2, 2)
thisRhoDotSgl(:,3:4) = spread(0.5_pReal * sum(abs(gdot(:,1:2)),2) * sqrt(rhoForest) &
/ constitutive_nonlocal_lambda0PerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) &
/ constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance), 2, 2)
thisRhoDotSgl(:,5:8) = 0.0_pReal ! used dislocation densities don't multiplicate
thisRhoDotDip = 0.0_pReal ! dipoles don't multiplicate
totalRhoDotSgl = totalRhoDotSgl + thisRhoDotSgl
totalRhoDotDip = totalRhoDotDip + thisRhoDotDip
if (selectiveDebugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(a,/,4(12(e12.5,x),/))') 'dislocation multiplication', thisRhoDotSgl(:,1:4) * timestep
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
!$OMPEND CRITICAL (write2out)
!*** calculate dislocation fluxes
thisRhoDotSgl = 0.0_pReal
thisRhoDotDip = 0.0_pReal
m(:,:,1) = lattice_sd(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(:,myInstance), myStructure)
m(:,:,2) = -lattice_sd(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(:,myInstance), myStructure)
m(:,:,3) = lattice_st(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(:,myInstance), myStructure)
m(:,:,4) = -lattice_st(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(:,myInstance), myStructure)
F = math_mul33x33(Fe(:,:,g,ip,el), Fp(:,:,g,ip,el))
detFe = math_det3x3(Fe(:,:,g,ip,el))
do n = 1,FE_NipNeighbors(mesh_element(2,el)) ! loop through my neighbors
transmissivity = constitutive_nonlocal_transmissivity(misorientation(4,n), misorientation(1:3,n))
neighboring_el = mesh_ipNeighborhood(1,n,ip,el)
neighboring_ip = mesh_ipNeighborhood(2,n,ip,el)
if ( neighboring_el > 0 .and. neighboring_ip > 0 ) then ! if neighbor exists, average deformation gradient
neighboring_F = math_mul33x33(Fe(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el), Fp(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el))
Favg = 0.5_pReal * (F + neighboring_F)
else ! if no neighbor, take my value as average
Favg = F
surfaceNormal_currentconf = math_det3x3(Favg) * math_mul33x3(math_inv3x3(transpose(Favg)), mesh_ipAreaNormal(:,n,ip,el)) ! calculate the normal of the interface in current ...
surfaceNormal = math_mul33x3(transpose(Fe(:,:,g,ip,el)), surfaceNormal_currentconf) / detFe ! ... and lattice configuration
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
area = mesh_ipArea(n,ip,el) * math_norm3(surfaceNormal)
surfaceNormal = surfaceNormal / math_norm3(surfaceNormal) ! normalize the surface normal to unit length
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
do s = 1,ns
do t = 1,4
if ( constitutive_nonlocal_v(s,t,g,ip,el) * math_mul3x3(m(:,s,t), surfaceNormal) > 0.0_pReal ) then ! outgoing flux
if (neighboring_el > 0 .and. neighboring_ip > 0) then ! I have a neighbor ...
if (transmissivity > 0.99_pReal) then ! ... with perfect transmissivity of the interface
vAvg = 0.5_pReal * (constitutive_nonlocal_v(s,t,g,ip,el) + constitutive_nonlocal_v(s,t,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el))
rhoAvg = 0.5_pReal * ( rhoSgl(s,t) + state(g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)%p((t-1)*ns+s) )
else ! ... with low transmissivity of the interface, i.e. a discontinuity in the dislocation flux
vAvg = constitutive_nonlocal_v(s,t,g,ip,el)
rhoAvg = rhoSgl(s,t)
else ! no neighbor
vAvg = constitutive_nonlocal_v(s,t,g,ip,el)
rhoAvg = rhoSgl(s,t)
lineLength = rhoAvg * vAvg * math_mul3x3(m(:,s,t), surfaceNormal) * area ! line length that wants to leave this interface
thisRhoDotSgl(s,t) = thisRhoDotSgl(s,t) - lineLength / mesh_ipVolume(ip,el) * transmissivity ! subtract positive dislocation flux that leaves the material point
thisRhoDotSgl(s,t+4) = thisRhoDotSgl(s,t+4) + lineLength / mesh_ipVolume(ip,el) * (1.0_pReal - transmissivity) &
* sign(1.0_pReal, vAvg) ! dislocation flux that is not able to leave through interface (because of low transmissivity) will remain as immobile single density at the material point
else ! incoming flux
if (neighboring_el > 0 .and. neighboring_ip > 0) then ! I have a neighbor ...
