
1012 lines
25 KiB
Executable File

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* align_sort.c
* iPDC - Phasor Data Concentrator
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Nitesh Pandit
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Kedar V. Khandeparkar
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Authors:
* Nitesh Pandit <panditnitesh@gmail.com>
* Kedar V. Khandeparkar <kedar.khandeparkar@gmail.com>
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "parser.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "align_sort.h"
#include "connections.h"
#include "dallocate.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Functions in align_sort.c */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* 1. void time_align(struct data_frame *df) */
/* 2. void assign_df_to_TSB(struct data_frame *df,int index) */
/* 3. void dispatch(int index) */
/* 4. void sort_data_inside_TSB(int index) */
/* 5. void clear_TSB(int index) */
/* 6. void create_dataframe(int index) */
/* 7. void create_cfgframe() */
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int i;
int front = -1;
int rear = -1;
pthread_mutex_t mutex_on_TSB = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* FUNCTION time_align(): */
/* It searches for the correct TSB[index] where data frame df is to be */
/* assigned. If the df has soc and fracsec which is older then soc and fracsec */
/* of TSB[first] then we discard the data frame */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void time_align(struct data_frame *df) {
int flag = 0;
if(front == -1) { // TSB is used for the first time
front = rear = 0;
} else {
unsigned long int df_soc,df_fracsec,tsb_soc,tsb_fracsec;
df_soc = to_long_int_convertor(df->soc);
df_fracsec = to_long_int_convertor(df->fracsec);
tsb_soc = to_long_int_convertor((unsigned char *)TSB[front].soc);
tsb_fracsec = to_long_int_convertor((unsigned char *)TSB[front].fracsec);
if((df_soc < tsb_soc) || ((df_soc == tsb_soc) && (df_fracsec < tsb_fracsec))) {
if(rear >= front) {
for(i = rear; i>= front; i--) {
if(!ncmp_cbyc ((unsigned char *)TSB[i].soc,df->soc,4)) {
if(!ncmp_cbyc ((unsigned char *)TSB[i].fracsec,df->fracsec,3)) { /* 3 bytes is actual fraction of seconds and 1 byte is Time quality */
flag = 1;
} else {
} //if for soc ends
}// for ends
} else {
for(i = rear; i< front; i++) {
if(!ncmp_cbyc ((unsigned char *)TSB[i].soc,df->soc,4)) {
if(!ncmp_cbyc ((unsigned char *)TSB[i].fracsec,df->fracsec,3)) { /* 3 bytes is actual fraction of seconds and 1 byte is Time quality */
flag = 1;
} else {
} //if for soc ends
}// for ends
} // if other than the front = -1
if(flag) {
//Assign to existing TSB
} else {
rear = (rear + 1) % MAXTSB;
if(front == rear) { // All TSB are full. Dispatch the TSB[rear] and use it to assign new df
front = (front + 1) % MAXTSB;
} else {
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* FUNCTION assign_df_to_TSB(): */
/* It assigns the arrived data frame df to TSB[index] */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void assign_df_to_TSB(struct data_frame *df,int index) {
/* Check if the TSB is used for the first time. If so we need to
allocate memory to its member variables */
if(TSB[index].soc == NULL) { // 1 if
struct cfg_frame *temp_cfg = cfgfirst;
TSB[index].soc = malloc(5);
TSB[index].fracsec = malloc(5);
copy_cbyc((unsigned char *)TSB[index].soc,df->soc,4);
copy_cbyc((unsigned char *)TSB[index].fracsec,df->fracsec,4);
TSB[index].first_data_frame = df; /* Assign df to the 'first_data_frame' in the data frame linked list of TSB[index] */
/* Now we need to store the pmu/pdc id in the pmupdc_id_list that would be required while sorting */
struct pmupdc_id_list *temp_pmuid;
while(temp_cfg != NULL) {
/* Create a node of the type 'pmupdc_id_list' and copy the pmu/pde id from the cfg to it */
struct pmupdc_id_list *pmuid = malloc(sizeof(struct pmupdc_id_list));
pmuid->idcode = malloc(3);
copy_cbyc((unsigned char *)pmuid->idcode,temp_cfg->idcode,2);
pmuid->num_pmu = to_intconvertor(temp_cfg->num_pmu);
pmuid->nextid = NULL;
if(TSB[index].idlist == NULL) { /* Assign the pmuid to the idlist as it is the first id in the list */
TSB[index].idlist = temp_pmuid = pmuid;
} else {
temp_pmuid->nextid = pmuid;
temp_pmuid = pmuid;
temp_cfg = temp_cfg->cfgnext;
} // while ends . A pmu/pdc id list is created for the TSB[index]
} else { // 1 if else
struct cfg_frame *temp_cfg = cfgfirst;
if(TSB[index].first_data_frame == NULL) { // 2 if
/* After TSB[index] is cleared this is the first data frame for it.
