2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
!> @author Pratheek Shanthraj, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @brief Utilities used by the FEM solver
module FEM_utilities
2018-08-30 16:08:44 +05:30
#include <petsc/finclude/petscdmplex.h>
2018-09-21 11:49:36 +05:30
#include <petsc/finclude/petscdmda.h>
#include <petsc/finclude/petscis.h>
2021-07-08 18:51:35 +05:30
use PETScDMplex
2021-07-09 22:18:25 +05:30
2021-07-08 18:51:35 +05:30
use MPI_f08
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
use prec
2020-08-15 19:32:10 +05:30
use config
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
use math
2020-11-28 11:23:06 +05:30
use IO
2020-03-20 19:38:07 +05:30
use discretization_mesh
2020-11-28 11:23:06 +05:30
use homogenization
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
implicit none
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
2020-01-21 10:40:19 +05:30
logical, public :: cutBack = .false. !< cut back of BVP solver in case convergence is not achieved or a material point is terminally ill
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
integer, public, parameter :: maxFields = 6
integer, public :: nActiveFields = 0
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
! grid related information information
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
real(pReal), public :: wgt !< weighting factor 1/Nelems
2018-09-19 22:03:37 +05:30
2019-05-12 13:35:40 +05:30
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
! field labels information
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
character(len=*), parameter, public :: &
FIELD_MECH_label = 'mechanical'
2020-03-17 12:47:14 +05:30
enum, bind(c); enumerator :: &
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
end enum
2020-03-17 12:47:14 +05:30
enum, bind(c); enumerator :: &
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
end enum
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
! variables controlling debugging
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
logical :: &
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
debugPETSc !< use some in debug defined options for more verbose PETSc solution
! derived types
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
type, public :: tSolutionState !< return type of solution from FEM solver variants
2020-01-21 10:40:19 +05:30
logical :: converged = .true.
logical :: stagConverged = .true.
integer :: iterationsNeeded = 0
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
end type tSolutionState
type, public :: tComponentBC
2020-01-21 10:40:19 +05:30
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:) :: Value
logical, allocatable, dimension(:) :: Mask
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
end type tComponentBC
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
type, public :: tFieldBC
integer(kind(FIELD_UNDEFINED_ID)) :: ID
integer :: nComponents = 0
type(tComponentBC), allocatable :: componentBC(:)
end type tFieldBC
type, public :: tLoadCase
real(pReal) :: time = 0.0_pReal !< length of increment
integer :: incs = 0, & !< number of increments
outputfrequency = 1, & !< frequency of result writes
logscale = 0 !< linear/logarithmic time inc flag
logical :: followFormerTrajectory = .true. !< follow trajectory of former loadcase
2020-01-21 10:40:19 +05:30
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: faceID
type(tFieldBC), allocatable, dimension(:) :: fieldBC
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
end type tLoadCase
public :: &
2020-06-17 21:32:22 +05:30
FEM_utilities_init, &
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
utilities_constitutiveResponse, &
utilities_projectBCValues, &
2020-01-21 12:16:32 +05:30
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
2020-06-29 18:39:13 +05:30
!ToDo: use functions in variable call
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
!> @brief allocates all neccessary fields, sets debug flags
2020-06-17 21:32:22 +05:30
subroutine FEM_utilities_init
2019-05-12 16:41:30 +05:30
2020-01-26 16:54:35 +05:30
character(len=pStringLen) :: petsc_optionsOrder
2020-06-16 22:45:01 +05:30
class(tNode), pointer :: &
2020-06-18 02:30:03 +05:30
num_mesh, &
2020-06-26 23:42:05 +05:30
debug_mesh ! pointer to mesh debug options
2020-06-17 20:49:21 +05:30
integer :: structOrder !< order of displacement shape functions
2020-07-03 20:15:11 +05:30
character(len=*), parameter :: &
2020-06-18 21:44:53 +05:30
PETSCDEBUG = ' -snes_view -snes_monitor '
2020-06-28 01:18:26 +05:30
2020-01-26 16:54:35 +05:30
PetscErrorCode :: ierr
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
2020-09-19 11:50:29 +05:30
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- FEM_utilities init -+>>>'
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
2020-09-13 14:47:49 +05:30
