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!> @brief yaml_types
!> @details module describes the various functions to store and get the yaml data.
!! tNode is the fundamental derived data type. It can be of tScalar, &
!! tList or tDict.
!! Every 'value' in a key: value pair is of tNode and is a pointer.
!! If 'value' is of tScalar, it can either be a string, real, integer or logical, &
!! functions exist to convert this scalar type to its respective primitive data type.
module types
use IO
use prec
implicit none
public tNode
public tScalar
public tDict
public tList
public types_init
type, abstract :: tNode
integer :: length = 0
procedure(asFormattedString), deferred :: asFormattedString
procedure :: &
asScalar => tNode_asScalar
procedure :: &
asList => tNode_asList
procedure :: &
asDict => tNode_asDict
2020-04-22 19:21:05 +05:30
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byIndex => tNode_get_byIndex
procedure :: &
2020-04-22 19:21:05 +05:30
tNode_get_byIndex_asFloat => tNode_get_byIndex_asFloat
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byIndex_asFloats => tNode_get_byIndex_asFloats
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byIndex_asInt => tNode_get_byIndex_asInt
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byIndex_asInts => tNode_get_byIndex_asInts
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byIndex_asBool => tNode_get_byIndex_asBool
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byIndex_asBools => tNode_get_byIndex_asBools
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byIndex_asString => tNode_get_byIndex_asString
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byIndex_asStrings => tNode_get_byIndex_asStrings
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byKey => tNode_get_byKey
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byKey_asFloat => tNode_get_byKey_asFloat
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byKey_asFloats => tNode_get_byKey_asFloats
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byKey_asInt => tNode_get_byKey_asInt
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byKey_asInts => tNode_get_byKey_asInts
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byKey_asBool => tNode_get_byKey_asBool
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byKey_asBools => tNode_get_byKey_asBools
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byKey_asString => tNode_get_byKey_asString
procedure :: &
tNode_get_byKey_asStrings => tNode_get_byKey_asStrings
generic :: &
get => tNode_get_byIndex, &
generic :: &
get_asFloat => tNode_get_byIndex_asFloat, &
generic :: &
get_asFloats => tNode_get_byIndex_asFloats, &
generic :: &
get_asInt => tNode_get_byIndex_asInt, &
generic :: &
get_asInts => tNode_get_byIndex_asInts, &
generic :: &
get_asBool => tNode_get_byIndex_asBool, &
generic :: &
get_asBools => tNode_get_byIndex_asBools, &
generic :: &
get_asString => tNode_get_byIndex_asString, &
generic :: &
get_asStrings => tNode_get_byIndex_asStrings, &
end type tNode
type, extends(tNode) :: tScalar
character(len=:), allocatable, private :: value
procedure :: asFormattedString => tScalar_asFormattedString
procedure :: &
asFloat => tScalar_asFloat
procedure :: &
asInt => tScalar_asInt
procedure :: &
asBool => tScalar_asBool
procedure :: &
asString => tScalar_asString
end type tScalar
type, extends(tNode) :: tList
class(tItem), pointer :: first => null()
procedure :: asFormattedString => tList_asFormattedString
procedure :: append => tList_append
procedure :: &
asFloats => tList_asFloats
procedure :: &
asInts => tList_asInts
procedure :: &
asBools => tList_asBools
procedure :: &
asStrings => tList_asStrings
final :: tList_finalize
end type tList
type, extends(tList) :: tDict
procedure :: asFormattedString => tDict_asFormattedString
procedure :: set => tDict_set
final :: tDict_finalize
end type tDict
type :: tItem
character(len=:), allocatable :: key
class(tNode), allocatable :: node
class(tItem), pointer :: next => null()
end type tItem
abstract interface
recursive function asFormattedString(self,indent)
import tNode
character(len=:), allocatable :: asFormattedString
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
integer, intent(in), optional :: indent
