Cawf - nroff-like text formatter Cawf is a C version of awf, Henry Spencer's Amazingly Workable (text) Formatter. (Awf is written in awk and appears in comp.sources.unix, Volume 23, Issue 27.) Cawf and awf provide a usable subset of raw nroff capabilities and the styles of the man(7), me(7) and ms(7) macro sets. One of cawf's virtues is that it will run on PC clones under MS-DOS. It is also, like awf, totally independent of any licensed Unix source code. This distribution contains complete source, make files for Unix and MS-DOS, documentation (raw and formatted) and MS-DOS executables for cawf and a companion output filters, bsfilt. This is the fourth distribution of cawf. Changes include: * Some rudimentary output device support has been added, via a device configuration file. * The code has been converted to use unsigned characters. * An attempt has been made to make the code ANSI C compliant. * The following bugs have been fixed: A bug in the locating of the device file has been corrected, so that the code performs as documented. Null macro arguments are ignored. Some unused arguments to local functions have been more carefully type cast to avoid portability problems. * The .fl and .rn requests are now supported. * Limited support has been added for the non-break request control character, the acute accent ('). * Argument count conditionals -- operating on \n(.$ -- may now use the >= and <= operators in addition to [<=>]. * Macros may be terminated with "..", ".", "''" or "'". * String interpolation is performed if it is specified at the start of the .ds request argument. * The .tr request has been enhanced to handle named characters and string interpolation. * The SS macro is now included in man.mac. * The cawf version number is now displayed in the help output. * A limited -me macro set is included in me.mac. Changes to cawf to run under Minix: * The DOS binaries and make files have been removed. * Tabs stops changed from per 5 to per 8. * Bold and underline as it should be in * Added .SB and .TA to man.mac. * Numerous prototypes added. CONTENTS -------- This Minix distribution of cawf includes: README this file *.c and *.h source files to build cawf and bsfilt (bsfilt removes Backspaces from cawf output) bsfilt.1 nroff source for the bsfilt manual page cawf.1 nroff source for the cawf manual page common initialization file for CAWFLIB library output device configuration file for CAWFLIB library device description file for CAWFLIB library Makefile Unix-style make file man.mac man(7) macros for CAWFLIB library me.mac me(7) macros for CAWFLIB library ms.mac ms(7) macros for CAWFLIB library diffs Minix patches #ifdef PUTTING_IT_ON_THE_NET cawf bsfilt binaries compiled under Minix-PC 1.5 using the ACK ANSI C compiler using software floating point #endif LIBRARY ------- To use cawf, you must select a location for the CAWFLIB library files. The distributed cawf binary expects to find them in /usr/local/lib/cawf but you can alter that with the CAWFLIB environment variable, or you can change the CAWFLIB #define in cawf.h and rebuild cawf from the sources. CAWFLIB contains a minimum of six files: common common raw nroff commands to get cawf started a set of character definitions for a plain, "dumb" ASCII device - e. g., the console display, a CRT or a basic line printer the output device configuration file man.mac the man(7) macros me.mac the me(7) macros ms.mac the ms(7) macros You may want to add your own macro files to the library. Just name them "m[your-name].mac", following the usual nroff naming convention for macro files. If you have fancy output devices with special character specifications, you may want to generate new *.dev files for them. Follow the format of in making new character specifications. To define characters for a new device, select a name prefix for it and create a file in CAWFLIB with the name "<prefix>.dev". To use the new file, set the TERM environment variable to <prefix> - e. g., when I test cawf on Unix, I need a, because my TERM environment variable value is usually vt100. All I do is make a symbolic link to Even that isn't even necessary, because cawf will use if it can't find In addition to the character specifications possible through the *.dev files, cawf provides one-time font selection and bold or italic face support for output devices via its -d and -f options. Cawf can be directed to issue specific device codes for bold and italic characters, and one font can be specified for the entire