2022-07-12 01:08:04 +05:30
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ipdcGui.h
* iPDC - Phasor Data Concentrator
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Nitesh Pandit
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Kedar V. Khandeparkar
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Authors:
* Nitesh Pandit <panditnitesh@gmail.com>
* Kedar V. Khandeparkar <kedar.khandeparkar@gmail.com>
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef __SUPPORT_H__
#define __SUPPORT_H__
/* Convenience macros for obtaining objects from UI file */
#define CH_GET_OBJECT(builder, name, type, data) \
data->name = type(gtk_builder_get_object (builder, #name) )
#define CH_GET_WIDGET(builder, name, data) \
CH_GET_OBJECT(builder, name, GTK_WIDGET, data)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* global Data Structure */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Main data structure definition */
typedef struct _ChData ChData;
struct _ChData
/* Main application window */
GtkWidget *ipdc;
/* Main window button widgets */
GtkWidget *add_pmu_button;
GtkWidget *remove_pmu_button;
GtkWidget *cmd_data_off_button;
GtkWidget *cmd_data_on_button;
GtkWidget *cmd_cfg_button;
GtkWidget *add_pdc_button;
GtkWidget *remove_pdc_button;
GtkWidget *display_conn_table_button;
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GtkWidget *utility_tools;
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GtkWidget *exit_button;
/* Manubar button widgets */
GtkWidget *menubar;
GtkWidget *open_ipdc_setup;
GtkWidget *enter_pdc_detail_menuitem;
GtkWidget *pdc_details_menuitem;
GtkWidget *exit_menuitem;
GtkWidget *about_menuitem;
GtkWidget *menuitem2;
GtkWidget *menu_add_source;
GtkWidget *menu_remove_source;
GtkWidget *menu_data_off;
GtkWidget *menu_data_on;
GtkWidget *menu_request_cfg;
GtkWidget *menu_add_destination;
GtkWidget *menu_remove_destination;
GtkWidget *menu_conn_table;
/* Main window extra widgets */
GtkWidget *admin_label;
GtkWidget *rights_label;
GtkWidget *time_lable;
GtkWidget *text_view;
GtkWidget *text_view1;
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/*Tools menu*/
GtkWidget *menuitem3;
GtkWidget *data_vis;
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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* global variables */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
char find_butn[2];
char buff[8000];
char fptr[200];
char *markup;
long int time_thrd_id;
int set_all;
ChData *data;
GtkWidget *ipdc_setup_window;
GtkWidget *pdc_detail_window;
GtkWidget *add_pmu_window, *chkBtn;
GtkWidget *new_window, *setup_display_window;
GtkWidget *p_id, *p_udp, *p_tcp, *p_ip;
GtkWidget *p_port, *p_protocol;
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GtkWidget *p_lattitude, *p_longitude;
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pthread_t show_sys_time;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Function prototypes */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
int isNumber(char *s);
void destroy (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer udata);
GdkPixbuf *create_pixbuf(const gchar * filename);
void display_pdc_detail (GtkButton *widget, gpointer udata);
void about_ipdc (GtkButton *widget, gpointer udata);
void ipdc_help (GtkButton *but, gpointer udata);
void validation_result (char *msg);
void ipdc_colors();
void fill_pdc_details (char *filePath);
int validation_pdc_detail (GtkButton *button, gpointer udata);
void validation_setup_file_name (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
void final_pdc_setup_call();
void add_pmu (GtkButton *but, gpointer udata);
int add_pmu_validation (GtkButton *but, gpointer udata);
void cmd_or_remove_pmu (GtkButton *but, gpointer udata);
void select_function(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data); //
int cmd_or_remove_pmu_validation (GtkButton *but, gpointer udata);
void add_new_pdc (GtkButton *but, gpointer udata);
int new_pdc_validation (GtkButton *but, gpointer udata);
void remove_pdc (GtkButton *but, gpointer udata);
int remove_pdc_validation (GtkButton *but, gpointer udata);
void connection_table (GtkButton *but, gpointer udata);
void ipdc_setup_fileSelector (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer udata);
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void view_setup_file (char * filePath);
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void apply_ipdc_setup (GtkWidget *w, gpointer udata);
void* display_time();
/**************************************** End of File *******************************************************/