## PikesPeak The main idea finding the flag using simple forensic techniques. #### Step-1: After we download `PikesPeak.jpg`, we try to open and see the flag and check if we find any. #### Step-2: I tried simple techniques and easily found answer when we send the command: `strings PikesPeak.jpg | grep {` I and got this as output: ``` CTFLEARN{PikesPeak} CTFLearn{Colorado} %ctflearn{MountainMountainMountain} #cTfLeArN{CTFMountainCTFmOUNTAIN} CTF{AsPEN.Vail} CTFlearn{Gandalf} ctflearning{AUCKLAND} ctfLEARN{MtDoom} 6ctflearninglearning{Mordor.TongariroAlpineCrossing} +CTFLEARN{MountGedePangrangoNationalPark} $ctflearncTfLeARN{MountKosciuszko} {rof #&f{ Y\GC{( {r%681G {t(@Q {5$< )%)`{ N{eI& ]N&{ NKxf{ K;{Dk 8pGM{ d=q{ |PV{ xw{1 #{;W }s7h{ V{K[\d b%\{% ``` #### Step-4: I tried all the flags up there xP. However one of them worked out. #### Step-5: Finally the flag becomes: `CTFlearn{Gandalf}`