function replaceDocument(docString) { var doc ="text/html"); doc.write(docString); doc.close(); } function doAjaxSubmit(e) { var form = $(this); var btn = $(this.clk); var method = ('method') ||'method') || form.attr('method') || 'GET' ).toUpperCase(); if (method === 'GET') { // GET requests can always use standard form submits. return; } var contentType = form.find('input[data-override="content-type"]').val() || form.find('select[data-override="content-type"] option:selected').text(); if (method === 'POST' && !contentType) { // POST requests can use standard form submits, unless we have // overridden the content type. return; } // At this point we need to make an AJAX form submission. e.preventDefault(); var url = form.attr('action'); var data; if (contentType) { data = form.find('[data-override="content"]').val() || '' if (contentType === 'multipart/form-data') { // We need to add a boundary parameter to the header // We assume the first valid-looking boundary line in the body is correct // regex is from RFC 2046 appendix A var boundaryCharNoSpace = "0-9A-Z'()+_,-./:=?"; var boundaryChar = boundaryCharNoSpace + ' '; var re = new RegExp('^--([' + boundaryChar + ']{0,69}[' + boundaryCharNoSpace + '])[\\s]*?$', 'im'); var boundary = data.match(re); if (boundary !== null) { contentType += '; boundary="' + boundary[1] + '"'; } // Fix textarea.value EOL normalisation (multipart/form-data should use CR+NL, not NL) data = data.replace(/\n/g, '\r\n'); } } else { contentType = form.attr('enctype') || form.attr('encoding') if (contentType === 'multipart/form-data') { if (!window.FormData) { alert('Your browser does not support AJAX multipart form submissions'); return; } // Use the FormData API and allow the content type to be set automatically, // so it includes the boundary string. // See contentType = false; data = new FormData(form[0]); } else { contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' data = form.serialize(); } } var ret = $.ajax({ url: url, method: method, data: data, contentType: contentType, processData: false, headers: { 'Accept': 'text/html; q=1.0, */*' }, }); ret.always(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if (textStatus != 'success') { jqXHR = data; } var responseContentType = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("content-type") || ""; if (responseContentType.toLowerCase().indexOf('text/html') === 0) { replaceDocument(jqXHR.responseText); try { // Modify the location and scroll to top, as if after page load. history.replaceState({}, '', url); scroll(0, 0); } catch (err) { // History API not supported, so redirect. window.location = url; } } else { // Not HTML content. We can't open this directly, so redirect. window.location = url; } }); return ret; } function captureSubmittingElement(e) { var target =; var form = this; form.clk = target; } $.fn.ajaxForm = function () { var options = {} return this .unbind('submit.form-plugin click.form-plugin') .bind('submit.form-plugin', options, doAjaxSubmit) .bind('click.form-plugin', options, captureSubmittingElement); };