2015-06-15 23:42:38 +05:30
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*-
import os,sys,string
import numpy as np
from optparse import OptionParser
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import damask
2015-06-15 23:43:06 +05:30
scriptID = string.replace('$Id$','\n','\\n')
2015-06-15 23:42:38 +05:30
scriptName = os.path.splitext(scriptID.split()[1])[0]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
parser = OptionParser(option_class=damask.extendableOption, usage='%prog options [file[s]]', description = """
Generate PNG image from scalar data on grid deformed by (periodic) deformation gradient.
""", version = scriptID)
2015-08-08 00:33:26 +05:30
dest = 'label',
type = 'string', metavar = 'string',
help = 'column containing data [all]')
dest = 'range',
type = 'float', nargs = 2, metavar = 'float float',
help = 'data range (min max) [auto]')
parser.add_option('--gap', '--transparent',
dest = 'gap',
type = 'float', metavar = 'float',
help = 'value to treat as transparent [%default]')
dest = 'dimension',
type = 'int', nargs = 3, metavar = ' '.join(['int']*3),
help = 'data dimension (x/y/z)')
dest = 'size',
type = 'float', nargs = 3, metavar = ' '.join(['float']*3),
help = 'box size (x/y/z)')
dest = 'defgrad', metavar = 'string',
help = 'column label of deformation gradient [%default]')
dest = 'scaling',
type = 'float', nargs = 3, metavar = ' '.join(['float']*3),
help = 'x/y/z scaling of displacement fluctuation [%default]')
dest = 'z',
type = 'int', metavar = 'int',
help = 'index of z plane to plot [%default]')
dest = 'color',
type = 'string', metavar = 'string',
help = 'color scheme')
dest = 'invert',
action = 'store_true',
help = 'invert color scheme')
dest = 'abs',
action = 'store_true',
help = 'magnitude of values')
dest = 'log',
action = 'store_true',
help = 'log10 of values')
dest = 'pixelsize',
type = 'int', metavar = 'int',
help = 'pixels per cell edge')
dest = 'show',
action = 'store_true',
help = 'show resulting image')
2015-06-15 23:42:38 +05:30
parser.set_defaults(label = None,
range = [0.0,0.0],
dimension = [],
size = [],
z = 1,
abs = False,
log = False,
defgrad = 'f',
scaling = [1.,1.,1.],
color = "gray",
invert = False,
pixelsize = 1,
show = False,
(options,filenames) = parser.parse_args()
options.size = np.array(options.size)
options.dimension = np.array(options.dimension)
options.range = np.array(options.range)
if options.z > 0: options.z -= 1 # adjust to 0-based indexing
# --- color palette ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
theMap = damask.Colormap(predefined=options.color)
if options.invert: theMap = theMap.invert()
theColors = np.uint8(np.array(theMap.export(format='list',steps=256))*255)
# --- loop over input files -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2015-08-08 00:33:26 +05:30
if filenames == []: filenames = ['STDIN']
2015-06-15 23:42:38 +05:30
for name in filenames:
2015-08-08 00:33:26 +05:30
if not (name == 'STDIN' or os.path.exists(name)): continue
table = damask.ASCIItable(name = name,
outname = None,
buffered = False,
labeled = options.label != None,
readonly = True)
table.croak('\033[1m'+scriptName+'\033[0m'+(': '+name if name != 'STDIN' else ''))
# ------------------------------------------ read header ------------------------------------------
2015-06-15 23:42:38 +05:30
# --------------- figure out columns to process ---------------------------------------------------
errors = []
if table.label_dimension(options.label) != 1:
2015-08-08 00:33:26 +05:30
errors.append('no scalar data ({}) found.'.format(options.label))
2015-06-15 23:42:38 +05:30
if table.label_dimension(options.defgrad) != 9:
2015-08-08 00:33:26 +05:30
errors.append('no deformation gradient tensor (1..9_{}) found.'.format(options.defgrad))
2015-06-15 23:42:38 +05:30
if errors != []:
2015-08-18 10:11:36 +05:30
2015-06-15 23:42:38 +05:30
table.close(dismiss = True)
data = table.data[:,0 ].transpose().reshape( list(options.dimension),order='F')
2015-08-08 00:33:26 +05:30
F = table.data[:,1:10].transpose().reshape([3,3]+list(options.dimension),order='F')
2015-06-15 23:42:38 +05:30
if options.abs: data = np.abs(data)
if options.log: data = np.log10(data)
if np.all(options.range == 0.0): options.range = np.array([data.min(),data.max()])
elif options.log: options.range = np.log10(options.range)
data = ( data - options.range.min()) / \
(options.range.max() - options.range.min()) # data scaled to fraction of range
data = np.clip(data,0.0,1.0) # cut off outliers (should be none)
# ---------------- calculate coordinates -----------------------------------------------------------
Favg = damask.core.math.tensorAvg(F)
centroids = damask.core.mesh.deformedCoordsFFT(options.size,F,Favg,options.scaling)
nodes = damask.core.mesh.nodesAroundCentres(options.size,Favg,centroids)
boundingBox = np.array([ \
]) # find x-y bounding box for given z layer
nodes -= boundingBox[0].repeat(np.prod(options.dimension+1)).reshape([3]+list(options.dimension+1))
nodes *= (options.pixelsize*options.dimension/options.size).repeat(np.prod(options.dimension+1)).reshape([3]+list(options.dimension+1))
imagesize = (options.pixelsize*(boundingBox[1]-boundingBox[0])*options.dimension\
/options.size)[:2].astype('i') # determine image size from number of cells in overall bounding box
im = Image.new('RGBA',imagesize)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
for y in xrange(options.dimension[1]):
for x in xrange(options.dimension[0]):
draw.polygon([nodes[0,x ,y ,options.z],
nodes[1,x ,y ,options.z],
nodes[0,x+1,y ,options.z],
nodes[1,x+1,y ,options.z],
nodes[0,x ,y+1,options.z],
nodes[1,x ,y+1,options.z],
2015-08-08 00:33:26 +05:30
fill = tuple(theColors[int(255*data[x,y,options.z])],
0 if data[x,y,options.z] == options.gap else 255),
2015-06-15 23:42:38 +05:30
outline = None)
2015-08-08 00:33:26 +05:30
# ------------------------------------------ output result -----------------------------------------
2015-06-15 23:42:38 +05:30
2015-08-08 00:33:26 +05:30
im.save(sys.stdout if name == 'STDIN' else
os.path.splitext(name)[0]+ \
('' if options.label == None else '_'+options.label)+ \
format = "PNG")
2015-06-15 23:42:38 +05:30
2015-08-08 00:33:26 +05:30
table.close() # close ASCII table
2015-06-15 23:42:38 +05:30
if options.show: im.show()