if (transmissivity > 0.99_pReal) then ! ... with perfect transmissivity of the interface
vAvg = 0.5_pReal * (constitutive_nonlocal_v(s,t,g,ip,el) + constitutive_nonlocal_v(s,t,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el))
rhoAvg = 0.5_pReal * ( rhoSgl(s,t) + state(g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)%p((t-1)*ns+s) )
else ! ... with low transmissivity of the interface, i.e. a discontinuity in the dislocation flux
vAvg = constitutive_nonlocal_v(s,t,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)
rhoAvg = state(g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)%p((t-1)*ns+s)
else ! no neighbor
vAvg = 0.0_pReal
rhoAvg = 0.0_pReal
lineLength = rhoAvg * vAvg * math_mul3x3(m(:,s,t), surfaceNormal) * area ! line length that wants to leave this interface
thisRhoDotSgl(s,t) = thisRhoDotSgl(s,t) - lineLength / mesh_ipVolume(ip,el) * transmissivity ! subtract negative dislocation flux that enters the material point
totalRhoDotSgl = totalRhoDotSgl + thisRhoDotSgl
totalRhoDotDip = totalRhoDotDip + thisRhoDotDip
if (selectiveDebugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(a,/,8(12(e12.5,x),/))') 'dislocation flux', thisRhoDotSgl * timestep
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
!$OMPEND CRITICAL (write2out)
!*** calculate dipole formation and annihilation
!*** formation by glide
thisRhoDotSgl = 0.0_pReal
thisRhoDotDip = 0.0_pReal
do c = 1,2
thisRhoDotSgl(:,2*c-1) = - 2.0_pReal * dUpper(:,c) / constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) &
* (rhoSgl(:,2*c-1) * abs(gdot(:,2*c)) + rhoSgl(:,2*c) * abs(gdot(:,2*c-1)) & ! negative mobile <-> positive mobile
+ abs(rhoSgl(:,2*c+4)) * abs(gdot(:,2*c-1))) ! negative immobile <-> positive mobile
thisRhoDotSgl(:,2*c) = - 2.0_pReal * dUpper(:,c) / constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) &
* (rhoSgl(:,2*c-1) * abs(gdot(:,2*c)) + rhoSgl(:,2*c) * abs(gdot(:,2*c-1)) & ! negative mobile <-> positive mobile
+ abs(rhoSgl(:,2*c+3)) * abs(gdot(:,2*c))) ! negative mobile <-> positive immobile
thisRhoDotSgl(:,2*c+3) = - 2.0_pReal * dUpper(:,c) / constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) & ! negative mobile <-> positive immobile
* rhoSgl(:,2*c+3) * abs(gdot(:,2*c))
thisRhoDotSgl(:,2*c+4) = - 2.0_pReal * dUpper(:,c) / constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) &
* rhoSgl(:,2*c+4) * abs(gdot(:,2*c-1)) ! negative immobile <-> positive mobile
thisRhoDotDip(:,c) = - thisRhoDotSgl(:,2*c-1) - thisRhoDotSgl(:,2*c) + abs(thisRhoDotSgl(:,2*c+3)) + abs(thisRhoDotSgl(:,2*c+4))
totalRhoDotSgl = totalRhoDotSgl + thisRhoDotSgl
totalRhoDotDip = totalRhoDotDip + thisRhoDotDip
if (selectiveDebugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(a,/,10(12(e12.5,x),/))') 'dipole formation by glide', thisRhoDotSgl * timestep, thisRhoDotDip * timestep
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
!$OMPEND CRITICAL (write2out)
!*** athermal annihilation
forall (c=1:2) &
thisRhoDotDip(:,c) = - 2.0_pReal * dLower(:,c) / constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) &
* ( 2.0_pReal * ( rhoSgl(:,2*c-1) * abs(gdot(:,2*c)) + rhoSgl(:,2*c) * abs(gdot(:,2*c-1)) ) & ! was single hitting single
+ 2.0_pReal * ( abs(rhoSgl(:,2*c+3)) * abs(gdot(:,2*c)) + abs(rhoSgl(:,2*c+4)) * abs(gdot(:,2*c-1)) ) & ! was single hitting immobile/used single
+ rhoDip(:,c) * ( abs(gdot(:,2*c-1)) + abs(gdot(:,2*c)) ) ) ! single knocks dipole constituent
thisRhoDotSgl = 0.0_pReal ! singles themselves don't annihilate
totalRhoDotSgl = totalRhoDotSgl + thisRhoDotSgl
totalRhoDotDip = totalRhoDotDip + thisRhoDotDip
if (selectiveDebugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(a,/,2(12(e12.5,x),/))') 'athermal dipole annihilation', thisRhoDotDip * timestep
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
!$OMPEND CRITICAL (write2out)
!*** thermally activated annihilation of dipoles
D = constitutive_nonlocal_D0(myInstance) * exp(-constitutive_nonlocal_Qsd(myInstance) / (kB * Temperature))
vClimb = constitutive_nonlocal_atomicVolume(myInstance) * D / ( kB * Temperature ) &
* constitutive_nonlocal_Gmod(myInstance) / ( 2.0_pReal * pi * (1.0_pReal-constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance)) ) &
* 2.0_pReal / ( dUpper(:,1) + dLower(:,1) )
thisRhoDotDip(:,1) = - 4.0_pReal * rhoDip(:,1) * vClimb / ( dUpper(:,1) - dLower(:,1) ) ! edge climb
thisRhoDotDip(:,2) = 0.0_pReal !!! cross slipping still has to be implemented !!!
thisRhoDotSgl = 0.0_pReal
totalRhoDotSgl = totalRhoDotSgl + thisRhoDotSgl
