
743 lines
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"""Routines for numerical differentiation."""
import functools
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator
from ..sparse import issparse, csc_matrix, csr_matrix, coo_matrix, find
from ._group_columns import group_dense, group_sparse
def _adjust_scheme_to_bounds(x0, h, num_steps, scheme, lb, ub):
"""Adjust final difference scheme to the presence of bounds.
x0 : ndarray, shape (n,)
Point at which we wish to estimate derivative.
h : ndarray, shape (n,)
Desired absolute finite difference steps.
num_steps : int
Number of `h` steps in one direction required to implement finite
difference scheme. For example, 2 means that we need to evaluate
f(x0 + 2 * h) or f(x0 - 2 * h)
scheme : {'1-sided', '2-sided'}
Whether steps in one or both directions are required. In other
words '1-sided' applies to forward and backward schemes, '2-sided'
applies to center schemes.
lb : ndarray, shape (n,)
Lower bounds on independent variables.
ub : ndarray, shape (n,)
Upper bounds on independent variables.
h_adjusted : ndarray, shape (n,)
Adjusted absolute step sizes. Step size decreases only if a sign flip
or switching to one-sided scheme doesn't allow to take a full step.
use_one_sided : ndarray of bool, shape (n,)
Whether to switch to one-sided scheme. Informative only for
if scheme == '1-sided':
use_one_sided = np.ones_like(h, dtype=bool)
elif scheme == '2-sided':
h = np.abs(h)
use_one_sided = np.zeros_like(h, dtype=bool)
raise ValueError("`scheme` must be '1-sided' or '2-sided'.")
if np.all((lb == -np.inf) & (ub == np.inf)):
return h, use_one_sided
h_total = h * num_steps
h_adjusted = h.copy()
lower_dist = x0 - lb
upper_dist = ub - x0
if scheme == '1-sided':
x = x0 + h_total
violated = (x < lb) | (x > ub)
fitting = np.abs(h_total) <= np.maximum(lower_dist, upper_dist)
h_adjusted[violated & fitting] *= -1
forward = (upper_dist >= lower_dist) & ~fitting
h_adjusted[forward] = upper_dist[forward] / num_steps
backward = (upper_dist < lower_dist) & ~fitting
h_adjusted[backward] = -lower_dist[backward] / num_steps
elif scheme == '2-sided':
central = (lower_dist >= h_total) & (upper_dist >= h_total)
forward = (upper_dist >= lower_dist) & ~central
h_adjusted[forward] = np.minimum(
h[forward], 0.5 * upper_dist[forward] / num_steps)
use_one_sided[forward] = True
backward = (upper_dist < lower_dist) & ~central
h_adjusted[backward] = -np.minimum(
h[backward], 0.5 * lower_dist[backward] / num_steps)
use_one_sided[backward] = True
min_dist = np.minimum(upper_dist, lower_dist) / num_steps
adjusted_central = (~central & (np.abs(h_adjusted) <= min_dist))
h_adjusted[adjusted_central] = min_dist[adjusted_central]
use_one_sided[adjusted_central] = False
return h_adjusted, use_one_sided
def _eps_for_method(x0_dtype, f0_dtype, method):
Calculates relative EPS step to use for a given data type
and numdiff step method.
Progressively smaller steps are used for larger floating point types.
f0_dtype: np.dtype
dtype of function evaluation
x0_dtype: np.dtype
dtype of parameter vector
method: {'2-point', '3-point', 'cs'}
EPS: float
relative step size. May be np.float16, np.float32, np.float64
The default relative step will be np.float64. However, if x0 or f0 are
smaller floating point types (np.float16, np.float32), then the smallest
floating point type is chosen.
