''' Created on May 7, 2014 @author: eran ''' import subprocess import os def detect_landmarks(fname, max_size = 400*400, min_size = 50*50, fidu_exec_dir = os.path.abspath('../resources/')): ''' optional flags: max_size - If exceeds this pixel size, image is resized to that before landmark detection min_size - If below this pixel size, image is resized to that before landmark detection ''' max_size = str(max_size) if max_size is not None else '' min_size = str(min_size) if min_size is not None else '' fidu_cmd = './FiducialFaceDetector.sh Face_small_146filters_-0.65thr.xml %s %s %s' %(fname, min_size, max_size) print fidu_cmd x = subprocess.call(fidu_cmd, shell=True, cwd = fidu_exec_dir) return