The memory for the member variables of TSB[index] has already
been allocated. Hence after dispatch() and clear_TSB() operation
this TSB is to be assigned the data_frame for the first time. */
copy_cbyc((unsigned char *)TSB[index].soc,df->soc,4);
copy_cbyc((unsigned char *)TSB[index].fracsec,df->fracsec,4);
TSB[index].first_data_frame = df; /* Assign df to the 'first_data_frame' in the data frame linked list of TSB[index] */
/* Now we need to store the pmu/pdc id in the pmupdc_id_list
that would be required while sorting */
struct pmupdc_id_list *temp_pmuid;
while(temp_cfg != NULL) {
/* Create a node of the type 'pmupdc_id_list' and
copy the pmu/pde id from the cfg to it */
struct pmupdc_id_list *pmuid = malloc(sizeof(struct pmupdc_id_list));
pmuid->idcode = malloc(3);
copy_cbyc((unsigned char *)pmuid->idcode,temp_cfg->idcode,2);
pmuid->num_pmu = to_intconvertor(temp_cfg->num_pmu);
pmuid->nextid = NULL;
if(TSB[index].idlist == NULL) { /* Assign the pmuid to the idlist as it is the first id in the list */
TSB[index].idlist = temp_pmuid = pmuid;
} else {
temp_pmuid->nextid = pmuid;
temp_pmuid = pmuid;
temp_cfg = temp_cfg->cfgnext;
} // while ends
} else { // 2 if else
/* Traverse the data frames of TSB[index] and assign the df to 'dnext' of
the last element in the data frame LL.*/
struct data_frame *temp_df,*check_df;
/* Need to check if df with same idcode and soc is already assigned to
the TSB[index] */
check_df = TSB[index].first_data_frame;
while(check_df != NULL) {
if(!ncmp_cbyc(check_df->idcode,df->idcode,2)) {
} else {
check_df = check_df->dnext;
temp_df = TSB[index].first_data_frame;
while(temp_df->dnext != NULL) {
temp_df = temp_df->dnext;
temp_df->dnext = df;
} // 2 if ends
} // 1 if ends
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* FUNCTION dispatch(): */
/* It dispatches the combined data frame to all the destination devices */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void dispatch(int index) {
int size;
dataframe = NULL;
struct Upper_Layer_Details *temp_pdc = ULfirst;
size = create_dataframe(index);
while(temp_pdc != NULL ) {
if((temp_pdc->UL_upper_pdc_cfgsent == 1) && (temp_pdc->UL_data_transmission_off == 0)) {
if(temp_pdc->config_change == 1) {
dataframe[14] = 0x04;
dataframe[15] = 0x00;
} else {
dataframe[14] = 0x00;
dataframe[15] = 0x00;
if(temp_pdc->port == UDPPORT) {
if (sendto(temp_pdc->sockfd,dataframe, size, 0,
(struct sockaddr *)&temp_pdc->pdc_addr,sizeof(temp_pdc->pdc_addr)) == -1)
} else if((temp_pdc->port == TCPPORT) && (temp_pdc->tcpup == 1)) {
if(send(temp_pdc->sockfd,dataframe,size, 0)== -1) {
printf("TCP connection closed\n");
temp_pdc->tcpup = 0;
temp_pdc = temp_pdc->next;
if(dataframe != NULL) free(dataframe);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* FUNCTION sort_data_inside_TSB(): */
/* This function sorts the data frames in the TSB[index] in the order of the */
/* Idcodes present in the 'struct pmupdc_id_list list' of the TSB[index] */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void sort_data_inside_TSB(int index) {
struct pmupdc_id_list *temp_list;
struct data_frame *prev_df,*curr_df,*sorted_df,*r_df,*s_df,*last_df,*p_df;
int match = 0;
unsigned int id_check;
/* Pointer track_df will hold the address of the last sorted data_frame object.
