## Pirates of the Memorial The main idea finding the flag is just basic Internet Search. #### Step-1: After I downloaded `storm.jpeg`, I tried basic `strings`, `exiftool`, `binwalk`, but couldn't find any info. #### Step-2: After that, I directly searched it on Google Images and got a [Twitter](https://twitter.com/rishibagree/status/1016932954143158274) thread, where the original photographer was mentioned subtly. #### Step-3: I searched for `Arunopal Banerjee` on Google and searched for top links and in his [Instagram Profile](https://www.instagram.com/arunopal17/), I found our `storm.jpeg`. [Post](https://www.instagram.com/p/B3oKrLQgpko/): Voila! I got the flag in comments! #### Step-4: Finally the flag becomes: `csictf{m1ch34l_sc0fi3ld_fr0m_pr1s0n_br34k}`