# the default EPS value
EPS = np.finfo(np.float64).eps
x0_is_fp = False
if np.issubdtype(x0_dtype, np.inexact):
# if you're a floating point type then over-ride the default EPS
EPS = np.finfo(x0_dtype).eps
x0_itemsize = np.dtype(x0_dtype).itemsize
x0_is_fp = True
if np.issubdtype(f0_dtype, np.inexact):
f0_itemsize = np.dtype(f0_dtype).itemsize
# choose the smallest itemsize between x0 and f0
if x0_is_fp and f0_itemsize < x0_itemsize:
EPS = np.finfo(f0_dtype).eps
if method in ["2-point", "cs"]:
return EPS**0.5
elif method in ["3-point"]:
return EPS**(1/3)
raise RuntimeError("Unknown step method, should be one of "
"{'2-point', '3-point', 'cs'}")
def _compute_absolute_step(rel_step, x0, f0, method):
Computes an absolute step from a relative step for finite difference
rel_step: None or array-like
Relative step for the finite difference calculation
x0 : np.ndarray
Parameter vector
f0 : np.ndarray or scalar
method : {'2-point', '3-point', 'cs'}
h : float
The absolute step size
`h` will always be np.float64. However, if `x0` or `f0` are
smaller floating point dtypes (e.g. np.float32), then the absolute
step size will be calculated from the smallest floating point size.
if rel_step is None:
rel_step = _eps_for_method(x0.dtype, f0.dtype, method)
sign_x0 = (x0 >= 0).astype(float) * 2 - 1
return rel_step * sign_x0 * np.maximum(1.0, np.abs(x0))
def _prepare_bounds(bounds, x0):
Prepares new-style bounds from a two-tuple specifying the lower and upper
limits for values in x0. If a value is not bound then the lower/upper bound
will be expected to be -np.inf/np.inf.
>>> _prepare_bounds([(0, 1, 2), (1, 2, np.inf)], [0.5, 1.5, 2.5])
(array([0., 1., 2.]), array([ 1., 2., inf]))
lb, ub = [np.asarray(b, dtype=float) for b in bounds]
if lb.ndim == 0:
lb = np.resize(lb, x0.shape)
if ub.ndim == 0:
ub = np.resize(ub, x0.shape)
return lb, ub
def group_columns(A, order=0):
"""Group columns of a 2-D matrix for sparse finite differencing [1]_.
Two columns are in the same group if in each row at least one of them
has zero. A greedy sequential algorithm is used to construct groups.
A : array_like or sparse matrix, shape (m, n)
Matrix of which to group columns.
order : int, iterable of int with shape (n,) or None
Permutation array which defines the order of columns enumeration.
If int or None, a random permutation is used with `order` used as
a random seed. Default is 0, that is use a random permutation but
guarantee repeatability.
groups : ndarray of int, shape (n,)
Contains values from 0 to n_groups-1, where n_groups is the number
of found groups. Each value ``groups[i]`` is an index of a group to
which ith column assigned. The procedure was helpful only if
n_groups is significantly less than n.
.. [1] A. Curtis, M. J. D. Powell, and J. Reid, "On the estimation of
sparse Jacobian matrices", Journal of the Institute of Mathematics
and its Applications, 13 (1974), pp. 117-120.
if issparse(A):
A = csc_matrix(A)
A = np.atleast_2d(A)
A = (A != 0).astype(np.int32)
if A.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError("`A` must be 2-dimensional.")
m, n = A.shape
if order is None or np.isscalar(order):
rng = np.random.RandomState(order)
order = rng.permutation(n)
order = np.asarray(order)
if order.shape != (n,):
raise ValueError("`order` has incorrect shape.")
A = A[:, order]
if issparse(A):
groups = group_sparse(m, n, A.indices, A.indptr)
groups = group_dense(m, n, A)
groups[order] = groups.copy()
return groups
def approx_derivative(fun, x0, method='3-point', rel_step=None, abs_step=None,
f0=None, bounds=(-np.inf, np.inf), sparsity=None,
as_linear_operator=False, args=(), kwargs={}):
"""Compute finite difference approximation of the derivatives of a
vector-valued function.
