376 lines
10 KiB
376 lines
10 KiB
/* test 16 */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int max_error = 4;
#include "common.h"
int subtest, passes;
int V1filesystem = 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv []);
void test16init(void);
void test16a(void);
void test16b(void);
void test16c(void);
void test16d(void);
void test16e(void);
void test16f(void);
void test16g(void);
void test16h(void);
void get_times(char *name, time_t *a, time_t *c, time_t *m);
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int i, m;
m = (argc == 2 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0xFFFF);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (m & 0001) test16a();
if (m & 0002) test16b();
if (m & 0004) test16c();
if (m & 0010) test16d();
if (m & 0020) test16e();
if (m & 0040) test16f();
if (m & 0100) test16g();
if (m & 0200) test16h();
return(-1); /* impossible */
void test16init()
/* Test atime, ctime, and mtime. */
int fd;
char buf[1024];
struct stat s;
subtest = 0;
if (passes > 0) return; /* takes too long to repeat this test */
if (V1filesystem) return; /* no need to spend time testing lacking features */
if ( (fd = creat("T16.a", 0666)) < 0) e(1);
if (write(fd, buf, 1024) != 1024) e(2);
if (close(fd) < 0) e(3);
sleep(1); /* wait 1 sec before continuing */
if ( (fd = open("T16.a", O_RDONLY)) < 0) e(4);
if (read(fd, buf, 3) != 3) e(5);
if (close(fd) != 0) e(6);
if (stat("T16.a", &s) != 0) e(7);
if (s.st_atime == 0) {
/* Almost certainly means we are running a V1 file system. */
printf(" (atime = 0. Probably V1 file system. V2+ tests skipped.) ");
V1filesystem = 1;
/* Many system calls affect atime, ctime, and mtime. Test them. They
* fall into several groups. The members of each group can be tested
* together. Start with creat(), mkdir(), and mkfifo, all of which
* set all 3 times on the created object, and ctime and mtime of the dir.
void test16a()
/* Test creat(). */
int fd;
time_t a, c, m, pa, pc, pm;
subtest = 1;
if (passes > 0) return; /* takes too long to repeat this test */
if (V1filesystem) return; /* no need to spend time testing lacking features */
if ( (fd = creat("T16.b", 0666)) < 0) e(8);
if (close(fd) != 0) e(9);
get_times("T16.b", &a, &c, &m);
get_times(".", &pa, &pc, &pm);
if (a != c) e(10);
if (a != m) e(11);
if (a != pc) e(12);
if (a != pm) e(13);
if (unlink("T16.b") < 0) e(14);
void test16b()
/* Test the times for mkfifo. */
int fd;
time_t a, c, m, pa, pc, pm;
subtest = 2;
if (passes > 0) return; /* takes too long to repeat this test */
if (V1filesystem) return; /* no need to spend time testing lacking features */
if ( (fd = mkfifo("T16.c", 0666)) != 0) e(15);
if (access("T16.c", R_OK | W_OK) != 0) e(16);
get_times("T16.c", &a, &c, &m);
get_times(".", &pa, &pc, &pm);
if (a != c) e(17);
if (a != m) e(18);
if (a != pc) e(19);
if (a != pm) e(20);
if (unlink("T16.c") < 0) e(21);
void test16c()
/* Test the times for mkdir. */
time_t a, c, m, pa, pc, pm, xa, xc, xm;
subtest = 3;
if (passes > 0) return; /* takes too long to repeat this test */
if (V1filesystem) return; /* no need to spend time testing lacking features */
if (mkdir("T16.d", 0666) < 0) e(22);
get_times("T16.d", &a, &c, &m);
get_times(".", &pa, &pc, &pm);
if (a != c) e(23);
if (a != m) e(24);
if (a != pc) e(25);
if (a != pm) e(26);
if (rmdir("T16.d") < 0) e(27);
get_times(".", &xa, &xc, &xm);