end function asFormattedString
end interface
interface tScalar
module procedure tScalar_init__
end interface tScalar
interface assignment (=)
module procedure tScalar_assign__
end interface assignment (=)
subroutine types_init
call unitTest
end subroutine types_init
subroutine unitTest
type(tScalar),target :: s1,s2
s1 = '1'
if(s1%asInt() /= 1) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='tScalar_asInt')
if(dNeq(s1%asFloat(),1.0_pReal)) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='tScalar_asFloat')
s1 = 'True'
if(.not. s1%asBool()) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='tScalar_asBool')
if(s1%asString() /= 'True') call IO_error(0,ext_msg='tScalar_asString')
type(tList), target :: l1, l2
class(tNode), pointer :: n
s1 = '2'
s2 = '3'
call l1%append(s1)
call l1%append(s2)
call l2%append(l1)
n => l1
if(any(l1%asInts() /= [2,3])) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='tList_asInts')
if(any(dNeq(l1%asFloats(),[2.0_pReal,3.0_pReal]))) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='tList_asFloats')
if(n%get_asInt(1) /= 2) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='byIndex_asInt')
if(dNeq(n%get_asFloat(2),3.0_pReal)) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='byIndex_asFloat')
if(any(l2%get_asInts(1) /= [2,3])) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='byIndex_asInts')
if(any(dNeq(l2%get_asFloats(1),[2.0_pReal,3.0_pReal]))) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='byIndex_asFloats')
end block
type(tList), target :: l1, l2
class(tNode), pointer :: n
s1 = 'True'
s2 = 'False'
call l1%append(s1)
call l1%append(s2)
call l2%append(l1)
n=> l1
if(any(l1%asBools() .neqv. [.true., .false.])) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='tList_asBools')
if(any(l1%asStrings() /= ['True ','False'])) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='tList_asStrings')
if(n%get_asBool(2)) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='byIndex_asBool')
if(n%get_asString(1) /= 'True') call IO_error(0,ext_msg='byIndex_asString')
if(any(l2%get_asBools(1) .neqv. [.true., .false.])) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='byIndex_asBools')
if(any(l2%get_asStrings(1) /= ['True ','False'])) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='byIndex_asStrings')
end block
end subroutine unitTest
!> @brief init from string
type(tScalar) pure function tScalar_init__(value)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
tScalar_init__%value =value
end function tScalar_init__
!> @brief set value from string
elemental pure subroutine tScalar_assign__(self,value)
type(tScalar), intent(out) :: self
character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
self%value = value
end subroutine tScalar_assign__
!> @brief Type guard, guarantee scalar
function tNode_asScalar(self) result(scalar)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
class(tScalar), pointer :: scalar
select type(self)
class is(tScalar)
scalar => self
class default
call IO_error(0)
end select
end function tNode_asScalar
!> @brief Type guard, guarantee list
function tNode_asList(self) result(list)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
class(tList), pointer :: list
select type(self)
class is(tList)
list => self
class default
call IO_error(0)
end select
end function tNode_asList
!> @brief Type guard, guarantee dict
function tNode_asDict(self) result(dict)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
class(tDict), pointer :: dict
select type(self)
class is(tDict)
dict => self
class default
call IO_error(0)
end select
end function tNode_asDict
!> @brief Access by index
function tNode_get_byIndex(self,i) result(node)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
integer, intent(in) :: i
class(tNode), pointer :: node
class(tList), pointer :: self_
class(tItem), pointer :: item
integer :: j
self_ => self%asList()
if(i < 1 .or. i > self_%length) call IO_error(0)
j = 1
item => self_%first
do while(j<i)
item => item%next
j = j + 1
node => item%node
end function tNode_get_byIndex
!> @brief Access by index and convert to float
function tNode_get_byIndex_asFloat(self,i) result(nodeAsFloat)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
integer, intent(in) :: i
real(pReal) :: nodeAsFloat
