//GPIO- Input Configuration #include #define F_CPU 16000000//16MHz #include int main(void) { //pin 37-port C0 ; C7- pin 30 DDRC = 0xff;//port C direction: output DDRA = 0xff;//port A direction: output DDRB = 0x00;//pin 10-13: Port B4 to B7 //direction: input; pin 53-50: Port B0 to B3 //PINB = 0x00;//clearing PINB register //PORTA = PINB; //while(1); //enabling pull-up resistors//use=?//default output when pull-up enabled=high PORTB = 0xff; //PORTC = 0xff; //PORTB=0x00;//disabling pull-up resistors?//does it help or not? while(1) { PORTA = PINB;//PortA= pin 22-29 if(PINB==0xFF) { PORTC = 0x01; _delay_ms(5); PORTC = 0x00; _delay_ms(5); }//f=100Hz else if(PINB==0x00) { PORTC = 0x01; _delay_ms(10); PORTC = 0x00; _delay_ms(10); }//f=50Hz /*else if(PINB==0x10) { PORTC = 0x01; _delay_ms(7); PORTC = 0x00; _delay_ms(7); }//f=approx 75Hz else if(PINB==0x20) { PORTC = 0x01; _delay_ms(20); PORTC = 0x00; _delay_ms(20); }//f=25Hz */ } }