.TH HTTP_STATUS 5 .SH NAME http_status \- HTTP status numbers and their meanings .SH DESCRIPTION These are the HTTP status numbers defined in .BI http.h in the source directory, .BI /usr/local/src/httpdxxx. The message you see on your screen when a page cannot be accessed is normally generated by your browser. .P HTTP_STATUS_OK 200 .br HTTP_STATUS_CREATED 201 .br HTTP_STATUS_ACCEPTED 202 .br HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT 204 .br HTTP_STATUS_MOVED_PERM 301 .br HTTP_STATUS_MOVED_TEMP 302 .br HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED 304 .br HTTP_STATUS_USE_PROXY 305 .br HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST 400 .br HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED 401 .br HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN 403 .br HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND 404 .br HTTP_STATUS_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED 405 .br HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQRD 407 .br HTTP_STATUS_LENGTH_REQUIRED 411 .br HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR 500 .br HTTP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 501 .br HTTP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY 502 .br HTTP_STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 503 .br HTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT 504 .br HTTP_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION 505 .br .SH FILES .TP 25n .B /usr/local/src/httpdxxx/http.h .SH "SEE ALSO" The definitive source of information on the HTTP protocol is the .B "World Wide Web Consortium" web page at .B http://www.w3c.org . .P A draft version of the HTTP 1.1 specification is available on the Minix1 websites. For more information on status codes go to this URL: .B http://minix1.woodhull.com/http11.html#Status-Codes .SH AUTHOR The Minix httpd server was created by and is maintained by Michael Temari .P Man page compiled by Al Woodhull .\"updated 2006-06-01