from APIs.models import Placement, Student, PlacementApplication, User from APIs.utils import sendEmail, PlacementApplicationConditions from APIs.constants import * from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone import time import pytz REPEAT_AFTER = 10 * 60 def send_reminder_mails(): placements = Placement.objects.all() students = Student.objects.all() for placement in placements.iterator(): print("Processing placement: ", placement) # if placement is approved and email is verified if not (placement.offer_accepted and placement.email_verified): continue # if placement is not expired if placement.deadline_datetime < continue # send the reminder mail if the deadline is within 24 hours +- ReapetAfter if - timezone.timedelta( seconds=REPEAT_AFTER) <= placement.deadline_datetime - timezone.timedelta(days=1) < + \ timezone.timedelta(seconds=REPEAT_AFTER): for student in students: try: # if Application not found then send email if not PlacementApplication.objects.filter(placement=placement, student=student).exists(): if student.branch in placement.allowed_branch: if == 'bTech' or placement.rs_eligible is True: if PlacementApplicationConditions(student, placement)[0]: student_user = get_object_or_404(User, # change timezone to IST deadline_datetime = placement.deadline_datetime.astimezone(pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata')) data = { "company_name": placement.company_name, "opening_type": 'Placement', "deadline": deadline_datetime.strftime("%A, %-d %B %Y, %-I:%M %p"), "link": PLACEMENT_OPENING_URL.format( } print("Sending mail to " +, "placement id: ", sendEmail(, REMINDER_STUDENTS_OPENING_TEMPLATE_SUBJECT.format( company_name=placement.company_name), data, REMINDER_STUDENTS_OPENING_TEMPLATE) except Exception as e: print(e) continue def run(): while True: print("Sleeping for", REPEAT_AFTER, "seconds") time.sleep(REPEAT_AFTER) print("Running send_reminder_mails()") send_reminder_mails()