class(tNode), pointer :: node
type(tScalar), pointer :: scalar
node => self%get(i)
scalar => node%asScalar()
nodeAsFloat = scalar%asFloat()
end function tNode_get_byIndex_asFloat
!> @brief Access by index and convert to int
function tNode_get_byIndex_asInt(self,i) result(nodeAsInt)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
integer, intent(in) :: i
integer :: nodeAsInt
class(tNode), pointer :: node
type(tScalar), pointer :: scalar
node => self%get(i)
scalar => node%asScalar()
nodeAsInt = scalar%asInt()
end function tNode_get_byIndex_asInt
!> @brief Access by index and convert to bool
function tNode_get_byIndex_asBool(self,i) result(nodeAsBool)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
integer, intent(in) :: i
logical :: nodeAsBool
class(tNode), pointer :: node
type(tScalar), pointer :: scalar
node => self%get(i)
scalar => node%asScalar()
nodeAsBool = scalar%asBool()
end function tNode_get_byIndex_asBool
!> @brief Access by index and convert to string
function tNode_get_byIndex_asString(self,i) result(nodeAsString)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
integer, intent(in) :: i
character(len=:), allocatable :: nodeAsString
class(tNode), pointer :: node
type(tScalar), pointer :: scalar
node => self%get(i)
scalar => node%asScalar()
nodeAsString = scalar%asString()
end function tNode_get_byIndex_asString
!> @brief Access by index and convert to float array
function tNode_get_byIndex_asFloats(self,i) result(nodeAsFloats)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
integer, intent(in) :: i
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: nodeAsFloats
class(tNode), pointer :: node
class(tList), pointer :: list
node => self%get(i)
list => node%asList()
nodeAsFloats = list%asFloats()
end function tNode_get_byIndex_asFloats
!> @brief Access by index and convert to int array
function tNode_get_byIndex_asInts(self,i) result(nodeAsInts)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
integer, intent(in) :: i
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nodeAsInts
class(tNode), pointer :: node
class(tList), pointer :: list
node => self%get(i)
list => node%asList()
nodeAsInts = list%asInts()
end function tNode_get_byIndex_asInts
!> @brief Access by index and convert to bool array
function tNode_get_byIndex_asBools(self,i) result(nodeAsBools)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
integer, intent(in) :: i
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: nodeAsBools
class(tNode), pointer :: node
class(tList), pointer :: list
node => self%get(i)
list => node%asList()
nodeAsBools = list%asBools()
end function tNode_get_byIndex_asBools
!> @brief Access by index and convert to string array
function tNode_get_byIndex_asStrings(self,i) result(nodeAsStrings)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
integer, intent(in) :: i
character(len=:), allocatable, dimension(:) :: nodeAsStrings
class(tNode), pointer :: node
type(tList), pointer :: list
node => self%get(i)
list => node%asList()
nodeAsStrings = list%asStrings()
end function tNode_get_byIndex_asStrings
!> @brief Access by index
function tNode_get_byKey(self,k) result(node)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
character(len=*), intent(in) :: k
class(tNode), pointer :: node
type(tDict), pointer :: self_
type(tItem), pointer :: item
integer :: j
self_ => self%asDict()
j = 1
item => self_%first
do while(j <= self_%length)
if (item%key == k) exit
item => item%next
j = j + 1
if (.not. item%key == k) call IO_error(0)
node => item%node
end function tNode_get_byKey
!> @brief Access by key and convert to float
function tNode_get_byKey_asFloat(self,k) result(nodeAsFloat)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
character(len=*), intent(in) :: k
real(pReal) :: nodeAsFloat
class(tNode), pointer :: node
type(tScalar), pointer :: scalar
node => self%get(k)
scalar => node%asScalar()
nodeAsFloat = scalar%asFloat()
end function tNode_get_byKey_asFloat
!> @brief Access by key and convert to int
function tNode_get_byKey_asInt(self,k) result(nodeAsInt)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
character(len=*), intent(in) :: k
integer :: nodeAsInt
class(tNode), pointer :: node
type(tScalar), pointer :: scalar
node => self%get(k)
scalar => node%asScalar()
