## A CAPture of a Flag The main idea finding the flag is exploring the given PCAP file in Wireshark. #### Step-1: After downloading `flag (4)` (a PCAP file) from the cloud, I directly opened it in Wireshark application. For those, who are unaware om how to filter streams or use this application, please do your homework here: https://www.wireshark.org/ #### Step-2: I tried to check TCP stream for some clues and then I tried UDP streams for some clues. Finally, I used the filter to get only HTTP requests. #### Step-3: I went through all requests and this request caught my eye. `247 2.270670 HTTP 504 GET /?msg=ZmxhZ3tBRmxhZ0luUENBUH0= HTTP/1.1 ` It has a Base64 encrypted message. #### Step-4: So finally, I decoded it online at: https://www.base64decode.org/ I got the flag there: Voila, we have it here. #### Step-4: Finally the flag becomes: `flag{AFlagInPCAP}`