374 lines
11 KiB
374 lines
11 KiB
/* Test24: opendir, readdir, rewinddir, closedir Author: Jan-Mark Wams */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void chk_dir(DIR * dirpntr);
void test24a(void);
void test24b(void);
void test24c(void);
void makelongnames(void);
int max_error = 4;
#include "common.h"
#define ITERATIONS 5
#define DIRENT0 ((struct dirent *) NULL)
#define System(cmd) if (system(cmd) != 0) printf("``%s'' failed\n", cmd)
#define Chdir(dir) if (chdir(dir) != 0) printf("Can't goto %s\n", dir)
int subtest = 1;
int superuser;
char *MaxName; /* Name of maximum length */
char MaxPath[PATH_MAX]; /* Same for path */
char *ToLongName; /* Name of maximum +1 length */
char ToLongPath[PATH_MAX + 1]; /* Same for path, both too long */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i, m = 0xFFFF;
if (argc == 2) m = atoi(argv[1]);
superuser = (geteuid() == 0);
for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) {
if (m & 0001) test24a();
if (m & 0002) test24b();
if (m & 0004) test24c();
return(-1); /* Unreachable */
void test24a()
{ /* Test normal operations. */
int fd3, fd4, fd5;
DIR *dirp;
int j, ret, fd, flags;
struct stat st1, st2;
int stat_loc;
time_t time1;
subtest = 1;
System("rm -rf ../DIR_24/*");
if ((fd = dup(0)) != 3) e(1); /* dup stdin */
close(fd); /* free the fd again */
errno= 0;
dirp = opendir("/"); /* open "/" */
if (dirp == ((DIR *) NULL)) e(2); /* has to succseed */
if (errno != 0) e(3); /* success implies errno didn't change */
if ((fd = dup(0)) <= 2) e(4); /* dup stdin */
if (fd > 3) { /* if opendir() uses fd 3 */
flags = fcntl(3, F_GETFD); /* get fd fags of 3 */
if (!(flags & FD_CLOEXEC)) e(5); /* it should be closed on */
} /* exec..() calls */
close(fd); /* free the fd again */
ret = closedir(dirp); /* close, we don't need it */
if (ret == -1) e(6); /* closedir () unsucces full */
if (ret != 0) e(7); /* should be 0 or -1 */
if ((fd = dup(0)) != 3) e(8); /* see if next fd is same */
close(fd); /* free the fd again */
System("rm -rf foo; mkdir foo");
System("touch f1 f2 f3 f4 f5"); /* make f1 .. f5 */
System("rm f[24]"); /* creat `holes' in entrys */
if ((dirp = opendir("foo")) == ((DIR *) NULL)) e(9); /* open foo */
chk_dir(dirp); /* test if foo's ok */
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
errno = j * 47 % 7; /* there should */
if (readdir(dirp) != DIRENT0) e(10); /* be nomore dir */
if (errno != j * 47 % 7) e(11); /* entrys */
rewinddir(dirp); /* rewind foo */
chk_dir(dirp); /* test foosok */
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
errno = j * 23 % 7; /* there should */
if (readdir(dirp) != DIRENT0) e(12); /* be nomore dir */
if (errno != j * 23 % 7) e(13); /* entrys */
if ((fd4 = creat("foo/f4", 0666)) <= 2) e(14); /* Open a file. */
System("rm foo/f4"); /* Kill entry. */
rewinddir(dirp); /* Rewind foo. */
if ((fd3 = open("foo/f3", O_WRONLY)) <= 2) e(15); /* Open more files. */
if ((fd5 = open("foo/f5", O_WRONLY)) <= 2) e(16);
if (write(fd3, "Hello", 6) != 6) e(17);
if (write(fd4, "Hello", 6) != 6) e(18); /* write some data */
if (close(fd5) != 0) e(19);
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
errno = j * 101 % 7; /* there should */
if (readdir(dirp) != DIRENT0) e(20); /* be nomore dir */
if (errno != j * 101 % 7) e(21); /* entrys */
if (close(fd4) != 0) e(22); /* shouldn't matter */
if (close(fd3) != 0) e(23); /* when we do this */
if (closedir(dirp) != 0) e(24); /* close foo again */
if ((dirp = opendir(".//")) == ((DIR *) NULL)) e(25); /* open foo again */
chk_dir(dirp); /* foosok? */
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
errno = (j * 101) % 7; /* there should */
if (readdir(dirp) != DIRENT0) e(26); /* be nomore dir */
if (errno != (j * 101) % 7) e(27); /* entrys */
if (closedir(dirp) != 0) e(28); /* It should be closable */
stat("foo", &st1); /* get stat */
while (time1 >= time((time_t *)0))
if ((dirp = opendir("foo")) == ((DIR *) NULL)) e(29); /* open, */
if (readdir(dirp) == DIRENT0) e(30); /* read and */
stat("foo", &st2); /* get new stat */
if (st1.st_atime > st2.st_atime) e(31); /* st_atime check */
switch (fork()) {
case -1: printf("Can't fork\n"); break;
case 0:
rewinddir(dirp); /* rewind childs dirp */
if (readdir(dirp) == DIRENT0) e(32); /* read should be ok */
if (closedir(dirp) != 0) e(33); /* close child'd foo */
exit(0); /* 0 stops here */
if (wait(&stat_loc) == -1) e(34); /* PARENT wait()'s */
if (closedir(dirp) != 0) e(35); /* close parent's foo */
void test24b()
/* See what happens with too many dir's open. Check if file size seems ok,
* and independency.
