import random from django.db.utils import IntegrityError from APIs.models import Student from APIs.constants import BRANCHES, BATCH_CHOICES, DEGREE_CHOICES # To run this script run the following command: # python runscript add_students --script-args def run(*args): # Throw error if invalid number of arguments passed if not args: raise ValueError("Invalid number of arguments passed") if args[0] in ("manual", "man") : if len(args) != 2 or not args[1].isdigit() or int(args[1]) < 1: raise ValueError("Invalid number of arguments passed") print("id\troll_no\tname\tbranch\tphone_number\tcpi\tdegree\tbatch") for i in range(1, int(args[1])+1): details = input() details = details.split(",") details = [i.strip() for i in details] details = [int(details[0]), int(details[1]), details[2], details[3], int(details[4]), float(details[5]), details[6], details[7]] student = Student.objects.create( id = details[0], roll_no = details[1], name = details[2], branch = details[3], phone_number = details[4], cpi = details[5], degree = details[6], batch = details[7], ) elif args[0] in ("auto", "automatic"): if len(args) != 2 or not args[1].isdigit() or int(args[1]) < 1: raise ValueError("Invalid number of arguments passed") for i in range(1, int(args[1])+1): try: student = Student.objects.create( id = i-1, roll_no = 220010000 + i, name = "Student " + str(i), branch = random.choice(BRANCHES), phone_number = random.randint(1000000000, 9999999999), cpi = random.random()*10, degree = random.choice(DEGREE_CHOICES)[0], batch = random.choice(BATCH_CHOICES)[0], ) except IntegrityError: pass elif args[0] in ("del", "delete"): # delete students with name starting with Student s = Student.objects.filter(name__startswith="Stundent") s.delete() else: raise ValueError("Invalid argument passed")