If a function maps from R^n to R^m, its derivatives form m-by-n matrix
called the Jacobian, where an element (i, j) is a partial derivative of
f[i] with respect to x[j].
fun : callable
Function of which to estimate the derivatives. The argument x
passed to this function is ndarray of shape (n,) (never a scalar
even if n=1). It must return 1-D array_like of shape (m,) or a scalar.
x0 : array_like of shape (n,) or float
Point at which to estimate the derivatives. Float will be converted
to a 1-D array.
method : {'3-point', '2-point', 'cs'}, optional
Finite difference method to use:
- '2-point' - use the first order accuracy forward or backward
- '3-point' - use central difference in interior points and the
second order accuracy forward or backward difference
near the boundary.
- 'cs' - use a complex-step finite difference scheme. This assumes
that the user function is real-valued and can be
analytically continued to the complex plane. Otherwise,
produces bogus results.
rel_step : None or array_like, optional
Relative step size to use. The absolute step size is computed as
``h = rel_step * sign(x0) * max(1, abs(x0))``, possibly adjusted to
fit into the bounds. For ``method='3-point'`` the sign of `h` is
ignored. If None (default) then step is selected automatically,
see Notes.
abs_step : array_like, optional
Absolute step size to use, possibly adjusted to fit into the bounds.
For ``method='3-point'`` the sign of `abs_step` is ignored. By default
relative steps are used, only if ``abs_step is not None`` are absolute
steps used.
f0 : None or array_like, optional
If not None it is assumed to be equal to ``fun(x0)``, in this case
the ``fun(x0)`` is not called. Default is None.
bounds : tuple of array_like, optional
Lower and upper bounds on independent variables. Defaults to no bounds.
Each bound must match the size of `x0` or be a scalar, in the latter
case the bound will be the same for all variables. Use it to limit the
range of function evaluation. Bounds checking is not implemented
when `as_linear_operator` is True.
sparsity : {None, array_like, sparse matrix, 2-tuple}, optional
Defines a sparsity structure of the Jacobian matrix. If the Jacobian
matrix is known to have only few non-zero elements in each row, then
it's possible to estimate its several columns by a single function
evaluation [3]_. To perform such economic computations two ingredients
are required:
* structure : array_like or sparse matrix of shape (m, n). A zero
element means that a corresponding element of the Jacobian
identically equals to zero.
* groups : array_like of shape (n,). A column grouping for a given
sparsity structure, use `group_columns` to obtain it.
A single array or a sparse matrix is interpreted as a sparsity
structure, and groups are computed inside the function. A tuple is
interpreted as (structure, groups). If None (default), a standard
dense differencing will be used.
Note, that sparse differencing makes sense only for large Jacobian
matrices where each row contains few non-zero elements.
as_linear_operator : bool, optional
When True the function returns an `scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator`.
Otherwise it returns a dense array or a sparse matrix depending on
`sparsity`. The linear operator provides an efficient way of computing
```` for any vector ``p`` of shape (n,), but does not allow
direct access to individual elements of the matrix. By default
`as_linear_operator` is False.
args, kwargs : tuple and dict, optional
Additional arguments passed to `fun`. Both empty by default.
The calling signature is ``fun(x, *args, **kwargs)``.
J : {ndarray, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
Finite difference approximation of the Jacobian matrix.
If `as_linear_operator` is True returns a LinearOperator
with shape (m, n). Otherwise it returns a dense array or sparse
matrix depending on how `sparsity` is defined. If `sparsity`
is None then a ndarray with shape (m, n) is returned. If
`sparsity` is not None returns a csr_matrix with shape (m, n).
For sparse matrices and linear operators it is always returned as
a 2-D structure, for ndarrays, if m=1 it is returned
as a 1-D gradient array with shape (n,).
See Also
check_derivative : Check correctness of a function computing derivatives.
If `rel_step` is not provided, it assigned as ``EPS**(1/s)``, where EPS is
determined from the smallest floating point dtype of `x0` or `fun(x0)`,
``np.finfo(x0.dtype).eps``, s=2 for '2-point' method and
s=3 for '3-point' method. Such relative step approximately minimizes a sum
of truncation and round-off errors, see [1]_. Relative steps are used by
default. However, absolute steps are used when ``abs_step is not None``.