if (c == xc) e(28);
if (m == xm) e(29);
if (xc != xm) e(30);
void test16d()
/* Test open(file, O_TRUNC). */
int fd;
time_t a, c, m, pa, pc, pm, xa, xc, xm, ya, yc, ym;
char buf[1024];
subtest = 4;
if (passes > 0) return; /* takes too long to repeat this test */
if (V1filesystem) return; /* no need to spend time testing lacking features */
if ( (fd = open("T16.e", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0) e(31);
if (write(fd, buf, 1024) != 1024) e(32);
if (close(fd) != 0) e(33);
get_times("T16.e", &a, &c, &m);
get_times(".", &pa, &pc, &pm);
if ( (fd = open("T16.e", O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC)) < 0) e(34);
get_times("T16.e", &xa, &xc, &xm);
get_times(".", &ya, &yc, &ym);
if (c != m) e(35);
if (pc != pm) e(36);
if (c == xc) e(37);
if (m == xm) e(38);
if (yc != pc) e(39);
if (ym != pm) e(40);
if (close(fd) != 0) e(41);
/* Try once more, now without changing the file size. */
if ( (fd = open("T16.e", O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC)) < 0) e(89);
get_times("T16.e", &a, &c, &m);
if (c != m) e(90);
if (c == xc) e(91);
if (m == xm) e(92);
if (close(fd) != 0) e(93);
void test16e()
/* Test the times for link/unlink. */
time_t a, c, m, pa, pc, pm, xa, xc, xm, ya, yc, ym;
subtest = 5;
if (passes > 0) return; /* takes too long to repeat this test */
if (V1filesystem) return; /* no need to spend time testing lacking features */
get_times("T16.e", &a, &c, &m);
get_times(".", &ya, &yc, &ym);
if (link("T16.e", "T16.f") != 0) e(42); /* second link */
get_times("T16.e", &xa, &xc, &xm);
get_times(".", &pa, &pc, &pm);
if (a != xa) e(43);
if (m != xm) e(44);
if (c == xc) e(45);
if (ya != pa) e(46);
if (yc == pc) e(47);
if (ym == pm) e(48);
if (yc != ym) e(49);
if (pc != pm) e(50);
if (unlink("T16.f") != 0) e(46);
get_times("T16.e", &a, &c, &m);
get_times(".", &ya, &yc, &ym);
if (a != xa) e(51);
if (m != xm) e(52);
if (c == xc) e(53);
if (pa != ya) e(54);
if (pc == yc) e(55);
if (pm == ym) e(56);
if (yc != ym) e(57);
if (unlink("T16.e") != 0) e(58);
void test16f()
/* Test rename, read, write, chmod, utime. */
int fd, fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4;
time_t a, c, m, pa, pc, pm, xa, xc, xm, ya, yc, ym, za, zc, zm, ta, tc, tm;
time_t wa, wc, wm;
char buf[1024];
subtest = 6;
if (passes > 0) return; /* takes too long to repeat this test */
if (V1filesystem) return; /* no need to spend time testing lacking features */
get_times(".", &pa, &pc, &pm);
if ( (fd = open("T16.g", O_RDWR|O_CREAT)) < 0) e(59);
if ( (fd1 = open("T16.h", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0) e(60);
if ( (fd2 = open("T16.i", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0) e(61);
if ( (fd3 = open("T16.j", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0) e(62);
if ( (fd4 = open("T16.k", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0) e(63);
if (write(fd, buf, 1024) != 1024) e(64);
get_times("T16.g", &a, &c, &m);
get_times("T16.h", &pa, &pc, &pm);
get_times("T16.i", &xa, &xc, &xm);
get_times("T16.j", &ya, &yc, &ym);
get_times("T16.k", &za, &zc, &zm);
get_times(".", &wa, &wc, &wm);
lseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_SET);
if (read(fd, buf, 35) != 35) e(65);
get_times("T16.g", &ta, &tc, &tm);
if (a == ta || c != tc || m != tm) e(66);
if (write(fd1, buf, 35) != 35) e(67);
get_times("T16.h", &ta, &tc, &tm);