totalRhoDotDip = totalRhoDotDip + thisRhoDotDip
if (selectiveDebugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(a,/,2(12(e12.5,x),/))') 'thermally activated dipole annihilation', thisRhoDotDip * timestep
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
!$OMPEND CRITICAL (write2out)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
!*** formation/dissociation by stress change = alteration in dUpper
!thisRhoDotDip = 0.0_pReal
!! forall (c=1:2, s=1:ns, dUpperDot(s,c) > 0.0_pReal) & ! stress decrease => dipole formation
! ! thisRhoDotDip(s,c) = 8.0_pReal * rhoSgl(s,2*c-1) * rhoSgl(s,2*c) * previousDUpper(s,c) * dUpperDot(s,c)
!forall (c=1:2, s=1:ns, dUpperDot(s,c) < 0.0_pReal) & ! increased stress => dipole dissociation
! thisRhoDotDip(s,c) = rhoDip(s,c) * dUpperDot(s,c) / (previousDUpper(s,c) - dLower(s,c))
!forall (t=1:4) &
! thisRhoDotSgl(:,t) = -0.5_pReal * thisRhoDotDip(:,(t-1)/2+1)
!totalRhoDotSgl = totalRhoDotSgl + thisRhoDotSgl
!totalRhoDotDip = totalRhoDotDip + thisRhoDotDip
!if (debugger) then
! !$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
! write(6,'(a,/,10(12(e12.5,x),/))') 'dipole stability by stress change', thisRhoDotSgl * timestep, thisRhoDotDip * timestep
! !$OMPEND CRITICAL (write2out)
!*** assign the rates of dislocation densities to my dotState
dotState(1,ip,el)%p(1:8*ns) = dotState(1,ip,el)%p(1:8*ns) + reshape(totalRhoDotSgl,(/8*ns/))
dotState(1,ip,el)%p(8*ns+1:10*ns) = dotState(1,ip,el)%p(8*ns+1:10*ns) + reshape(totalRhoDotDip,(/2*ns/))
if (selectiveDebugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(a,/,8(12(e12.5,x),/))') 'deltaRho:', totalRhoDotSgl * timestep
write(6,'(a,/,2(12(e12.5,x),/))') 'deltaRhoDip:', totalRhoDotDip * timestep
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
!$OMPEND CRITICAL (write2out)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
!* transmissivity of IP interface *
function constitutive_nonlocal_transmissivity(misorientationAngle, misorientationAxis)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
use prec, only: pReal, &
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
implicit none
!* input variables
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: misorientationAxis ! misorientation axis
real(pReal), intent(in) :: misorientationAngle ! misorientation angle
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
!* output variables
real(pReal) constitutive_nonlocal_transmissivity ! transmissivity of an IP interface for dislocations
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
!* local variables
! transmissivity depends on misorientation angle
if (misorientationAngle < 3.0_pReal) then
constitutive_nonlocal_transmissivity = 1.0_pReal
elseif (misorientationAngle < 10.0_pReal) then
constitutive_nonlocal_transmissivity = 0.5_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_transmissivity = 0.01_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
!* rate of change of temperature *
pure function constitutive_nonlocal_dotTemperature(Tstar_v,Temperature,state,g,ip,el)
use prec, only: pReal, &
pInt, &
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems, &
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains
implicit none
!* input variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: g, & ! current grain ID
ip, & ! current integration point
el ! current element
real(pReal), intent(in) :: Temperature ! temperature
real(pReal), dimension(6), intent(in) :: Tstar_v ! 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress in Mandel notation
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems), intent(in) :: &
state ! microstructural state
!* output variables
real(pReal) constitutive_nonlocal_dotTemperature ! evolution of Temperature
!* local variables
constitutive_nonlocal_dotTemperature = 0.0_pReal
!* return array of constitutive results *
function constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(Tstar_v, previousTstar_v, Fe, Fp, Temperature, misorientation, dt, dt_previous, &
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
state, previousState, dotState, g,ip,el)
use prec, only: pReal, &
pInt, &
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
use math, only: math_norm3, &
math_mul6x6, &
math_mul3x3, &
math_mul33x3, &
math_mul33x33, &
math_inv3x3, &
math_det3x3, &
math_Mandel6to33, &
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems, &
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
mesh_maxNips, &
mesh_maxNipNeighbors, &
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
mesh_element, &
FE_NipNeighbors, &