If any of the absolute steps produces an indistinguishable difference from
the original `x0`, ``(x0 + abs_step) - x0 == 0``, then a relative step is
substituted for that particular entry.
A finite difference scheme for '3-point' method is selected automatically.
The well-known central difference scheme is used for points sufficiently
far from the boundary, and 3-point forward or backward scheme is used for
points near the boundary. Both schemes have the second-order accuracy in
terms of Taylor expansion. Refer to [2]_ for the formulas of 3-point
forward and backward difference schemes.
For dense differencing when m=1 Jacobian is returned with a shape (n,),
on the other hand when n=1 Jacobian is returned with a shape (m, 1).
Our motivation is the following: a) It handles a case of gradient
computation (m=1) in a conventional way. b) It clearly separates these two
different cases. b) In all cases np.atleast_2d can be called to get 2-D
Jacobian with correct dimensions.
.. [1] W. H. Press et. al. "Numerical Recipes. The Art of Scientific
Computing. 3rd edition", sec. 5.7.
.. [2] A. Curtis, M. J. D. Powell, and J. Reid, "On the estimation of
sparse Jacobian matrices", Journal of the Institute of Mathematics
and its Applications, 13 (1974), pp. 117-120.
.. [3] B. Fornberg, "Generation of Finite Difference Formulas on
Arbitrarily Spaced Grids", Mathematics of Computation 51, 1988.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.optimize import approx_derivative
>>> def f(x, c1, c2):
... return np.array([x[0] * np.sin(c1 * x[1]),
... x[0] * np.cos(c2 * x[1])])
>>> x0 = np.array([1.0, 0.5 * np.pi])
>>> approx_derivative(f, x0, args=(1, 2))
array([[ 1., 0.],
[-1., 0.]])
Bounds can be used to limit the region of function evaluation.
In the example below we compute left and right derivative at point 1.0.
>>> def g(x):
... return x**2 if x >= 1 else x
>>> x0 = 1.0
>>> approx_derivative(g, x0, bounds=(-np.inf, 1.0))
array([ 1.])
>>> approx_derivative(g, x0, bounds=(1.0, np.inf))
array([ 2.])
if method not in ['2-point', '3-point', 'cs']:
raise ValueError("Unknown method '%s'. " % method)
x0 = np.atleast_1d(x0)
if x0.ndim > 1:
raise ValueError("`x0` must have at most 1 dimension.")
lb, ub = _prepare_bounds(bounds, x0)
if lb.shape != x0.shape or ub.shape != x0.shape:
raise ValueError("Inconsistent shapes between bounds and `x0`.")
if as_linear_operator and not (np.all(np.isinf(lb))
and np.all(np.isinf(ub))):
raise ValueError("Bounds not supported when "
"`as_linear_operator` is True.")
def fun_wrapped(x):
f = np.atleast_1d(fun(x, *args, **kwargs))
if f.ndim > 1:
raise RuntimeError("`fun` return value has "
"more than 1 dimension.")
return f
if f0 is None:
f0 = fun_wrapped(x0)
f0 = np.atleast_1d(f0)
if f0.ndim > 1:
raise ValueError("`f0` passed has more than 1 dimension.")
if np.any((x0 < lb) | (x0 > ub)):
raise ValueError("`x0` violates bound constraints.")
if as_linear_operator:
if rel_step is None:
rel_step = _eps_for_method(x0.dtype, f0.dtype, method)
return _linear_operator_difference(fun_wrapped, x0,
f0, rel_step, method)
# by default we use rel_step
if abs_step is None:
h = _compute_absolute_step(rel_step, x0, f0, method)
