# CDC - Backend --- ### Setup 1. Download the Repository to your local machine
2. Create a Virtual Environment in the [CDC_Backend](./) folder with this command below
`python -m venv venv` 3. Activate the environment with this command
`.\venv\Scripts\activate` 4. Install the dependencies
`pip install -r requirements.txt ` 5. Ensure that you have the PostgreSQL installed on your machine and is running on PORT **5432**
6. Make sure to give the correct database credentials in [settings.py](./CDC_Backend/CDC_Backend/settings.py) ### Running the Application 1. Activate the environment with this command.
`.\venv\Scripts\activate` 2. Start the application by running this command (_Run the command where [manage.py](./CDC_Backend/manage.py) is located_)
` python manage.py runserver` ### Accessing the Admin Panel 1. You can access the admin panel by running the server and opening 2. Run `python manage.py createsuperuser` to create a user to access the admin panel. 3. Set up the Username and Password 4. You can log in and change the database values anytime. ### Deploying 1. Add the hosted domain name in `ALLOWED_HOSTS` in [settings.py](./CDC_Backend/CDC_Backend/settings.py) 2. Update the `CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST` list and `CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL` variable ### API Reference Check [here](./CDC_Backend/README.md) for Api Reference