
197 lines
7.3 KiB

package generic;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
public class Simulator {
static FileInputStream inputcodeStream = null;
public static Map<Instruction.OperationType, String> mapping = new HashMap<Instruction.OperationType, String>();
static {
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.add, "00000");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.addi, "00001");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.sub, "00010");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.subi, "00011");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.mul, "00100");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.muli, "00101");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.div, "00110");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.divi, "00111");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.and, "01000");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.andi, "01001");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.or, "01010");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.ori, "01011");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.xor, "01100");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.xori, "01101");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.slt, "01110");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.slti, "01111");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.sll, "10000");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.slli, "10001");
mapping.put(, "10010");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.srli, "10011");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.sra, "10100");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.srai, "10101");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.load, "10110");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.end, "11101");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.beq, "11001");
mapping.put(, "11000");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.bne, "11010");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.blt, "11011");
mapping.put(Instruction.OperationType.bgt, "11100");
public static void setupSimulation(String assemblyProgramFile) {
int firstCodeAddress = ParsedProgram.parseDataSection(assemblyProgramFile);
ParsedProgram.parseCodeSection(assemblyProgramFile, firstCodeAddress);
private static String toBinaryOfSpecificPrecision(int num, int lenOfTargetString) {
String binary = String.format("%" + lenOfTargetString + "s", Integer.toBinaryString(num)).replace(' ', '0');
return binary;
private static int toSignedInteger(String binary) {
int n = 32 - binary.length();
char[] sign_ext = new char[n];
Arrays.fill(sign_ext, binary.charAt(0));
int signedInteger = (int) Long.parseLong(new String(sign_ext) + binary, 2);
return signedInteger;
private static String toBinaryString(int n) {
// Remove this conditional statement
// if (n >= 0) return String.valueOf(n);
Stack<Integer> bits = new Stack<>();
do {
bits.push(n % 2);
n /= 2;
} while (n != 0);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
while (!bits.isEmpty()) {
return " " + builder.toString();
private static String convert(Operand inst, int precision) {
if (inst == null)
return toBinaryOfSpecificPrecision(0, precision);
if (inst.getOperandType() == Operand.OperandType.Label)
return toBinaryOfSpecificPrecision(ParsedProgram.symtab.get(inst.getLabelValue()), precision);
// write logic for converting to binary/ hex
return toBinaryOfSpecificPrecision(inst.getValue(), precision);
// check if inst is a label, in that case, use its value
// return String.valueOf(inst.getValue());
public static void assemble(String objectProgramFile) {
FileOutputStream file;
try {
//1. open the objectProgramFile in binary mode
file = new FileOutputStream(objectProgramFile);
BufferedOutputStream bfile = new BufferedOutputStream(file);
//2. write the firstCodeAddress to the file
byte[] addressCode = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(ParsedProgram.firstCodeAddress).array();
//3. write the data to the file
for (int value: {
byte[] dataValue = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(value).array();
//4. assemble one instruction at a time, and write to the file
for (Instruction inst: ParsedProgram.code) {
* inst.getSourceOperand().getValue() will be passed to a function as f()
* that will change decimal to binary and then will return the string
* form of the binary. It will also check if the value is a label,
* in case it is a label, it would call ParsedProgram.symtab.get()
* to get the address corresponding to the label
String binaryRep = "";
// print operation type, use toBinaryString() instead of convert()
// file.write(mapping.get(inst.getOperationType()));
binaryRep += mapping.get(inst.getOperationType());
int opCode = Integer.parseInt(binaryRep, 2);
// System.out.println(inst.getOperationType() + " " + mapping.get(inst.getOperationType()));
// System.out.println(mapping);
// System.out.println(inst.getProgramCounter());
int pc = inst.getProgramCounter();
if (opCode <= 20 && opCode % 2 == 0) {
// R3 Type
binaryRep += convert(inst.getSourceOperand1(), 5);
binaryRep += convert(inst.getSourceOperand2(), 5);
binaryRep += convert(inst.getDestinationOperand(), 5);
binaryRep += toBinaryOfSpecificPrecision(0, 12);
else if (opCode == 24) {
// RI Type
if (inst.destinationOperand.getOperandType() == Operand.OperandType.Register) {
binaryRep += convert(inst.getDestinationOperand(), 5);
binaryRep += toBinaryOfSpecificPrecision(0, 22);
else {
binaryRep += toBinaryOfSpecificPrecision(0, 5);
int value = Integer.parseInt(convert(inst.getDestinationOperand(), 5), 2) - pc;
String bin = toBinaryOfSpecificPrecision(value, 22);
binaryRep += bin.substring(bin.length() - 22);
else if (opCode == 29) {
binaryRep += toBinaryOfSpecificPrecision(0, 27);
else {
// R2I Type
if (opCode >= 25 && opCode <= 28) {
int value = Integer.parseInt(convert(inst.getDestinationOperand(), 5), 2) - pc;
binaryRep += convert(inst.getSourceOperand1(), 5);
binaryRep += convert(inst.getSourceOperand2(), 5);
String bin = toBinaryOfSpecificPrecision(value, 17);
binaryRep += bin.substring(bin.length() - 17);
else {
binaryRep += convert(inst.getSourceOperand1(), 5);
binaryRep += convert(inst.getDestinationOperand(), 5);
binaryRep += convert(inst.getSourceOperand2(), 17);
int instInteger = (int) Long.parseLong(binaryRep, 2);
byte[] instBinary = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(instInteger).array();
// System.out.println(instInteger);
// if (inst.getSourceOperand1() != null)
// file.write(convert(inst.getSourceOperand1()));
// if (inst.getSourceOperand2() != null)
// file.write(convert(inst.getSourceOperand2()));
// if (inst.getDestinationOperand() != null)
// file.write(convert(inst.getDestinationOperand()));
// file.write(inst.toString());
//5. close the file
} catch (IOException e) {