int i, j; /* i = highest open dir count */
DIR *dirp[OVERFLOW_DIR_NR], *dp;
struct dirent *dep, *dep1, *dep2;
char *name; /* buffer for file name, and count */
int dot = 0, dotdot = 0;
int max_name_length;
subtest = 2;
System("rm -rf ../DIR_24/*");
max_name_length = name_max(".");
name = malloc(max_name_length + 2);
memset(name, '\0', max_name_length + 2);
for (i = 0; i < OVERFLOW_DIR_NR; i++) {
dirp[i] = opendir("/");
if (dirp[i] == ((DIR *) NULL)) {
if (errno != EMFILE) e(1);
if (i <= 4) e(2); /* sounds resanable */
if (i >= OVERFLOW_DIR_NR) e(3); /* might be to small */
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (closedir(dirp[(j + 5) % i]) != 0) e(4); /* neat! */
/* Now check if number of bytes in d_name can go up till NAME_MAX */
System("rm -rf foo; mkdir foo");
name[0] = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= max_name_length; i++) {
if (strcat(name, "X") != name) e(5);
close(creat(name, 0666)); /* fails once on */
} /* XX..XX, 1 too long */
/* Now change i-th X to Y in name buffer record file of length i. */
if ((dp = opendir("foo")) == ((DIR *) NULL)) e(6);
while ((dep = readdir(dp)) != DIRENT0) {
if (strcmp("..", dep->d_name) == 0)
else if (strcmp(".", dep->d_name) == 0)
name[strlen(dep->d_name)] += 1; /* 'X' + 1 == 'Y' */
if (closedir(dp) != 0) e(7);
for (i = 1; i <= max_name_length; i++) { /* Check if every length */
if (name[i] != 'Y') e(8); /* has been seen once. */
/* Check upper and lower bound. */
if (name[0] != 'X') e(9);
if (name[max_name_length + 1] != '\0') e(10);
/* Now check if two simultaniouse open dirs do the same */
if ((dirp[1] = opendir("foo")) == ((DIR *) NULL)) e(11);
if ((dirp[2] = opendir("foo")) == ((DIR *) NULL)) e(12);
if ((dep1 = readdir(dirp[1])) == DIRENT0) e(13);
if ((dep2 = readdir(dirp[2])) == DIRENT0) e(14);
if (dep1->d_name == dep2->d_name) e(15); /* 1 & 2 Should be */
strcpy(name, dep2->d_name); /* differand buffers */
if (strcmp(dep1->d_name, name) != 0) e(16); /* But hold the same */
if ((dep1 = readdir(dirp[1])) == DIRENT0) e(17);
if ((dep1 = readdir(dirp[1])) == DIRENT0) e(18); /* lose some entries */
if ((dep1 = readdir(dirp[1])) == DIRENT0) e(19); /* Using dirp 1 has */
if (dep1->d_name == dep2->d_name) e(20); /* no effect on 2 */
if (strcmp(dep2->d_name, name) != 0) e(21);
rewinddir(dirp[1]); /* Rewinding dirp 1 */
if ((dep2 = readdir(dirp[2])) == DIRENT0) e(22); /* can't effect 2 */
if (strcmp(dep2->d_name, name) == 0) e(23); /* Must be next */
if (closedir(dirp[1]) != 0) e(24); /* Closing dirp 1 */
if ((dep2 = readdir(dirp[2])) == DIRENT0) e(25); /* can't effect 2 */
if (strcmp(dep2->d_name, name) == 0) e(26); /* Must be next */
if (closedir(dirp[2]) != 0) e(27);
void test24c()
/* Test whether wrong things go wrong right. */
DIR *dirp;
int does_truncate;
subtest = 3;
System("rm -rf ../DIR_24/*");
if (opendir("foo/bar/nono") != ((DIR *) NULL)) e(1); /* nonexistent */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(2);
System("mkdir foo; chmod 677 foo"); /* foo inaccesable */
