Registers involved: GPIO: DDRL: Data Direction Register for Port L= 0xFF for output DDRC: Data Direction Register for Port C= 0xFF for output ADC: ADCSRA: ADC Control and Status Register A = 0x87 Bit 7= 1= ADC Enabled Bit 6= ADSC: ADC Start Conversion Bit- In Single Conversion mode, write this bit to one to start each conversion. Bit 4= ADIF: ADC Interrupt Flag- This bit is set when an ADC conversion completes and the Data Registers are updated Bit [2:0] = 111 = Prescaler-128 ADMUX: ADC Multiplexer = 0xC0 Bit [7:6] = 01 = Vref= AVcc = 5V Bit 5 = 1 = Result(10-bits-wide) is left-justified Bit [4:0] = 00000 = Input at ADC0 ADCL: ADC Data Register Lower= stores the lower 8 bits of result of conversion ADCH: ADC Data Register Higher= stores the higher 8 bits of result of conversion