## Mr Rami The main idea finding the flag is accessing dormant sub domains of the site. #### Step-1: After I visited the URL: [http://chall.csivit.com:30231](http://chall.csivit.com:30231), this web page was shown: #### Step-2: I tried http://chall.csivit.com:30231/robots.txt and I got this: #### Step-3: There we got that `Disallow: /fade/to/black`, so I explored that URL: http://chall.csivit.com:30231/fade/to/black #### Step-4: Voila! I got the flag there. #### Step-5: Finally the flag becomes: `csictf{br0b0t_1s_pr3tty_c00l_1_th1nk}`