if (opendir("foo/bar/nono") != ((DIR *) NULL)) e(3);
if (superuser) {
if (errno != ENOENT) e(4); /* su has access */
System("chmod 377 foo");
if ((dirp = opendir("foo")) == ((DIR *) NULL)) e(5);
if (closedir(dirp) != 0) e(6);
if (!superuser) {
if (errno != EACCES) e(7); /* we don't ;-) */
System("chmod 377 foo");
if (opendir("foo") != ((DIR *) NULL)) e(8);
System("chmod 777 foo");
if (mkdir(MaxName, 0777) != 0) e(9); /* make longdir */
if ((dirp = opendir(MaxName)) == ((DIR *) NULL)) e(10); /* open it */
if (closedir(dirp) != 0) e(11); /* close it */
if (rmdir(MaxName) != 0) e(12); /* then remove it */
if ((dirp = opendir(MaxPath)) == ((DIR *) NULL)) e(13); /* open '.' */
if (closedir(dirp) != 0) e(14); /* close it */
does_truncate = does_fs_truncate();
if (opendir(ToLongName) != ((DIR *) NULL)) e(17); /* is too long */
if (does_truncate) {
if (errno != ENOENT) e(18);
} else {
if (errno != ENAMETOOLONG) e(19);
if (opendir(ToLongPath) != ((DIR *) NULL)) e(20); /* path is too long */
if (errno != ENAMETOOLONG) e(21);
System("touch foo/abc"); /* make a file */
if (opendir("foo/abc") != ((DIR *) NULL)) e(22); /* not a dir */
if (errno != ENOTDIR) e(23);
void chk_dir(dirp) /* dir should contain */
DIR *dirp; /* (`f1', `f3', `f5', `.', `..') */
{ /* no more, no less */
int f1 = 0, f2 = 0, f3 = 0, f4 = 0, f5 = 0, /* counters for all */
other = 0, dot = 0, dotdot = 0; /* possible entrys */
int i;
struct dirent *dep;
char *fname;
int oldsubtest = subtest;
subtest = 4;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { /* 3 files and `.' and `..' == 5 entrys */
dep = readdir(dirp);
if (dep == DIRENT0) { /* not einough */
if (dep == DIRENT0) e(1);
fname = dep->d_name;
if (strcmp(fname, ".") == 0)
else if (strcmp(fname, "..") == 0)
else if (strcmp(fname, "f1") == 0)
else if (strcmp(fname, "f2") == 0)
else if (strcmp(fname, "f3") == 0)
else if (strcmp(fname, "f4") == 0)
else if (strcmp(fname, "f5") == 0)
} /* do next dir entry */
if (dot != 1) e(2); /* Check the entrys */
if (dotdot != 1) e(3);
if (f1 != 1) e(4);
if (f3 != 1) e(5);
if (f5 != 1) e(6);
if (f2 != 0) e(7);
if (f4 != 0) e(8);
if (other != 0) e(9);
subtest = oldsubtest;
void makelongnames()
register int i;
int max_name_length;
max_name_length = name_max("."); /* Aka NAME_MAX, but not every FS supports
* the same length, hence runtime check */
MaxName = malloc(max_name_length + 1);
ToLongName = malloc(max_name_length + 1 + 1); /* Name of maximum +1 length */
memset(MaxName, 'a', max_name_length);
MaxName[max_name_length] = '\0';
for (i = 0; i < PATH_MAX - 1; i++) { /* idem path */
MaxPath[i++] = '.';
MaxPath[i] = '/';
MaxPath[PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0';
strcpy(ToLongName, MaxName); /* copy them Max to ToLong */
strcpy(ToLongPath, MaxPath);
ToLongName[max_name_length] = 'a';
ToLongName[max_name_length+1] = '\0';/* extend ToLongName by one too many */
ToLongPath[PATH_MAX - 1] = '/';
ToLongPath[PATH_MAX] = '\0'; /* inc ToLongPath by one */