## BruXOR The main idea finding the flag is XOR Bruteforce. #### Step-1: After reading the message in the question, `There is a technique called bruteforce. Message: q{vpln'bH_varHuebcrqxetrHOXEj No key! Just brute .. brute .. brute ... :D` The first thing I searched online was XOR Bruteforce and I got some helpful results. #### Step-2: I followed the URL: https://www.dcode.fr/xor-cipher Since in the message, it is clearly that there is no key, my inputs were as follows: (Only Bruteforce xP) #### Step-3: After decrypting, we get the following results, amidst which I found the flag. #### Step-4: Finally the flag becomes: `flag{y0u_Have_bruteforce_XOR}`