mesh_ipNeighborhood, &
mesh_ipVolume, &
mesh_ipArea, &
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains, &
material_phase, &
phase_constitutionInstance, &
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
use lattice, only: lattice_Sslip, &
lattice_Sslip_v, &
lattice_sd, &
lattice_sn, &
lattice_st, &
lattice_maxNslipFamily, &
implicit none
!*** input variables
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: g, & ! current grain number
ip, & ! current integration point
el ! current element number
real(pReal), intent(in) :: Temperature, & ! temperature
dt, & ! time increment
dt_previous ! time increment between previous and current state
real(pReal), dimension(6), intent(in) :: Tstar_v, & ! current 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress in Mandel notation
previousTstar_v ! previous 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress in Mandel notation
real(pReal), dimension(4,mesh_maxNipNeighbors), intent(in) :: &
misorientation ! crystal misorientation between me and my neighbor (axis, angle pair)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems), intent(in) :: &
Fe, & ! elastic deformation gradient
Fp ! plastic deformation gradient
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems), intent(in) :: &
state, & ! current microstructural state
previousState, & ! previous microstructural state
dotState ! evolution rate of microstructural state
!*** output variables
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_sizePostResults(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el)))) :: &
!*** local variables
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
integer(pInt) myInstance, & ! current instance of this constitution
myStructure, & ! current lattice structure
ns, & ! short notation for the total number of active slip systems
neighboring_el, & ! element number of my neighbor
neighboring_ip, & ! integration point of my neighbor
c, & ! character of dislocation
cs, & ! constitutive result index
n, & ! index of my current neighbor
o, & ! index of current output
t, & ! type of dislocation
s, & ! index of my current slip system
sLattice ! index of my current slip system according to lattice order
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))),6,4) :: &
fluxes ! outgoing fluxes per slipsystem, neighbor and dislocation type
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))),8) :: &
rhoSgl, & ! current single dislocation densities (positive/negative screw and edge without dipoles)
previousRhoSgl, & ! previous single dislocation densities (positive/negative screw and edge without dipoles)
rhoDotSgl ! evolution rate of single dislocation densities (positive/negative screw and edge without dipoles)
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))),4) :: &
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
gdot, & ! shear rates
lineLength ! dislocation line length leaving the current interface
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el)))) :: &
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
rhoForest, & ! forest dislocation density
tauThreshold, & ! threshold shear stress
tau, & ! current resolved shear stress
previousTau, & ! previous resolved shear stress
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
invLambda, & ! inverse of mean free path for dislocations
vClimb ! climb velocity of edge dipoles
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))),2) :: &
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
rhoDip, & ! current dipole dislocation densities (screw and edge dipoles)
previousRhoDip, & ! previous dipole dislocation densities (screw and edge dipoles)
rhoDotDip, & ! evolution rate of dipole dislocation densities (screw and edge dipoles)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
dLower, & ! minimum stable dipole distance for edges and screws
dUpper, & ! current maximum stable dipole distance for edges and screws
previousDUpper, & ! previous maximum stable dipole distance for edges and screws
dUpperDot ! rate of change of the maximum stable dipole distance for edges and screws
real(pReal), dimension(3,constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))),2) :: &
m, & ! direction of dislocation motion for edge and screw (unit vector)
m_currentconf ! direction of dislocation motion for edge and screw (unit vector) in current configuration
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: F, & ! total deformation gradient
neighboring_F, & ! total deformation gradient of my neighbor