Thus we assign to the 'track_df->dnext ' the next sorted data_frame object and so on */
temp_list = TSB[index].idlist; /* Starting ID required for sorting */
last_df = TSB[index].first_data_frame;
p_df = TSB[index].first_data_frame;
curr_df = last_df;
sorted_df = prev_df = NULL;
while(temp_list != NULL) { // 1 while
match = 0;
while(curr_df != NULL) { // 2. Traverse the pmu id in TSB and sort
if(!ncmp_cbyc(curr_df->idcode,(unsigned char *)temp_list->idcode,2)){
match = 1;
} else {
prev_df = curr_df;
curr_df = curr_df->dnext;
} // 2 while ends
if (match == 1) {
if(prev_df == NULL) {
r_df = curr_df;
s_df = curr_df->dnext;
if(sorted_df == NULL) {
sorted_df = r_df;
TSB[index].first_data_frame = sorted_df;
} else {
sorted_df->dnext = r_df;
sorted_df = r_df;
sorted_df->dnext = s_df ;
curr_df = last_df = s_df;
} else {
if(sorted_df == NULL) {
r_df = curr_df;
s_df = r_df->dnext;
prev_df->dnext = s_df;
sorted_df = r_df;
TSB[index].first_data_frame = sorted_df;
sorted_df->dnext = last_df ;
curr_df = last_df;
prev_df = NULL;
} else {//if(sorted_df != NULL) {
r_df = curr_df;
s_df = r_df->dnext;
prev_df->dnext = s_df;
sorted_df->dnext = r_df;
sorted_df = r_df;
sorted_df->dnext = last_df ;
curr_df = last_df;
prev_df = NULL;
} else { // id whose data frame didnot arrive No match
char *idcode;
idcode = malloc(3);
struct data_frame *df = malloc(sizeof(struct data_frame));
if(!df) {
printf("Not enough memory data_frame.\n");
df->dnext = NULL;
// Allocate memory for df->framesize
df->framesize = malloc(3);
if(!df->framesize) {
printf("Not enough memory df->idcode\n");
// Allocate memory for df->idcode
df->idcode = malloc(3);
if(!df->idcode) {
printf("Not enough memory df->idcode\n");
// Allocate memory for df->soc
df->soc = malloc(5);
if(!df->soc) {
printf("Not enough memory df->soc\n");
// Allocate memory for df->fracsec
df->fracsec = malloc(5);
if(!df->fracsec) {
printf("Not enough memory df->fracsec\n");
/* 16 for sync,fsize,idcode,soc,fracsec,checksum */
unsigned int size = (16 + (temp_list->num_pmu)*2)*sizeof(unsigned char);
df->num_pmu = temp_list->num_pmu ;
df->framesize[2] = '\0';
copy_cbyc (df->idcode,(unsigned char *)temp_list->idcode,2);
df->idcode[2] = '\0';
//Copy SOC
copy_cbyc (df->soc,(unsigned char *)TSB[index].soc,4);
df->soc[4] = '\0';
copy_cbyc (df->fracsec,(unsigned char *)TSB[index].fracsec,4);
df->fracsec[4] = '\0';
df->dpmu = malloc(temp_list->num_pmu * sizeof(struct data_for_each_pmu *));
if(!df->dpmu) {
printf("Not enough memory df->dpmu[][]\n");
for (i = 0; i < temp_list->num_pmu; i++) {
df->dpmu[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct data_for_each_pmu));
int j = 0;
// PMU data has not come
while(j < temp_list->num_pmu) {
df->dpmu[j]->stat = malloc(3);
if(!df->dpmu[j]->stat) {
printf("Not enough memory for df->dpmu[j]->stat\n");
df->dpmu[j]->stat[0] = 0x00;
df->dpmu[j]->stat[1] = 0x0F;
df->dpmu[j]->stat[2] = '\0';
if(sorted_df == NULL) {
r_df = df;
sorted_df = r_df;
TSB[index].first_data_frame = sorted_df;
sorted_df->dnext = last_df ;
curr_df = last_df;
prev_df = NULL;
} else {
r_df = df;
sorted_df->dnext = r_df;
sorted_df = r_df;
sorted_df->dnext = last_df ;
curr_df = last_df;
prev_df = NULL;
temp_list = temp_list->nextid; //go for next ID