nodeAsInt = scalar%asInt()
end function tNode_get_byKey_asInt
!> @brief Access by key and convert to bool
function tNode_get_byKey_asBool(self,k) result(nodeAsBool)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
character(len=*), intent(in) :: k
logical :: nodeAsBool
class(tNode), pointer :: node
type(tScalar), pointer :: scalar
node => self%get(k)
scalar => node%asScalar()
nodeAsBool = scalar%asBool()
end function tNode_get_byKey_asBool
!> @brief Access by key and convert to string
function tNode_get_byKey_asString(self,k) result(nodeAsString)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
character(len=*), intent(in) :: k
character(len=:), allocatable :: nodeAsString
class(tNode), pointer :: node
type(tScalar), pointer :: scalar
node => self%get(k)
scalar => node%asScalar()
nodeAsString = scalar%asString()
end function tNode_get_byKey_asString
!> @brief Access by key and convert to float array
function tNode_get_byKey_asFloats(self,k) result(nodeAsFloats)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
character(len=*), intent(in) :: k
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: nodeAsFloats
class(tNode), pointer :: node
type(tList), pointer :: list
node => self%get(k)
list => node%asList()
nodeAsFloats = list%asFloats()
end function tNode_get_byKey_asFloats
!> @brief Access by key and convert to int array
function tNode_get_byKey_asInts(self,k) result(nodeAsInts)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
character(len=*), intent(in) :: k
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nodeAsInts
class(tNode), pointer :: node
type(tList), pointer :: list
node => self%get(k)
list => node%asList()
nodeAsInts = list%asInts()
end function tNode_get_byKey_asInts
!> @brief Access by key and convert to bool array
function tNode_get_byKey_asBools(self,k) result(nodeAsBools)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
character(len=*), intent(in) :: k
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: nodeAsBools
class(tNode), pointer :: node
type(tList), pointer :: list
node => self%get(k)
list => node%asList()
nodeAsBools = list%asBools()
end function tNode_get_byKey_asBools
!> @brief Access by key and convert to string array
function tNode_get_byKey_asStrings(self,k) result(nodeAsStrings)
class(tNode), intent(in), target :: self
character(len=*), intent(in) :: k
character(len=:), allocatable, dimension(:) :: nodeAsStrings
class(tNode), pointer :: node
type(tList), pointer :: list
node => self%get(k)
list => node%asList()
nodeAsStrings = list%asStrings()
end function tNode_get_byKey_asStrings
!> @brief Return scalar as string
recursive function tScalar_asFormattedString(self,indent)
character(len=:), allocatable :: tScalar_asFormattedString
class(tScalar), intent(in), target :: self
integer, intent(in), optional :: indent
integer :: indent_
if(present(indent)) then
indent_ = indent
indent_ = 0
tScalar_asFormattedString = repeat(' ',indent_)//trim(self%value)//IO_EOL
end function tScalar_asFormattedString
!> @brief Return list as string (YAML block style)
recursive function tList_asFormattedString(self,indent) result(str)
class(tList), intent(in), target :: self
integer, intent(in), optional :: indent
class(tItem), pointer :: item
character(len=:), allocatable :: str
integer :: i,indent_
if(present(indent)) then
indent_ = indent
indent_ = 0
item => self%first
do i = 1, self%length
str = str//repeat(' ',indent_)//'-'//IO_EOL//item%node%asFormattedString(indent_+2)
item => item%next
end function tList_asFormattedString
!> @brief Return dictionary as string (YAML block style)
recursive function tDict_asFormattedString(self,indent) result(str)
class(tDict), intent(in), target :: self
integer, intent(in), optional :: indent
class(tItem), pointer :: item
character(len=:), allocatable :: str
integer :: i,indent_
if(present(indent)) then
indent_ = indent
indent_ = 0
item => self%first
do i = 1, self%length
str = str//repeat(' ',indent_)//item%key//':'//IO_EOL//item%node%asFormattedString(indent_+2)
item => item%next
end function tDict_asFormattedString
!> @brief Convert to float
function tScalar_asFloat(self)
class(tScalar), intent(in), target :: self
real(pReal) :: tScalar_asFloat
tScalar_asFloat = IO_stringAsFloat(self%value)
