.TH HTTPD.CONF 5 .SH NAME httpd.conf httpd.mtype \- configuration files for the Minix httpd web server .SH SYNOPSIS .B /etc/httpd.conf .B /etc/httpd.mtype .SH DESCRIPTION .B /etc/httpd.conf is the configuration file for the Minix httpd web server written by Michael Temari. A sample version is included with the distribution archive and is unpacked in the source directory (normally .BI /usr/local/src/httpdxxx). Also provided is an example .B httpd.mtype file. This is an extension of the main configuration file which is normally included when the main file is read. .P The makefile does not install .B httpd.conf and .B httpd.mtype automatically. The sample files included in the distribution are only examples, you must copy and edit them for the needs of your own installation. .SH CONFIGURATION FILE FORMAT .B httpd.conf is an ascii file which consists of lines of the following form: .P .B directive LWS [parameters separated by LWS] .br NOTE: LWS denotes Linear White Space which is spaces and/or tabs .SH CONFIGURATION FILE DIRECTIVES The following are valid configuration file directives (listed in the order they appear in the sample .B httpd.conf file provided in the distribution): .P .B serverroot redirect user chroot logfile dbgfile dirsend direxec .B vhost auth proxyauth vpath include mtype .P To make the file more readable, for directives which occupy multiple lines you may eliminate the directive on lines after the first and begin these lines with LWS. .SH DESCRIPTIONS OF DIRECTIVES .P .B serverroot path The .B serverroot directive sets the translation for .B // to the given .B path. .B redirect url The .B redirect directive will redirect the entire website via error code "301 MOVED PERM" to specified url and original path of request. .B user username The .B user directive causes the server to run as the given .B username otherwise the server will run as whoever started it (normally root). .B chroot directory The .B chroot directive causes the server to chroot to the given directory after the configuration and log files have been opened. Normally this will be the home directory of the given username in the user directive. .br NOTE: .B /~user will be translated to the home directory of .B user. .br NOTE: .B // will be translated to the serverroot directory. .br NOTE: if this directive is used then beware of the consequences. .B logfile filename The .B logfile directive tells the server where to log http transactions. .br NOTE: the log file must exist to enable logging. .B dbgfile filename The .B dbgfile directive tells the server where to log debugging of http transactions. .br NOTE: the debug log file must exist to enable debug logging. .B dirsend filelist The .B dirsend directive tells the server that when a directory is requested that it should send the first file that it finds in the directory from the .B filelist for the request. .B direxec program The .B direxec directive tells the server that when a directory is requested and no file is found from the .B dirsend directive that it should run the given .B program. .br NOTE: the program normally generates a directory listing on the fly using the .B dir2html program. .br NOTE: the program access is considered .B X with no access restrictions. .B vhost hostname vhostroot The .B vhost directive is for defining access for virtual hosts. If none are configured then any host is accepted. If specified then access is only granted for requests for hosts which are configured here. In the .B vpath section below the .B /// gets translated to the corresponding .B vhostroot. .B auth authname authdescription access [passwdfile [users]] The .B auth directive sets up different authorizations with the server. The .B authname is the name given to the authorization and is case insensitive. The .B authdescription is the description of the authorization and is what the user will see when asked to enter a username and password. The access is one or more of .B (RWX). .B R tells the server the URL can be read. .B W tells the server the URL can be overwritten. .B X tells the server that the URL can and should be executed. Access is in addition to normal Unix security considerations. For instance a file that can be written to that does not have the .B W access will have an error returned. The .B passwdfile is the name of the password file to validate users against. If .B passwdfile is given as .B '.' then the system password file .B (/etc/passwd) will be used. If no .B passwdfile is given then no authorization is allowed for anyone. If no .B users are given then any validated user is authorized, otherwise only the given .B users are allowed. .B proxyauth authname authdescription access [passwdfile [users]] The .B proxyauth directive defines access authorization to be used for Proxy access. .br .B authname = Same as auth above .br .B authdescription = Same as auth above .br .B access = Must be R to allow proxy .br .B passwdfile = Same as auth above .br .B users = Same as auth above .B vpath from to [auth [access]] The .B vpath directive sets up URL path translations and authorizations. A requested URL that matches .B from will be translated to .B to with the given .B auth and .B access. If .B auth does not exist then the URL will have no .B access. If .B access is not given then the access is taken from the .B auth record (see above). A .B '.' in place of the .B to means that the server should use a translation from another .B vpath record, but associate the given .B auth and access with the requested URL. A .B '*' may be at the end only of the .B from to provide a wildcard match. For example if the .B from has .B /AB* then any of .B /ABCDEF or .B /AB or .B /ABmichael will match, but .B /AD or .B /a will not. The requested URL is first checked against each .B vpath record until an exact match (meaning URL match .B from and .B from had no .B '*') is found or the end of the list. Therefore a wildcard match will match the last .B from in the list in which it matched. .br NOTE: if at the beginning of the to field .br /~user will get translated to the home directory of the given user .br // will get translated to the serverroot directory .B include filename The .B include directive tells the server to read configuration information from the given filename. .br NOTE: normally you get .B mtype directives in an included file. .B mtype mimetype extensions The .B mtype directive tells the server what .B mimetype to associate with files which have any of the given .B extensions. If no match is found then the file will be treated as .B application/octet-stream. .SH FILES .B /etc/httpd.conf .B /etc/httpd.mtype .B /etc/passwd .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR httpd (8) .BR http_status (5) .SH NOTES The source directory contains a commented sample .B httpd.conf and .B httpd.mtype files. .P You can run the server as .B httpd -t /etc/httpd.conf to see whether the configuration file is being parsed correctly. .P Although standard Minix does not have a graphical interface to support browsers such as Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer, the .B lynx browser can be used on 32-bit Minix systems with enough memory. You can point lynx to your own site to browse your own pages. When debugging a web server there is nothing quite like browsing your own pages to see whether things are working right. That said, be aware that different web browsers may vary in how they interpet standard web page features, and will certainly vary in how they interpret "extensions" to the HTML standards. So checking a page with several browsers on several platforms is always a good idea. .SH BUGS Not really a bug, but you can get in trouble if a real directory you want to access shares the first part of its name with a .B vpath definition. You just have to pay attention to the directory names you use. .SH AUTHOR The Minix httpd server was created by and is maintained by Michael Temari .P Man page was compiled by Al Woodhull .\" updated 2006-06-01