} // 1. while ends
p_df = TSB[index].first_data_frame;
while(p_df != NULL){
id_check = to_intconvertor(p_df->idcode);
p_df = p_df->dnext;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* FUNCTION clear_TSB(): */
/* It clears TSB[index] and frees all data frame objects after the data frames */
/* in TSB[index] have been dispatched to destination device */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void clear_TSB(int index) { //
unsigned long int tsb_soc,tsb_fracsec;
tsb_soc = to_long_int_convertor((unsigned char *)TSB[front].soc);
tsb_fracsec = to_long_int_convertor((unsigned char *)TSB[front].fracsec);
struct pmupdc_id_list *t_list,*r_list;
t_list = TSB[index].idlist;
while(t_list != NULL) {
r_list = t_list->nextid;
t_list = r_list;
struct data_frame *t,*r;
t = TSB[index].first_data_frame;
while(t != NULL) {
r = t->dnext;
t = r;
TSB[index].first_data_frame = NULL;
TSB[index].idlist = NULL;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* FUNCTION create_dataframe(): */
/* It creates the IEEEC37.118 Standard based combined data frame from the data */
/* frames received from all the source devices to be sent to destination */
/* devices */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int create_dataframe(int index) {
int total_frame_size = 0;
unsigned char temp[3];
struct data_frame *temp_df;
unsigned int fsize;
uint16_t chk;
temp_df = TSB[index].first_data_frame;
while(temp_df != NULL) {
fsize = to_intconvertor(temp_df->idcode);
fsize = to_intconvertor(temp_df->framesize);
total_frame_size = total_frame_size + fsize;
total_frame_size -= 16; // skip SYNC + FRAMESIZE + idcode + soc + fracsec + checksum
temp_df = temp_df->dnext;
total_frame_size = total_frame_size + 18/* SYNC + FRAMESIZE + idcode + soc + fracsec + checksum + outer stat */;
dataframe = malloc((total_frame_size + 1)*sizeof(char)); // Allocate memory for data frame
if(!dataframe) {
printf("No enough memory for dataframe\n");
dataframe[total_frame_size] = '\0';
// Start the data frame creation
int z = 0;
byte_by_byte_copy(dataframe,DATASYNC,z,2); // SYNC
z += 2;
byte_by_byte_copy(dataframe,temp,z,2); // FRAME SIZE
z += 2;
byte_by_byte_copy(dataframe,temp,z,2); // PDC ID
z += 2;
byte_by_byte_copy(dataframe,(unsigned char *)TSB[index].soc,z,4); //SOC
z += 4;
byte_by_byte_copy(dataframe,(unsigned char *)TSB[index].fracsec,z,4); //FRACSEC
z += 4;
unsigned char stat[2]; //Outer Stat
stat[0] = 0x00;
stat[1] = 0x00;
byte_by_byte_copy(dataframe,stat,z,2); //outer stat
z += 2;
temp_df = TSB[index].first_data_frame;
while(temp_df != NULL) { // 1
int j = 0;
while(j < temp_df->num_pmu) { // 2
if(temp_df->dpmu[j]->stat[1] == 0x0f) {
// Copy STAT
z += 2;
//Copy STAT
z += 2;
int i = 0;
//Copy Phasors
if(temp_df->dpmu[j]->phnmr != 0) {
if(temp_df->dpmu[j]->fmt->phasor == '1') {
while(i < temp_df->dpmu[j]->phnmr) {
byte_by_byte_copy(dataframe,temp_df->dpmu[j]->phasors[i],z,8); // Phasors
z += 8;
} else {
while(i < temp_df->dpmu[j]->phnmr) {
byte_by_byte_copy(dataframe,temp_df->dpmu[j]->phasors[i],z,4); // Phasors
z += 4;
//Copy FREQ
if(temp_df->dpmu[j]->fmt->freq == '1') {
byte_by_byte_copy(dataframe,temp_df->dpmu[j]->freq,z,4); // FREQ
z += 4;