Favg ! average total deformation gradient of me and my neighbor
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tdislocation_v, & ! current dislocation stress (resulting from the neighboring excess dislocation densities) as 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress
previousTdislocation_v ! previous dislocation stress (resulting from the neighboring excess dislocation densities) as 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: surfaceNormal, & ! surface normal in lattice configuration
surfaceNormal_currentconf ! surface normal in current configuration
real(pReal) area, & ! area of the current interface
detFe, & ! determinant of elastic defornmation gradient
D ! self diffusion
myInstance = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))
myStructure = constitutive_nonlocal_structure(myInstance)
ns = constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(myInstance)
cs = 0_pInt
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults = 0.0_pReal
!* short hand notations for state variables
forall (t = 1:8) rhoSgl(:,t) = state(g,ip,el)%p((t-1)*ns+1:t*ns)
forall (t = 1:8) previousRhoSgl(:,t) = previousState(g,ip,el)%p((t-1)*ns+1:t*ns)
forall (c = 1:2) rhoDip(:,c) = state(g,ip,el)%p((7+c)*ns+1:(8+c)*ns)
forall (c = 1:2) previousRhoDip(:,c) = previousState(g,ip,el)%p((7+c)*ns+1:(8+c)*ns)
rhoForest = state(g,ip,el)%p(10*ns+1:11*ns)
tauThreshold = state(g,ip,el)%p(11*ns+1:12*ns)
Tdislocation_v = state(g,ip,el)%p(12*ns+1:12*ns+6)
previousTdislocation_v = previousState(g,ip,el)%p(12*ns+1:12*ns+6)
forall (t = 1:8) rhoDotSgl(:,t) = dotState(g,ip,el)%p((t-1)*ns+1:t*ns)
forall (c = 1:2) rhoDotDip(:,c) = dotState(g,ip,el)%p((7+c)*ns+1:(8+c)*ns)
!* Calculate shear rate
do t = 1,4
do s = 1,ns
if (rhoSgl(s,t+4) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(s,t,g,ip,el) < 0.0_pReal) then
rhoSgl(s,t) = rhoSgl(s,t) + abs(rhoSgl(s,t+4)) ! remobilization of immobile singles for changing sign of v (bauschinger effect)
rhoSgl(s,t+4) = 0.0_pReal ! remobilization of immobile singles for changing sign of v (bauschinger effect)
forall (t = 1:4) &
gdot(:,t) = rhoSgl(:,t) * constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,t,g,ip,el)
!* calculate limits for stable dipole height and its rate of change
do s = 1,ns
sLattice = constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance)
tau(s) = math_mul6x6( Tstar_v + Tdislocation_v, lattice_Sslip_v(:,sLattice,myStructure) )
previousTau(s) = math_mul6x6( previousTstar_v + previousTdislocation_v, lattice_Sslip_v(:,sLattice,myStructure) )
dLower(:,1) = constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerEdgePerSlipSystem(:,myInstance)
dLower(:,2) = constitutive_nonlocal_dLowerScrewPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance)
dUpper(:,2) = min( constitutive_nonlocal_Gmod(myInstance) * constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) &
/ ( 8.0_pReal * pi * abs(tau) ), &
1.0_pReal / sqrt( sum(abs(rhoSgl),2)+sum(rhoDip,2) ) )
dUpper(:,1) = dUpper(:,2) / ( 1.0_pReal - constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance) )
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
previousDUpper(:,2) = min( constitutive_nonlocal_Gmod(myInstance) * constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) &
/ ( 8.0_pReal * pi * abs(previousTau) ), &
1.0_pReal / sqrt( sum(abs(previousRhoSgl),2) + sum(previousRhoDip,2) ) )
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
previousDUpper(:,1) = previousDUpper(:,2) / ( 1.0_pReal - constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance) )
if (dt_previous > 0.0_pReal) then
dUpperDot = (dUpper - previousDUpper) / dt_previous
dUpperDot = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
!*** dislocation motion
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
m(:,:,1) = lattice_sd(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(:,myInstance), myStructure)
m(:,:,2) = lattice_st(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(:,myInstance), myStructure)
forall (c = 1:2, s = 1:ns) &
m_currentconf(:,s,c) = math_mul33x3(Fe(:,:,g,ip,el), m(:,s,c))
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
do o = 1,phase_Noutput(material_phase(g,ip,el))
select case(constitutive_nonlocal_output(o,myInstance))