# user specifies an absolute step
sign_x0 = (x0 >= 0).astype(float) * 2 - 1
h = abs_step
# cannot have a zero step. This might happen if x0 is very large
# or small. In which case fall back to relative step.
dx = ((x0 + h) - x0)
h = np.where(dx == 0,
_eps_for_method(x0.dtype, f0.dtype, method) *
sign_x0 * np.maximum(1.0, np.abs(x0)),
if method == '2-point':
h, use_one_sided = _adjust_scheme_to_bounds(
x0, h, 1, '1-sided', lb, ub)
elif method == '3-point':
h, use_one_sided = _adjust_scheme_to_bounds(
x0, h, 1, '2-sided', lb, ub)
elif method == 'cs':
use_one_sided = False
if sparsity is None:
return _dense_difference(fun_wrapped, x0, f0, h,
use_one_sided, method)
if not issparse(sparsity) and len(sparsity) == 2:
structure, groups = sparsity
structure = sparsity
groups = group_columns(sparsity)
if issparse(structure):
structure = csc_matrix(structure)
structure = np.atleast_2d(structure)
groups = np.atleast_1d(groups)
return _sparse_difference(fun_wrapped, x0, f0, h,
use_one_sided, structure,
groups, method)
def _linear_operator_difference(fun, x0, f0, h, method):
m = f0.size
n = x0.size
if method == '2-point':
def matvec(p):
if np.array_equal(p, np.zeros_like(p)):
return np.zeros(m)
dx = h / norm(p)
x = x0 + dx*p
df = fun(x) - f0
return df / dx
elif method == '3-point':
def matvec(p):
if np.array_equal(p, np.zeros_like(p)):
return np.zeros(m)
dx = 2*h / norm(p)
x1 = x0 - (dx/2)*p
x2 = x0 + (dx/2)*p
f1 = fun(x1)
f2 = fun(x2)
df = f2 - f1
return df / dx
elif method == 'cs':
def matvec(p):
if np.array_equal(p, np.zeros_like(p)):
return np.zeros(m)
dx = h / norm(p)
x = x0 + dx*p*1.j
f1 = fun(x)
df = f1.imag
return df / dx
raise RuntimeError("Never be here.")
return LinearOperator((m, n), matvec)
def _dense_difference(fun, x0, f0, h, use_one_sided, method):
m = f0.size
n = x0.size
J_transposed = np.empty((n, m))
h_vecs = np.diag(h)
for i in range(h.size):
if method == '2-point':
x = x0 + h_vecs[i]
dx = x[i] - x0[i] # Recompute dx as exactly representable number.
df = fun(x) - f0
elif method == '3-point' and use_one_sided[i]:
x1 = x0 + h_vecs[i]
x2 = x0 + 2 * h_vecs[i]
dx = x2[i] - x0[i]
f1 = fun(x1)
f2 = fun(x2)
df = -3.0 * f0 + 4 * f1 - f2
elif method == '3-point' and not use_one_sided[i]:
x1 = x0 - h_vecs[i]
x2 = x0 + h_vecs[i]
dx = x2[i] - x1[i]
f1 = fun(x1)
f2 = fun(x2)
df = f2 - f1
elif method == 'cs':
f1 = fun(x0 + h_vecs[i]*1.j)
df = f1.imag
dx = h_vecs[i, i]
raise RuntimeError("Never be here.")
J_transposed[i] = df / dx
if m == 1:
J_transposed = np.ravel(J_transposed)
return J_transposed.T
def _sparse_difference(fun, x0, f0, h, use_one_sided,
structure, groups, method):
m = f0.size
n = x0.size
row_indices = []
col_indices = []
fractions = []
n_groups = np.max(groups) + 1
for group in range(n_groups):
# Perturb variables which are in the same group simultaneously.
e = np.equal(group, groups)
h_vec = h * e
if method == '2-point':
x = x0 + h_vec
dx = x - x0
df = fun(x) - f0
# The result is written to columns which correspond to perturbed
# variables.
cols, = np.nonzero(e)
# Find all non-zero elements in selected columns of Jacobian.
i, j, _ = find(structure[:, cols])
# Restore column indices in the full array.
j = cols[j]
elif method == '3-point':