byte_by_byte_copy(dataframe,temp_df->dpmu[j]->dfreq,z,4); // FREQ
z += 4;
} else {
byte_by_byte_copy(dataframe,temp_df->dpmu[j]->freq,z,2); // FREQ
z += 2;
byte_by_byte_copy(dataframe,temp_df->dpmu[j]->dfreq,z,2); // FREQ
z += 2;
// Copy Analogs
if(temp_df->dpmu[j]->annmr != 0) {
if(temp_df->dpmu[j]->fmt->analog == '1') {
for(i = 0; i<temp_df->dpmu[j]->annmr; i++){
byte_by_byte_copy(dataframe,temp_df->dpmu[j]->analog[i],z,4); // ANALOGS
z += 4;
} else {
for(i = 0; i<temp_df->dpmu[j]->annmr; i++){
byte_by_byte_copy(dataframe,temp_df->dpmu[j]->analog[i],z,2); // ANALOGS
z += 2;
i = 0;
if(temp_df->dpmu[j]->dgnmr != 0) {
while(i < temp_df->dpmu[j]->dgnmr) {
byte_by_byte_copy(dataframe,temp_df->dpmu[j]->digital[i],z,2); // DIGITAL
z += 2;
} // 2 while
temp_df = temp_df->dnext;
} // 1 while
// Attach a checksum
chk = compute_CRC(dataframe,z);
dataframe[z++] = (chk >> 8) & ~(~0<<8); /* CHKSUM high byte; */
dataframe[z++] = (chk ) & ~(~0<<8); /* CHKSUM low byte; */
return z;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* FUNCTION create_cfgframe(): */
/* It creates the IEEEC37.118 Standard based combined configuration frame from */
/* the configuration frames received from all the source devices to be sent to */
/* destination devices */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int create_cfgframe() {
struct cfg_frame *temp_cfg;
int total_frame_size = 0,count = 0;
unsigned char datarate[2],soc[4],fracsec[4]; // hard coded
int total_num_pmu = 0;
unsigned char time_base[4];
unsigned int fsize,num_pmu,phnmr,dgnmr,annmr;
unsigned int data_rate,temp_data_rate;
unsigned long int sec,frac = 0,temp_tb,tb;
uint16_t chk;
sec = (long int)time (NULL);
temp_cfg = cfgfirst;
while(temp_cfg != NULL) {
if(count == 0) { // Copy the soc,fracsec,timebase from the first CFG to the combined CFG
tb = to_long_int_convertor(temp_cfg->time_base);
copy_cbyc (time_base,temp_cfg->time_base,4);
data_rate = to_intconvertor(temp_cfg->data_rate);
copy_cbyc (datarate,temp_cfg->data_rate,2);
fsize = to_intconvertor(temp_cfg->framesize);
total_frame_size += fsize;
count++; // count used to count num of cfg
num_pmu = to_intconvertor(temp_cfg->num_pmu);
total_num_pmu += num_pmu;
temp_cfg = temp_cfg->cfgnext;
} else {
fsize = to_intconvertor(temp_cfg->framesize);
total_frame_size += fsize;
total_frame_size -= 24;
// take the Lowest Timebase
temp_tb = to_long_int_convertor(temp_cfg->time_base);
if(temp_tb < tb) {
copy_cbyc (time_base,temp_cfg->time_base,4);
tb = temp_tb;
// take the highest data rate
temp_data_rate = to_intconvertor(temp_cfg->data_rate);
if(temp_data_rate > data_rate) {
copy_cbyc (datarate,temp_cfg->data_rate,2);
data_rate = temp_data_rate;
count++; // count used to count num of cfg
num_pmu = to_intconvertor(temp_cfg->num_pmu);
total_num_pmu += num_pmu;
temp_cfg = temp_cfg->cfgnext;
} // While ENDS
cfgframe = malloc((total_frame_size + 1)*sizeof(unsigned char)); // Allocate memory for data frame
cfgframe[total_frame_size] = '\0';
// Start the Combined CFG frame creation
int z = 0;
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,CFGSYNC,z,2); // SYNC
z += 2;
unsigned char temp[3];
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp,z,2); // FRAME SIZE
z += 2;
unsigned char tmp[2];