case ('rho')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(abs(rhoSgl),2) + sum(rhoDip,2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(abs(rhoSgl),2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_mobile')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(abs(rhoSgl(:,1:4)),2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_immobile')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(abs(rhoSgl(:,5:8)),2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_dip')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(rhoDip,2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_edge')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(abs(rhoSgl(:,(/1,2,5,6/))),2) + rhoDip(:,1)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_edge')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(abs(rhoSgl(:,(/1,2,5,6/))),2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_edge_mobile')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(rhoSgl(:,1:2),2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_edge_immobile')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(abs(rhoSgl(:,5:6)),2)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_edge_pos')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,1) + abs(rhoSgl(:,5))
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_edge_pos_mobile')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,1)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_edge_pos_immobile')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = abs(rhoSgl(:,5))
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_edge_neg')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,2) + abs(rhoSgl(:,6))
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_edge_neg_mobile')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_edge_neg_immobile')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = abs(rhoSgl(:,6))
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_dip_edge')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoDip(:,1)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_screw')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(abs(rhoSgl(:,(/3,4,7,8/))),2) + rhoDip(:,2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_screw')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(abs(rhoSgl(:,(/3,4,7,8/))),2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_screw_mobile')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(rhoSgl(:,3:4),2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_screw_immobile')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(abs(rhoSgl(:,7:8)),2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_screw_pos')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,3) + abs(rhoSgl(:,7))
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_screw_pos_mobile')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,3)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_screw_pos_immobile')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = abs(rhoSgl(:,7))
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_screw_neg')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,4) + abs(rhoSgl(:,8))
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_screw_neg_mobile')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,4)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_sgl_screw_neg_immobile')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = abs(rhoSgl(:,8))
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_dip_screw')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoDip(:,2)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
cs = cs + ns
case ('excess_rho')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = (rhoSgl(:,1) + abs(rhoSgl(:,5))) - (rhoSgl(:,2) + abs(rhoSgl(:,6))) &
+ (rhoSgl(:,3) + abs(rhoSgl(:,7))) - (rhoSgl(:,4) + abs(rhoSgl(:,8)))
cs = cs + ns
case ('excess_rhoSgl_edge')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = (rhoSgl(:,1) + abs(rhoSgl(:,5))) - (rhoSgl(:,2) + abs(rhoSgl(:,6)))
cs = cs + ns
case ('excess_rhoSgl_screw')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = (rhoSgl(:,3) + abs(rhoSgl(:,7))) - (rhoSgl(:,4) + abs(rhoSgl(:,8)))
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_forest')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoForest
cs = cs + ns
case ('delta')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = 1.0_pReal / sqrt( sum(abs(rhoSgl),2) + sum(rhoDip,2) )
cs = cs + ns
case ('delta_sgl')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = 1.0_pReal / sqrt( sum(abs(rhoSgl),2))
cs = cs + ns
case ('delta_dip')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = 1.0_pReal / sqrt( sum(rhoDip,2) )
cs = cs + ns
case ('shearrate')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(abs(gdot),2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('resolvedstress')
