## Rubber Duck The main idea finding the flag using easiest forensics techniques. #### Step-1: After we download `RubberDuck.jpg`, we try to open and see the flag and check if we find any. #### Step-2: I tried simple techniques and easily found answer when we send the command: `strings RubberDuck.jpg | grep {` Note: Although some general techniques also include `strings RubberDuck.jpg | grep flag` & `strings RubberDuck.jpg | grep ctf`. #### Step-3: We get the following output: ``` CTFlearn{ILoveJakarta} e{8{" i~{ S:{s ^{Ec 2\G;{J s9y{x ]^y{ =\u^{F -{~? {VVj )@{1 G-%#{ ".k{;y;3 U{U_ Bu{S/ n{b/ T{#G *H{cF: oT{S !yl[ru{ \{t| "{x0 iE7q,4${ Or/hr{ {c8w {Qjjr NYY,{ =F{?a z{x^ q{X4 V{2n `pY{ #:J^Z{ f{'z {|D7 {43P ${X