tmp[0]= cfgframe[2];
tmp[1]= cfgframe[3];
int newl;
newl = to_intconvertor(tmp);
printf("CFG Frame Len %d.\n",newl);
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp,z,2); // PDC ID
z += 2;
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,soc,z,4); //SOC
z += 4;
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,fracsec,z,4); //FRACSEC
z += 4;
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,time_base,z,4); //TIMEBASE
z += 4;
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp,z,2); // No of PMU
z += 2;
int i,j;
temp_cfg = cfgfirst;
while(temp_cfg != NULL) { // 1
num_pmu = to_intconvertor(temp_cfg->num_pmu);
j = 0;
while (j < num_pmu) { //2
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp_cfg->pmu[j]->stn,z,16); // STN
z += 16;
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp_cfg->pmu[j]->idcode,z,2); // IDCODE
z += 2;
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp_cfg->pmu[j]->data_format,z,2); // FORMAT
z += 2;
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp_cfg->pmu[j]->phnmr,z,2); // PHNMR
z += 2;
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp_cfg->pmu[j]->annmr,z,2); // ANNMR
z += 2;
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp_cfg->pmu[j]->dgnmr,z,2); // DGNMR
z += 2;
phnmr = to_intconvertor(temp_cfg->pmu[j]->phnmr);
annmr = to_intconvertor(temp_cfg->pmu[j]->annmr);
dgnmr = to_intconvertor(temp_cfg->pmu[j]->dgnmr);
// Copy Phasor Names
if(phnmr != 0){
for(i = 0; i<phnmr;i++) {
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp_cfg->pmu[j]->cnext->phnames[i],z,16); // Phasor Names
z += 16;
// Copy Analog Names
if(annmr != 0){
for(i = 0; i<annmr;i++) {
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp_cfg->pmu[j]->cnext->angnames[i],z,16); // Analog Names
z += 16;
// Copy Digital Names
if(dgnmr != 0) {
struct dgnames *temp_dgname = temp_cfg->pmu[j]->cnext->first;
while (temp_dgname != NULL) {
for(i = 0;i<16;i++) {
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp_dgname->dgn[i],z,16); // Digital Names
z += 16;
} // Copy 16 channel names of digital word
temp_dgname = temp_dgname->dg_next;
} // Go to next Digital word
if(phnmr != 0){
for (i = 0; i<phnmr;i++) {
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp_cfg->pmu[j]->phunit[i],z,4); // PHUNIT
z += 4;
if(annmr != 0){
for (i = 0; i<annmr;i++) {
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp_cfg->pmu[j]->anunit[i],z,4); // ANUNIT
z += 4;
if(dgnmr != 0){
for (i = 0; i<dgnmr;i++) {
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp_cfg->pmu[j]->dgunit[i],z,4); // DGUNIT
z += 4;
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp_cfg->pmu[j]->fnom,z,2); // FNOM
z += 2;
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,temp_cfg->pmu[j]->cfg_cnt,z,2); // CFGCNT
z += 2;
j++; // index for pmu_num
} // while 2
temp_cfg = temp_cfg->cfgnext; // Take next CFG
} // while 1
byte_by_byte_copy(cfgframe,datarate,z,2); // DATA RATE
z += 2;
chk = compute_CRC(cfgframe,z);
cfgframe[z++] = (chk >> 8) & ~(~0<<8); /* CHKSUM high byte; */
cfgframe[z++] = (chk ) & ~(~0<<8); /* CHKSUM low byte; */
return z;
/**************************************** End of File *******************************************************/