# Here we do conceptually the same but separate one-sided
# and two-sided schemes.
x1 = x0.copy()
x2 = x0.copy()
mask_1 = use_one_sided & e
x1[mask_1] += h_vec[mask_1]
x2[mask_1] += 2 * h_vec[mask_1]
mask_2 = ~use_one_sided & e
x1[mask_2] -= h_vec[mask_2]
x2[mask_2] += h_vec[mask_2]
dx = np.zeros(n)
dx[mask_1] = x2[mask_1] - x0[mask_1]
dx[mask_2] = x2[mask_2] - x1[mask_2]
f1 = fun(x1)
f2 = fun(x2)
cols, = np.nonzero(e)
i, j, _ = find(structure[:, cols])
j = cols[j]
mask = use_one_sided[j]
df = np.empty(m)
rows = i[mask]
df[rows] = -3 * f0[rows] + 4 * f1[rows] - f2[rows]
rows = i[~mask]
df[rows] = f2[rows] - f1[rows]
elif method == 'cs':
f1 = fun(x0 + h_vec*1.j)
df = f1.imag
dx = h_vec
cols, = np.nonzero(e)
i, j, _ = find(structure[:, cols])
j = cols[j]
raise ValueError("Never be here.")
# All that's left is to compute the fraction. We store i, j and
# fractions as separate arrays and later construct coo_matrix.
fractions.append(df[i] / dx[j])
row_indices = np.hstack(row_indices)
col_indices = np.hstack(col_indices)
fractions = np.hstack(fractions)
J = coo_matrix((fractions, (row_indices, col_indices)), shape=(m, n))
return csr_matrix(J)
def check_derivative(fun, jac, x0, bounds=(-np.inf, np.inf), args=(),
"""Check correctness of a function computing derivatives (Jacobian or
gradient) by comparison with a finite difference approximation.
fun : callable
Function of which to estimate the derivatives. The argument x
passed to this function is ndarray of shape (n,) (never a scalar
even if n=1). It must return 1-D array_like of shape (m,) or a scalar.
jac : callable
Function which computes Jacobian matrix of `fun`. It must work with
argument x the same way as `fun`. The return value must be array_like
or sparse matrix with an appropriate shape.
x0 : array_like of shape (n,) or float
Point at which to estimate the derivatives. Float will be converted
to 1-D array.
bounds : 2-tuple of array_like, optional
Lower and upper bounds on independent variables. Defaults to no bounds.
Each bound must match the size of `x0` or be a scalar, in the latter
case the bound will be the same for all variables. Use it to limit the
range of function evaluation.
args, kwargs : tuple and dict, optional
Additional arguments passed to `fun` and `jac`. Both empty by default.
The calling signature is ``fun(x, *args, **kwargs)`` and the same
for `jac`.
accuracy : float
The maximum among all relative errors for elements with absolute values
higher than 1 and absolute errors for elements with absolute values
less or equal than 1. If `accuracy` is on the order of 1e-6 or lower,
then it is likely that your `jac` implementation is correct.
See Also
approx_derivative : Compute finite difference approximation of derivative.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.optimize import check_derivative
>>> def f(x, c1, c2):
... return np.array([x[0] * np.sin(c1 * x[1]),
... x[0] * np.cos(c2 * x[1])])
>>> def jac(x, c1, c2):
... return np.array([
... [np.sin(c1 * x[1]), c1 * x[0] * np.cos(c1 * x[1])],
... [np.cos(c2 * x[1]), -c2 * x[0] * np.sin(c2 * x[1])]
... ])
>>> x0 = np.array([1.0, 0.5 * np.pi])
>>> check_derivative(f, jac, x0, args=(1, 2))
J_to_test = jac(x0, *args, **kwargs)
if issparse(J_to_test):
J_diff = approx_derivative(fun, x0, bounds=bounds, sparsity=J_to_test,
args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
J_to_test = csr_matrix(J_to_test)
abs_err = J_to_test - J_diff
i, j, abs_err_data = find(abs_err)
J_diff_data = np.asarray(J_diff[i, j]).ravel()
return np.max(np.abs(abs_err_data) /
np.maximum(1, np.abs(J_diff_data)))
J_diff = approx_derivative(fun, x0, bounds=bounds,
args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
abs_err = np.abs(J_to_test - J_diff)
return np.max(abs_err / np.maximum(1, np.abs(J_diff)))