document. Cawf has some built-in output device support, and addition support is contained in the device configuration file, Additional devices may be defined in It is not necessary to generate a new *.dev file for each output device definition. Only when you need special character definitions do you need to create a *.dev file. The file is adequate for most devices you define in SOURCES ------- The Unix make file has some definitions that help tune it to the local Unix environment: CAWFLIB is a string that can be used in lieu of changes to cawf.h's CWFLIB #define. MALLOCH is a string that should be defined when a UNIX environment has a <malloc.h>, unless it also has a <stdlib.h> with protoypes for malloc() and its relatives. In the latter case, you should define STDLIB, but you don't need to define MALLOCH. STDLIB indicates that standard library function prototype definitions may be found in <stdlib.h>. STDLIB must be defined for MS-DOS Quick C. If STDLIB is not defined, the cawf sources try to define their own library function return values. __STR__ The definition of this string must be deleted when using the xlc 1.2 compiler on the RISC/System 6000 under AIX 3.2. Put -U__STR__ in the Makefile DEFS string. This must be done because the xlc 1.2 compiler does not correctly inline string functions when compiling pass3.c. UNIX switches the build environment to Unix. You may also have to decide about MALLOCH, STDLIB, __STR__ and USG when you define UNIX. Do not define UNIX for MS-DOS Quick-C; do define STDLIB. USG adjusts for System V. (UNIX must also be defined.) You may also need to define USG to select the proper header file for string function prototypes. If UNIX and USG are defined, "proto.h" selects <string.h>; if only UNIX, <strings.h>. Cawf needs the more complete set of definitions, including strchr() and strrchr(). If <string.h> #includes <strings.h>, as is sometimes the case, define only UNIX. I have built and tested cawf in the UNIX context under AIX 3.2 (see the note above on __STR__), BSD4.3-Tahoe, Sequent DYNIX, ETAV (SYSV 3.0), NeXTStep 3.0, SunOS 4.1.1 and Ultrix 2.2. If you build under another Unix variant, you may have to adjust the source code, header files and Makefile to fit. Check the Makefile first for hints. ANSI C COMPLIANCE ----------------- Some effort has been devoted to making the cawf sources ANSI C compliant. The header file proto.h contains function prototypes that enable ANSI C argument checking. The state of definition of the __STDC__ symbol is used to select options that depend on strict adherence to the ANSI C standard -- e.g., the need for the isascii() test before islower() or isupper(). If your ANSI compiler doesn't define this variable when it's acting in strict ANSI C mode, you may have to define it in the Makefile. MS-DOS CONSIDERATIONS --------------------- The MS-DOS version of cawf was created to run under the KornShell of the Mortis Kern Systems Toolkit. One ramification of using MKS' ksh is that it supports the separate standard error and standard output streams. Hence, cawf blithely distributes its error messages to the standard error file, and assumes the user's shell is capable of separating them from standard output. If you don't use the MKS KornShell, but do want to separate the output streams, you'll have to modify the cawf source code. As a rudimentary aid, cawf uses a separate stream pointer, Efs, for writing error output, but sets it to stderr. You can change that process to open a separate error file and set Efs to point to it. COPYRIGHTS AND CREDITS ---------------------- The sources are copyrighted, but freely distributable under usual terms - retention of credit, etc. Please acknowledge: AT&T for their public-domain release of getopt(3) at the 1985 UNIFORUM conference; Chet Creider, Bob Hardy and Ted Campbell for their contributions to font filtering; Henry Spencer for awf and his regular expression package; Andy Tanenbaum for his help in ANSI C compliance, including his ansi.h header file from Minix. Henry says about awf, "I can't believe I really wrote this." Those are my sentiments exactly about cawf, but I also understand that necessity sometimes forces us to do what we would prefer to avoid. BUGS AND ENHANCEMENTS --------------------- I'll be glad to hear about bugs and needs for enhancements, but make no promises about delivering fixes or upgrades in response. Vic Abell <> 24 November 1992 MINIX SPECIFIC TINKERING ------------------------ Kees J. Bot <> 26 November 1992