28 lines
545 B
28 lines
545 B
//triangular PWM
#define F_CPU 16000000//16Mhz
#define MS_DELAY 1000
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
int main(void)
DDRB = 0xFF;//Port B set as output
//DDRB |= (1 <<3);//Port B(0:3) set as output
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
OCR0A= 0x00 + i*25;//75 percent of 255=duty cycle
TCCR0A = 0x83;//non-inverting pwm
TCCR0B = 0x03;//prescaler = 64
//output of pwm is at pin 13(OC0)
//Problem with this code: The duty cycle here varies in triangular manner and isnt sinusoidal