if (pa != ta || pc == tc || pm == tm) e(69);
if (rename("T16.i", "T16.i1") != 0) e(70);
get_times("T16.i1", &ta, &tc, &tm);
if (xa != ta || xc != tc || xm != tm) e(71);
get_times(".", &a, &c, &m);
if (a != wa || c == wc || m == wm || wc != wm) e(72);
if (chmod("T16.j", 0777) != 0) e(73);
get_times("T16.j", &ta, &tc, &tm);
if (ya != ta || yc == tc || ym != tm) e(74);
if (utime("T16.k", (void *) 0) != 0) e(75);
get_times("T16.k", &ta, &tc, &tm);
if (za == ta || zc == tc) e(76);
if (close(fd) != 0) e(77);
if (close(fd1) != 0) e(78);
if (close(fd2) != 0) e(79);
if (close(fd3) != 0) e(80);
if (close(fd4) != 0) e(81);
if (unlink("T16.g") != 0) e(82);
if (unlink("T16.h") != 0) e(83);
if (unlink("T16.i1") != 0) e(84);
if (unlink("T16.j") != 0) e(85);
if (unlink("T16.k") != 0) e(86);
void test16g()
/* Test the times for truncate. */
time_t a, c, m, ta, tc, tm;
struct stat s;
subtest = 7;
if (passes > 0) return; /* takes too long to repeat this test */
if (V1filesystem) return; /* no need to spend time testing lacking features */
if (system("echo 1 > T16.l") != 0) e(87);
stat("T16.l", &s);
get_times("T16.l", &a, &c, &m);
truncate("T16.l", s.st_size);
get_times("T16.l", &ta, &tc, &tm);
if (a != ta || c != tc || m != tm) e(88);
void test16h()
/* Test utimes, futimes, lutimes, futimens, utimensat. */
int fd, fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4;
time_t a, c, m, pa, pc, pm;
time_t ta, tc, tm, wa, wc, wm, xa, xc, xm, ya, yc, ym, za, zc, zm;
subtest = 8;
if (passes > 0) return; /* takes too long to repeat this test */
if (V1filesystem) return; /* no need to spend time testing lacking features */
get_times(".", &pa, &pc, &pm);
if ( (fd = open("T16.m", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0) e(89);
if ( (fd1 = open("T16.n", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0) e(90);
if ( (fd2 = open("T16.o", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0) e(91);
if ( (fd3 = open("T16.p", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0) e(92);
if ( (fd4 = open("T16.q", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0) e(93);
get_times("T16.m", &ta, &tc, &tm);
get_times("T16.n", &wa, &wc, &wm);
get_times("T16.o", &xa, &xc, &xm);
get_times("T16.p", &ya, &yc, &ym);
get_times("T16.q", &za, &zc, &zm);
get_times(".", &pa, &pc, &pm);
if (utimes("T16.m", (void *) 0) != 0) e(94);
get_times("T16.m", &a, &c, &m);
if (a == ta || c == tc) e(95);
if (futimes(fd1, (void *) 0) != 0) e(96);
get_times("T16.n", &a, &c, &m);
if (a == wa || c == wc) e(97);
if (lutimes("T16.o", (void *) 0) != 0) e(98);
get_times("T16.o", &a, &c, &m);
if (a == xa || c == xc) e(99);
if (utimensat(AT_FDCWD, "T16.p", (void *) 0, 0) != 0) e(100);
get_times("T16.p", &a, &c, &m);
if (a == ya || c == yc) e(101);
if (futimens(fd4, (void *) 0) != 0) e(102);
get_times("T16.q", &a, &c, &m);
if (a == za || c == zc) e(103);
if (close(fd) != 0) e(104);
if (close(fd1) != 0) e(105);
if (close(fd2) != 0) e(106);
if (close(fd3) != 0) e(107);
if (close(fd4) != 0) e(108);
if (unlink("T16.m") != 0) e(109);
if (unlink("T16.n") != 0) e(110);
if (unlink("T16.o") != 0) e(111);
if (unlink("T16.p") != 0) e(112);
if (unlink("T16.q") != 0) e(113);
void get_times(name, a, c, m)
char *name;
time_t *a, *c, *m;
struct stat s;
if (stat(name, &s) != 0) e(500);
*a = s.st_atime;
*c = s.st_ctime;
*m = s.st_mtime;