do s = 1,ns
sLattice = constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance)
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+s) = math_mul6x6( Tstar_v + Tdislocation_v, lattice_Sslip_v(:,sLattice,myStructure) )
cs = cs + ns
case ('resolvedstress_internal')
do s = 1,ns
sLattice = constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance)
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+s) = math_mul6x6(Tdislocation_v, lattice_Sslip_v(:,sLattice,myStructure) )
cs = cs + ns
case ('resolvedstress_external')
do s = 1,ns
sLattice = constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance)
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+s) = math_mul6x6(Tstar_v, lattice_Sslip_v(:,sLattice,myStructure) )
cs = cs + ns
case ('resistance')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = tauThreshold
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_dot')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(rhoDotSgl,2) + sum(rhoDotDip,2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_dot_sgl')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(rhoDotSgl,2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_dot_dip')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(rhoDotDip,2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_dot_gen')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(abs(gdot),2) * sqrt(rhoForest) &
/ constitutive_nonlocal_lambda0PerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) &
/ constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_dot_gen_edge')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(abs(gdot(:,3:4)),2) * sqrt(rhoForest) &
/ constitutive_nonlocal_lambda0PerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) &
/ constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_dot_gen_screw')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = sum(abs(gdot(:,1:2)),2) * sqrt(rhoForest) &
/ constitutive_nonlocal_lambda0PerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) &
/ constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance)
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_dot_sgl2dip')
do c=1,2 ! dipole formation by glide
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) + &
2.0_pReal * dUpper(:,c) / constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) &
* ( 2.0_pReal * ( rhoSgl(:,2*c-1) * abs(gdot(:,2*c)) + rhoSgl(:,2*c) * abs(gdot(:,2*c-1)) ) & ! was single hitting single
+ 2.0_pReal * ( abs(rhoSgl(:,2*c+3)) * abs(gdot(:,2*c)) + abs(rhoSgl(:,2*c+4)) * abs(gdot(:,2*c-1)) ) ) ! was single hitting immobile/used single
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
! do c=1,2
! forall (s=1:ns, dUpperDot(s,c) > 0.0_pReal) & ! dipole formation by stress decrease
! constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+s) = constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+s) + &
! 8.0_pReal * rho(s,2*c-1) * rho(s,2*c) * previousDUpper(s,c) * dUpperDot(s,c)
! enddo
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_dot_dip2sgl')
do c=1,2
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
forall (s=1:ns, dUpperDot(s,c) < 0.0_pReal) &
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+s) = 0.0_pReal
! constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+s) - &
! rhoDip(s,c) * dUpperDot(s,c) / (previousDUpper(s,c) - dLower(s,c))
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_dot_ann_ath')
do c=1,2
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) + &
2.0_pReal * dLower(:,c) / constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(:,myInstance) &
* ( 2.0_pReal * ( rhoSgl(:,2*c-1) * abs(gdot(:,2*c)) + rhoSgl(:,2*c) * abs(gdot(:,2*c-1)) ) & ! was single hitting single
+ 2.0_pReal * ( abs(rhoSgl(:,2*c+3)) * abs(gdot(:,2*c)) + abs(rhoSgl(:,2*c+4)) * abs(gdot(:,2*c-1)) ) & ! was single hitting immobile/used single
+ rhoDip(:,c) * ( rhoSgl(:,2*c-1) + rhoSgl(:,2*c) ) ) ! single knocks dipole constituent
cs = cs + ns
case ('rho_dot_ann_the')
D = constitutive_nonlocal_D0(myInstance) * exp(-constitutive_nonlocal_Qsd(myInstance) / (kB * Temperature))
vClimb = constitutive_nonlocal_atomicVolume(myInstance) * D / ( kB * Temperature ) &
* constitutive_nonlocal_Gmod(myInstance) / ( 2.0_pReal * pi * (1.0_pReal-constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance)) ) &
* 2.0_pReal / ( dUpper(:,1) + dLower(:,1) )
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = 4.0_pReal * rhoDip(:,1) * vClimb / ( dUpper(:,1) - dLower(:,1) )
! !!! cross-slip of screws missing !!!