end function tScalar_asFloat
!> @brief Convert to int
function tScalar_asInt(self)
class(tScalar), intent(in), target :: self
integer :: tScalar_asInt
tScalar_asInt = IO_stringAsInt(self%value)
end function tScalar_asInt
!> @brief Convert to bool
function tScalar_asBool(self)
class(tScalar), intent(in), target :: self
logical :: tScalar_asBool
tScalar_asBool = IO_stringAsBool(self%value)
end function tScalar_asBool
!> @brief Convert to string
function tScalar_asString(self)
class(tScalar), intent(in), target :: self
character(len=:), allocatable :: tScalar_asString
tScalar_asString = self%value
end function tScalar_asString
!> @brief Convert to float array
function tList_asFloats(self)
class(tList), intent(in), target :: self
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: tList_asFloats
integer :: i
type(tItem), pointer :: item
type(tScalar), pointer :: scalar
item => self%first
do i = 1, self%length
scalar => item%node%asScalar()
tList_asFloats(i) = scalar%asFloat()
item => item%next
end function tList_asFloats
!> @brief Convert to int array
function tList_asInts(self)
class(tList), intent(in), target :: self
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: tList_asInts
integer :: i
type(tItem), pointer :: item
type(tScalar), pointer :: scalar
item => self%first
do i = 1, self%length
scalar => item%node%asScalar()
tList_asInts(i) = scalar%asInt()
item => item%next
end function tList_asInts
!> @brief Convert to bool array
function tList_asBools(self)
class(tList), intent(in), target :: self
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: tList_asBools
integer :: i
type(tItem), pointer :: item
type(tScalar), pointer :: scalar
item => self%first
do i = 1, self%length
scalar => item%node%asScalar()
tList_asBools(i) = scalar%asBool()
item => item%next
end function tList_asBools
!> @brief Convert to string array
function tList_asStrings(self)
class(tList), intent(in), target :: self
character(len=:), allocatable, dimension(:) :: tList_asStrings
integer :: i,len_max
type(tItem), pointer :: item
type(tScalar), pointer :: scalar
len_max = 0
allocate(character(len=pStringLen) :: tList_asStrings(self%length))
item => self%first
do i = 1, self%length
scalar => item%node%asScalar()
tList_asStrings(i) = scalar%asString()
len_max = max(len_max, len_trim(tList_asStrings(i)))
item => item%next
!ToDo: trim to len_max
end function tList_asStrings
!> @brief Append element
subroutine tList_append(self,node)
class(tList), intent(inout) :: self
class(tNode), intent(in) :: node
type(tItem), pointer :: item
if (.not. associated(self%first)) then
item => self%first
item => self%first
do while (associated(item%next))
item => item%next
end do
item => item%next
end if
allocate(item%node,source=node) ! ToDo: Discuss ownership (copy vs referencing)
self%length = self%length + 1
end subroutine tList_append
!> @brief Set the value of a key (either replace or add new)
subroutine tDict_set(self,key,node)
class (tDict), intent(inout) :: self
character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
class(tNode), intent(in) :: node
type(tItem), pointer :: item
if (.not.associated(self%first)) then
item => self%first
self%length = 1
item => self%first
searchExisting: do while (associated(item%next))
if (item%key == key) exit
item => item%next
end do searchExisting
if (.not. item%key == key) then
item => item%next
self%length = self%length + 1
end if
end if
item%key = key
allocate(item%node,source=node) ! ToDo: Discuss ownership (copy vs referencing)
end subroutine tDict_set
!> @brief empties dictionary and frees associated memory
!> @details called when variable goes out of scope. Triggers a chain reaction
recursive subroutine tDict_finalize(self)
type (tDict),intent(inout) :: self
type (tItem),pointer :: current, &
current => self%first
do while (associated(current))
next => current%next
current => next
end do
end subroutine tDict_finalize
!> @brief empties lists and free associated memory
!> @details called when variable goes out of scope.
recursive subroutine tList_finalize(self)
type (tList),intent(inout) :: self
type (tItem),pointer :: current, &
current => self%first
do while (associated(current))
next => current%next
current => next
end do
end subroutine tList_finalize
end module types