Registers involved: GPIO: DDRB: Data Direction Register for Port B= 0xFF for output PWM Module: OCR0A: Output Compare Register A=Value here is compared with the Timer value,and when the value matches, the specific pin[pin OC0A(pin 13) in this case] gets toggled TCCR0A: Timer/Counter 0 Control Register A = 0x83 Bit [7:6]= COM0A-Compare Output Mode A = 10-Non-inverting PWM-Clear OC0A on Compare Match Bit [1:0]= WGM[1:0]- Waveform Generation Mode=11- for non-inverting fast PWM. TCCR0B: Timer/Counter 0 Control Register B = 0x03 Bit [2:0] – CS0[2:0]-Clock Select = 011- for prescaler=64 in order to obtain frequency of 1kHz OCR2A: Output Compare Register A=Value here is compared with the Timer value,and when the value matches, the specific pin[pin OC2A(pin 10) in this case] gets toggled. The value given here is such that the duty cycle is 47 percent, a little less than 50 percent. This change in duty cycle is done in order to induce deadtime in the inverted signal. TCCR2A: Timer/Counter 2 Control Register A = 0xC3 Bit [7:6]= COM0A-Compare Output Mode A = 11-Inverting PWM-Clear OC2A on Compare Match Bit [1:0]= WGM[1:0]- Waveform Generation Mode=11- for fast PWM. TCCR2B: Timer/Counter 2 Control Register B = 0x04 Bit [2:0] – CS0[2:0]-Clock Select = 100- for prescaler=64 in order to obtain frequency of 1kHz The concept of Deadtime: One of the main problems in pulse width modulated voltage source inverter (PWM-VSI) drives is the nonlinear voltage gain caused by non-ideal characteristics of the power inverter. The most important nonlinearity is caused by the necessary blanking time between top and bottom switch to avoid inverter leg shoot-through of the DC bus circuit. The type of the switch and pre-driver characteristics determine amount of the necessary blank time. for a difference of 2 decimal numbers in binary, and frequency of 8kHz, we obtain a deadtime of 1.5 microseconds