cs = cs + ns
2010-02-23 22:53:07 +05:30
case ('dislocationvelocity')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,1,g,ip,el)
cs = cs + ns
case ('fluxdensity_edge_pos_x')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,1) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,1,g,ip,el) * m_currentconf(1,:,1)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
cs = cs + ns
case ('fluxdensity_edge_pos_y')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,1) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,1,g,ip,el) * m_currentconf(2,:,1)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
cs = cs + ns
case ('fluxdensity_edge_pos_z')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,1) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,1,g,ip,el) * m_currentconf(3,:,1)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
cs = cs + ns
case ('fluxdensity_edge_neg_x')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,2) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,2,g,ip,el) * m_currentconf(1,:,2)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
cs = cs + ns
case ('fluxdensity_edge_neg_y')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,2) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,2,g,ip,el) * m_currentconf(2,:,2)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
cs = cs + ns
case ('fluxdensity_edge_neg_z')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,2) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,2,g,ip,el) * m_currentconf(3,:,2)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
cs = cs + ns
case ('fluxdensity_screw_pos_x')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,3) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,3,g,ip,el) * m_currentconf(1,:,3)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
cs = cs + ns
case ('fluxdensity_screw_pos_y')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,3) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,3,g,ip,el) * m_currentconf(2,:,3)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
cs = cs + ns
case ('fluxdensity_screw_pos_z')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,3) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,3,g,ip,el) * m_currentconf(3,:,3)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
cs = cs + ns
case ('fluxdensity_screw_neg_x')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,4) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,4,g,ip,el) * m_currentconf(1,:,4)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
cs = cs + ns
case ('fluxdensity_screw_neg_y')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,4) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,4,g,ip,el) * m_currentconf(2,:,4)
constitutive_nonlocal: - corrected flux term - multiplication is now aware of dislocation type - corrected change rate for "dipole size" dupper - corrected term for dipole dissociation by stress change - added transmissivity term in fluxes which accounts for misorientation between two neighboring grains (yet hardcoded transmissivity according to misorientation angle) - added more output variables constitutive: - 2 additional variables "previousDotState" and "previousDotState2", which are used to store the previous and second previous dotState (used in crystallite for acceleration/stabilization of state integration) - timer for dotState now measures the time for calls to constitutive_ collectState (used to reside in crystallite_updateState, which is not critical in terms of calculation time anymore) crystallite: - convergence check for nonlocal elments is now done at end of crystallite loop, not at the beginning; we simple set all elements to not converged if there is at least one nonlocal element that did not converge - need call to microstructure before first call to collect dotState for dependent states - stiffness calculation (jacobian): if there are nonlocal elements, we also have to consider changes in our neighborhood's states; so for every perturbed component in a single ip, we have to loop over all elements; since this is extremely time-consuming, we just perturb one component per cycle, starting with the one that changes the most during regular time step. - updateState gets a damping prefactor for our dotState that helps to improve convergence; prefactor is calculated according to change of dotState IO: - additional warning message for unknown crystal symmetry
2009-12-15 13:50:31 +05:30
cs = cs + ns
case ('fluxdensity_screw_neg_z')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = rhoSgl(:,4) * constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,4,g,ip,el) * m_currentconf(3,:,4)
cs = cs + ns
case ('d_upper_edge')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = dUpper(:,1)
cs = cs + ns
case ('d_upper_screw')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = dUpper(:,2)
cs = cs + ns
case ('d_upper_dot_edge')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = dUpperDot(:,1)
cs = cs + ns
case ('d_upper_dot_screw')
constitutive_nonlocal_postResults(cs+1:cs+ns) = dUpperDot(:,2)
cs = cs + ns
end select