## The adventures of Boris Ivanov. Part 1. The main idea finding the flag is to tangle image RGB filters with Stegsolver. #### Step-1: After downloading `Boris_Ivanov_1.jpg` from the cloud, I tried all basic Forensics Techniques, but I got nothing. NULL. NATA. ZIP. #### Step-2: I tried to use the Stegsolver application. For those who don't have it, can get the script from here: https://github.com/zardus/ctf-tools/tree/master/stegsolve After installation is complete, running `./stegsolver.jar` will launch the application. #### Step-3: After reading the challenge again and again we can notice the word KGB may bay relate to Steganography by RGB. In Stegsolver, there are 1000 offsets possible. #### Step-4: Luckily, after analyzing the image, I started to filter backwards and got flag at 898 offset. I got the flag there. #### Step-5: Finally the flag becomes: `flag{d0nt_m3s5_w1th_th3_KGB}`