num_mesh => config_numerics%get('mesh',defaultVal=emptyDict)
structOrder = num_mesh%get_asInt('structOrder', defaultVal = 2)
2020-06-16 22:45:01 +05:30
2020-09-13 14:47:49 +05:30
debug_mesh => config_debug%get('mesh',defaultVal=emptyList)
2021-03-26 17:04:16 +05:30
debugPETSc = debug_mesh%contains('PETSc')
2020-07-03 20:15:11 +05:30
2020-09-19 11:50:29 +05:30
if(debugPETSc) print'(3(/,a),/)', &
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
' Initializing PETSc with debug options: ', &
trim(PETScDebug), &
2021-03-26 17:04:16 +05:30
' add more using the "PETSc_options" keyword in numerics.yaml'
2020-09-22 16:39:12 +05:30
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
call PetscOptionsClear(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,ierr)
if(debugPETSc) call PetscOptionsInsertString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,trim(PETSCDEBUG),ierr)
2021-02-09 03:51:53 +05:30
call PetscOptionsInsertString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,'-mechanical_snes_type newtonls &
&-mechanical_snes_linesearch_type cp -mechanical_snes_ksp_ew &
&-mechanical_snes_ksp_ew_rtol0 0.01 -mechanical_snes_ksp_ew_rtolmax 0.01 &
&-mechanical_ksp_type fgmres -mechanical_ksp_max_it 25 &
&-mechanical_pc_type ml -mechanical_mg_levels_ksp_type chebyshev &
&-mechanical_mg_levels_pc_type sor -mechanical_pc_ml_nullspace user',ierr)
2020-03-17 04:40:23 +05:30
2021-03-26 17:04:16 +05:30
call PetscOptionsInsertString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,num_mesh%get_asString('PETSc_options',defaultVal=''),ierr)
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
2020-01-26 16:54:35 +05:30
write(petsc_optionsOrder,'(a,i0)') '-mechFE_petscspace_degree ', structOrder
call PetscOptionsInsertString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,trim(petsc_optionsOrder),ierr)
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
wgt = 1.0/real(mesh_maxNips*mesh_NcpElemsGlobal,pReal)
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
2020-06-17 21:32:22 +05:30
end subroutine FEM_utilities_init
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
2020-03-17 04:40:23 +05:30
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
!> @brief calculates constitutive response
subroutine utilities_constitutiveResponse(timeinc,P_av,forwardData)
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
real(pReal), intent(in) :: timeinc !< loading time
logical, intent(in) :: forwardData !< age results
real(pReal),intent(out), dimension(3,3) :: P_av !< average PK stress
PetscErrorCode :: ierr
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
2020-09-19 11:50:29 +05:30
print'(/,a)', ' ... evaluating constitutive response ......................................'
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
2021-01-06 18:54:02 +05:30
call materialpoint_stressAndItsTangent(timeinc,[1,mesh_maxNips],[1,mesh_NcpElems]) ! calculate P field
2018-08-17 14:53:24 +05:30
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
cutBack = .false. ! reset cutBack status
2020-12-16 17:18:45 +05:30
P_av = sum(homogenization_P,dim=3) * wgt
2021-07-08 18:51:35 +05:30
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
end subroutine utilities_constitutiveResponse
2019-03-09 03:53:07 +05:30
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
!> @brief Project BC values to local vector
subroutine utilities_projectBCValues(localVec,section,field,comp,bcPointsIS,BCValue,BCDotValue,timeinc)
2019-06-11 13:18:07 +05:30
Vec :: localVec
PetscInt :: field, comp, nBcPoints, point, dof, numDof, numComp, offset
PetscSection :: section
IS :: bcPointsIS
PetscInt, pointer :: bcPoints(:)
PetscScalar, pointer :: localArray(:)
PetscScalar :: BCValue,BCDotValue,timeinc
PetscErrorCode :: ierr
call PetscSectionGetFieldComponents(section,field,numComp,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
call ISGetSize(bcPointsIS,nBcPoints,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
if (nBcPoints > 0) call ISGetIndicesF90(bcPointsIS,bcPoints,ierr)
call VecGetArrayF90(localVec,localArray,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
do point = 1, nBcPoints
call PetscSectionGetFieldDof(section,bcPoints(point),field,numDof,ierr)
call PetscSectionGetFieldOffset(section,bcPoints(point),field,offset,ierr)
do dof = offset+comp+1, offset+numDof, numComp
localArray(dof) = localArray(dof) + BCValue + BCDotValue*timeinc
call VecRestoreArrayF90(localVec,localArray,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
call VecAssemblyBegin(localVec, ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
call VecAssemblyEnd (localVec, ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
if (nBcPoints > 0) call ISRestoreIndicesF90(bcPointsIS,bcPoints,ierr)
2018-08-17 03:44:25 +05:30
end subroutine utilities_projectBCValues
end module FEM_utilities