/* livechart_static.vapi generated by valac 0.56.0, do not modify. */ namespace LiveChart { namespace Static { [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class StaticChart : Gtk.DrawingArea { public LiveChart.Config config; public LiveChart.Static.StaticSeries series; public StaticChart (LiveChart.Config config = new LiveChart.Config ()); public void add_serie (LiveChart.Static.StaticSerie serie); public void set_categories (Gee.ArrayList categories); public LiveChart.Background background { get; set; } public LiveChart.Static.StaticGrid grid { get; set; } public LiveChart.Legend legend { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class StaticGrid : LiveChart.Drawable, GLib.Object { protected LiveChart.BoundingBox bounding_box; public const int ABSCISSA_TIME_PADDING; public StaticGrid (); protected void debug (Cairo.Context ctx); protected void render_abscissa (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); protected void render_grid (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); protected void render_hgrid (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); protected void render_ordinate (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); protected void render_vgrid (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); protected void restore (Cairo.Context ctx); protected void update_bounding_box (LiveChart.Config config); public Gdk.RGBA main_color { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class StaticLine : LiveChart.Static.StaticSerieRenderer { public StaticLine (LiveChart.Static.StaticValues values = new LiveChart.Static.StaticValues ()); public override void draw (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); protected void draw_line (LiveChart.Static.StaticPoints points, Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class StaticPoints : GLib.Object { public StaticPoints (); public void add (LiveChart.Point point); public LiveChart.Point after (int at); public static LiveChart.Static.StaticPoints create (LiveChart.Static.StaticValues values, LiveChart.Config config); public LiveChart.Point first (); public new LiveChart.Point @get (int at); public LiveChart.Point last (); public LiveChart.Bounds bounds { get; set construct; } public double realtime_delta { get; set; } public int size { get; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class StaticSerie : LiveChart.Colorable, LiveChart.Drawable, GLib.Object { public StaticSerie (string name, LiveChart.Static.StaticSerieRenderer renderer = new LiveChart.Static.StaticLine (new LiveChart.Static.StaticValues ())); public void add (string name, double value); public void clear (); public LiveChart.Static.StaticValues get_values (); public LiveChart.Path line { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public signal void value_added (double value); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public abstract class StaticSerieRenderer : LiveChart.Drawable, GLib.Object { protected LiveChart.BoundingBox bounding_box; protected LiveChart.Static.StaticValues values; protected StaticSerieRenderer (); protected void debug (Cairo.Context ctx); public abstract void draw (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); public LiveChart.Static.StaticValues get_values (); protected bool is_out_of_area (LiveChart.Point point); public LiveChart.Path line { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class StaticSeries : GLib.Object { public StaticSeries (LiveChart.Static.StaticChart chart); public new LiveChart.Static.StaticSerie @get (int index) throws LiveChart.ChartError; public LiveChart.Static.StaticSerie get_by_name (string name) throws LiveChart.ChartError; public Gee.Iterator iterator (); public LiveChart.Static.StaticSerie register (LiveChart.Static.StaticSerie serie); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class StaticValues : Gee.LinkedList { public StaticValues (); public new void add (LiveChart.Static.NamedValue value); public LiveChart.Bounds bounds { get; set construct; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public struct NamedValue { public string name; public double value; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Area : LiveChart.Drawable, GLib.Object { public Area (LiveChart.Points points, Gdk.RGBA color, double alpha); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Background : LiveChart.Drawable, GLib.Object { public Background (); public Gdk.RGBA color { get; set; } [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "1.8.0", replacement = "Background.color")] public Gdk.RGBA main_color { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Bar : LiveChart.SerieRenderer { public Bar (LiveChart.Values values = new LiveChart.Values (1000)); public override void draw (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class BezierIntersector : LiveChart.Intersector { public BezierIntersector (LiveChart.Region region, LiveChart.Config config); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Bounds : GLib.Object { public Bounds (double lower = double.NAN, double upper = double.NAN); public bool has_lower (); public bool has_upper (); public bool update (double value); public double lower { get; private set; } public double upper { get; private set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Chart : Gtk.DrawingArea { public LiveChart.Config config; public LiveChart.Series series; public Chart (LiveChart.Config config = new LiveChart.Config ()); public void add_serie (LiveChart.Serie serie); public void add_unaware_timestamp_collection (LiveChart.Serie serie, Gee.Collection collection, int timespan_between_value); public void add_unaware_timestamp_collection_by_index (int serie_index, Gee.Collection collection, int timespan_between_value) throws LiveChart.ChartError; [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "1.7.0", replacement = "Retrieve the Serie from Chart.series (or from the serie you created) and add the value using serie.add")] public void add_value (LiveChart.Serie serie, double value); [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "1.7.0", replacement = "Retrieve the Serie from Chart.series and add the value using serie.add")] public void add_value_by_index (int serie_index, double value) throws LiveChart.ChartError; public void refresh_every (int ms); public void to_png (string filename) throws GLib.Error; public LiveChart.Background background { get; set; } public LiveChart.Grid grid { get; set; } public LiveChart.Legend legend { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Config { public LiveChart.Padding padding; public LiveChart.XAxis x_axis; public LiveChart.YAxis y_axis; public Config (); public LiveChart.Boundaries boundaries (); public void configure (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Legend? legend); public int height { get; set; } public int width { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Font { public Font (); public void configure (Cairo.Context ctx); public Gdk.RGBA color { get; set; } public string face { get; set; } public uint8 size { get; set; } public Cairo.FontSlant slant { get; set; } public Cairo.FontWeight weight { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Grid : LiveChart.Drawable, GLib.Object { protected LiveChart.BoundingBox bounding_box; public const int ABSCISSA_TIME_PADDING; public Grid (); protected void debug (Cairo.Context ctx); protected void render_abscissa (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); protected void render_grid (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); protected void render_hgrid (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); protected void render_ordinate (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); protected void render_vgrid (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); protected void restore (Cairo.Context ctx); protected void update_bounding_box (LiveChart.Config config); public Gdk.RGBA main_color { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class HorizontalLegend : LiveChart.Legend { public HorizontalLegend (); protected void debug (Cairo.Context ctx); public override void draw (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Intersection : GLib.Object { public double? entered_at; public double? exited_at; public Intersection (LiveChart.Region region, double start_x, double entered_at); public void close (double x, double exited_at); public bool is_closed (); public bool is_open (); public void update (double x); public Intersection.without_entry_point (LiveChart.Region region, double start_x); public double end_x { get; private set; } public LiveChart.Region region { get; set construct; } public double start_x { get; private set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Intersections : GLib.Object { public Intersections (); public void close (double x, double exited_at); public void @foreach (Gee.ForallFunc f); public new LiveChart.Intersection @get (int index); public LiveChart.Region get_current_region (); public bool has_an_opened_intersection (); public void open (LiveChart.Region region, double x, double entered_at); public void open_without_entrypoint (LiveChart.Region region, double x); public int size (); public void update (double x); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Labels { public Labels (); public Cairo.TextExtents extents { get; set; } public LiveChart.Font font { get; set; } public bool visible { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public abstract class Legend : LiveChart.Drawable, GLib.Object { protected LiveChart.BoundingBox bounding_box; public LiveChart.Labels labels; protected Gee.ArrayList series; protected Legend (); public void add_legend (LiveChart.Serie serie); public abstract void draw (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); public Gdk.RGBA main_color { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Line : LiveChart.SerieRenderer { public Line (LiveChart.Values values = new LiveChart.Values (1000)); public override void draw (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); protected LiveChart.Points draw_line (LiveChart.Points points, Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class LineArea : LiveChart.Line { public LineArea (LiveChart.Values values = new LiveChart.Values (1000)); public override void draw (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); public double area_alpha { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class MaxBoundLine : LiveChart.SerieRenderer { public MaxBoundLine (); public override void draw (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); public MaxBoundLine.from_serie (LiveChart.Serie serie); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class MinBoundLine : LiveChart.SerieRenderer { public MinBoundLine (LiveChart.Values values = new LiveChart.Values (1000)); public override void draw (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); public MinBoundLine.from_serie (LiveChart.Serie serie); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class NoopLegend : LiveChart.Legend { public NoopLegend (); public override void draw (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Path : GLib.Object { public LiveChart.Dash? dash; public Path (double width = 0.5, Gdk.RGBA color = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }, bool visible = true, LiveChart.Dash? dash = null); public void configure (Cairo.Context ctx); public Gdk.RGBA color { get; set; } public bool visible { get; set; } public double width { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Points : GLib.Object { public Points (); public void add (LiveChart.Point point); public LiveChart.Point after (int at); public static LiveChart.Points create (LiveChart.Values values, LiveChart.Config config); public LiveChart.Point first (); public new LiveChart.Point @get (int at); public LiveChart.Point last (); public LiveChart.Bounds bounds { get; set construct; } public double realtime_delta { get; set; } public int size { get; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Region { public Region (double floor, double ceil); public Region.between (double above, double below); public void handle (LiveChart.Intersections intersections, LiveChart.Point previous, LiveChart.Point current, LiveChart.GetIntersection get_intersection); public bool has_at_least_one_point_within (LiveChart.Point previous, LiveChart.Point current); public LiveChart.Region with_area_color (Gdk.RGBA color); public LiveChart.Region with_line_color (Gdk.RGBA color); public Gdk.RGBA area_color { get; set; } public Gdk.RGBA line_color { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Serie : LiveChart.Colorable, LiveChart.Drawable, GLib.Object { public Serie (string name, LiveChart.SerieRenderer renderer = new LiveChart.Line (new LiveChart.Values (1000))); public void add (double value); public void add_with_timestamp (double value, int64 timestamp); public void clear (); [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "1.7.1", replacement = "Serie.main_color property instead")] public Gdk.RGBA get_main_color (); public LiveChart.Values get_values (); [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "1.7.1", replacement = "Serie.main_color property instead")] public void set_main_color (Gdk.RGBA color); public LiveChart.Path line { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public signal void value_added (double value); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public abstract class SerieRenderer : LiveChart.Drawable, GLib.Object { protected LiveChart.BoundingBox bounding_box; protected LiveChart.Values values; protected SerieRenderer (); protected void debug (Cairo.Context ctx); public abstract void draw (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); public LiveChart.Values get_values (); protected bool is_out_of_area (LiveChart.Point point); public LiveChart.Path line { get; set; } [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "1.8.0", replacement = "Serie.renderer.line.color")] public Gdk.RGBA main_color { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Series : GLib.Object { public Series (LiveChart.Chart chart); public new LiveChart.Serie @get (int index) throws LiveChart.ChartError; public LiveChart.Serie get_by_name (string name) throws LiveChart.ChartError; public Gee.Iterator iterator (); public LiveChart.Serie register (LiveChart.Serie serie); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class SmoothLine : LiveChart.SerieRenderer { protected LiveChart.Intersections intersections; public SmoothLine (LiveChart.Values values = new LiveChart.Values (1000)); public override void draw (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); protected void draw_regions_on_line (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); public Cairo.Path draw_smooth_line (LiveChart.Points points, Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); public LiveChart.Region? region { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class SmoothLineArea : LiveChart.SmoothLine { public SmoothLineArea (LiveChart.Values values = new LiveChart.Values (1000)); public override void draw (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); protected void draw_regions_on_area (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); public double area_alpha { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class ThresholdLine : LiveChart.SerieRenderer { public ThresholdLine (double value); public override void draw (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); public double value { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class Values : Gee.LinkedList { public Values (int buffer_size = 1000); public new void add (LiveChart.TimestampedValue value); public LiveChart.Bounds bounds { get; set construct; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class XAxis { public LiveChart.Path axis; public LiveChart.Labels labels; public LiveChart.Path lines; public XAxis (); public double get_ratio (); public float tick_interval { get; set; } public float tick_length { get; set; } public bool visible { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public class YAxis { public LiveChart.Path axis; public double? fixed_max; public LiveChart.Labels labels; public LiveChart.Path lines; [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "1.0.0b7", replacement = "ratio is always smart ;)")] public bool smart_ratio; public LiveChart.Ticks ticks; public YAxis (string unit = ""); public LiveChart.Bounds get_bounds (); public string get_max_displayed_value (); public double get_ratio (); public LiveChart.Ticks get_ticks (); public void update (int area_height); public bool update_bounds (double value); public float ratio_threshold { get; set; } public float tick_interval { get; set; } [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "1.0.0b7")] public float tick_length { get; set; } public string unit { get; set; } public bool visible { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public interface Colorable : GLib.Object { [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "1.8.0", replacement = "Serie.line.color")] public abstract Gdk.RGBA main_color { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public interface Drawable : GLib.Object { public abstract void draw (Cairo.Context ctx, LiveChart.Config config); public abstract LiveChart.BoundingBox get_bounding_box (); public abstract bool visible { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public interface Intersector { public abstract void intersect (LiveChart.Intersections intersections, LiveChart.Point previous, LiveChart.Point current, T path); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public struct BezierCurve { public LiveChart.Coord c0; public LiveChart.Coord c1; public LiveChart.Coord c2; public LiveChart.Coord c3; } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public struct Boundaries { public LiveChart.Boundary x; public LiveChart.Boundary y; public int width; public int height; } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public struct Boundary { public int min; public int max; } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public struct BoundingBox { public double x; public double y; public double width; public double height; } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public struct Coord { public double x; public double y; } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public struct Dash { public double[]? dashes; public double offset; public Dash (); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public struct Padding { public LiveChart.AutoPadding smart; public int top; public int right; public int bottom; public int left; public Padding (); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public struct Point { public double x; public double y; public double height; public LiveChart.TimestampedValue data; } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public struct RegionHandleResult { public LiveChart.RegionHandleStatus status; public double at_value; } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public struct Segment { public LiveChart.Coord from; public LiveChart.Coord to; } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public struct Ticks { public Gee.List values; public Ticks (); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public struct TimestampedValue { public double timestamp; public double value; } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] [Flags] public enum AutoPadding { NONE, TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM, LEFT } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public enum RegionHandleStatus { ENTER, EXIT, WITHIN, OUT } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public errordomain ChartError { EXPORT_ERROR, SERIE_NOT_FOUND } [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public delegate LiveChart.Coord? GetIntersection (double at_value); [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public static LiveChart.BezierCurve build_bezier_curve_from_points (LiveChart.Point previous, LiveChart.Point target); [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public static float cap (float value); [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public static Gee.List find_intersections_between (LiveChart.Segment segment, LiveChart.BezierCurve bezier); [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public static string format_for_y_axis (string unit, float value); [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public static Gee.List golden_divisors (float value); [CCode (cheader_filename = "livechart_static.h")] public static bool has_fractional_part (float value); }