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// qquaternion.sip generated by MetaSIP
// This file is part of the QtGui Python extension module.
// Copyright (c) 2020 Riverbank Computing Limited <>
// This file is part of PyQt5.
// This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
// following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0
// requirements will be met:
// If you do not wish to use this file under the terms of the GPL version 3.0
// then you may purchase a commercial license. For more information contact
// This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
#include <qquaternion.h>
class QQuaternion
#include <qquaternion.h>
sipRes = Py_BuildValue((char *)"dddd", (double)sipCpp->scalar(),
(double)sipCpp->x(), (double)sipCpp->y(), (double)sipCpp->z());
QQuaternion(float aScalar, float xpos, float ypos, float zpos);
QQuaternion(float aScalar, const QVector3D &aVector);
explicit QQuaternion(const QVector4D &aVector);
SIP_PYOBJECT __repr__() const /TypeHint="str"/;
PyObject *scalar = PyFloat_FromDouble(sipCpp->scalar());
PyObject *x = PyFloat_FromDouble(sipCpp->x());
PyObject *y = PyFloat_FromDouble(sipCpp->y());
PyObject *z = PyFloat_FromDouble(sipCpp->z());
if (scalar && x && y && z)
sipRes = PyUnicode_FromFormat("PyQt5.QtGui.QQuaternion(%R, %R, %R, %R)",
scalar, x, y, z);
sipRes = PyString_FromString("PyQt5.QtGui.QQuaternion(");
PyString_ConcatAndDel(&sipRes, PyObject_Repr(scalar));
PyString_ConcatAndDel(&sipRes, PyString_FromString(", "));
PyString_ConcatAndDel(&sipRes, PyObject_Repr(x));
PyString_ConcatAndDel(&sipRes, PyString_FromString(", "));
PyString_ConcatAndDel(&sipRes, PyObject_Repr(y));
PyString_ConcatAndDel(&sipRes, PyString_FromString(", "));
PyString_ConcatAndDel(&sipRes, PyObject_Repr(z));
PyString_ConcatAndDel(&sipRes, PyString_FromString(")"));
float length() const;
float lengthSquared() const;
QQuaternion normalized() const;
void normalize();
QVector3D rotatedVector(const QVector3D &vector) const;
static QQuaternion fromAxisAndAngle(const QVector3D &axis, float angle);
static QQuaternion fromAxisAndAngle(float x, float y, float z, float angle);
static QQuaternion slerp(const QQuaternion &q1, const QQuaternion &q2, float t);
static QQuaternion nlerp(const QQuaternion &q1, const QQuaternion &q2, float t);
bool isNull() const;
bool isIdentity() const;
float x() const;
float y() const;
float z() const;
float scalar() const;
void setX(float aX);
void setY(float aY);
void setZ(float aZ);
void setScalar(float aScalar);
QQuaternion conjugate() const;
QQuaternion &operator+=(const QQuaternion &quaternion);
QQuaternion &operator-=(const QQuaternion &quaternion);
QQuaternion &operator*=(float factor);
QQuaternion &operator*=(const QQuaternion &quaternion);
QQuaternion &operator/=(float divisor);
void setVector(const QVector3D &aVector);
QVector3D vector() const;
void setVector(float aX, float aY, float aZ);
QVector4D toVector4D() const;
%If (Qt_5_5_0 -)
void getAxisAndAngle(QVector3D *axis /Out/, float *angle) const;
%If (Qt_5_5_0 -)
void getEulerAngles(float *pitch, float *yaw, float *roll) const;
%If (Qt_5_5_0 -)
static QQuaternion fromEulerAngles(float pitch, float yaw, float roll);
%If (Qt_5_5_0 -)
QMatrix3x3 toRotationMatrix() const;
%If (Qt_5_5_0 -)
static QQuaternion fromRotationMatrix(const QMatrix3x3 &rot3x3);
%If (Qt_5_5_0 -)
void getAxes(QVector3D *xAxis /Out/, QVector3D *yAxis /Out/, QVector3D *zAxis /Out/) const;
%If (Qt_5_5_0 -)
static QQuaternion fromAxes(const QVector3D &xAxis, const QVector3D &yAxis, const QVector3D &zAxis);
%If (Qt_5_5_0 -)
static QQuaternion fromDirection(const QVector3D &direction, const QVector3D &up);
%If (Qt_5_5_0 -)
static QQuaternion rotationTo(const QVector3D &from, const QVector3D &to);
%If (Qt_5_5_0 -)
static float dotProduct(const QQuaternion &q1, const QQuaternion &q2);
%If (Qt_5_5_0 -)
QQuaternion inverted() const;
%If (Qt_5_5_0 -)
QQuaternion conjugated() const;
%If (Qt_5_5_0 -)
QVector3D toEulerAngles() const;
%If (Qt_5_5_0 -)
static QQuaternion fromEulerAngles(const QVector3D &eulerAngles);
const QQuaternion operator*(const QQuaternion &q1, const QQuaternion &q2);
bool operator==(const QQuaternion &q1, const QQuaternion &q2);
bool operator!=(const QQuaternion &q1, const QQuaternion &q2);
const QQuaternion operator+(const QQuaternion &q1, const QQuaternion &q2);
const QQuaternion operator-(const QQuaternion &q1, const QQuaternion &q2);
const QQuaternion operator*(float factor, const QQuaternion &quaternion);
const QQuaternion operator*(const QQuaternion &quaternion, float factor);
const QQuaternion operator-(const QQuaternion &quaternion);
const QQuaternion operator/(const QQuaternion &quaternion, float divisor);
bool qFuzzyCompare(const QQuaternion &q1, const QQuaternion &q2);
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const QQuaternion & /Constrained/) /ReleaseGIL/;
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, QQuaternion & /Constrained/) /ReleaseGIL/;
%If (Qt_5_5_0 -)
QVector3D operator*(const QQuaternion &quaternion, const QVector3D &vec);